Monday, May 26, 2008

Mary Rodwell Ets Souls The New Humans And A Coming Global Shift July 29 2013
Extraterrestrials, Human consciousness and dimensions of soul. The intimate connection.By Mary Rodwell, Director, ACERN"Excerpt."THE HUMAN CONNECTION TO EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCES DOES IT TRANSCEND SPACE AND TIME? The majority of the public and most researchers believe that Contact or encounters with extraterrestrials are defined through two, very limited windows of Contact experience.Firstly, the Abduction scenario, when the individual may feel paralyzed, and taken in a trance, a deep sleep-like state on-board craft. Secondly, the contactee, whom has full conscious recall of their Encounter. My research however, suggests a third far broader category, which is far more common and less physically intrusive. It encompasses some of the above, but embodies more subtle patterns of experience. If we broaden the mandate to be inclusive of this third category, we stand to gain a far more fascinating picture of Contact and how or why these intelligences are interacting with us.THE BROADER CONTEXT OF ENCOUNTERS AND WHAT MAKES CONTACT WITH EXTRATERRESTRIALS REAL?It is my belief that the extraterrestrial encounter, when it occurs consciously or in an altered trance state, and involves a communication with non human intelligences, and subsequently changes the perceptions and world view of the individual, is Contact.Although the term abductee and contactee are synonymous with extraterrestrial encounters, in my opinion the third category is far more widespread. It is subtle, part physical and can be experienced in an out of body or dream state (OBE) where the interaction and encounter is with the spirit or soul body of the individual. This OBE Contact, cannot be confused with normal dreams, despite its dream like quality, mainly because it's easily recalled, months or years later.Normal dreams however, are soon forgotten, seconds or minutes after waking. Communication in this dream state, and also when the individual is conscious, is telepathic, and sometimes experienced as downloads of data. These individuals generally do not seek conventional help, despite feeling isolated, they are fully cognizant such experiences, if vocalized, may incite ridicule or at worst a psychiatric label.A big difference between Encounters is that in the Abductee can feel angry, traumatized and victimized, but the third category of Encounters feel the opposite. They feel their own species is alien and the extraterrestrials are family. They experience a huge sense of isolation, and are appalled by the primitive, destructive behavior of the human species, and cannot relate to it.I use the term, 'Homo Noeticus', The New Human, or Star Children, for this third category. What all Encounters have in common is that their interaction becomes transformative. The challenge to their consensus reality through these Encounters acts as a catalyst and triggers awareness of a multidimensional reality, which changes their lives, and perceptions of reality forever.THE DIMENSIONS OF SOULAs we explore these potential realities, we find some Encounters suggest that these intelligences may work or interact in dimensions of non-physical realities, such as the dimensions of soul. This encompasses Contact or communications with them, prior to our present physical incarnation, exampled by what Dr Michael Newton describes in his book, Destiny of Souls, the life-between-life, soul state.Furthermore, my research suggests this interaction may also continue after we physically die. Testimony recounts that after our present human incarnation, we may remain involved with these Intelligences. Interactions throughout what we would term, time and space.I explore some of these extraordinary accounts which are consistent, and seem to surface at the deeper level of hypnosis. They illustrate interactions which seem to have no limits in the space time continuum.If true, indicate interactions/encounters not only in physical form, but when we are separated from our physical body, such as in an astral or out of body (OBE), soul state.But added to this seems to be interactions through many lifetimes, and the in-between-lives and before our present human incarnation. Encounters which continue after our present physical life ceases. So to all intents and purpose the interactions are in both physical and non physical through many timelines, as we are educated and assisted in physical realms and the realms and dimensions of soul.THE SOUL DOMAINIf we are open to what we don't know, it leads us into some fascinating hypotheses. The OBE encounter, where many individuals perceive themselves as 'orbs', or spheres of light. They describe leaving their body as an 'orb of light', in metaphysical terms called a 'merkabah'. This happened to the Experiencer below:"A beautiful space, I love it, it is my home, we are everything, I'm every shape, I was a born soul, just beautiful, with energy, the energy of the soul, we create you create, I'm liquid, I'm fluid, I can go here or there, like a bubble, this is the form of soul". Peter, Experiencer (60) Sydney, Australia.The 'orb' of light is suggestive of the 'soul state' when travelling out of body. In some encounters, people relate that their partner cannot be woken up, no matter how they called out to them, shouted or shook them.In regression hypnosis, I had one explanation. The 'awake' person, perceived an orb of light entering the bedroom a bright, greenish 'orb'. It moved about the room, and it was so strange and scared the person. Very soon after it appeared, the sleeping person awoke. In regression this orb of light proved to be the astral body or OBE 'soul state' of the sleeping person, returning to their physical body.In another instance, it was demonstrated that we may inhabit other 'life-forms' while in this OBE state. An Experiencer, one of what I call a Star seed, felt she had 'dual consciousness' articulated as part human, part ET. In regression, she described being on-board a craft, saw herself in the form of a Grey being, working as a scientist.I asked, where her human form was located. She answered, it was on the craft but inanimate, while her consciousness inhabited her 'ET self'.I asked how she returned to her human body. She described, a ball of light leaving her extraterrestrial form to re-animate her human body. She said it was like she changed one biological overcoat for another.Many other individuals have experienced this swapping of physical form to an extraterrestrial form when in an OBE state. View full article at exopoliticsRelated articles:1. Pineal Gland 'Third Eye' The Seat of our Soul2. Reincarnation and The Afterlife
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