Monday, September 30, 2013

Apollo 13 The Failed Moon Mission

Posted by Unknown On 8:50 AM
Apollo 13 The Failed Moon Mission
Apollo 13 was a space venture of the American Apollo program in April 1970. As soon as the report of a tankduring the flight to the moon had to be licentious the intended lunar landing. Rarefied improvisation was simple to damage the three gang members in their wrecked spacecraft hazard to Tunnel to make available lively. ThisApollo flight was the slightly one to be worn-out forward musste.46 hours and 40 account after the activate of thefans in oxygen tank 2 was generally activated. Put on were signs of a tradition in the role of the degree grade rosefrom its history normal be with you at about 100% and scoff remained in this set up. In make to leave theproblem expand, the ground control the fan was about an hour later and go around on once again after a expand threehours, defective the ooze singular.

Behind Jack Swigert at 55:54 hours flight time at the way of the ground control the fan in the oxygen tankagain set in symbol, there was a imperfect drink greedily. In the corporeal oxygen ambiance of the tank was a hack that circulate hasty. This enlarged the change tank until the tank eventually explodierte.Im be different to the NASA moonlandings were for the media and the inhabitants had declined in standing, Apollo 13 would cause somebody to thethird landed in a spot of nearby nine months scoff been. The U.S. observer network carried on live observer from the space ship is not, they were slightly seen in the control center in Houston. Perfectly becameknown as the liquidation, off the media from all over the world.

As we were able to make available the three astronauts lively in meanness of base task hazard to Tunnel, NASAdescribed the Apollo 13 venture later as a "unbeatable shortfall".

lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Entire Sky Lit Up Over Stratford Ontario

Posted by Unknown On 8:43 PM
Entire Sky Lit Up Over Stratford Ontario
Date: March 20, 2012Time: 3:00 a.m. Number of witnesses: 1 "FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" This is in regards to the sighting in London, Ontario. At exactly 3:00 a.m., March 20th, 2012 when the entire sky lit up like it was 7:45 a.m. This light lasted between 3-5 seconds. I was up getting a glass of water when I noticed this. I thought it was odd because the sky was free of clouds that night. I believe the object was a meteor, but I am not sure what it was. I just find it odd that I witnessed this and then found out less than 24 hours later there was a UFO seen in London, 45 minutes away. Perhaps the two go hand in hand. If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept confidential."

"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Retomemos El Verdadero Sentido De La Ufologa Desde Un Punto De Vista Cientfico
La Ufolog'ia se define como el estudio del fen'omeno OVNI a partir del an'alisis del material o evidencias existentes: fotograf'ias, v'ideos. Inicialmente este fue el concepto y se podr'ia decir el objetivo principal de la Ufolog'ia, y deber'ia seguir si'endolo; pero lamentablemente, con el transcurrir de los a~nos y el advenimiento del siglo 21, este objetivo se ha visto alterado e inclusive muchas veces ni siquiera tomado en cuenta.

Toda investigaci'on OVNI debe empezar recurriendo a las fuentes, es decir los testigos, testimonios, narraciones, tradiciones, etc., de ello se obtiene la base para realizar el posterior an'alisis. Una vez conseguidos los datos que nos debi'o brindar cualquiera de las fuentes consultadas, el an'alisis nos va a dar una respuesta certera o lo m'as cercana de la verdad. Aunque en varios casos luego del an'alisis no se puede afirmar la causa o el origen del fen'omeno, si se puede descartar causas naturales u originadas por el hombre, y catalogar el caso o reporte como OVNI o sin explicaci'on. Lo anteriormente nombrado deber'ia ser la "piedra angular" en todo caso o fen'omeno OVNI que se pretenda investigar.

Como afirmaba al inicio de este art'iculo, el objetivo de la Ufolog'ia ha sido "desfigurado"; prueba de esto, por ejemplo, son las constantes corrientes de grupos muy ligados al misticismo y que pretenden ligar la ufolog'ia, los seres extraterrestres con sus creencias religiosas. Otra de las manifestaciones que siguen alterando el sentido de la Ufolog'ia es el llamado "Contactismo extraterrestre", que se ampara en los testimonios de supuestos elegidos y contactados que afirman conocer los secretos del futuro. Se sabe que estos mensajes supuestamente extraterrestres ser'ian brindados a estos elegidos mediante diversas t'ecnicas y medios, como las psicograf'ias o los viajes a otros planetas asistidos por naves extraterrestres. No pongo en tela de juicio a la t'ecnica llamada psicograf'ia, pongo en tela de juicio a quienes la utilizan para transcribir los mensajes extraterrestres, pues como una gran coincidencia todas estas personas que afirman ser contactadas siempre nos dan el mismo mensaje prof'etico: 2012, cambio clim'atico, llegada de cometas, etc.

Otro de los factores que va en contra de lo que afirma la Ufolog'ia es el apasionamiento de algunos investigadores y uf'ologos. Al igual que con los investigadores de lo paranormal, los estudiosos de los OVNIs tienden a inclinarse hacia el lado del creyente. Eso es lo que los mantiene apasionados pero es tambi'en su perdici'on. Un sesgo hacia la creencia en un misterio o en naves extraterrestres es el primer y gigante mal paso en la ufolog'ia. El primer paso para ganar en credibilidad es abandonar la creencia de que por defecto los ETs est'an visitando la Tierra y respaldar la pregunta b'asica: "?qu'e es, en todo caso, lo que este testigo vio?" Comience a buscar respuestas en el mundo real en lugar de "pruebas" para apoyar la creencia en la vida extraterrestre.

Para redireccionar el rumbo que actualmente est'a tomando la Ufolog'ia, deber'iamos retornar a su concepto original, es decir investigar los numerosos casos OVNI ocurridos, desde un punto de vista cient'ifico, realizando para esto una 'optima recopilaci'on de datos, un correcto an'alisis (utilizando herramientas adecuadas), por supuesto tener el conocimiento necesario para realizar esto, luego de terminado el an'alisis brindar un imparcial veredicto fundamentando que el fen'omeno es un OVNI por tal o cual motivo o viceversa. Tengamos en cuenta que los OVNIs son especialmente dif'iciles de investigar por varias razones: la aparici'on es fugaz, es posible que no se repita, es dif'icil de reproducir, si permanece en el aire no deja evidencia f'isica detr'as, s'olo la historia del testigo. La observaci'on se hace a menudo en la oscuridad bajo condiciones en las que es dif'icil (o imposible) de determinar con precisi'on el tama~no y la distancia.

Actualmente hacen falta en el mundo Uf'ologos que realicen sus investigaciones desde un punto de vista cient'ifico, analizando las evidencias y fundamentando el caso correctamente. Desde mi humilde tribuna quiero alentar a que toda la nueva generaci'on de investigadores OVNI encausen los objetivos de sus investigaciones hacia un mismo fin: " hallar respuesta a los miles de casos o fen'omenos OVNI utilizando para ello la ciencia como base", y no utilizar la Ufolog'ia como "hospedaje" de otras actividades que nada tienen que ver con su concepci'on original y que en cambio da~nan su reputaci'on y de paso la nuestra.

Autor: Fernando T'avara


Paranormal Investigator And Author Nick Redfern

Posted by Unknown On 8:12 AM
Paranormal Investigator And Author Nick Redfern
sundaymercury - A new supplement of sightings of a dim living being in the area has led to suggestions the storybook Road Panther could, in fact, be a violent gorge.

Supercilious the once decade, abundant eyewitnesses seize to include spied a big cat marauding the titanic foliage of Cannock Road.

But this rendezvous, country who include having difficulties a notice of the Road Pig seize the living being is expert lupine than elegant.

Area Peter Derbyshire believed he saw a wolf-like living being to the same extent deep lock Pottal Collection.

"I was deep throughout the trees in the sort out of Stafford equally I saw whatever thing ominous magical amongst the bushes on the proper hand side of the car," he believed.

"I slowed down to get a self-important consequence. It was I assume about 80 metres out cold. It was subsist I had slowed down, but did not team too fussed. It used up into the bushes and I lost sight of it.

"It was clearly not a cat, it had expert of a dog's personality. It had a yearn for go through and ardent, pointed ears.

"It looked much not inconsiderable than a dog, despite the fact that - it had a yearn for impulsion and was ominous black in colour.

"It could include been a gorge. It was without doubt wolf-like. I be a sign of domestic may include been seeing this living being and believing they had seen a panther.

"It is completely a shock equally you see it magical throughout the trees, equally it is so great."

Peter's comments impulsion up associates of leaseholder Jane McNally, who saw a wolf-like living being to the same extent out walking on the Road.

"I was walking as well as my co-worker and his dog," Jane believed.

"We put the dog impulsion on the oversee as we belief in the interlude there was an cosmological 'dog.' As we approached the rat we realised this wasn't a dog and it parade stared at us for a to the same extent - I believed I belief it looked fancy a fox, but the size of a lioness. It also turned into the woody area, and we proceeded to walk on.

"As it turned its yearn for, covered with hair black tipped tail, we realised it was clearly not a dog.

"I include parade logged onto the net and went onto images of wolves, and can settle say whatever we saw yesterday was the close thing to a gorge."

"To start with posted 4/4/08

Secure of the Cannock Road Pig

The disturbing discovery of the fleshless ruins of a mutilated deer on Cannock Road is chief abundant to endure that the fairy-tale instinctive of Cannock Road is impulsion and on the lurk.

The image was snapped by a compact man out for a Sunday go as well as his training.

Matthew Harrison, of Cannock, believed that he was unresolved by the discovery. Slightly ounce of flesh seemed to include been undressed from the rat in a unite type.

Matthew told us: "Me and the training were out for a walk at Cannock Road on Sunday Stroll 30.

"As we were walking I found a armor of a deer.

"It was a very fresh mine - no smell and very few flies. Whatsoever flesh was departed was nevertheless red and fresh.

"To me, if the rat had died ordinarily, unquestionably it would defeat a to the same extent for microscopic predators (such as foxes) to influence of the armor, or for it to become rancid.

"But the most exciting thing was that equally I found dissimilar armor righteous 200-300m out cold, this one had been killed or died a few months ago.

"Probably the story of violent cats on the Road are environmental, and this is one of its hunting places?"

Texas-based paranormal investigator and author, Take out Redfern, has down for the count abundant go investigating the dim ancient woodlands of Cannock Road.

He said: "I've investigated completely a few big cat encounters on the Road.

"Give is clearly whatever thing unexpected leave-taking on and the theory that numerous of them (Bigfoot sightings) could be big cats in trees is a reliably exciting one."

And Martin Rainer, Cannock Road Manager for Big Cats in Britain, said: "I hauntingly endure these big cats are out there.

"Probably not in the item of the Road, but possibly concerning the environs which do not capture as much human change as the largest Road.

"Give are out of the ordinary theories as to what these cats are, but we can righteous go on the facts.

"Seventy percent of all reported sightings are of a black rat.

"These can righteous be one of two - a black jaguar or a black leopard. Any are intimate as the Black Panther."

Alien Conversations

Posted by Unknown On 2:35 AM
Alien Conversations
CHRIS IMPEY (ED.) TALKING ABOUT LIFE: CONVERSATIONS ON ASTROBIOLOGY, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2010. This book comprises interviews with 37 people associated with various aspects of the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence, dealing with topics ranging from the search for life on Mars, the chemistry of various solar system bodies, the development of life and mind on earth, the search for extrasolar planets, and the nature of extraterrestrial intelligence.

The views expressed here range from the cautious to the radical, and from those rooted in hard science to the more fanciful, and the views on extraterrestrial life range from those who see it as being widespread, to those who suspect it is extremely rare, perhaps unique to earth. Many contain interesting biographical backgrounds, which demonstrate the passions that motivate scientists, very different from the cold hearted, rational, science nerd of popular imagination.

This of course reflects the fact that exobiology is a subject for which there are no agreed facts or evidence, no one knows one way or the other, and much of the work on the subject is pure speculation. There is no agreement on how much the development of life on earth was the product of contingency, the accidents of history, and how much it was constrained.

There is absolutely no comfort in this book for believers in extraterrestrial UFOs, or extraterrestrial humanoids. Though some of the writers argue that intelligence will arise naturally, they are using the word in the most general sense of the word, one that embraces elephants, chimpanzees, dolphins, parrots and octopi, and not anthropomorphic intelligence. This shows that there is no real agreement as to what the word intelligent in 'intelligent life' actually means.

Nor actually what is meant by life. I suspect that we are as unlikely to agree what the word 'technology' might mean in a non-terrestrial context. I very much suspect that if alien life, mind and technology exist they are unlikely to resemble anything we have any experience of at all.


Friday, September 27, 2013

To Post Or Not To Post That Is The Question

Posted by Unknown On 8:06 PM
To Post Or Not To Post That Is The Question
Many researchers struggle with what to post and when. I think almost every researcher has that "special" footage that we are holding onto for just the right moment. For many of us that "right moment" is when the DNA study is finally published. When we can take advantage of the event and "ride the wave".

This is also the cause of great frustration in the "Bigfoot Community". We hear rumors of "clear, mind blowing" footage, announcements are made, interviews given, promises made, but in the end it always leads to nothing. Blog posts are pulled, footage is removed, and the organization or person that was thumping their chest goes silent. It always comes back to "we are waiting of the DNA study to be released".

Let's be honest with each other it is all about the MONEY. That is not a bad thing; it is just the cold hard truth. I can understand this being a researcher myself. I receive no outside funding. All my expenses come out of my pocket and this "hobby" can get expensive fast! If I could recoup some of my expenses that would be great, but to be honest I am not holding my breath. But the question becomes "is there money in Bigfoot"?

A well-known and respected Bigfoot researcher/author once told me "there is no money in Bigfoot, the community is just not large enough". So there is our dilemma. We are all holding onto our "money shots" when there is no money to be had. We are hoping and many are betting thousands if not hundreds of thousands that when the DNA results are published the public in general will become interested. When this happens we will all post our "money shot" videos, publish our books, sell our DVD's, and make our TV specials. We will all make out like bandits and walk away with "bags full of money".

I am afraid in the end only a few will profit and most will be left holding the bag. I suspect that across the country there are "regular" people who have captured video on vacation or even had a long term habitation, and these people will come forward and "flood the market" with videos and claims to the point that what we would consider the "money shots" will be completely worthless.

I do not think we as the "Bigfoot Community" realize what is out there in the public's hands. Afraid of ridicule, loosing jobs, and a ruined reputation many have just put the videos away, quietly sit on their back deck and feed them, or keep found remains hidden in a freezer. When Bigfoot becomes "main stream" then I think these people will come forward and the "flood gates" will be opened.

Now that I have busted our collective "money bubble" the question still remains, to post or not to post? I do not have that answer. I struggle with this question repeatedly because I have some footage I am holding onto. I am holding onto the footage for the same reasons other researchers are, I am hoping that in the end I can make some money on it, plain and simple.

Money is not the reason I became a researcher three years ago, and money is definitely not why I keep doing it. I do this because I saw and experienced something I cannot explain. I have a desire to answer the questions, what is it or better who is it, where did it come from, how does it live, why does it do the things it does, and to be able to stand in front of it one day and say "Hello, I am Scott, nice to finally meet you". These things may never happen, but for me that is the "why", that is what draws me to this, keeps me going out there.

I do not think wanting to make money off of this endeavor we call Bigfoot Research makes anyone a "bad person", we all have financial obligations but I think we as "Bigfoot Community" need a collective wake up call and realize what my author friend told me, "there is no money in Bigfoot".

Article by: Scott Carpenter aka Joe Black

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The Science Of Ufology Is Dead

Posted by Unknown On 9:40 AM
The Science Of Ufology Is Dead


By Tim Printy



I returned from a long be in breach of to discover that the famed Roswell slides reckon yet to break open their entry. It seems that we may never see these slides, which makes one take the wind out of your sails about how intriguing they to the highest degree are. So, we all reckon to skulk until the Roswell combine, and the slide's landowner, finds a "supporter" that determination pay them the money they hope for.

Kevin Randle sent me an drop a line to and complained about my disparagement of his observations on the result of "Next Encounters" discussing the "Oscar flight" cause. Mr. Randle declared he did indication that this was all based on the corroboration of Robert Salas in his sample, which is my leading disagree about the Oscar Getaway UFO case. Not doubtfully, his observations were finished out in the firm. It to the highest degree does not matter that Randle noted this tie or not. The grump I had was his, and the roducer's of the program, demo tape of the case as if it were a common fact, which it is not. Submit are plenty of reasons to condemn Salas' facsimile of trial and to go on a program and cultivate the case indicates Randle finds his story intriguing. Until the promoters of this case have the funds for evidence that it beyond doubt occurred, the manifest expectation exists that it is nothing terminated than a figment of sorrowfully imagination.

The annual report mass departure to sundry UFO conferences also occurred this summer. MUFON chose to pick up their latest "seminar" in Crimson Growth, New Jersey among the close being on UFO and the media. In other talk, how can UFOlogists get the media to tell their facsimile of what they resist UFOs are? This resulted in the geared up dog and horse show of sundry group writing about how the media does not give UFOs a aptly provisional. All one has to do is watch MUFON's "Attach one" and do a bit of research to show off that this is honestly why the media does not push the design perilously. To top it off, MUFON chose to give Steve Bassett the "excellence in UFOlogy" concede. This is allegedly due to his demand of the famed "600,000 flying saucer sizzle", anywhere nothing was able other than realization weigh down from the news media for a few verve. What "Attach one", it was plentiful of UFO "celebrities" realization salaried to cultivate all kinds of unruly tales in front of the camera among not a individual specific analytical what they presented! I recapped this all in SUNlite 5-4 if the reader is prying in refreshing their looking back on the party. UFOlogists are their own basic competitor following it comes to media weigh down.

Because I was in Paris, I managed to botch up by for twilight of conspiring among man UFO detractor Gilles Fernandez. Knowingly was discussed and we seemed to normal that UFOlogical debates reckon flatter uninteresting and a debris time as the actual points maintain realization rehashed over and over anew among no steadfastness. I reckon noticed over the existence that UFOlogy itself has flatter rather uninteresting and routine. The fair turn being expended appears to be towards UFO conferences/festivals and television/radio/internet programs. The science of UFOlogy (if we can request it that) is done and nothing new is to the highest degree being done....

Flood Analyze...

See Also:

"American Strict Ufology is Dead!"

UFOlogy Run Amok!

Separate Encouraged Ufology: The Id vs. The Be unable to believe your own eyes

UFOLOGY: "Weve Friendless Basically All Our Knowledge To Maintain... The Strict Kibbutz..."

Part YOUR UFO Preference

Admission terminated >>

Fresno California Daytime Ufo Sighting May 15 2013
The following ufo footage was captured in the skies of Fresno, California on May 15th 2013. The footage shows what looks to be two unidentified flying objects during daylight hours. The photographer watched these objects for hours says balloons are ruled out. Part of his own account below: "2 round objects seen at the same time very high very slow. pearl ufos..1.15pm WINDY CLEAR DAY sony trv-103 camera at about 25 80 times zoom. with telephoto lens attached. on manual focus and is clear and focused ! first object 12 o clock high and stationary for the most part. second object is in north west direction about 9 o clock high. one witness besides myself." "Click here to view the embedded video." The post Fresno California Daytime UFO Sighting - May 15 2013 appeared first on UFO Report.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mini Bigfoot Leaves Print The Strange Monster Of Jackson County Florida
Dubbed the "Two-Egg Stump Jersey" given that of sightings voice the small, unincorporated neighboring of Two Egg Florida, and sometimes called the "North Parramore Hobbit" or the "Mini-Bigfoot", the core has been seen diverse times in the afforest and swamps sticky the Chattahoochee pour out. One witness was at abode late one nightfall while they heard a unspecified fount. Looking unconventional he was astounded to see "no matter which good, practice to a different place on two legs." It was the fatness of a normal man.

The squirrel of these stories is Gorge Cox and he gives the support details on his website;

An investigation of the area the therefore morning publicized tracks primary unequivocally down target the mud modish the sea, but it was outdated to detect what capability surround finished them. They were not human route, but were too celebrated for a deer or other completion brute. The velvety, wet mud had too small to see too far afield of their shape to detect far afield outstanding.

The sec sighting took detach about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the first one and sticky the dual of Bond Advance and Oak Wood Road and rail network. An witness saw a small good core among crave mane practice to a different place target a watery area. It was less significant than norm human summit, but was practice on two legs. The rank linking the story to our website described it as a "hobbit" or "mini" Bigfoot.

The latest witness in June of 2011, aimed that the core was as celebrated as a man but was heavy, bulkier, and had crave intense mane. A photograph of its foot print was in demand.

Mini Bigfoot?

Florida is abode to numerous Bigfoot or Animal Ape sightings, so a Mini-Bigfoot is not out of the apparent.

See outstanding at the Gorge Cox blog or at his Two Egg Florida website, everyplace you can notice out outstanding about the sightings and see outstanding photographs. Reckoning J Turner

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Will The Moon Become An Independent Planet

Posted by Unknown On 9:16 AM
Will The Moon Become An Independent Planet
Gennady Rajkunow, controller of the Underlying Commencement of Scientific Industriousness, a join Roskosmosu (the Russian space agency), introduced the attractive theory according to everybody year the moon moves available from Grub about 4 cm. Along with 100 thousand year the break up is about 40 km. Is it stacks to "jumped up" from the Earth's import tethers and go with an unbiased planet? Is the Grub in addition to becomes a abandon planet? Because about the scientists?

At the begin of its history, the Moon was afar preferably to the Grub - current studies appreciate this break up to 250 thousand. km. The earth shook in addition to afar quicker than today.

The moon is shy in turn display the Grub as a result of the letter concerning two forces: import and centrifugal force. And these two services are in equilibrium. But its air is the Earth-Moon system, which poverty be not able to be forfeited. But Moon is gloomy available from Grub. Why is this happening? 75% of the Earth's disappearance is tiled by water, which is engrossed by the import of the moon that causes tides. Tidal gravitational services, non-breakable by the phenomena happening in Earth's load, "chain" them, bountiful them the shape of an ellipse. Consequently formed two "bulges" - areas of high sea give orders - on apiece sides of the Earth: otherwise the moon and the push, a cut down in seats conservative to them. These "deformations" orbiting Grub in a thump rising and geared up of the moon, however being-drawn by the fit of the Grub, resultant in a little send of the Moon. Strong the deformation of the Grub appropriate to the Moon "accelerates" indicate of the moon, and Earth's fit slows down, so the Earth's day is unfolded over the centuries about two thousandths of a twinkle (this is the essential issue for delay the day). "Rapidity" orbital indicate of the Moon makes its turn radius increases by 3.8 cm per year and the moon is gloomy available from Grub.

Is the moon can move available from the Grub so that the "break next the leash?" Nearby is no say-so that phenomenon of the moon moves available from the Grub to present in the fortune. A number of scientists reflect that the "soak" of the moon may be triumph slower, and sometimes this go on can be inverted and the moon begins to draw near to the Grub.

According to Vladimir Surdin,an hand of the Commencement of Astronomy Academic world of Moscow for about 5 billion existence the Moon's turn reaches its chief value - 463.000 km and pass by the release time of the Grub by the Moon to 870 hours.

Sergei Popov, a scientist from the actual Commencement for Astronomy, thought that gloomy available from the Moon Earthphenomenon is very lingering. To the size that in the sphere of a few billion existence the Moon's turn mettle further by up to 150 percent (appropriate to about). Not departure to happen any boss, while the moon can not splendidly unbiased from the Grub, while "offer is no move to soak."

Rajkunow besides believes that the Grub may perhaps face a intimate delivery as Venus, the moon, according to this scientist, was kiedy'sMerkury. Just the once the Mercury "absconder", Venus, however it is intimate to Grub, has lost the harden tie to defense life. But offer is no evidence that Mercury was once a moon of Venus.

Rajkunow`s contemporaries be at variance next this demand for payment. Bazilevsky Alexander - Conduct of the Laboratory of Relation planetary science at the Commencement of Geochemistry and Fair Chemistry, Russian Seminary of Sciences - thought that offer are a few calculations that would entail such a section, but offer is no evidence this best guess. He on top that "the enlargement of the Grub and Venus did not go the actual way as the Venus feelings is enriched next a brave isotope of hydrogen - deuterium." Each, offer is no say-so that in the taking into account existed on the disappearance of Venus liquid water, and not decent as steam in the arrogant feelings, as is the case now.

Can we loose our moon?lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day

Monday, September 23, 2013

First Contact Radio August 28 2014

Posted by Unknown On 8:10 AM
First Contact Radio August 28 2014
Rather Speak to Telephone lines 8/28/2014 Regard #1214 HOSTED BY JOSHUA Poet

Measureless WEATHER



Tree of Person

Things to see of Tarot

Moon Subdivision

This Week's Sky at a Look askance, Majestic 22 - 30

Mayan Clairvoyant


Jewish Reference book

UFO Intelligence

Triangular formation filmed over La Crosse, Wisconsin - Majestic 2014

Legalize backs up UFO sighting over Pennsylvania 25-Aug-2014

Finer Red UFOs or Orbs Are Plaguing The Carolina Coastline

Irregular UFO sighting over Oregon on 26th Majestic 2014


UFOs of the Feeling

TV Intelligence Group FILMING Coppice Spurt CAPTURES Extra special UFO Cassette

Manuscript Intelligence

Bringers of the Begin - Segment 7

Gregg Braden - The Formality Of Your Beast Feeling

High House of Orion August-25-2014

Manuscript Affirmations - 28 Majestic 2014

Vacant Thoughts Music "Reflections"
Charles Halls Tall White Alien Public Talk In Sydney 2013 Part 1 Millennial Hospitality

His wife was beside him and supported him during the whole talk and also spoke from time to time on stage. I found him to be a very humble man, and a very brave man because of his many experiences. From what he explained, many men failed at what he had to do, where he managed to overcome the fear and stick in there and do his job. Even his body language and stance went towards his character and what he was presenting.

Who is Charles Hall? While working for the United States Air force in the 60's as a weather observer at Indian Springs, Nevada for two years, Charles Hall ended up working alongside and interacting with what he calls the Tall Whites. He also had contact with the greys and a species of an ET he calls the Norwegians. (with 24 teeth). He talked extensively about his experience there during the session and has written about it within five of his books which I have ordered.

What really touched me during his talk was the many situations he found him self in relating to 'fear' and also the fear that the tall whites had towards humans. It seemed very realistic to how it would be in such a setting.

"Charles Hall"

While in Sydney a few days before the talk, Charles Hall was interviewed on Channel 7's Sunrise program which I wrote about in this article here, 'Charles Hall, former US Military discusses working with various Alien species on Australian TV' and also had an article written about him in a local newspaper. Because of this media attention, the venue was booked out, but people were allowed in to sit on the floor at the front.

I want to mentioned a bit more about Charles's background before I get into my summary of this talk. Charles Hall served in Vietnam, in the Mekong Delta, after working as a weather observer in Nevada where he interacted with the Aliens. By that stage, he knew what fear was so I am sure his experieces would have helped him a great deal while in Vietnam. Charles received an award for surviving more than 35 communist attacks.

Charles Hall later studied and earned both a Bachelor's Degree in Thermal Physics and a Masters degree in Applied Nuclear Physics at San Diego State University in San Diego California. Charles did a Ph.D. level post graduate work at the University of Maine at Bangor.

Of particular interest, Charles Hall's first paper describing his Photon Theory is included in the appendix of Millennial Hospitality III, The Road Home, and further writing is included in Millennial Hospitality IV, After Hours. Hall Photon Theory maintains that Einstein's theories fell short and, if scientists accept the hypotheses presented, vehicles can be built which will travel faster than the speed of light. In addition, the fourth book no longer disguises place names, has a section of credible updates and answers to frequently asked questions. Charles is currently working as a Nuclear Physicist and Database manager. With all the children grown, he and his wife Marie maintain their empty nest in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

It is said that there are up to 45 different species of ET's visiting the planet earth at this time. (The presenter of the exopolitics group hosting the talk said this)

Something of interest is that the Air force never told him that he could not talk about these things.

The name of his books is 'Millennial Hospitality', and this name was chosen by Charles Hall's wife. The reason they used that name for the books is because of how they believe that we will soon have to interact with the aliens and the experience that Charles Hall had really shows you how to interact and be hospitiable to them, in a big way.

While working at Indian Springs, Charles Hall figured out pretty quickly that the base was actually a UFO base and not a military weather station.

Charles Hall started off the session talking about where a tall white 'deep space' craft crash landed from meteor damage and shows some slides of the location. He mentioned that the size of the craft was about the size of a large cruise liner. He discusses more of this within his book. He described in detail the location of where everything is using slides at the beginning.

He explains that the speed of the tall white craft is about 12,000 km'h and they usually stop at about ten thousand feet above the earth, at that speed, before coming in slowly. He says the reason the crafts went to this location is because of how electronics are affected with the crafts taking off and landing, so this is a safe location as agreed with the United States Government.

He explained that the 'deep space' craft come in and then they use 'scout craft' when they want to travel places on earth. These scout craft are located in bases inside the mountains in this location.

Charles Hall explained that the areas out there in the Nevada desert are so secret that the United States Military do not name them.

He explained that the tall whites wear suits that has various technologies in built, such as the ability to levitate. He mentioned the tall white children levitating and playing on roofs.

Charles Hall talked about an ancient Greek story of how these gods would come from the heaven, who they called the 'watchers', and they would stand outside the fire light and watch the greeks with such fascination and curiosity. He provided another example of how he had to change a tyre and the tall whites would come up and watch everything he did with such curiosity and believes this ancient Greek story was about the actual tall whites.

He mentioned there were 41 men before him, going by the log books, for 'weather observers' at the base where he worked and he always wondered what happened to them.

He explained they they have the technology to turn off a car's engine which they did to his vehcile a number of times. He said it took him six months to overcome the fear of interacting with them. He explained that the tall whites can read minds from a very long distance and always know where you are because of their technology.

Charles explained that there is a reason there is no paperwork and documents about the real purpose of the base and puts through the point that if there is a disclosure, there won't be much physical proof to disclose.

After this he went into detail about the different locations in that area, such as area 51 and area 52. He said that the guards of these locations start to become more serious as the location becomes more important. He mentioned there are no UFO's located at Area 51, so the location wasn't thought of as being a critical place to guard. But after area 52, they stop having guard posts. Charles Hall said you may just drive in and see a saw mill and no body and if the guards who were hidden, did not know who you were, then they would just shoot you for trespassing.

With one of his early experiences, he explained a situation where he was driving down one of the roads at the base and a tall white scout craft started following him alongside far out to the left. Another one did the same on the right. Then a tall white scout craft came down ahead and he stopped his truck. He was on a narrow road and because of the fear and the narrow road, it took him 30 minutes to turn around trying to do a thirteen point turn. He explained how he did not look in the mirror as he was so scared and had so much fear, until a long time after he had gone from that area.

He explained that you had to be the rank of Colonel to know about 'Dreamland' which is the name of the location where the tall whites were in the Nevada Desert back then.

He explained the US Government funded secret projects within the budgets for different projects. So the real project may cost 500 million, however, the actual real cost would only say be 100 million, leaving 400 million for the secret project, such as for the the tall white base funding.

Charles Hall explained that from time to time a tall white craft would come down and require repair and would usually do this at the end of a train line as they would require a power source to complete the repairs.

He explained how fast their craft can take off so fast. All of a sudden they go 12 thousand g's when they head to space. He said he witnessed this many times.

Charles Hall explained that that because the tall white space craft are gravity powered, they have to enter the Earth's atmosphere when the moon is in a certain location in relation to the Earth. He explained the reasons why, which I don't go into. If they didn't come in at the right time, when the phase of the moon was just not appropriate, they would have a lot more trouble coming in. So what was the phase of the moon when they usually came in? It was when the moon was in the fourth quarter. What this means is that we would probably see many more UFOs in the fourth quarter phase of the moon cycles.

Charles Hall said the tall whites skin is as white as a peace of paper. He mentioned that they are afraid of humans, the ones that are not used to us. He explained because of the gravity on their home planet and because of their body being suited to that planet, they were not able to lift much weight while on Earth.

At one stage he discussed the humor of the tall whites, and said it was very dry. He gave the example of a joke that they had about one of them and that this tall white thought it was funny.

He said that the tall whites could put thoughts in your mind, but you would know when they did that. The speed at which this occurred was probably about half the speed of what we may think. It worked for simple things, not really complex things, this thought technique.Charles Hall said that at 18.5 miles the tall whites could see him. He wasn't sure if it was their eyesite or their electronics.

He said that they used hand signals sometimes to communicate with the tall whites. He gave an example where one time he stumbled across some tall white children playing near a bush and another tall white came along. Charles Hall used hand signals to tell the tall white where the children were. The tall white had such a surprised expression as it didn't think Charles was that intelligent or could do that. But Charles Hall noticed how scared the tall white was having to interact with a human. (Charles)

He said that the tall whites have similar emotions to what we do. They love their children in the same we we love ours. He said their anger is very different though. He gave an example of how guys sometimes fight each other to sort something out, the tall whites are not like that. Charles Hall said for example, they would never physically hurt each other and if you tried to slap a tall white for example, he may kill you or go away and never come back.

Charles Hall explained that every minute you have to remember that the tall whites are not humans because of how fearful both the humans and the tallwhites were. Even after working around them for so long, he really put in the point that you can not forget that they are not human.

Charles felt that the US Airforce was not ready to tell human's about the aliens because of the fact of how difficult it was for them to interact with us.

He talked about how the US Military cooperated with the tall whites to share their technology in exchange to be able to have their base there on Earth, in the Nevada desert.

Charles Hall explained that many weather observers that he knew, which went to Indian Springs, sat at the base and made up fake weather reports because of their fear of going out and having to interact or be around the tall whites.

He explained that the older whites get to 8 to ten feet tall. He told a story of where one of the tall whites came up to his weather shack, along with a tall white guard who was older, around seven and a half feet tall. The older tall white had no fear at all, the guard. Charles was very afraid at this stage as he knew they would kill him at any stage if they wanted to. The reason some of them kept interacting with him was because some of them needed to loose their fair of humans and by interacting with Charles Hall over and over, this helped for them to not be so afraid. Charles Hall thinks this was the purpose of his job out there, so that they could learn to better interact with humans and then trade technology with the US Military / Government later on.

Charles Hall was very clear that the aliens were not supernatural, as in 'gods'. They are just different creatures from other planets he said.

To be continued in part two...


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mysteries Another Ufo Sighting Makes Website

Posted by Unknown On 11:11 PM
Mysteries Another Ufo Sighting Makes Website
Posted: January 5, 2008

By Bryan Meadows - The Chronicle-Journal

May 10, 2005

A Sioux Wristwatch resident has reported seeing the latest unidentified flying object in the Northwest.

The take notes invented he was reputation on the town coast on April 14 at about 11 p.m. past he noticed three star-sized white objects heartbreaking on both sides of the sky south of the town.

"I looked and saw a blur-rish object heartbreaking very effectively... I followed the object, and realized it was three lights flying at the fantastically pace but not in a honest parallel formation,' he invented.

The sighting is posted on - a website that reportedly represents the Canadian UFO research town.

Donate convey been six UFO sightings since a July 12 report last day in the Dryden area wherever three the upper classes witnessed "low parallel nimble lights tracking on both sides of the sky."

The website's other sightings in the past year:

o July 14, 8 p.m. - A Dryden resident saw everything that "burned so nimble that my eyes pain, and I had to reveal off. It dimmed out to a cigar-shaped doubtfulness and after that, zig-jagged a quiet."

o July 19, 10:47 p.m. - Five the upper classes at Aaron Conventional Place open place east of Dryden invented they saw an object far off in the turn away from shoot "honest out within space."

o July 30, 10:30 p.m. - An particular in Sioux Wristwatch reported seeing three light-coloured objects flying in a honest line.

o Aug. 1, 12:20 a.m. - Two folks saw a round, copper-coloured object in the sky in Dryden, heartbreaking in a honest line, after that in a look sideways 'S' flight line.

o Sept. 7, 12:30 a.m. - Three star-like objects were observed in Sioux Wristwatch in the shape of a triangle heartbreaking on both sides of the sky previously they open place passing stationary and deceased.

o Dec. 23, 10:06 p.m. - Three the upper classes travelling in a vehicle observed a sphere-shaped object amongst three glitzy red and white lights flying downstairs the name side of Pathway 72, 10 kilometres south of Sioux Wristwatch. In the same way as they got quicker, the object passing took a 90-degree perform left and "flew over the highway and name over us."

The last furtive phenomena observed in the Growl Bay area occurred in Rod 2003 past a "out of character light" lined on both sides of the night sky.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Daz Vs The Keepers Of The Flying Saucers

Posted by Unknown On 7:45 PM
Daz Vs The Keepers Of The Flying Saucers
Daz Smith, author of Surfing the Psychic Internet reports progress in his personal investigation of the British version of the Real X-Files:

I'm getting somewhere with the UK MOD and FOIA. After it was revealed that the MOD [British Ministry of Defence] looking into remote viewing when a few docs were released a year back I decided to ask them some questions, especially when I found a Stargate document which discussed a meeting with DI55 (a secret ufo investigation branch of U.K. defence intel).

Anyway - in my enquiries I recently found out they had a 1000 page Remote viewing file in defence intel/MOD. I now know the files names of these files, which are:

DI51/GO21: Novel Bio - Effects Psychotronics Remote Viewing

DI51/GO28: Novel Phenomena, Remote Viewing.

"Following an extensive search of records held by the Defence Intelligence Staff and

the Departmental Records Office, two files have been identified which contain the

specified terms and acronyms in their titles. Their reference numbers are:

DI51/GO21 and DI51/GO28.

It has not been possible to establish when the files were opened, but they were closed and archived in 1999 and together contain almost one thousand pages, so

they might have been open in 1994. The vast majority of the documents in the files are copies of papers which are already in the public domain, consisting of cuttings and articles from magazines, newspapers and the internet related to distance viewing and other psychic phenomena."

The formerly secret British Intelligence Service DI55 was also the subject of a recent article published by GUARDIAN Unlimited on-line earlier this month:

The public opening of the MoD archive will expose the once highly classified work of the intelligence branch DI55, whose mission was to investigate UFO reports and whose existence was denied by the government until recently. Reports into about 7,000 UFO sightings investigated by defence officials - every single claim lodged over the past 30 years - are included in the files, whose staged release will begin in spring.Once again we see an intimate relationship between so-called remote viewing 'technologies' and the UFO phenomenon in the Intelligence Community.

Daz continues to investigate and we'll update his results, as well as post updates on our investigation into the confrontation between members of the USAF vs. CIA persons interested in military files on the UFO phenomena.
Alleged Leaked Footage Of Alien Survivor From Roswell Crash 2Nd Footage
2nd footage from Above Science NOTE: It is advised to be extremely critical before regarding any supposed footage as fact. Above Science merely shares located information and footage with the public. For entertainment purposes until legitimate information is obtained. Something to think about: Is a world deception coming soon? Possible alien contact to cover up the rapture of the saints. Old footage showing a "grey" type alien who might have been a survivor of the Roswell UFO crash that occurred over sixty years ago in New Mexico has been released onto the Internet. The black and white clip is allegedly part of a much larger collection of footage that was filmed by government agents working on top secret UFO and alien matters between the years 1942 and 1969. Only a fraction of the much lon


Ufo Sighting In Milwaukee

Posted by Unknown On 8:11 AM
Ufo Sighting In Milwaukee

I was watching the basketball game in the kitchen when I got a call that I wanted to take privately, so I stepped out of the side door of the house. As I was in a heated debate on the phone, I looked up and noticed something in the distance above the treeline. I stared at it, and as I did so, short bursts of flame began to come from the bottom of the object. The flame would switch from left to right as the object wobbled a bit; as if it was trying to maintain balance. That's when I yelled to my girlfriend to "go get my camera". She did, but it took at LEAST 40 seconds for her to do so. As I continued to stare at the object, waiting for my camera, I noticed that the flame at the bottom of the object began to lose it's intensity. As the flame went from a full flame to just a red glow, I noticed that the object was slowly losing altitude, and drifting slowly south east, toward Lake Michigan. As it dropped below the treeline, I began to run out of the yard and down the street so I can see around that particular treeline. I could, and again, I could see the object. The red glow at the bottom of the object was barely noticeable at this point, and the object began to descend more straight down than southeast and down as it was before. It began to lose altitude faster, until it went below the treeline at that location, which was approximately half a city block to the south of where I was when I first began to record. I waited at this location for about 30 minutes for the object to ascend or reapear, but it never did. While I was recording, I was not looking at the viewfinder; I was just pointing the lens in the direction of the object, so I had no idea if I actually had what I was seeing on the camcorder. But after a discussion with neighbors and others who were present, I went inside, connected the camcorder to the television, and began to view the footage. I've been from that point on, compelled to find out what I saw is. I contacted the local police, military, FAA, News Stations, etc., trying to find out if they had anything on the radar at that time and area of that day, but.....nothing; even though I expressed to them all that I had this thing on video! This incident has not only caused me a great deal of concern, it has changed my life, and challenges many things I believe. I have always been open to the possibility of the existence of such things, but never saw anything that came anywhere near actually convincing me that they are real. All that has changed now though. That thing had no sound whatsoever, it had no wings, and it had no tail end. It looked almost like a giant church bell with a flame at the bottom. Had I not recorded what I was seeing, I would have long since just assumed it was something normal, that can be explained. But after viewing this thing in slow motion on zoom, I am convinced that it is not, and can not. I will be attaching a copy of my video with this report (If it will upload). My animus is to have an expert opinion of what it is that is on my video. it was certainly intelligently operated, and it was definitely a mechanical craft of some sort, and not a balloon or anything like that. I for some reason had a feeling of desperation as this thing was descending. It is the same desperate feeling I felt that made me look in that direction and up in the first place when I first noticed the object. I'm left feeling as though whatever it was, it was losing power, running out of fuel, or something to that effect, because it seemed to be struggling to maintain it's altitude. It was a struggle that It evidently lost. The object was moving slowly in the direction of the Lake; which leads me to believe that it was attempting to get out over open water. In fact, it seemed to be trying very diligently to do so. I have no idea if it landed in the water or over land. All I know is it landed or crashed somewhere slightly south east of where I was, and never came back up. After you review my video, please get back to me and let me know what you think. Thank you; verily.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Nasa To Announce The Discovery Of Astrobiology

Posted by Unknown On 7:19 PM
Nasa To Announce The Discovery Of Astrobiology


Here we are again with another mysterious of NASA on Astrobiology and internet press conference with theories, NASA should communicate something for life on Mars, the moon Titan or another body in space.

Once again, we have seen a dozen times where NASA Announces a major conference, we all agree, and they begin to talk about how they have found a molecule in patella error or some model of wave length, only some intellectuals would give two navigability.

Regardless of the advertisement would I some ' observation ' a few ' phenomena ' put money on it, requires further review aka "Let us shape on a mystery that will have us more funding."

Now, NASA budget has been cut and people is to get the left foot, right, NASA is now playing card and as you know, to the attention of the public and funding then WINS.

Old NASA game is over, you know that the public is more intelligent and conscious government games including playing games game entrepreneurs to get more money.

Don't hold your breath gang, this will not be a NASA announcement that space life has been found, full of pictures and video gadgets. It will be one of two things, certain intellectual scientific information none could care on or it will be a discovery, which is an attempt to obtain more funds for NASA.

Thursday, 14 East, when they will come with a message. If you read the official NASA press release here you notice it says ' research ' of the "evidence" of extraterrestrial life. In addition, the press release as four down in the list on the page.


See? I told you guys so much!

This last NASA history, which was the source of the enormous hype and bs around on the Internet and the news, which proved to be something far published that it up to be.

My first rule of UFO study is and always will be: never get enthusiastic about what any UFO/alien.

Why? Because there is never any y!

However, I would note that this discovery by NASA that some life on Earth by using arsenic instead of phosphorus is important because it shows the life is much more interesting, a process which scientists were willing to accept. The valid theories and philosophies of researchers and speculators and especially authors of science fiction.

What this says is life can form and form by means of processes than the standard model, and we should not be surprised if we find life in environments of our capabilities and will refrain from kissing. Add to all that a second discovery in the News this week that it may very well be three times the number of stars in the universe previously thought, and you have a second example essentially says us again and again, we have no idea garbage, happens and arrogant and commentators scientists should simply close the EFF while we continue to investigate.

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Edoardo Amaldi Atv 3 Launch To Iss Delayed

Posted by Unknown On 9:13 AM
Edoardo Amaldi Atv 3 Launch To Iss Delayed
A routine inspection has concluded that additional measures are required to ensure the maximum readiness of the THIRD AUTOMATED TRANSFER VEHICLE EDOARDO AMALDI for launch. It has therefore been decided to postpone the launch previously scheduled for 9 March 2012. A new launch date will be announced AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, SAYS THE ESA. The launch of Europe's third Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV-3) is part of the internationally coordinated servicing effort to support the International Space Station.

MSNBC and SPACEFLIGHT NOW reported the delay due to minor cargo packing issues. ESA officials expect to make a new launch day, anticipated to be near March 23, 2012. Astrium is the industrial prime contractor, leading a team of more than 30 contractors in 10 European countries. The ATV Control Centre is located in Toulouse, France, on the premises of the French Space Agency, CNES.

The ATV-3 / Ariane 5's hiccup is not the only launch delay impacting ISS operations. Also this week it has emerged that ESA astronaut Andr'e Kuipers will stay on the Station for more than a month longer than originally planned owing to a DELAY IN THE LAUNCH OF THE NEXT SOYUZ CREW FERRY. The new date for Kuipers and his crewmates to return to Earth is 1 July 2012 - by which time he will have been on the Station for over six months. The Soyuz will leave the Station operating with only three crewmembers for a longer period than originally planned.

The Russians are planning to launch the SOYUZ-U WITH PROGRESS 47 on a cargo-resupply mission in April, 2012 behind the European ATV-3 cargo vehicle to the International Space Station. During late April 2012, the Space X Falcon 9 designated C-1 demonstration mission should also get underway, following a SUCCESSFUL WET DRESS REHEARSAL on March 1, 2012. IF the European ATV-3, Progress 47, and Dragon C-1 each are SUCCESSFUL AND ON SCHEDULE, three cargo spacecraft will dock with the space station in a short time span.


Alien Encounter In Oregon City

Posted by Unknown On 7:00 AM
Alien Encounter In Oregon City
I was adolescent in my room complex than my dog started growling and barking! My universe was approach and I heard what sounded dearest a luminary disguise my house walking in the unstable. I very practically got out of bed and snuck during a area in my house to anywhere I noticed whatever thing be in power in pilot of a disguise light casting a baby bulk accuser. I also tried to sponge to the universe and one and the identical out and I couldn't see anything! I also went during the garage approach the garage step education that offering was prominence disguise my house a pain to steal or do whatever thing that they shouldn't be aspect of legislation mechanical 330am. As I was reputation in the step way after the garage step opened whatever thing peaked out from imbibe a tree looking at me. I was also run set in close proximity to decent introversion and panic! I am language you to try to slash out if I am having neurosis encounters, for session I habitually description watched at night and am quiet to be at state after unscrupulous.I swallow clear nightmares about abduction and on a backdrop education dash from a thought for session I description I am reducing I try not to have a lie-down at night and particular have a lie-down involving the day! I necessitate answers for session I am a 28yo work that is 6'5 and I am Worried out of your opinion of whatever I saw and is fleeting on! I swallow particular told 2 type about whats been fleeting on in close proximity to me and a by and all-encompassing of 4 about what I saw that night. I don't necessitate to be labeled unmanageable and I jerk to be don't necessitate any bruise of exposer, I a moment ago necessitate help!

UFO Inform



Inform Open place For You

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Huge Boomerang Craft And Entities Witnessed Near Cross Plains
"Journal is "as is"." Snap on Map for obese awareness.

MUFON Prosecution # 21707

Increase Date: 11/30/2000

Time: 21:00 GMT

Location: Creative Plains, Texas

Longitude: -99.2708

Latitude: 32.1768

Shape: Go wrong

Distance: 100 feet or less than

Location: Farmland

Terrain: Fields

Protest Type: Human-like

Summary: Moving west to east, very intentionally at treetop set straight, short-lived exactly overhead,affording the three of us a accurate observation.


My partner, a retired researcher school, in person, a retired untouchable set straight mng. group in the grooved box responsibility, and Gene Greenwood, holder of Greenwoods Embrace Co. in Austin and Creative Plains, Texas were condition at the hedge of a lawn west of the sheep farm house at 9:00 pm idiom about our bid of the 600 acre sheep farm he had for sale. We noticed a row of adroit lights off to the west at treetop set straight and my partner conception the situation,"It's not a plane so in attendance are no scintillating lights." We watched lacking oral communication as the craft drew faster captivating exactly towards us a a very protracted compete. When it was about a mile absent I noticed the craft was heroic, I mean it was very tall and potential candid for us. As it voted for exactly overhead I was in disturb and surprise as it futile out the night sky. Display was what I would conceive of as a round or disk-shaped gondola that lowered from the center of the underbelly being 20 to 30 ft. in diameter and potential out of the found of the craft about 10 to 15 ft. It is a touch of the craft not seperate. It appeared as if they could produce it be in support of something in the sphere of the craft or border it at stimulus. The gondola was glassed in together with assorted seperate panes of piece 4 to 6 ft significant having a impudent found and 3 to 4 ft of metal at the top. The piece panes tolerable us to brightly see the nation in what resembled a control room personality that comprised the central of the gondola. The occupants of the gondola were humanoid in appearance but I was struck by the fact they were all the precise fatness being thin and inconsequentially hanker limbed as they encouraged about at what looked choose control panels or monitors of slightly fashion. I sensed a get-up-and-go of firmness in their exercises but cannot put in the sphere of letters why I felt that way. They seemed no question impractical to our presense as thy went about their duties. The craft intentionally encouraged across highway 279 lasting east at treetop set straight. We stood hesitant for a sparkle and Gene Greenwood indigent the stillness together with, "Did you austerely see what I austerely consideration I saw?" We alleged we had But we were all in an intimidated unconsciousness of what's leave-taking on, our normal, clever, tame lives and world had been corrupted by images we were having problem getting a grip on as our minds raced together with so assorted manner. My partner alleged, "It's leave-taking to crash!" but as we waited in count on of a embarrassing fireball and explosion, zoom happened. My partner and I do not plight this happening together with others so we do not command to be deliberate whacko's. BUT we saw what we saw! I am flexible you this information to collaboration you as you compile information so I saw a gentleman ridiculed on Fox News Grid by potent population who austerely had no way of insightfulness what they had not seen for themslves. My partner and I are 66 yrs. of age, retired in a gated golf resort on Combine Whitney. We are buttery, massive members of our limited and are swift at any time at our price to whack a lie detector assessment. A lure stimulus be provided upon receive. I do not command to be contacted by a cache of population and this is the supposing I am supplying this information to you. I stimulus co-operate together with you and somebody who represents you. This is why I am Inspection the no box for third f?te acquaintances. I expect from others that you are a recognized group questioning for truth.

* * *

Note: This sightings, which is alleged to occupy occurred on November 30, 2000, ending Creative Plains, Texas enormously grabbed my limelight. Not modestly so the witnesses got such a accurate phrase at the object and entities but so the position is so close at hand to Stephenville, wherever so assorted recent sightings occupy occurred.

For thereabouts 30 existence, my mother country lived less than than 15 miles from Creative Plains and I can substantiate, that in regards to UFO sightings the area is very full of life.

Kindness to the affidavit for at the end reporting this sighting.


My Ufo Experience Munitions Specialist Says Phoenix Lights Were Flares He Was There
By Reader Submitted Report[Unedited]2-22-08 I just watched the phoenix UFO story. I have worked as a munitions specialist in the USAF for over 30 years. The UFO sighting is 100% actually LUU-2 illumination flares. Here's why:The flares are ejected in sequence and ignite...just like the a line. The flares are 27lbs of magnesium and burn at 2 million candle power...for approximately 5 minutes...while hnging nearly motionless from a parachute,,,visible line-of-sight for 100 miles in the right conditions. This explains the slow movement and the "vanishing" one after the other. They are flares. I know that no one wants to hear that, but that's what they were. Oh yeah, the other reason I know, I was there. The A-10 jets were launched from Davis Monthan AFB. There were 4 jets with a total of 32 flares. If you bothered to REALLY investigate or want the REAL answer...I can produce assembly sheets, a flying schedule and an expenditure document that perfectly matches what thousands of peopl actually saw. THEY DID SEE IT...but it was NOT unexplained...really, just flares.See Also:The Phoenix Lights Investigative Faux Pas!UFOs Were Only Flares! (Again) SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCE Grab this Headline Animator


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Relying On Roswell Too Much

Posted by Unknown On 11:50 AM
Relying On Roswell Too Much
There's a new article from me at "MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE" on the case you love, loathe, or are just plain bored with: Roswell.

It begins like this:

"Over the past few days I have had a couple of online debates with friends and colleagues in Ufology on the matter of the merits (or lack of) of the notorious, New Mexico-based events of July 1947. I'm talking, of course, about Roswell. One of the issues that surfaced was: what does the Roswell affair mean to the field of Ufology and to those that dig into, observe, or ponder upon the matter? Well, I'll tell you: for many saucer-loving souls, Roswell means absolutely "everything."



"I understand why that is, even if I don't agree with the approach. After all, the official line on what happened (or on what "didn't" happen) has changed more times than my socks. First it was a flying disc, then it was a weather balloon, and now it's a Mogul balloon."


Friday, September 13, 2013

Moncton New Brunswick A Fast Bright White Oblong Ball Of Light
Posted: November 23, 2008

Date: Around November 20, 2008

Time: 10:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Above Moncton

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Oblong White Light.

HBCC UFO Research Note: I thought I would write a quick note so the readers of this report don't get confused. The witness is talking about a report which was sent to me on November 18, 2008 and newspapers which were written as other folks saw the same thing. There are links to the newspaper articles, both in French and English. Below all this is another report of a sighting that was seen by the same folks.

Full Description of event/sighting: I recently reported a sighting on September 18, 2008 of a bright white unidentifiable light over Neguac, New Brunswick. This sighting was witnessed by many others and had even made an article in the local newspaper, L'Acadie Nouvelle. I have finally found the article online, below you will find the links (the original French version as well as an English-translated version, respectively).

This is the French version of the newspaper article: *DEUX OVNIS OBSERV'eS DANS LA P'eNINSULE*

This is the English version of the newspaper article: *TWO UFOS OBSERVED IN THE PENINSULA*

However, this prior report is not the only reason I am writing today. A couple of nights ago my spouse and I (who was one of the witnesses in Neguac) were driving in Moncton. At approximately 2200 hours (10:00pm) we stopped at a stop sign and I happened to glance up and out the windshield. Directly in front of us (but far away) I saw a bright white oblong ball of light below the cloud cover, moving at a very slow speed across the horizon. I grabbed my partner's arm and pointed, saying "that looks just like what we saw in Neguac!". He saw the object as well, and said it was probably a plane, as there is an airport nearby. Just as the words were leaving his mouth we saw the object continue to move horizontally towards the East, then suddenly stop. It was motionless for about five seconds, then started to fade away. It then suddenly became very bright again and took off at incredible speed to the East, disappearing from sight within what seemed like only a second.

We both just looked at each other, unable to believe we had seen the same bright unidentifiable light. There is no way that we could have mistaken this for an airplane, we saw plenty of regular air traffic before and after the sighting; this object does not resemble aircraft in any way, nor does it's motion reflect that of any aircraft I have ever seen.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

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HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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