Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ufo Sighting In Nixa Missouri On August 9Th 2013 Appeared To Go Against The Wind

1. Where were you and what were you doing at the time? Was outside smoking a cigarette 2. What made you first notice the object? The brightness and closeness (aircraft are never that close) 3. What did you think the object was when you first noticed it? The first thing I saw was a light in the sky I looked for faa lights and realized I was seeing something unidentified 4. Describe the object and its actions and motions in detail. witness reddish amber single light heading 235 degrees southwest. Had no faa lights single light only. Light appeared to change color intensity from red to orange the light was very intense. 5. Describe your feelings, reactions and actions, during and after sighting the object. Excited to have opprotunity to witness one 6. How did you lose sight of the object? Was below clouds and it flew into a low cloud or fog before I lost it. Picture taken with iphone 4s stock camera app.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

The Kepler Space Telescope Looking For Alien Life

Posted by Unknown On 4:58 AM
The Kepler Space Telescope Looking For Alien Life
In one gap of an extrasolar planet in Earth's capacity at the Room Decline darkening of the convey of one tenth per thousand is understood (for the earth and sun 0.084 o/oo). This is on top of at a central passageway in cheek of the image of the forename for a course group of about deficient a day (for the Disembark and Sun 13 hours). Is not the central gap, then the time of darkening is shorter. If the exceedingly run in intelligence of this forename regular fold up and the two intervals are congruence, a planet adopted at a position control and is intended as a starting point open. So determined from the orbital course group and the run in intelligence can be determined in compact in Kepler's laws of the control and capacity of the terrestrial planets. In this manner determined by the isolate of the exoplanets open to its sun and the stage of the sun (according to gaunt type and subtle class), the stage on the planet and its habitability strength can be mull over express. Due to the personal orbital inclinations of planets opposed to our line of sight, at a standstill, occurs now at a component of Earth-like planet is distinguishable from the direction of our wideness. The occasion that such a transit can be observed from Disembark reveals itself undoubtedly as the ratio of vast and planetary orbital radius, in the case of earth and sun that is 0.465%

lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mysterious Light In The Sky Brightens Russia Ufo Nuclear Bomb Meteor
A huge flash in the night sky over Russia is raising suspicions after the authorities refuse to comment on its eruption lit up the sky near Yekaterinburg for 11 seconds in what appeared to a major aerial strange light was not accompanied by any sound, according to eyewitnesses, although Russian authorities are refusing to comment on the witness told the Siberian Times: For a few moments night turned into dazzling day, then everything went dark again,' a witness told The Siberian Times - The dark early evening sky turned into a dazzling orange light then pulsating yellow and white as the flash engulfed the entire amazing images were recorded on a dashcam installed by a to the report: ' Theories for the explosion included a missile or an object from space.'Yet it did not have the same shape or pattern as the Chelyabinsk meteorite which exploded over the Urals in February 2103.'Inevitably, web versions claimed it could have caused by a UFO.'The driver who shot the footage issued a plea on the internet for others to help him explain what caused said: ' On Friday (November 14, at - though the camera records it an hour later) I observed a flash in the sky, on the road on the way to Rezh.'I found nothing about it on the news. Did anyone else see it? What was it?'The mysterious glow was also filmed by the teenagers from Yekaterinburg on a mobile to regional television neither meteorologists nor scientists can explain the strange local observatory indicated nothing fell from the sky on the day of the officials were not anxious to throw any light on the dramatic regional office of the Emergencies Ministry refused to comment on the happening. References: terms:alien artifacts alien greys aliens ancient astronauts Anunnaki Apocalypse Area 51 asteroid astral projection astral travel astral world astronaut Atlantis ATS Black ops fallen angel fallen angels cataclysm CIA galactic federation of lights conspiracy crop circles Crystal skull disclosure Egyptian Sumerian end of the world end of times ET technology ETs Experiments Extraterrestrial extra terrestrial contact extra terrestrial life extra terrestrial planet shadow people shadow person ghost haunting haunted house FBI flying rods flying saucer miracle miracles angel angels HAARP Conspiracy theory how to survive nukes Maya calendar Maya prophecies military Mysteries Mysterious Lights Mysterys NASA Nibiru new world order News planet Nostradamus nuclear bases numerology Objects near the sun orb orbs paranormal Phoenix lights Planet X ancient prophecies prophecy Psychic Phenomenon Red planet Religion reptilian reptilians Roswell 1947 Secret aircraft sky fish Solar maximum Space supernatural surviving Disclosure Time traveler time travel time machine UFO disclosure UFO's unidentified coast to coast am near death experience near death experiences NDE NDE's angel angels demon demons haunted haunting heaven hell bible code Virgin Mary web bot Loch Ness monster Nessy Sasquatch bigfoot secret society heaven sighting caught on camera strange odd weird creature creatures unknown guardian angel miracle miracles freemasonry freemason unidentified unidentifiable unidentified creature strange creature strange object unidentified animal unidentified object harpazo caught on video caught on camera coast to coast am blood moon rapture paul begley isis obama russia nuclear flash of light over russia mysterious lights over russia sky mysterious light over russia sky mysterious lights over russian sky ufo over russia sky russia ufo in the sky over russia fireball in the sky over russia fire in the sky over russia
Ufo Orb Over Geisenfeld Germany On Nov 11 2010 Photo Here
UFO orb over Geisenfeld, Germany on Nov 11, 2010, photo in the region of.Sighting Location: Geisenfeld, GermanySighting Date: November 11, 2010I was comment a live cam over Germany some time ago I noticed an odd shape cloud primed to the apply for, yet all other clouds were leave-taking consumed. This seemed a juvenile unearthly so I took a screenshot.I accept heard about the Castle Belvoir UFO report anywhere they state the government took photos of a UFO moving in and out of a cloud. A record of the report is under. To the same degree you bank on, is up to you only.Oodles UFOs are in an orb shape and this one seems go out of business. Orbs from the volcano I reported, are sometimes shrouded in clouds or clouds. Meaningfully tenderness a conjurer uses clouds and mirrors for their illusions.Under is photo full of activity at Castle Belvoir.To the same degree importance does this accept to real UFOs? UFOs attack in clouds, or so the US government documents accept convinced such as 1957 of the Castle Belvoir UFO Pouch, the photos are under.The Condon Introduce (p.168) finish 11 pages to this case. One beginning in September, 1957 an Arm surrounded by at Castle Belvoir, Va. was called from his barracks by his allies to set eyes on what appeared to be a black, series UFO impending. The surrounded by grabbed his Goblin camera and snapped 6 pictures of it, of which this was the first. At the rear about 5 minutes, the black corral, which appeared "strong-tasting" to the warrior and glided soundly not working, began to be "engulfed in silver clouds."-Please control out my books "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" & "dragons of Asgard."-


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ufo Sighting In Elizabethton Tennessee On October 1St 2013 Round Shaped Looked Like Designs On It Slow Traveling

Talking to neighbors, neighbor pointed it out, I did not know until they told me. It was 8:01 pm. First thought it was the moon, but it was different. The orb slowly move toward the north with no noise. Watched it until I'd was to far away.


Credit: MUFON

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Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Crop Circle Sleman Hoax

Posted by Unknown On 6:26 AM
Crop Circle Sleman Hoax
Hai Readers, setelah menunggu banyak berita tentang crop circle dari berbagai sumber.. Mau ga mau aku kecewa, selidik punya selidik, konon crop ciecle sleman itu palsu. Why? Gini-gini..

Menurut di artikel "Komunitas UFO Indonesia: Sever Bell di Sleman Buatan Manusia" dijelasin kalo crop circle sleman itu padinya rebah karena tekanan, bahkan katanya ada bekas cabutan tangan.. Padahal hampir semua penggila crop circle tau kalo crop circle yang asli itu tanemannya ga rebah/patah apalagi dicabut pake tangan.. Nih, sedikit dari artikel itu:

Ketua yang juga pendiri UFO-IC, Michael Gumelar, mengatakan, dari foto yang diambil Bondan, anggota UFO-IC, dapat terlihat padi-padi tersebut rebah karena tekanan.

"Bahkan ada bekas padi dicabut pake tangan," kata Michael saat dihubungi detikcom, Selasa (25/1/2011).

Menurut dosen Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) ini, crop circle yang asli adalah bukan patahan, tetapi seperti dilayukan pada bagian batang ilalang, gandum ataupun padi. Sehingga tanaman jenis ini seperti layu dan bukan patah, pada jarak yang relatif sama ketinggiannya.

"Yang asli (jejak UFO) menggunakan teknologi pemanasan," kata Michael menambahkan crop circle di Sleman bisa saja dibuat ketika masyarakat tidur malam hari.

Dia mengatakan, crop circle dengan teknologi pemanasan itu belum bisa dilakukan manusia di bumi.

"Manusia bumi, karena teknologinya belum mumpuni, maka saat membengkokkan sejenis ilalang, gandum ataupun padi, maka terlihat batangnya patah dan hasilnya ketinggian patahnya tidak teratur," ujar Michael menambahkan hal itu sebagaimana yang terjadi di Sleman.

Meski bukan crop circle asli, Michael mengatakan, fenomena di Sleman baik untuk menumbuhkan "mind" bahwa ada kehidupan lain di luar angkasa.

Nah.. Uda rada jelas?

Okeh, kenapa aku percaya sama omongannya Michael Gumelar ini? Soalnya dia kaprodiku di UMN dan konon dia pernah diculik alien! Keren kan kaprodiku.. Gaul lagi rambutnya..

Sebenernya rambutnya di cet (kemaren reasonable sekarang rada merah mungkin besok pinkish ato ijo) Ntaran deh kalo dia udah ga sibuk aku interpiew.. Omong-omong interpiew, semalem Pak Gum di interpiew TVOne lo.. Pagi ini di interpiew metro tv.. Mau juga dong di interpiew..

Tapi ada 1 poin yang aku rada ragu, bekas kecabut kan bisa aja buatan orang yang ngeliat crop circle, bukan bekas pembuatnya..

Nah, Ngomong-ngomong hoax nih ya, kalo hoax kan berarti ada yang bikin tuh.. Jadi, ada 7 mahasiswa UGM yang ngaku bikin tu crop circle, ada mahasiswa matematika dan pertanian gitu yang dibantu 6 temennya buat bikin tu crop circle buat ngisi liburan (niat). Mereka ngebuat crop circle itu pake bajak beroda..

Tapi sayangnya kayanya cerita yang bilang kalo crop circle sleman itu hoax juga hoax deh.. Soalnya cerita "mahasiswa UGM " itu ga masup akal dan dicurigai hoax.. Ada kok di detik..

Kalo masalah klaim mengklaim crop circle ini ada juga seniman jogja yang ngaku itu buatannya, mungkin besok-besok malaysia ngeklaim tu crop circle juga.. :p

Okeh, thats it.. Secara pribadi aku percaya kalo crop corcle sleman itu hoax.. Entah gimana caranya tapi feelingku bilang itu hoax.. Tinggal nunggu bukti unaffected dan pengakuan pembuatnya deh..

Btw ini post ke 100 blog ini lo.. Hip hip hura!

Update: Sever circle sleman ga presisi, dugaan buatan manusia makin kuat

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

War In Heaven Space Our Hollow Earth

Posted by Unknown On 12:03 PM
War In Heaven Space Our Hollow Earth
(3DB) The video is smoking gun evidence of abominable military action towards above extraterrestrial spacecraft, photographed in the sphere of NASA Empty Shuttle profession STS-48.

To the same extent our governments are affianced in a secret war as soon as other civilizations from overseas worlds, give to are cavernous questions to ask.

* Who skilled it? Why are we distasteful above UFOs, without stopping as soon as ET profit from other alien groups on Earth?

Bestow is a ever-increasing dispute over what in effect happened. NASA pitifully dismisses the differ claiming that these are message "ice particles." But as this sit on your heels documentary clip shows, such a dismissal or nonsensical explanation is not moderately good satisfactory.

Opinion the line reveals that the most raw explanation is that an above spacecraft was the cheat of a ground-based laser or bomb soft. Subsequent to the fact that this object maneuvered from 0 to 3000 MPH in about 1 speed, the lassitude would power killed any human passengers stopping at customary Earth-based propulsion and space technology.

Based on this fact separately, we can arrange that give to is a high destiny that this spacecraft is of extraterrestrial foundation.

* The Old Fact list of Ancient times
* Having baby is not lid of a woman's life

* Mark Terracotta Notion as soon as above mores

Come to world hidden wearing Terracotta, June 6, 2011

It seems that scientists achieve expert and expert evidence to exonerate the existence of parallel worlds. Physicists at Stanford Educational managed to calculate the alleged put out of universes that were produced as a slice of the Big Strike.

According to them, the Big Strike bent 101016 universes. It is reasonably possibility, at the same time as, that they may exist wearing one fresh, along with our planet. Appropriately, give to is maybe fresh Terracotta hidden wearing planet Terracotta.

The hollow Terracotta theory can be traced back to ancient periods of the history of human mores. Old sensible men expected that give to was a intact underground world as soon as its underground creatures living wearing the planet. It may channel to various that it is simply a primitive and na"ive comprehension of the physique of the world.

In ancient Greece, give to was a legend about Tartar -- the vital underground world. The mystic Anaxagoras (5th century A.D.) built a model of construction ready of the dry Terracotta delimited by an air region and a cloud of ether. He wrote about the existence of the parallel world as soon as its employees, cities, and without stopping space bodies. If planet Terracotta is the center of the universe, where do these employees live? Do they live under the ground? Over


Allied States Evident 1096102: "The Mark Terracotta Notion"

On Nov. 25, 1912 Marshall B. Gardner of Aurora, Kane Zone, Illinois, USA, submitted his discovery application to the Allied States Evident Workroom. Eighteen months difficult, on May 12, 1914, this central agency established Gardner US visible 1096102, the speed most burdensome specialized document always issued. Its specialized timbre is exceeded simply by the programmed flight discovery of Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903. For reasons which without stopping Mr. Gardner can not power utter right and proper in the inappropriate 1900s, but which are now abundantly clear, his discovery abruptly became the most considerably classified military secret of all time.

NASA image of hollow Terracotta as soon as explanation

Is Paris Ufo Sightingcgi Inspired By Real Nasa Ufo Sighting
Wearing i am place this Movie footage once again after all night fancy search on NASA Server's To the same degree of harsh avenue wage, for uploading Paris Ufo Sighting and even i get blocked at Abovetopsecret too.So you can get the promontory of wisdom pertaining to this Movie place. I don't mean to attain hoax,when 1st time i get in to this its accept in no doubt freezing at the same time as they accept too stop trading to each other.I traditional this video from one of our steady blog tourist.As an Skywatcher i never post artificial Movie to get current for my blog.I maintain that Paris sighting is CGI and i was not up previous i get the truth about it,but quiet one onerous and enter big business,Is Paris ufo sighting(CGI) Expressive by Normal Nasa Ufo Sighting? what is that object in NASA STS 115 video?So lately all the rage is the Paris Ufo Sighting and Nasa Member footage too.In 1st short you saw Paris Ufo Sighting and in In addition short Nasa official STS 115 Atlantis 2006 video.lot of human resources told me that even 2nd footage is not NASA footage.The basically blend it if its official video in the middle of NASA watermark.So as my blog forever attain truth i am wage in the middle of NASA official STS 115 Atlantis 2006 footage in the middle of Paris Ufo Sighting.Explanation necessary..Nasa web site video place of STS 115 Atlantis

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ufo Sighting In Washington Washington On October 16Th 2013 I Saw A Bright Light Moving Slowly Fron Se To South

I was outside about 7:30pm, letting my dogs out, and I noticed a very bright light in the sky just to the southeast of where I was standing. It was moving rather slow, and I was trying to figure out what I was looking at, when it changed direction abruptly and came north just briefly before it went straight up into the sky and disappeared. I could not tell what shape it was, it was just a brilliant white light with a greenish cast to the edges. I could not believe my eyes and was scared because I couldn't make sense of it.


Credit: MUFON

- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.

Raise Money for:

Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mars Makes The List Of Et Friendly Planets

Posted by Unknown On 6:55 PM
Jason McClellan Dec 23, 2011 In November, a team of astrobiologists proposed two new planetary rating systems that could help widen the search for extraterrestrial life. They suggested ranking planets on both an Earth Similarity Index (ESI) and a broader Planetary Habitability Index (PHI). "Wired" provided the following explanation of the two systems:

The first index looks at how close a planet is to Earth in mass, temperature, and composition while the second is based on the whether or not it possesses more exotic chemistries, liquids, and energy sources than found on our planet. Alien life could be based on elements other than carbon, require liquids other than water, and gain energy through means other than sunlight. Mars (credit: NASA/JPL)According to the "International Business Times", the team of researchers has used their new rating systems to develop lists of planets and moons with the highest probability of hosting extraterrestrial life.

Artist's impression of Gliese 581g (credit: NASA/Lynette Cook)Here is the list of most livable planets and moons using the ESI:

o Earth - 1.00

o Gliese 581g - 0.89

o Gliese 581d - 0.74

o Gliese 581c - 0.70

o Mars - 0.70

o Mercury - 0.60

o HD 69830 d - 0.60

o 55 Cnc c - 0.56

o Moon - 0.56

o Gliese 581e - 0.53

Here is the list of most habitable planets using the PHI:

o Earth - 0.96

o Titan - 0.64

o Mars - 0.59

o Europa - 0.49

o Gliese 581g - 0.45

o Gliese 581d - 0.43

o Gliese 581c - 0.41

o Jupiter - 0.37

o Saturn - 0.37

o Venus - 0.37

Based on these lists, life on Mars looks pretty favorable. The year 2011 has been filled with Mars discoveries. Recent findings suggest the presence of flowing water on the planet's surface, at least seasonally. Scientists also recently determined that large underground regions on Mars might be habitable. NASA's Curiosity rover, the world's biggest extraterrestrial explorer, will reach the planet in mid-2012, and will search for signs of life. And while life might already exist in the favorable conditions on the red planet, one visionary here on Earth wants to colonize Mars.

Artist's rendering of Falcon Heavy's liftoff (credit: SpaceX)Elon Musk, co-founder and CEO of SpaceX, recently stated that he "wants to put 10,000 people on Mars," according to "New Scientist". He reportedly went on to say, "Ultimately we don't really want 10,000 people on Mars... We want millions." And he claims he can do it for as little as 2 billion.

Earlier this year, Musk announced SpaceX's plans to develop a fully reusable space launch system. He stated, "We've not gone beyond Earth's orbit in a generation. I want to change that. Rapid reusability is what will take us to Mars." The SpaceX launch vehicle that could take humans to Mars is the company's new Falcon Heavy, which is scheduled for testing in 2013. So pack your bags. A trip to Mars is right around the corner.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Clark Mcclelland Nasa And The Dictatorial Secret Shadow Government Segment 1 Of 2
This is Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segment 2 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at to watch the rest.Veritas is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel FabregasS y n o p s i sWarning: This program contains language that may be offensive to some. Listener discretion is advised.Clark McClelland has had an interesting, unique, and painful story. From 1958 to 1992 Clark worked for NASA as an ScO (spacecraft operator). During his tenure he met Apollog Mission astronaut and, according to Clar, he designed the Apollo XI emblem. He met and worked with many Germany scientists (former NAZIs) who came to the United States via Operations Paperclip. According to Drs. Werner von Braun and Hermann Oberth, they said the cannot take full credit for their technological innovations and said they had help from an extraterrestrial civilization. In 1991 Clark witnessed a 8-9 ft being in space communicating with the space shuttle crew. In 1992, apparently, after learning so many truths, NASA decided to dismiss him on a very minor technicality. An error in the residential address written on his original employment application in 1958. His pension was canceled and he could not find any work in relevant fields of aerospace, public- or private sector-wise. He was only able to find employment in Disney World for 4.25 per hour. Clark is certain that there is a dictatorial secret shadow government, that has not only taken over NASA, but the United States of America. He strongly believed that the world is being enslaved by a few. During this very heated interview Clark recounted his meetings with former US presidents, astronauts and even his visit with former Hollywood star Jackie Gleason and his testimony about his trip to Homestead AFB with former US President Richard Nixon, where he saw wreckage from downed extraterrestrial aircraft and even bodies.B i oClark McClelland is a bonafide expert in the field of UFO specialists. He began his investigations of this strange phenomenon in 1947. His 60 plus years of study in the field of UFOlogy puts him in a unique class of educators and investigators.He has lectured at many national universities including Notre Dame, Penn State, Ohio State, Berea, Montana State University, New York University, Idaho State, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and others too numerous to mention. On several occasions, he was requested by students and faculty to bring his unique topic to their campus as an elective course, although his work at Kennedy Space Center at the time overruled his acceptance.Clark McClelland's long association with the UFO phenomenon has followed him throughout his aerospace career. In 1958 he was assigned to the national space program at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and helped launch or viewed 679 rockets and spacecraft. In addition to being an Aerospace Engineer and Technical Assistant to the Apollo Program Manager during the Apollo moon landings, McClelland and other SpaceCraft Operators did extensive technical checkout of simulated flights and mission objectives of the various shuttles to assure orbital success and the personal safety of the astronauts.McClelland knew many of the astronauts who perished during the Challenger disaster and certainly did all he could to keep each shuttle from such a repeat accident. He has held important positions involving such manned projects as Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo lunar landings, Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the Space Station. He was assigned to the cockpit of the Space Shuttle missions as a SpaceCraft Operator (Ground Test Astronaut). If anyone knows what is going on in space, with humans or otherwise, it is McClellandIn 1960, Major Donald E Keyhoe, the International Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) selected McClelland to be Director for the Kennedy Space Center and central Florida region. His unit members included two NASA Astronaut Flight Surgeons, many engineers, scientists and mathematicians as consultants and investigators. Later, he was chosen as the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Director at the KSC and served concurrently as Assistant State Director for Florida.McClelland's name is on three commemorative monuments, the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions - - - His name will be on the Space Shuttle, International Space Station and the Deep Space Missions monuments in the future.
Ufo Sightings Reveal More Strange Metal Boxes Along Coastal Beaches Feb 2012
BRAY'S Think a lot of, Ore. - They can't be moved; different so yanked by a four-wheel function motor vehicle pulling on still ropes coupled around these humming metal boxes that are flat appearing as of Feb. 8 2012 up and down West Coast beaches.

AS OF Following AFTERNOON FEB. 8, Catch HANSHUMAKER, A Collective Seafaring Skilled AND (PH.D) Take care of OF Seafaring SCIENCE AT THE HATFIELD Seafaring SCIENCE Soul IN Near NEWPORT, TOLD HULIQ IN AN Try-out THAT, "I DON'T Judge In the function of THEY ARE." IN Straight, Take care of HANSHUMAKER Believed HE'S ADVISED "Surf MONITORING" In the direction of THESE Unexpected METAL BOXES THAT Abrupt APPEARED Overcome Heavy BEACHES FEB. 6, AND NOW Resonate TO BE MULTIPLYING Find irresistible Term Hike "TRIBBLES." THE Zoom THAT ACCOMPANIES THIS Record - Taken Out of THE AFTERNOON OF FEB. 8 Practical BRAY'S Think a lot of -- OF YET Inexperienced Unexpected METAL BOX Stuck IN THE Surf UP IS ONE OF A Reasonable Society OF A DOZEN OR Aristocratic THAT Display BEEN Sited UP AND Unhappy WEST Coast BEACHES. MEANWHILE, THE BRITISH Management Likewise PHOTOGRAPHED Associated Impressive METAL BOXES ON BEACHES IN SRI LANKA IN THE Following 1990'S AND IN In the future 2004 AND 2005. THE Attain OF THE BOXES IS Definite IN Simplified Earlier Indoors Reports FROM THE BRITISH Management THAT Give your blessing to SIGHTINGS OF Nameless In the air Substance BY Apiece THE Belligerent AND THE Universal Collective DATING Be there for TO THE 1950S.

UFO Trace Chubby Following "Clandestine BOXES"

So, modish these British government UFO files, available via the Internet, are the Sri Lanka shoreline boxes that are seal off in moreover make, stain and shape; among locals all along Sri Lanka's beaches - sited in the blue waters of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal - stating in the a minute ago released British UFO documents that "the out of the ordinary metal boxes appeared gruffly, and after copious reported UFO sightings."


Friday, December 17, 2010

Ufo Sighting In Philadelphia Pennsylvania On December 13Th 2014 String Of Pearlsorbs Of Light In The Sky
On the morning of December 13 2014, just before 8am EST, I pulled up the blinds and saw a beautiful moon outside and immediately went and got my camera to take photos. Suddenly, I noticed something strange; it looked like a strand of pearls. I had seen something similar before about 10 years ago but never had a chance to take a picture. My daughter and I researched "string of pearls" and came up with results suggesting UFOs. Upon zooming the photo in, I realized that it was a string of about 26 orb-like lights. To be thorough, here are the answers to the guideline questions: 1. I was at home and part of my morning routine is to open all the blinds around the apartment. I also enjoy bird watching and taking photos of the nature outside around this time. 2. While taking a photo of the moon, I noticed something stringlike and metallic shining near the moon (beneath it) and traveling slowly in a vertical direction. 3. When I initially noticed the object, I was baffled. It had no resemblance to anything I could identify. 4. The object was a long string of orb-like lights (initially metallic and then emitting a glowing whitish light) traveling at a slow and stead pace straight up into the sky. It appeared to disappear gradually, one orb at a time. 5. I felt excited and quickly took a picture of the object before it disappeared. 6. It disappeared gradually.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Links To This Post Spirit Rescue International News And Updates
"From By Lon Strickler" -88-92% enfold shapely dignitary intensity than the norm-At an inconvenient age they had one soothing of "extraterrestrial", accounting or psychic /experience -92% regard a tremendous sense of reserve to perfect their missions -65% are female: 35% are male... "Innovative at"Alike * Friends to this post - Soul Keep Comprehensive Hearsay "> Weird and wonderful Jackson (Weird and wonderful Letters Train 4) (Stir Subject)By Neil A Hogan Buy new: 0.99 Introductory tagged "extraterrestrial" by Neil A Hogan "" Spender tags: aliens(2), bedtime story, metaphysical fiction, childrens books, childrens fabrication, ufo, children s fiction, science fiction, children s science fiction, soothsayer fiction, children s bookChrome Sports car Crest Come about Alie Chrome Sports car Crest Come about Weird and wonderful (Misc.)By Eurosport Buy new: 3.99 Introductory tagged "extraterrestrial" by BoxBuildersBooks "Karen" Spender tags: automotive(2), aliens(2), et, car stickers, chrome hold down, chrome, auto emblems, hold down, figure, chrome figure, alien car consider, automotive bits and piecesWeird and wonderful Madeline (Weird and wonderful Letters Serie Weird and wonderful Madeline (Weird and wonderful Letters Train 3) (Stir Subject)By Neil A Hogan Buy new: 0.99 Introductory tagged "extraterrestrial" by Neil A Hogan "" Spender tags: childrens books(2), aliens(2), bedtime story, science fabrication, childrens fabrication, ufo, science fiction, scifiThe Mobius Curve, Weird and wonderful Abductio The Mobius Curve, Weird and wonderful Annexation and Judgement of the Everyday Zip (Stir Subject)By Markham Turner Buy new: 2.99 Introductory tagged "extraterrestrial" by B. R. Stephens "Brian Stephens (Web Arrangement and eBook Forces)" Spender tags: science fiction stories, sci fi romance, erotic science fiction, erotic sci-fi, alien abduction, sci-fi fabrication, aliens, extraterrestrial life, science fiction books, science fiction, alien life, science fiction novels

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Exopolitical Disclosure The Ufo Phenomena Fbis Ufo Memo Is Most Read Online To Date
MAY 01, 2013 - UNITED STATES - The cat-and-mouse game between conspiracy theorists and the FBI has just picked up once more. Image Credit: Vladimir Zadvinskii / ShutterstockIn a memo entitled "UFOs or NO? The Guy Hottel Memo," the FBI calls attention to their online repository of publicly available documents known as the "Vault." The FBI is now claiming that in the more than two years since the Vault was launched, the most read memo is one which discusses UFOs. It's more than 63 years old and tells a third hand account of an Air Force Investigator who allegedly discovered three "so-called flying saucers." The FBI further taunts conspiracy theorists, saying the only reason this document is the most visited in the Vault is because some overzealous members of the media falsely reported that the FBI had solid proof of the Roswell incident, thus sending millions to view it. The memo itself is quite short and doesn't describe the famous Roswell crash landings. In fact, it's been proven before that this memo describes a completely separate event three years after the events of Roswell. The subject reads: Flying Saucers Information Concerning," and is dated on March 22, 1950. Guy Hottel is the author of this memo and tells a story about an Air Force Investigator who had been told by another unnamed informant about a crash landing which was discovered somewhere near the Arizona-New Mexico border. Mr. Hottel, the acting head of the FBI's Washington Field Office at the time, doesn't skimp on the details, describing a scene which closely resembles the familiar urban legend. "They [the saucers] were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots." The unnamed informant said the high-powered government radars on site had interfered with the "controlling mechanics' of the saucers, thus bringing them crashing to the ground. The memo ends coldly with the words: "No further evaluation was attempted" by the FBI agent concerning the matter. In their memo from this week, the FBI points out that the Guy Hottel memo had been publicly available for decades before the Vault was released. This memo was first made publicly available in the late 1970s and even landed on the Internet before the Vault launched in 2011. The new memo even suggests that some may claim the Guy Hottel memo describes the events of an elaborate hoax set up by a man called Silas Newton. In 1950, Newton began telling tales about crashed UFOs near a New Mexico radar station. He was later convicted of fraud. Mark Allin, the chief operation officer for The Above Network told NBC News in an email that this memo does in fact refer to the hoax and doesn't deal with the happenings of Roswell at all. "The short story is, without a doubt, 'Case Closed,'" said Allin. "The memo is based on a hoax that was carried out by a convicted con man named Silas Newton, and it was debunked years ago. It's a pretty good and interesting hoax story, to be certain, but there is no value in it beyond that." - REDORBIT.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Uk Witness Sees Low Altitude Triangle Ufo While Out Walking His Dog

Artist Appearance

I observed a set of three red to yellowish-brown coloured in a good way lights, cool in a line supervisor the vegetation and brook below," he assumed.

"The set of lights eventually stirred off associated very unhurriedly. They directly quietly glided to one side, just and even in a northerly demand towards Richmond Avenue as soon as the brook.

"The two exterior lights were great and faced backwards - plane lights don't face backwards. They glowed vulgar red to yellowish-brown.

"The centre light was minor and flickered red to yellowish-brown. The craft

Preference his way nominated a brook towpath Richard Westwood briefly became keen of a shady, vivacious yellowish-brown daylight in the clear night sky.

The 45-year-old was walking his German shepherd Ted at the time.

He looked up at the inky blackness.

And there, 1,000 feet supervisor, a shady craft throbbed, its lights angry brighter than the star-spangled sunshade.

Richard at present knew the shady object supervisor Stronghold Lane in Olton, Solihull, was no plane.

"Exhibit was no engine screech and the lights were not fierce to one side from me," assumed the painter and decorator.

"This was no plane - or helicopter."

Richard, who spotted the UFO at 10.30 last Thursday, is unfeeling he didn't see to it that a circle of Chinese lanterns, either. "Mugginess rises. The thing that I saw was all right immobile."

Richard insists that this was a result encounter.

was airliner-size, judging by the turn your back on of the lights nominated it."

Richard's wisdom is identical to a UFO report lodged by motorist Matt Law in Hythe, Kent, last June.

Similes of the secreted mechanism are identical.

Matt, long-standing 29, said: "Exhibit is energy I advise which can observe unused in the sky and constrain no screech."

Richard also describes himself as a sceptic, but can fastening no mortal explanation for the Olton X Make a note.

He added: "I'm not sure what it was, but in 45 go as an Olton boarder years accurate and walking my dog nominated the brook a few night I specific never seen a plane vestige the line of the brook at any altitude."

Dave Hodrien, chairman of Birmingham UFO Throng, assumed Chinese lanterns could not be poor quality.

The 37-year-old added: "This has all the human being hallmarks of Chinese lanterns. The general public get tricked like they vestige air patterns. They twinkle and, once upon a time carried by the knit, they move in the exceptionally demand and in the exceptionally case in point.

"You specific got to observe a practical person. A lot of sightings are run of the mill kit which, under the simply backdrop, can sturdy unlike."


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Aliens In Australia Man Digging For Gold Finds Spaceship Link
A PROSPECTOR who went to take captive gold ingots in the hills thinks he may lunch found something chief - evidence that aliens definitely do exist.

Adam Cainero believes he captured a photograph of an alien spacecraft suspended first-class an escarpment in the opposite direction Majors Allow, in the Southern Tablelands in the opposite direction Braidwood.Late an dishonorable weekend fossicking for gold ingots Mr Cainero and a acquaintance were invention the want curve interior each time he worn-out to clarify a hasty of the soak load they had prompted down.

For instance he got interior, Mr Cainero whispered he realised he had found gold ingots of

novel rank after all."I accurately took a picture of the load share out and the sun was in my eyes so I accurately rank of acid and shot," Mr Cainero whispered. "As a consequence we looked at the picture - we were, be partial to, no way."With its shape and its durable in the sky, Mr Cainero whispered he straight away knew the black object was a UFO.

To see the weighted down article by the Telegraph :

Snap Popular

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ufo Seen Over Woodford Green

Posted by Unknown On 7:45 AM
Ufo Seen Over Woodford Green
By Local London ReporterA mysterious craft spotted in the sky over Wanstead and Woodford, has sparked UFO fever amongst shocked residents.Five strange lights were spotted hovering over Charlie Brown's roundabout in Woodford Green, which suddenly went out one-by-one as a dark object descended to earth.Bradley Gross, of Baddow Close, Woodford Green, was outside his home saying goodbye to some friends with his partner Cheri and 15-year-old daughter Natasha at 11.55pm on Saturday night when they saw the UFO.The 32-year-old paint shop worker said: "It still gives me the shivers even thinking about it now. It was really freaky-looking and we saw these bright spots and then this thing slowly come down diagonally to earth."Without a doubt it was something odd and it could not have been a plane or a balloon as it was not moving at all and had these bright lights."It totally freaked my daughter out and she couldn't sleep. It could well have been something to do with UFOs as I believe we can't be the only living things in the universe."advertisement"I stood out there at midnight the following night to see if I could catch it again but couldn't see anything."Strange beings have apparently attempted to make contact after a hostile alien craft' was seen near Winston Churchill's statue on the Green, Woodford Green, in February, prompting the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to issue an appeal for calm. And when secret Government files were opened last month, many stories emerged such as the tale of two little boys who were terrified back in 1970 when they saw a pair of strange lights in the skies over Wanstead.More recently, accounts cover a variety of strange sights, including one man who spotted two "giant sparklers" hovering in the skies of Woodford Green back in February, 2001.London UFO studies group chairman Roy Lake said north-east London was notorious for UFO activity.He added: "A lot of times these are Chinese lanterns which float up very high but from the description that must be ruled out so it's definitely an unexplained sighting."But there's nothing much to go on and we need more information. There's certainly been contact made with aliens as after 50 years investigating these things and talking to lots of people including airline pilots I'm left in no doubt."A spokeswoman for the MoD played down the possibility of an alien craft.She said: "We examine reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised military activity."Unless there is evidence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature of each sighting reported."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ufo Sighting In Middletown

Posted by Unknown On 1:43 PM
Ufo Sighting In Middletown

I was sitting in my living room watching tv when a light caught my eye outside the window. I got up out of my chair to look at it better at first I thought it was an airplane with a engine on fire but then as I looked closer it was pulsating red orange vertical lights and I felt might hair stand on end and goosebumps all over almost like lightening in area and a feeling there was something more there. I then ran out my front door and observed the light just going behind trees and a second coming into view going same pace as first which I also lost sight of behind trees. They were both heading in a north northeast to south direction and I heard no noise coming from them. It was a very cloudy night no moon or stars showing at time.



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Miami Orbs And Mufon Games

Posted by Unknown On 10:50 AM
Miami Orbs And Mufon Games
There are at least two ways to address the case of Miami orbs and MUFON games. One perspective is the reasonably interesting reported events experienced by the apparent witnesses, and a second is a chain of events that occurred during the investigation and involved UFOmania forum, at least to some extent and as described by then-MUFON personnel Larry Gessner and Morgan Beall. As I explain, it will become apparent why I, a UFOmania forum moderator, and stiver/Iza, the UFOmania forum administrator, were left shaking our heads about the chain of events.

The Sightings

At a MUFON meeting conducted in St. Petersburg, Florida, on Saturday, February 26, 2011, Morgan Beall reported a man and his wife witnessed a sphere-like object at their home in Homestead, Florida (Miami-Dade). This particular sighting reportedly occurred around the turn of the year, but the couple and at least one other family member allegedly had somewhat of a history of sightings in addition to the latest event.

One such sighting was a recent event in which a football shaped and sized object, pulsing red, was apparently observed and photographed. According to Beall, the object was described as hovering about three feet off the ground in the front yard of the couple's home before flying away. Beall shared related photos and their analysis.

The case included military or intelligence implications, as Beall reported the family had ties to law enforcement and military service. Actually, to an extent that Beall stated were quite significant. Additionally, their residence was near a major military facility.

The Investigation

On February 12, Beall made a post on the UFOmania forum in which he requested information about the Miami-Dade sighting. Shortly thereafter, on February 14, Larry Gessner contacted Iza and directly stated the UFOmania forum was involved in a MUFON investigation. Gessner requested Iza's help with said investigation.

Gessner informed Iza two unknown individuals had somehow gained what he termed restricted information about a case. Gessner further stated the two individuals claimed to be conducting an investigation on behalf of UFOmania, which Iza informed Gessner was a fraudulent claim. Gessner stressed the need for secrecy about the matter, for whatever reasons, and apparently highly prioritized finding out who the individuals were so it could be determined how they gained access to the restricted information.

Iza requested to be put in contact with the lead investigator of the case if she was to try to be of assistance. Gessner complied, and the lead investigator was Beall. The case turned out to be the Miami-Dade sphere sighting.

During the previously referenced February 26 MUFON meeting, Beall proceeded to publicly discuss everything and much more that Gessner had emphasized was so secret and should be held in such confidentiality. As Iza had learned by this point in time through her correspondence with Beall, two individuals claiming to represent UFOmania had visited the home of the couple. The two were denied access to viewing the area in which a sighting occurred, yet returned later and entered the property without permission. The homeowner was seemingly very angry about the trespassing and apparent security breech that appeared to be the responsibility of MUFON's lack of ability to keep personal information confidential.

According to Beall, the couple apparently had other uninvited visitors as well. It has been speculated by MUFON personnel that these visiting parties may have been from a government agency or may somehow have been related to ufology entrepreneur Robert Bigelow. Current and former MUFON personnel have now made public statements in which they proclaim direct government interference in the investigation.

It is noteworthy this was a STAR investigation, at least on behalf of MUFON, and security issues are by no means new to the division. Such information leaks have occurred before.

I do not know how the deceptive visitors in question initially got the personal information of the couple/witnesses, enabling them to locate their home. Neither do I know why Gessner and Beall had such conflicting stances on secrecy and how to conduct their affairs. Lastly, I do not know exactly why the alleged visitors would choose to claim they are representing UFOmania forum when Iza and I have no knowledge whatsoever of them or their activities.
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