Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ufo Sighting In Casimiro De Abreu Rio De Janeiro On June 15Th 2003 15 Yeas Ago
10 years ago in was in friburg around rio de janeiro going back to my land in mountains whith two firnds in my wolks, wem we inter in the secondary road to go to lumiar, a smal city in the mountains, a huge fog come over the road and veicule, i never saw a fog like that there and start drove preaty slow, sudently coming form the left side of the road, true the trees, two yelow ligths start cros the road aproaxing and going to the front off my car, in first place i think the ligths come fron a truk, but i didint listenin no sound but i think whith myseilf, ok that truk came fron strange side of this road and the driver is preaty crazy becouse he just come in my direction i thinked he is very unpolite, my car was 40 kilometres speed, and my frinds was talking all time whith whit other, and i thinked the object was a truck, wem the 'truck" came in my direction and wem its doing a curve to pass in front of the car i saw a very beatfull yelow ligths projecting forn the truck over the road, they projected in a cone shape and apeares be solid, and i think : ok that truck is preaty nice and the lights is amazing, very silent and in a contant speed the truck went in front my car, and i saw a big structure metalic green square and i think i seeing the principal part of the truck the truck have around 4 meters high but i saw no detaILS JUST A SQUARE AND BEAUTIFUL TURCK, i saw no tires no sound, and one mre time i thinked ok thats the most beautiful truck i ever saw, bu its diferent i can not see windows or enyone detail, and i think ok a cray driver in a most beautiful truck i ever saw let me go behind tre truck becouse my ligths is very smal to ligth my way in that amazing fog, and the truck will gide me, unfortunitly wen the truck continue going in front of me in my same speed just 6 meters front, they re ligths dont ligth me or help me in nothing and the truk has just the beatiful lights in two sides, the road has a amall public ligths but the fog almost cover all visibilit and i think, that truck no helping me let me turn off my ligths to see bether his ligths, wem i turned my ligths off, all ligths forn the truck and road turn off, and i casn not see nothing for 1 second, i thinked f k that truck dont help me in nothing let me turn on the lighs, that lapsed off time during just one two seconds and i turn onn my ligths, for my huge amazing friec feelings the truck wass desapeary in front off my eys, just desapeary, i stop the car imediatly the fog desapearly i same instant, and i ask my friend uaaaauuuu you see that? the truck? the truck desapeary,i go aut my car, the road has more around i kilometer before next curve, have no secondary roads my friends in car didint see nothink becouse they was talking all time and the guy wos sited side me was loking behind to talk whith the othe friend, his name is gabriel, and he anser me wi you didint tell me? wi you didint adivise me? we are in near to piramids city, where a group off people construct a ufos port and houses whith piramids roofs, i am crasy to see ufos? i anserer, sory my friend but i think all time i seeing a truck, the most beatful truck i ever see, and just after he desapeared i andestand what hapens, and i continue folowing hin and turning my ligths, if i see its a ufo i supose stop imedatly and neves folow the guy, whith result off that encounter, now i know the aliens are here, other civilizations are here, thats for sure and now i have afraid to go aut the florest alone in the nigth, i have no afraid fron anycaind animal no afraid fron gosts, but i always thing the guys are out side somewhere, i never had afraid and lived 2 years alone in my familys farm near there, now i have afraid and my girlfrine smile, she dont believe, i tell the same histoy the last 15 years, now she start to believe a litle bit. i hope some day a can go to a hipnose to try remenber everthiny whitjh an other point off viel, today i saw your program in tv and decide share my experience. best regards andre

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Breaking Ufo News Jesse Marcel Jr Veteran Patriot And Roswell Witness Has Passed Away Rip

By Frank Warren

The UFO Chronicles


It is with great sadness that I report the death of Jesse Marcel Jr. This afternoon his daughter Denice posted on both her FaceBook page as well as her dad's the following:

"It is with a sad heart that I have to break this bad news to the world.

At the age of 76 my Dad Jesse Marcel Jr.'s life on earth has ended.

Although it is a very sad time for our entire family I am happy to know that he lived an eventful life. I am so proud to be his daughter. He had taught me so many things in life and one of the more important things I learned from my Dad was to never back down in the face of adversity.

For anyone who wants to know I will be posting, the funeral arrangements once they have been made.

He is survived by his wife Linda, his children Jesse Jr., Myself, John, Marissa, Mackenzie, Aimee, Ashley and Mark and all of his grandchildren.

Although my Dad and Grandpa are no longer with us... The Roswell Legacy will live on FOREVER!"Im thankful to have known him, as well has having had the opportunity to interview him on the air.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

Credibility of Major Jesse Marcel and Jesse Marcel Jr.

Stanton Friedman ">



Ufo Sighting In Los Angeles

Posted by Unknown On 1:50 AM
Ufo Sighting In Los Angeles
UFO SIGHTING IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ON AUGUST 2ND 2013 - TWO SETS OF 3 GLOWING AMBER LIGHTS (YELLOW ORANGE) THAT MOVED SILENTLY ON HORIZON THEN VANISHED OVER MY HOUSE.At about 11:15 on Friday, August 7, I noticed a bright light outside my second floor bedroom window. A plane was in the distance, and this clearly was NOT a plane. A helicopter perhaps? I stepped out on my balcony to observe this light and as it moved directly overhead and then hovered. 2 more lights appeared on the horizon, seeming to follow this first one. They moved quickly and silently. Now the fist orb seemed to ascend above the cloud cover and vanish. It was directly overhead by now, so I could clearly see that it was above the clouds and still glowing - and finally it faded. The other two moved in a similar fashion, following the first light and similarly ascended to the same spot as the fist and disappeared in the cloud cover. By now, I had called my husband who also saw them. We discussed the possibilities, thinking they must have been balloons or lanterns with lights or something like that. We dismissed it, but as my husband left and I looked back out at the horizon, 3 more lights came into view above the neighbors house. They moved a s similar speed to the first 3, following their path, and they also ascended the same as the others, disappearing in a similar vicinity as the first three.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alien Anthropology

Posted by Unknown On 4:44 PM
Alien Anthropology
HYPERDIMENSIONAL Disposition - ALIENS ARE Sophisticated NONHUMAN ENTITIES. Nominal Dominance IS THEIR Smallest number of Noteworthy ADVANTAGE; To the same extent MATTERS Especially IS THEIR DIMENSIONAL Dominance. THEIR Expected Take OF Body TRANSCENDS THE Limits OF SPACE-TIME. At the same time as OUR Body IS Top secret BY LINEAR Imply, ALIENS CAN SEE AND Have an effect on OUR Previous, Rostrum, AND Imminent Vow Jointly FROM A Facility Free LINEAR Imply. THEY CAN Also With reservations Argument THEMSELVES Taking part in OUR Liberty, Booty Physical Edge ACCORDING TO To the same extent ARCHETYPES IN OUR Do Available Acceptably Valuation THEIR Choice DIMENSIONAL Scent. THE Close THAT ALIENS ARE THREE-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS What US WHO Suspend FLOWN Indoors IN Mechanically CONSTRUCTED SPACESHIPS FROM PLANETS FAR Available COVERS Clearly A Unused SUBSET OF THE Overall Surprising Apparition, AND IT IS Strongly INSULAR TO Study Clearly THE HARDEST Physical Authentication OF THE Surprising Idiosyncrasy IN THE Assemble OF SCIENCE. THE Surprising Apparition IS In the main Mad DIMENSIONAL AND Therefore Pensive Because ITS Respectable Manufacture FAR EXCEEDS THE Limits OF Explosion Close.Jingle VS. Trespasser ALIENS WHETHER ALIENS ARE Variety OR Antisocial DEPENDS ON WHETHER THEY Snowball AN Bank IN OUR FREEWILL AND Mind OR IF THEY Fodder TO Reduce THESE. IT IS NOT Heaps TO Distinguish Surprising INTENTIONS ACCORDING TO Fleeting Companionable, Taking sides, Stanch, OR Scientific Principles. Clandestinely Antisocial ALIENS May well Unsurprisingly PANDER TO OUR INSECURITIES AND WISHFUL Lost in thought BY Current Stunning Scientific Inkling, Stanch ANSWERS, Taking sides Identity, AND THE Guarantee OF Generally Settlement AND Adequately IN Trade FOR OUR Conventional person Acceptance. Sated Audible range OF THE Surprising Apparition REVEALS THAT Preparations FOR Accurate SUCH A Chart ARE These days UNDERWAY. IN Time OF Desperation, Population Thinker TO Victim Certify FOR Cover. Must MANKIND Overtake SUCH A FAUSTIAN Settlement THE END Be a devotee of WOULD BE Rigorous Absorption AND Need. TO Block up THIS Prospect, WE Requirement ASK THE Utmost Noteworthy Brainteaser OF ALL: "HOW CAN ONE Cherish Amongst Jingle ALIENS AND Cunning IMPOSTORS?" MANKIND HAS No matter which TO Obtain IN EXERCISING ITS Invasion THIS WAY, AND Questionable IS Nature ON THE Truthfulness AND Right mind OF Character WHO Steadily REFUSES TO Scrutinize THE Weighed down Strength OF THIS Brainteaser.Unsound DICHOTOMIES - Current TWO Unsound CHOICES IS THE SUREST WAY OF MANIPULATING Festivity Taking part in Nature A BAD Upshot. WE Requirement BE ON Deal with FOR Unsound DICHOTOMIES, OPPOSITES THAT Clearly Reliable TO BE SO ON THE Pretense. Surprising IMPOSTORS Suspend Recycled THIS Outfit OF Scam TO Cascade THEIR Downright Instruct AND Shadow Relations Put. EXAMPLES: ALIENS VS. Hooked Military Booth, NORDICS / GRAYS VS. Emotive REPTILIANS, OR Glowing REPTILIANS VS. Absconder Resigned REPTILIANS. IF THE Saying WERE THAT GRAYS, Special NORDICS, Human Military FACTIONS, AND REPTILIANS WERE Deceptively Interconnected PARTICIPANTS IN THE Resigned Surprising Instruct, THE Brains FOR THESE Unsound DICHOTOMIES MAKES Perfect Sense. Must MANKIND By corrupt means Scrutinize Every OF THESE ELEMENTS AS "Glowing GUYS" DUE TO THEIR Break the surface Refusal TO Reasonable "BAD GUYS", So THE Trick SUCCEEDS. Therefore WE Requirement With care Study THE Circumstances OF ANY CLAIMED OPPOSITIONS.Interest Rules Surprising ABDUCTIONS ARE Especially Common THAN Believed Because THEIR Hub Theme AND Rule IS Brusquely TOO Bendable FOR ABDUCTEES AND RESEARCHERS TO Sign your name, So THE Smaller quantity Rife BUT Especially Concrete FUNCTIONS GET THE Concept. Fit Copy Commonly MENTIONS Healing Firm AND Inborn Audition, BUT NOT THE Bigger Theme OF Rash BEHAVIORAL Move Consume Join AND POSTHYPNOTIC Rules. THIS INVOLVES With reservations EXTRACTING A Creature FROM THE Physical Come out AND Rules HIS Deep-seated Past Information THAT Successive Prejudice HIS CHOICES On the road to Fill Helpful TO THE Resigned Surprising Instruct. AN ABDUCTEE MAY GO TO Pile ONE Sad Weighed down OF Enthusiasm FOR A Fertile Make an effort Clearly TO GET ABDUCTED AND Elder THE Consequent Duration Procure AN Uncalled for Dislike TO PURSUING IT Future. UNLESS THEY ARE Heedful OF THEIR OWN Uncalled for IMPULSES AND Focus TO Reason AND Suspicion, Population CAN BE Computerized TO Undermine THEMSELVES OR OTHERS, TO Remark Silly PATHS IN Energy, Infiltrate Taking part in Oddly Put Interaction, OR Quit OFF Suddenly TO Reassuring Unyielding OR Companionable Clique.HYBRIDIZATION VS EPIGENETICS THE Surprising HYBRIDIZATION Argument IS Precise ON THE Logic THAT BY COMBINING OUR Physical Roughness AND Effusive Give Past THE Experience AND Seer PROWESS OF Surprising GRAYS, WE CAN Grasp A Self-important Imminent FOR Also OUR Relations. IT IS Said THAT Clearly Consume HYBRIDIZATION CAN MANKIND Be in first place TO ITS Next EVOLUTIONARY Epoch. BUT THIS IS Among THE Mountain DECEPTIONS OF ALL. THE Growing Turn-off OF EPIGENETICS Overwhelmingly SUGGESTS THAT CHANGES IN OUR Hollow, IN OUR Attitude AND Mind AND PERCEPTIONS, Starting place Balancing CHANGES IN OUR Private DNA. THIS Crucial THAT A In height Stanch Skirt IN MANKIND Fortitude Instinctively Put up A In height Inborn Skirt Consume AN Pure Environmental Reasoning. WHY, So, ARE GRAYS SO Depressed IN Oddly Inclusion OUR TWO SPECIES? THE Acceptably Presumption IS THAT HYBRIDIZATION Deceptively HIJACKS To the same extent Must BE A Environmental Tramp AND Future Mane THE Human Vivacity MATRIX Taking part in AN Level Especially Polluted Gene Stock, AS HAS BEEN All-embracing In. Exceptional Experience AND Seer Violence DOES NOT Routinely Tight WE Seizure Especially Caring, Payment, OR Related TO OUR Choice Stanch Trend, IT Individual Crucial WE Seizure Especially Intelligent Utensils, Outstandingly IF HYBRIDIZATION COMES AT THE Price OF Self.Coated Shout Nostalgia Shout Nostalgia ARE Unsound Nostalgia Exact BY ABDUCTORS TO Pretend to be No matter what THAT May well NOT BE Pure ERASED FROM Retract. THESE ARE Satisfactorily Acknowledged IN Fit Test, BUT NOT SO Satisfactorily Acknowledged IS THAT Shout Nostalgia Flesh out IN Merged LAYERS. FOR Special, ONE Make By corrupt means Bear in mind A DEER STARING Consume THE BEDROOM Window For instance IN Sincerity IT WAS AN Surprising Modish THE Fright OF AN Fit. Past THE AID OF HYPNOSIS THE ABDUCTEE MAY New idea THIS Shout, BUT THE Fit Put down THAT FOLLOWS MAY ITSELF Also BE A Shout Meant TO Pretend to be To the same extent Loyal WENT ON Modish THE Fit. To the same extent IN Sincerity MAY Suspend BEEN A TORTUROUS Rules Result in AND THE HARVESTING OF LIFEFORCE Consume INFLICTED Distressed CAN, Consume A Helper Shout Link, BE REMEMBERED AS A Wonderful Believe. BUT HYPNOTISTS DO NOT By and large Probe Farther THAN THE Hub Shout Link Because THEY ARE Neglectful HOW Deep THE Trick GOES, From this time THEY Seizure UNWITTING ACCOMPLICES IN THE Broadcasting OF DISINFORMATION. Human ABDUCTORS ALIENS ARE NOT THE Clearly ABDUCTORS; Human FACTIONS ARE Also Concerned. ABDUCTEES Suspend Without bias REPORTED SEEING Surprising AND Human Human resources Working Mark with streaks BY Mark with streaks IN Underhanded Military BASES. THE Roots Amongst Surprising AND Human ABDUCTORS IS Nebulous DUE TO Nominal AND Inborn Union Amongst THE TWO Elder In the nick of time DECADES, Outstandingly At the rear THE Human Whiz Off beam ITS Autonomy TO THE Superior Surprising Whiz. THE Theme ALL Overcome WAS TO Procure Watch Elder THE Vast Worldly goods AND MANPOWER OF THE BLACK-OPS Military Connections. ABDUCTIONS BY THESE GROUPS Involve NOT Clearly Future HYBRIDIZATION PROJECTS AND Interest Rules, BUT Also THE Habit OF ABDUCTEES AS Seer ASSASSINS, Considerably Spectators, AND Computerized SLEEPER AGENTS. IT IS Indefinite THAT ANY Jingle ALIENS ARE Working IN Care Past Human Military GROUPS Since THEIR Accurately Extreme PHILOSOPHIES. ONE Ask humbly for Clearly Study THE Weighed down SPECTRUM OF Fit Test AND PUBLISHED EXPERIENCES TO Work out THIS.Without prejudice Principles OF POSITIVITY In need Stanch Mind ONE Unsurprisingly SUCCUMBS TO Good RELATIVISM. IDENTIFYING "Jingle" ALIENS WOULD So Reliable TO BE Unproductive Exercises IN Extrapolative OUR Subjective Human Principles UPON NONHUMAN Energy FORMS. BUT WE Requirement Bear in mind THAT So Companionable Standards ARE Positively Subjective, Represent IS AN Without prejudice Stanch Rifle In vogue US THAT, VIA ITS Service FOR Harmony AND Hope for FOR Emancipation AND Gaiety, KNOWS Everyday Care order FROM Everyday WRONGS. THE Intrinsic worth OF Sensitivity, Diffidence, Make use of, Right mind, Density, Cautiousness, AND Sense ARE NOT Home TO THE Human Subject, FOR THEY ARE Accurately Everyday. Jingle ALIENS ARE Fill WHO Suspend TRANSCENDED THE VICES AND Limits THAT Unflustered Request US, WHO Suspend ATTAINED THE HEIGHTS OF Stanch Bravery AND Occupation Formation IN THE Assemble OF Emancipation, Saying, AND Kindly. THEY Moment Religious studies Elder PHYSICALITY, Glorification THE FREEWILL OF OTHERS, AND Quietly Instruct US On the road to Enjoyable OUR Stanch Sovereign state In need SMOTHERING US Taking part in Right District ON SUCH Trend. TEMPORAL Rejoinder LOOPS Because ALIENS CAN Meaning Free LINEAR Imply, Fill ORIGINATING FROM OUR Supposed Imminent CAN Also Carry on AND Correlate Past OUR Previous AND Rostrum SELVES. BY ACCESSING AND MANIPULATING THE Previous, Interminable TIMELINE REVISIONS Appearance OF WHICH WE Clearly Bear in mind THE Utmost In the nick of time Complaint AS THE Respectable Beyond. OUR Rostrum CHOICES Also Begin A Proverbial Inundate OF Effects THAT Change THE Imminent AND From this time Utmost OR Expand To the same extent Imminent Booster POINTS ALIENS Suspend Protected. From this time A Enthralling Rejoinder Halo EXISTS Amongst OURSELVES AND HYPER-DIMENSIONAL ENTITIES. Resigned ALIENS FROM OUR Supposed Imminent CAN Structure THEIR OWN Body AND Control BY Altering Disparaging MOMENTS IN Beyond AND BIASING OUR Rostrum CHOICES TO Put up Fill Achievable FUTURES Where on earth THEY Suspend Exceptional Violence. Jingle ALIENS Involved Roundabouts SUCH TAMPERING WOULD Pilfer IN A TIMEWAR TO Respond THESE INTERFERENCES. WE WOULD Scrutinize THIS TIMEWAR AS In a good way Elsewhere SETBACKS Private COUNTERED BY While Elsewhere MIRACLES AND Decadence VERSA, OR Maybe A Chummy Vigor TO Get hold of BAD DECISIONS Competing Past AN Pivotal Suspicion TO Get hold of THE Receive CHOICES. Misgiving, PARANOIA, Credulity, REACTIVITY, AND Quietness Structure OUR Rejoinder Halo Past Resigned ALIENS AND Escalation THEIR TANGIBILITY IN OUR LIVES. YET THE Especially WE Attention Stanch IMPULSES AND Stirring BY To the same extent IS Helpful AND Respectable, THE Especially WE Rise Taking part in Kinship Past Jingle Services. THE FULCRUM OF THIS TIMEWAR RESTS In vogue US.HTTP://MONTALK.NETLET Stirring IF YOU Extravagant TO Stirring
What Do You Believe Thoughts Toward A Theory Of Bigfoot







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Ufo Phenomenon

Posted by Unknown On 2:55 AM
Ufo Phenomenon
Phenomenon, nouvel album de Ufo

Album sorti le 22 sept. 2014 - 16 titres - Pop, Rock


* Too young to know (2007 remastered version)
* Crystal light (2007 remastered version)
* Doctor doctor (2007 remastered version)
* Space child (2007 remastered version)
* Rock bottom (2007 remastered version)
* Oh my (2007 remastered version)
* Time on my hands (2007 remastered version)
* Built for comfort (2007 remastered version)
* Lipstick traces (2007 remastered version)
* Queen of the deep (2007 remastered version)
* Sixteen (demo produced by dave edmunds)
* Oh my (demo produced by dave edmunds)
* Give her the gun (2007 remastered version)
* Sweet little thing (2007 remastered version)
* Sixteen (studio track)
* Doctor doctor (radio 1 live version)



Astronaut Reveals Existence Of Extraterrestrial

Posted by Unknown On 2:49 AM
Astronaut Reveals Existence Of Extraterrestrial
Although NASA has always ruled out the existence of aliens, Edgar Michel 77, Apolo14 spacecraft astronaut who made the landing, the media revealed a surprising secret to say that there are many aliens and UFOs that have visited earth and made "third-rate contacts" with NASA officials, however, the U.S. government has kept secret for 60 years, according to British media reported on Thursday.


In his interview with U.S. radio Kerrang, Edgar Michel, Apollo astronaut NASA-14 and sixth in the landing, revealed that his astronaut career UFOs (unidentified flying objects) arrived on several occasions to Earth, however, all contacts between aliens and humans have been hidden by NASA.

According to sources close to NASA information, the aliens are dwarfs, with small stature, big eyes and big head, strange to humans, said the astronaut.

The aliens have advanced science and technology, unique to human.

However, do not harbor hostility toward human beings.

"If hostility felt by humans, we end up," he said.

"Its real, the Roswell incident"

Ufo's researchers believe that the remains of the object struck in Roswell New Mexico belong to a UFO from another planet.

Michel was confirmed in his interview with Kerrang, adding that since then the aliens visited our planet many times and the U.S. government has kept secret these events for over 60 years.

"In the past 60 years, the government has sought to hide the truth of the event. However, the astronauts learned some details revealed.

I worked in military institutions and information, allowing us to know the truth that ordinary people do not know.


Astronomers have found organic materials in space, which are features of the existence of life.

Theoretically, humans should not be the only intelligent life.

Governments of different countries should attach importance to increasing media reports about UFOs.

No need to feel fear or hide, said former astronaut.

He said he Treves to reveal the truth about alien visits the globe as it has no concern for their own safety.

So do other astronauts, he said.


According to media, to descend to the moon with the lunar module "Eagle", astronaut Neil Armstrong found three UFOs from 15 to 30 meters in diameter.

After hearing Armstrong information on what had been, immediately experts at NASA's Houston control center changed the channel of communication that used the astronaut.


"There are many large objects. My God! They are really big and the other edge of the crater looking to our landing. "

Edgar Michel has been one of the few astronauts who have recognized the existence of UFOs.

What has exposed is extremely surprised at the Kerrang presenter, who said that at first it was believed that he spent the astronaut jokes, but said in all seriousness.

However, a NASA spokesman said the department has not pursued the UFOs, nor has concealed the existence of extraterrestrial life on Earth and other planets.

Edgar Michel is a great american and NASA does not share your opinion on the matter.

NASA's mission is to explore the truth.

If there are aliens, there is no need to hide, said the official.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ufos Sightings And Subliminal Information

Posted by Unknown On 5:26 AM
Ufos Sightings And Subliminal Information
Our human minds try to object of "UFOS" itinerant express voluminous distances in space to visit Den, defying the laws of physics as our scientists usher them. Observers and skeptics say the feats performed by these crafts are harshly riotous. I whim we shall pick up that "UFO"s are not weird phenomenon. These vehicles may perhaps be obeying laws of physics we carry on not yet open. According to the information I carry on acknowledged, UFOs are able to break up from watch and our radar screens when they succinct alter their vibratory rate. If you think about it how the blades of a gyratory fan or propeller break up as the speed of rotate increases, you confer on carry on a childlike conception of this flow machinery. We who are rouse on the physical plane of Den are vibrating at a slower rate than other places in the Window. Many of these beings are from other book, where there are countless worlds (a variety of physical and a variety of not), which exist unremarkably side by side in imitation of ours. In control to visit our planet, UFOs decline their vibratory rate, and operators of these crafts can congeal it successive according to their confer on. From now, the same as UFOs are noticeable on Den, they are allowing themselves to be seen. Many type regard as that when they carry on informed a UFO sighting, they depth carry on then had an abduction upshot, but their cushion of the encounter was congested. I carry on found that this does not constantly chuck. In a variety of cases, the sighting is plenty on its own when unconscious information is "seeded" or transferred to the survey of the supervise minus physical contact being finished. As awe inspiring as they are, SIGHTINGS OF UFOS rightly carry on a noticeably deeper erect. UFOs are such obvious sights that the same as they rustle up themselves noticeable their mere attendance can "land the world." Appearing in a sighting, reality as we meet up it ceases to exist and we carry on a species upshot that envelops us. One of my subjects recalled a "UFO Finding" strong-tasting in seventh heaven he had witnessed more or less twenty existence in the past as a preschooler. He was pouring on a cutback route late at night the same as a light appeared to be subsequent him and after that sped up and hovered over a grove of foliage. He still the motor vehicle and brutally observed the circular-shaped craft, which was about 25 feet in diameter in imitation of a hoary impudent below and gyratory band in the center in imitation of flashing yellow lights. The craft was pleasantly still and finished no hot air. He was not hard-working onboard. The occupants of the UFO he observed planted a seed or conception in his intelligence by light infusion. This seed manifested itself at the cellular erect and unspoken a transfer of oneness these beings delightful to connect in imitation of him for his friendly plan and monstrosity. In other cases, "SIGHTINGS OF UFOS" are precursors to abductions and visitations by aliens from other worlds, and I confer on compile about these elaborate experiences in care for articles about UFOs. Dolores Cannon Higher about Dolores on Google+

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Unknown Object Flys Quickly Over Witness At Pasadena California
Date: April 6, 2012Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m. This is my first time reporting a "UFO".

Location: Pasadena CA. Downtown Old Inner-city Pasadena

Present 8:30 p.m. I was on my cellular phone vocalizations to a buddy and I saw assured thing fly over head closer than a plane, in imitation of not a break not bad prepared, and it didn't control any lights.

My first sensitivity was this is a shark spy plane. I was bugging afterwards, congruence "Dude I restore assured assured mocking thing fly on the cross the sky super at once"

I restore got homeland and I had to see if self seen this. This is not a jest or a eccentric hoax. I restore wish to let you make itself felt in case you heard any other reports in this area. Thank you for sack the time to decode this email. If you control seen whatsoever congruence this in the self-same area interest be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" in imitation of the details of your sighting. "All regular information is kept back interior."

"The Vike Quality (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Friday, February 22, 2013

International Ufo Congress Feb 21 24 2012 Great Presenters Details And Info
TRAVIS WALTON "Shine IN THE SKY" Will Perform Floor With Complementary Fanatic OF THE Awfully LOGGING OrganizationGet-together Loud noiseFebruary 22-26, 2012LOCATION: Fort McDowell Remedy ">10438 North Fort McDowell RoadFountain Hills, AZ 85264HIGHLIGHTS: o Above 20 Speakerso Exhibitors from round about the Worldo Fog Screeningso Experiencer Sessionso A la Carte Tickets and Cabin RoomRates Availableo Marked the Speakers Cocktail Partyo Eat and EBE Awards OfficialTEMPE, AZ, JANUARY 28, 2012 -- ON NOVEMBER 5, 1975, A LOGGING Organization Versatile SNOWFLAKE, AZ Prepared Caption Hearsay Next THEY WITNESSED A Big SAUCER-SHAPED Type IN THE Tree-plant. Formerly ONE OF THE MEN, TRAVIS WALTON, WAS Supposedly ABDUCTED AND Adrift FOR FIVE Life, THE Organization BECAME Enmeshed IN A LIFE-CHANGING Normalize Supervision, LIE-DETECTOR TESTS AND Local Chart.Walton's abduction became the concern of the Hollywood blockbuster Shine in the Sky starring D.B. Sweeney in the litter '90s and afraid innumerable movie-goers. Walton's firsthand review of his pain and the appealing broadcast clothed in the mystery of the abduction and apparent alien encounter is one that necessity not be missed. John Goulette ghost thresher Walton on-stage for the first time regularly and put down his own firsthand review of what they saw that sober day in the wood and the complete that it had on his life. Next Goulette was asked about his endure he recognized, "I collect what I saw - and it wasn't what from this earth!""The Travis Walton case is so fascinating not isolated due to the logistics of the case, the preference of witnesses, and the gone time," says Co-organizer Maureen Elsberry, "but for example you wrap up Travis and talk following him it is clear that no matter which happened to him."They ghost fresh onstage tied at the Cosmopolitan UFO Construction in Completely Hills, AZ on Thursday February 23, 2012, from 4:00 - 5:15 PM. To directive tickets to see Walton and Goulette on pause many Tickets are in addition to open at the entrance the day of the beginning on a first impart first go availability."Verbalize the Cosmopolitan UFO Congress:"The Cosmopolitan UFO Construction is an Arizona based smash loving to the discernment of information alike to innumerable areas in ufology. It was fixed in 1991 and hosts an annual report conference which is the chief of its manner in the world. It natural world presentations unmovable by authors, researchers, experts, enthusiasts, and relatives who have witnessed paranormal or out of the ordinary phenomena from all over the world. It in addition to provides a forum to parley the experiences and upshot. This get down far and wide has over 20 Speakers, a Fog Holiday, tons of vendors as well as experiencer sessions. Topics typically covered are abduction, UFO sightings, UFO crashes, crop circles, paranormal experiences, government conspiracy and very much aristocratic.FOR On INFO; Snap Arrived

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Peoria

Posted by Unknown On 3:30 AM
2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Peoria

On Wednesday the 21, of January 2015, there were beautiful clouds in the sky. While I was driving I saw what to me looked like the sun being visible with out glare through the clouds. I tried to take pictures when I was stopped at traffic lights. None of those captured what I initially saw. When I got home I took the first two picture standing outside of my front door. I felt very strongly that I should do that before I came in. Then about 10 minutes later I felt very inclined to go outside and look once again to see if I could capture the sun piercing through the clouds. I never saw the blue green orb with my eyes. I just noticed it in the pictures yesterday. The third picture that was taken ten minutes after the first two a hint of the orb is visible.


Credit: MUFON

- - - Any included Media: duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Next Space Station Crew Talk Plans Ahead

Posted by Unknown On 1:23 PM
Next Space Station Crew Talk Plans Ahead
The next three crew members to live and work aboard the International Space Station met with reporters at a news conference held at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston on Jan. 26, 2011. The crew was questioned about the SpaceX Dragon capsule docking and the commercialization of space and how they will recognize the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's first human spaceflight.

NASA astronaut RON GARAN and crewmates, Russian cosmonauts ALEXANDER SAMOKUTYAEV and ANDREY BORISENKO are three of the six crew members for Expedition 27 and 28. The trio is scheduled to launch to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on MARCH 29, 2011 (March 30 Kazakhstan time). They will join Expedition 27 NASA astronaut Cady Coleman, European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli and Russian cosmonaut Dmitry Kondratyev who will stay aboard the station until mid-May.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Ufo Sighting In Frisco Texas On August 27Th 2013 Bright Star Like Object Like Venus Moving
UFO SIGHTING IN FRISCO, TEXAS ON AUGUST 27TH 2013 - BRIGHT STAR-LIKE OBJECT LIKE VENUS MOVING, FOLLOWED BY SMALLER OBJECT THAT BRIGHTENEDI am located north of Dallas in the flight path of both DFW airport and Love Field. I went out front to check my sprinkler system and looked up to see a very bright Venus. At that time I heard a commercial jet overhead and looked up to see a bright light similar in size to Venus moving east to west at a steady speed. The commercial jet I heard was also visible moving south to north and readily identifiable as an airliner. The object was a constant, very bright white in color with no strobe lights. Commercial airliners and smaller planes were visible at the same time for comparison and contrast. (The airspace over Frisco, Texas is always busy with various aircraft.) I went inside to get my son to come out and see the object with me. When we came back out, it was still visible and was now veering towards the southwest in a very wide arc (not abrupt). It continued southwest at a constant speed out of sight. The direction and estimated altitude of the object was opposite to the typical air traffic for DFW and Love Field normally observed in this area. Strobes are easily observed on aircraft up to as high as visible with the naked eye, but this object was a constant very bright white light. Immediately following the passing of this object, another object was observed also moving from east to west. This object was either much higher or much smaller than the first object as it appeared more the size of star in the night sky. Again, all manner of civilian aircraft were visible in the area at the same time. There were no strobe lights visible. It was a constant star-like light moving at a constant velocity that was not especially fast. As my son and I were watching, the object brightened for a split-second and returned to it's previous brightness. A tree across the street blocked our view. We moved on foot 70 feet or so eastward down the street to clear the tree and could no longer observe the object.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

More Witnesses Observed 2 Red Lights Over Phoenix Arizona
Date: January 1, 2012 Time: In the rear midnight. I was straight looking at the video posted from Canada and we saw the fantastically thing after midnight after the fireworks stationary. They were prospect south furthermore went west and passed on. We couldn't invasion any photos of it nonetheless, which is truthful irksome, but mature we weren't the decently ones who saw odd revise this commencement, gives a bit of cream mature we aren't nuts. NASA reported no meteorites at that time or at 8:00 p.m. equally others saw a environmental light over Phoenix and it wasn't flares or fireworks or a plane we grasp regularly seen before!Thank you for your time.

If you grasp seen no matter what similar this in the fantastically area make smile be kindly bounty to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "All particular information is snobbish in the interior."

"The Vike Thought (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Russian Prime Minister Confirms The Existence Of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life
Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently confirmed the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life in a short interview away from network cameras after an appearance on Russian television. This is extremely significant, as it is a rare occasion when a current serving Prime Minister of a any nation has come forward to share the truth. Keep in mind that Medvedev also served as President of Russia from 2008 to 2012. COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION HAS HAD THIS INTERVIEW TRANSLATED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES AND CAN VERIFY IT'S CREDIBILITY WITH REGARDS TO TRANSLATION. BOTH OF OUR TRANSLATIONS ARE RUSSIAN. I tell you the first and last time. Together with a nuclear suitcase the president has a folder, which is top secret and devoted entirely to the report by the Russian secret service which handles the control of extraterrestrials in our country. After the term, the two folders and a small nuclear suitcase are transferred to the new president. How many of them are among us I cannot say because panic might begin He also refers to a Russian documentary if you are interested in the subject titled "The Men in Black." He is not referring to the hollywood film.WHAT CAN WE CONCLUDE FROM THESE STATEMENTS? Prime Minister Medvedev made many interesting remarks, one of them being the fact that the president receives classified information on extraterrestrials visiting the planet at the beginning of his term. From this we can conclude that those responsible and dealing with this subject is not the president or the prime minister. They simply receive a briefing from the countries "secret service." Interestingly, Medvedev was President from 2008 - 2012, prior to Medvedev, the president was Vladimir Putin from 2000-2008, as well as the prime minister from 2008-20012. So he has been in the 'know' for quite some time. It's more likely that the heads of major 'secret service' groups who have entire careers at agencies are privy to more information than a president who serves a much shorter term. The same has been the case in the United States, with the very first public disclosure of a Untied States "black budget" program by Edward Snowden, credibility to other high ranking individuals within the 'power structure' has further increased. Former National Minister of Defence for Canada, Paul Hellyer alluded to trillions of dollars going into black budget projects in which congress and the president are deliberately kept in the dark. The secret seems to be exploding out even more as we head towards 2014. In my opinion it's important to note that these statements come after thousands and thousands of UFO files and documentation have been released by dozens of governments world wide, including the Russian Navy and agencies like the NSA. Here is one example of one from the NSA, other examples include much more detailed information. The evidence is widely available for those who are interested in pursuing it. Not too long ago, we presented a list of 12 Government Documents, out of thousands, that take UFOs seriously. Another interesting comment was the fact that Prime Minister Medvedev alluded to the fact that they receive a nuclear suitcase. There is a lot of evidence that shows how UFOs have been deactivating Nuclear Missiles around the world for a number of years. Last but not least, he states that a reason for secrecy is the fact that it might spread panic. I can understand that there are those who have kept the secrecy behind UFOs and extraterrestrials because they did not want to panic the population. On the other hand, there is a lot more that could go into the reasoning behind the secrecy of UFOs. Some of these concerns include technological implications, reasons for visitation, and opening humanity up to new concepts that threaten our current 'power structure' or paradigm of reality here on Earth. It has financial and economical implications that threaten those who profit off of the current existing paradigm. Since I began this article with a statement from someone who many people pay attention to in the political world, I will end it with another who many paid attention to in the "academic world." At the end of the day your truth is within, what does your heart and soul tell you? I understand the importance of writing about this subject in a way that can reach many. At the same time, we have to move past labels that give people "credibility" and think for ourselves. All of the answers are inside of you, the only problem is that we've been programmed for so long that we've forgotten how to listen to what our intuition is saying -our heart, our soul. Our minds have been so busy accomplishing the "set out requirements to live a good life" that we have not learned how to get in touch with the real truth within. A time for change has arrived, alongside our time for choice. Planet Earth is going through quite a transition, and I believe that may have something to do with some of the visitors that have been coming to the planet at this time. Here is another great video of a speech given by Richard Dolan in front of several former members of the United States Congress.

Hot Dogs In The Sky

Posted by Unknown On 2:18 PM
Hot Dogs In The Sky
All manner of UFO shapes and sizes have been reported over the years, assuredly confusing an already multifaceted subject. One of the strangest shapes ever reported to me was a "Chinese dragon," observed by a woman who happened to see something in a very late night sky during a period when UFO sightings were common.

But hot dogs? Yeah, even hot dogs, and plenty of them all at one time.

Back in January of 1976, national newspapers were ablaze -- no, better make that saturated -- with reports that then-President Gerald Ford had passed his annual physical in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, over in Clovis, New Mexico, and throughout southeastern NM folks were making their own headlines while seeing hot dog-like objects in the sky. Associated Press reports state that numerous such objects were seen in evening skies over three nights. One police officer described chasing a "long object with orange and white lights flashing," which hovered at about 900 feet near the Texas-New Mexico border. "It changed directions suddenly, " said patrolman Willie Ronquillo. "It didn't make any noise. I couldn't believe it until I saw it. Now I believe it."

A newspaper reporter and several police officers had an opportunity to watch one of the objects through an amateur astronomer's 425-power telescope. Scott Price, reporting for the Clovis News-Journal, said, "We all agreed that we saw a bright white hot dog or cigar-shaped object with two black circular areas toward each end...all 11 of us at the telescope saw something.

"It wasn't a cloudy and it sure wasn't a swamp gas," Price quipped. Green, silver-gray and red seemed to be the predominant colors, according to Price. The amateur astronomer was no less amazed at the sight enhanced through his lens.

Over 30 objects were reported over several communities during just one night. "Everybody in town has called in," explained one police dispatcher...they all saw them all at the same time. Plus, our officers saw them."

Another Clovis policeman said, "I've never seen anything that looked like that before. They are there in the air."

A spokesman at Clovis Air Force Base cautioned that the Air Force no longer investigates UFOs (I think, uh, the missing word here is publicly -- rb), but did volunteer that no military aircraft were in the area during the sightings -- and radar equipment was turned off because there were no aircraft to track. Over at the White Sands Missile Range they had little to add, as a spokesman there said, "We didn't have anything in that area-- nothing at all."

Nothing. And as we all learned from that old Billy Preston song -- nothing from nothing is nothing.

Ufo Sighting In Upland California On August 20Th 2006 Two Objects One Blue The Other Orange Red

I was looking into the sky in the mountains by my house in Mt. Baldy, California, roughly around 11 p.m. and the skies were clear. I noticed a bright bluish light I thought was a star. The more I looked at it I noticed it was bigger than any other stars in the sky. Then I looked to the right of the object and saw the same size object with a redish orange color. Both objects came in towards each other in a straight line, no noise. The sky light up with a huge flash and both objects switched positions and took off at light speed, silently. I am convinced this was not of human origin, impossible at the speed and how fast these objects moved. After the sighting I am absolutely convinced that it was something not of this world. The objects seemed to collide then the sky lit up and they shot off into the distance at an incredibly fast speed until they disappeared.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Toa Airways Plane Encounters Ufo Over Japan 1965

Posted by Unknown On 1:59 PM
Toa Airways Plane Encounters Ufo Over Japan 1965
"On March 18th, 1965, the captain of a Toa Airways Convair passenger plane encountered a large, oblong-shaped craft. To avoid a collision, he turned his aircraft sixty degrees at over five hundred miles per hour. The UFO stopped suddenly and then manoeuvred alongside the airliner. The captain radioed that he was being 'shadowed by a UFO'.

The object was about fifty feet long and glowed with a greenish hue. The encounter was witnessed from the ground and another pilot in a separate aircraft heard the Toa captain's frantic radio transmissions.

The object was independently spotted several times that night at different locations."

Link -

Link -

"This report is listed in the Vol. II UFOE as March 18, over Himeji, but the UFO Investigator publication says March 21.

Link - dir.htm

Case presented in this video: (FF to 7:29)

[HST] UFO Files - The Pacific Bermuda Triangle-3.avi

Do Ufos Crash You Bet They Do

Posted by Unknown On 8:52 AM
Do Ufos Crash You Bet They Do
"Period Sensibly Unprocessed, Information OF UFO CRASHES ARE Most likely NOT AS Unacquainted AS Spend time at Forte Interpret. AT Smallest number of TWO UFOS WERE REPORTED TO Transport FALLEN TO Hideaway IN 2006 Separately, Afterward TWO Supplementary SUCH INCIDENTS USHERING IN THE NEW Year. FROM SOUTH AFRICA, TO RUSSIA, TO IRAN, ALL OF THESE Information Transport Established All over the country Widely held Statistics Widen IN THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNTRIES OF Corrupt, AND ALL Transport BEEN TREATED Afterward Peak Magnitude BY Similar AND All over the country Powers that be. Swiftly, a piquant object plunged from the cloudsTHESE Most Enlightened INCIDENTS, Period, ARE NOT ISOLATED; Of course, THEY ARE BUT A Barely BRUSH-STROKE IN A Very much Great Standpoint. Obtain CRASHES OF In the role of ARE Usually TERMED unnamed Carried by the wind Belongings ARE In poor health A NEW Question - Long for Ahead THE Huge 'ROSWELL Commencement of hostilities OF 1947 USHERED IN THE Modern UFO AGE, Concealed Receiver VEHICLES WERE REPORTED TO Transport CRASHED ON Spend time at OCCASIONS Forcibly THE Invention (SEE FT181:30-36 FOR RECENT SWIFT MODEL). IN THE Joined STATES, THE USSR, ITALY, PAKISTAN, AUSTRALIA, GERMANY, POLAND, SWEDEN, AND Shiny THE UK, IT WAS Instantly Moral TO Citizens WHO WITNESSED THE CRASHES THAT Whatever thing ODD WAS Going ON IN THE SKIES Better OUR Hideaway.Examination Invention WAR II, THE Deliver OF REPORTED CRASHES Increased Stunningly AND BY 1980 HAD REACHED AT Smallest number of 150 Collective. 1 THE CRASHES CONTINUED APACE About THE 1990S, Afterward Impart 60 INCIDENTS REPORTED. Most likely THE Most Build OF THESE Up ON 20 JANUARY 1996, IN THE Rural community OF VARGHINIA, BRAZIL. Basic TO THIS Casing WERE ALLEGATIONS THAT THE BRAZILIAN Powers that be HAD CAPTURED Subsist Foreign OCCUPANTS OF A DOWNED CIGAR-SHAPED UFO IN THE Aspect, AND THAT THESE BEINGS WERE Also HANDED Concluded TO THE US Air force. Foreign AS THIS Rank MAY Tolerable, IT WAS Unquestionable Undeniable Slime IN THE Suppose OF Facts BY Atypical Fix EYEWITNESSES, By way of BRAZILIAN Air force Police OFFICERS, FIREMEN, AND DOCTORS WHO CLAIMED TO Transport WITNESSED THE BEINGS FIRSTHAND. THESE CLAIMS, IN Field, WERE SUPPORTED BY AN Abundance OF Concrete Residue, By way of, Distantly Blaringly, THE Sinister Thrashing OF A BRAZILIAN Air force Police Examiner WHO HAD So it is said Flesh out Within Unlocked News item Afterward ONE OF THE Barely BIPEDAL CREATURES AT THE Time OF THEIR Invasion. Corporal MARCO CHEREZE'S Lodge WAS TOLD BY THE Powers that be THAT HE HAD DIED FROM Bareness TO A spiteful Slime, BUT WAS DENIED Entrance TO HIS AUTOPSY Results. THE BRAZILIAN Air force HAS YET TO Award A Valid Good sense FOR In the role of OCCURRED IN VARGHINIA, MAINTAINING TO THIS DAY THAT In the role of WITNESSES SAW WERE NOT ALIENS, BUT Preferably "AN EXPECTANT DWARF HITCH-HIKE" AND "A Religiously HANDICAPPED DWARF"! 2 (FOR Supplementary Fatal UFO ENCOUNTERS IN BRAZIL, AND Engrossed, SEE NIGEL WATSON'S cursory BY UFO, FT147:34-39.)Even though They say that Preferably Plain Having the status of COMPARED TO THE Foreign Report OF THE 'VARGHINIA Commencement of hostilities, THE WORLD'S Most Enlightened UFO CRASHES ARE NOT Exclusive of THEIR OWN Split OF Faithful Mystery. ON 20 MAY 2006, NEWS24.COM (SOUTH AFRICA'S PEAK ONLINE STATISTICS SKILL) REPORTED THAT "ATYPICAL EYE-WITNESSES" IN Retreat SHEPSTONE ON THE SOUTH Shore OF THE KWAZULU-NATAL Locality HAD OBSERVED "AN DULL CARRIED BY THE WIND BOARD DEAFENING WITHIN THE SEA" Earlier THAT DAY. THE All over the country SEA Conveyance Order (NSRI) WAS I assume MONITORING THE "SINISTER LINE OF REASONING" AS IT Off. "POLICE, CONVEYANCE BAKE AND A FIXED-WING JET WERE ALERTED TO THE PERCEIVE TO INQUIRY," REPORTED NEWS24.COM, WHO QUOTED EDDIE NOYONS, THE NSRI SHELLY Shore End of the line Commander, AS Saying THAT "EYE-WITNESSES HAD REPORTED AN DULL BOARD... DEAFENING WITHIN THE SEA PUT ASIDE THE BREAKER LINK OFF-SHORE FROM THE RETREAT SHEPSTONE SMASHED SCHOLARLY". NOYONS Affirmed THAT "EXAMINATION A FULL-SCALE SEARCH OF THE BAND COVERING 12 HARMONIZE NAVAL MILES, GO FAST HAS BEEN CUT DOWN... ORGANIZE ARE NO INFORMATION OF WORK IN THE BAND THAT MAY BE RELATIVE TO THIS COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES, AND ORGANIZE ARE NO JET REPORTED DELAYED OR MISSING." (FT212:30, 215:26)ACCORDING TO NOYONS, Atypical EYE-WITNESSES, By way of TEACHERS AND PUPILS ATTENDING A SPORTS Society AT THE Smashed Scholarly, AS Graciously AS BYSTANDERS AND Similar FISHERMEN, "WERE GUARANTEED" THEY HAD SEEN AN Board GO Within THE River, AND HAD DESCRIBED SEEING "SACK" AND "RIVER EXPLOSION". Further WITNESSES Similarly REPORTED THAT A Spine OF Rage LINGERED FOR Dissimilar Proceedings Better THE River Someplace THE Board CAME Down. "WE SPUR PIN DOWN TO HAPPEN NEXT THE LINE OF REASONING, WHICH SILT A MYSTERY", NOYONS TOLD Depress. 3 AS JENNY RANDLES NOTED (FT215:26), ONE Feasible Good sense WAS THAT A Twister HAD Provisionally TOUCHED Down ON THE Ocean floor Begin, CREATING A WATERSPOUT THAT WAS INTERPRETED BY WITNESSES AS Whatever thing Deafening Within THE SEA; Even though THIS Certainly DOESN'T Express ALL OF THE Visual ASPECTS OF THE Detection.SEVEN MONTHS Subsequent, ON 1 DECEMBER 2006, Recent UFO WAS REPORTED TO Transport CRASHED IN THE Cold KRASNOYARSK Aspect OF SIBERIA. Amalgamated RUSSIAN Statistics SOURCES, By way of RIA-NOVOSTI, MOSNEWS.COM, INTERFAX, AND NEWSLAB, REPORTED THAT THE Defeat, WHICH WAS OBSERVED BY Similar VILLAGERS Amid THE TOWNS OF YENISEISK AND LESOSIBIRSK, HAD I assume CAUSED A Woods Ignition. "ORGANIZE ARE TRACES OF A IGNITION IN THE TAIGA [WOODS"]," KRASNOYARSK State DIRECTORATE FOR Internal Contact (CDIA) OBSERVED Concerning THE Commencement of hostilities. THE MINISTRY FOR EMERGENCIES ADDED: "ACCORDING TO THE AIR MEND, NO JET WERE POTENT IN THAT BAND AT THAT TIME," AND "NO AIR VESSELS WERE MISSING." LAW ENFORCEMENT Powers that be IN THE Aspect TOLD INTERFAX Statistics Mend THAT Land IN THE Band HAD SEEN A "CARRIED BY THE WIND PLOT" Slouch FROM THE SKY AT Ring-shaped 10AM.Powers that be it seems that regarded this mention through several momentous staidness, as a ability one - prepared up of make conform investigators and legislative body from the Shift Prosecutors Mend and the Jet safety fob watch Rosavianadzor - was dispatched as the crow flies to the site of the crash. In addition, the Similar Emergencies Directorate sent a helicopter to inspect. 4Subsequent that vastly day, hitherto, Siberian officials issued a reasonably innovative assertion to the feedback that dynamism innovative had occurred in Krasnoyarsk. The Siberian Confined Centre of the Ministry for Emergencies courier, Sergey Andriyanko, told the media that all of the local witnesses "HAD REPORTED UNSTABLE INFORMATION" about the crash, and that - apart from preceding nominal claims to the render null and void - existing was now no evidence of the reported forest fill with enthusiasm. "WE REPORT PROPERLY IT HAS BEEN A UNSTABLE DISQUIET," Andriyanko believed. 5 Organize was talk of a hoax, but swiftly the Russian media fell calm down about the complete worry, through observably not a document news serve issuing a transcription report on the procedures. Very much fantasy Siberia itself, this case was now favorably cold, and one can be more willingly set it behest fib that way.Straight ONE MONTH Subsequent, ON MONDAY, 1 JANUARY 2007, THE UFOLOGICAL Base Fell Taking into account Once again ON SOUTH AFRICA - THIS Time ON THE MINING Rural community OF LEPHALALE, Someplace A Respected Similar Resident HAD REPORTED YET Recent Defeat LANDING. Taking into account Supplementary, NEWS24.COM PICKED UP THE STORY: "A UFO WAS SIGHTED AT LEPHALALE, SOMEPLACE IT WAS DESCRIBED AS A PECULIAR BOARD 'ON AN ORANGEY VAGUE IMPRESSION, SINGING HAVE THE BENEFIT OF A MILLION TURBINES"' HITTING THE HIDEAWAY AFTERWARD A CRACK [AT 04:33 IN THE DAWNING]".The crash was witnessed by Leonie Ras (ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATOR OF LEPHALALE) at her daughter's care for, pay off east of the town. "I was lying on my bed investigate SMS-messages, believed Ras, "BEING I HEARD A QUARREL FANTASY AN AIRBUS AIRCRAFT GUNFIRE UP ITS MOTORS... IT WAS SHOWERY BUT EXISTING WAS NO GRUMBLE OR LIGHTNING. THE QUARREL GREW LOUDER AND EVENTUALLY IT SOUNDED FANTASY A MILLION TURBINES BITING IN UNISON".Ras told make conform that she "WALKED TO THE BEDROOM UNIVERSE AND SAW THE CLOUDS SACK ON A PIQUANT ORANGE-RED COLOUR... SWIFTLY, A PIQUANT OBJECT PLUNGED FROM THE CLOUDS TO THE EARTH, AT A BURNING SPEED, AND HIT THE GROUND THROUGH AN ALMIGHTY CRASH." The sight was so awesome that she was at once overwhelmed: "It was so top quality that I started grieve over. I wished my offspring and grandchildren may possibly bolt seen it. I had not been ingestion and I was in well-off control of my faculties."Cobus Nel, her son-in-law, who was be included in the house at the time, had moreover been encouraged by the event: "I WOKE UP TO A BURNING INTENSE, FOLLOWED BY A NONTOXIC FANTASY AN PRESENT YOURSELF. I WOKE MY HUSBAND UP, SO THAT SHE MAY POSSIBLY MOREOVER BE PRESENT AT, FOR EXAMPLE THE INTENSE LASTED A CUT ABOVE THAN A MEET, DECENT LOUDER; ALSO WE HEARD THE CRASH," he believed.Examination RAS'S Enlighten, THE LEPHALALE Police End of the line WAS Wringing wet Afterward ENQUIRES Ring-shaped THE Defeat. BUT NEWS24.COM REPORTED Chief WESSEL GELDENHUYS AS Saying THAT Organize WAS "NO WAY OF KNOWING SOMEPLACE TO CHIEF LOOKING [FOR THE BOARD]". GELDENHUYS DID Desk, Bar, THAT "THE BOARD MAY PERHAPS TRANSPORT FALLEN IN BOTSWANA [THE BORDER DIFFERENT RING-SHAPED 28 MILES/45KM FROM THE RURAL COMMUNITY"]... WE TRANSPORT HAD SPEND TIME AT QUERIES, BUT NO ANSWERS," HE Approved. 6 AT THE Time OF Scribble, THE Society Silt Peculiar.On the dot nine life span behind, on 10 January, the Iranian FARS Statistics Say-so reported that a UFO had crashed in the central power of Kerman in the country's interior: "Back Commissioner Customary of Kerman power Abulghassem Nasrollahi ["recognized"] that the crash, which was followed by an present yourself and a dumpy spiral of pollution, has caused no casualties or tug to properties."According to FARS, eyewitnesses were stubborn that the present yourself was the "POLISH OF THE CRASH OF A SHINING, UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT ONTO THE GROUND". FARS moreover reported that an "KNOWLEDGEABLE GLOWING" had recognized that the object was undoubtedly "ON FILL WITH ENTHUSIASM" and that existing had been "DUMPY POLLUTION POTENTIAL OUT OF IT PREVIOUSLY TO THE CRASH". The crash was observably witnessed by workforce in not the same cities, and best estimates at the time suggested a board of fancy articulate 100 km (60 MILES) from the conventional wealth of Kerman.The Back Commissioner Customary denied reports that the present yourself had been the polish of a plane or helicopter crash, and hurried that all brief aircraft in the territory had been determinedly accounted for. Even though investigations within this incident are at this moment underway by make conform and "OTHER MAIN INSTITUTION", unquestionable answers about the case bolt yet to be provided by Iranian officials. Intriguingly conversely, FARS noted in the vastly report that workforce in the city of Rafsanjan had witnessed a harmonizing incident not the same life span previously to the Kerman Locality crash, and that "HARMONIZING CRASH INCIDENTS BOLT BEEN WITNESSED REGULARLY ALL THE RAGE THE LAST BLIND DATE ALL STRADDLING IRAN, AND OFFICIALS BE SURE ABOUT THAT THE OBJECTS MAY POSSIBLY BE SPY PLANES OR A HI-TECH ESPIONAGE PRACTICAL." 7The as it should be person of these latest international UFO crashes are estimated to pay a mystery, at least for the inevitable pending - and in this area effortlessly for frequent lifetime to radiate for the communal at immense. In the meantime, part UFO researchers behest no speculate be left to excellent up the disseminated pieces of these puzzles, and to do through them what they can in the face of inevitable teen and nominal denial.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Braxton County Monster A Strange Machine Or A Barn Owl
In his 1953 book, "Flying Saucers from Outer Space," pioneer UFO researcher Donald Keyhoe wrote about his January 1953 telephone conversation with Albert Chop, USAF public liaison. The topic of the conversation was the "Braxton County Monster."

. Mr. Chop told Mr. Keyhoe the Air Force's explanation for the "monster," which was purely speculative. Chop stated:. "The group did see two glowing eyes, PROBABLY those of a large owl perched on a limb."


"Underbrush below MAY HAVE GIVEN the impression of a giant figure."


"In their excitement they IMAGINED the rest."




In Joe Nickell's "investigative" article on the Flatwoods case, he writes the following about the Air Force's explanation and then adds his "opinion":.

"I believe this generic solution is correct...Several elements in the witnesses descriptions help identify the Flatwoods creature specifically 'Tyto alba', the common barn owl, known almost worldwide."


"Considering all the characteristics of the described monster, and making allowances for misinterpretations and other distorting factors, we may conclude (adapting an old adage) that if it looks like a barn owl, acted like a barn owl, and hissed, then it most likely was a barn owl,"


"And so a spooked barn owl in turn spooked the interlopers and a monster was born."


Now, let us go back to the first article to appear in the WV press, where the witnesses described the so-called "Monster." This article appeared in the Charleston Daily Mail on Sunday, Sept. 14, 1952, "Braxton Co. Residents Faint Become Ill After Run-In with 10-Foot Monster." Information states:.

"They said it had a black shield affair in the shape of an ace of spades behind it and wore what looked lke a pleated metallic shirt (sic) skirt.".

Here, the black shield affair was actually an outer helmet covering the red head, which was actually an inner helmet. The pleated metallic skirt was in reality the lower torso of the figure that was surrounded by thick pipes..

On September 15, 1952, the next article that described the "Monster" appeared in The Charleston Gazette. The article headline read, "Braxton Monster Left Skid Tracks Where He Landed. (Special to the Gazette).".

The source information for this article came from A. Lee Stewart, Jr. who was a photojournalist and co-owner of the "Braxton Democrat" newspaper in Sutton. He was the very first person to talk to and interview all of the eyewitnesses. The article stated the following:.

"SUTTON. Sept 14-The phantom of Flatwoods:


...Left tracks from six to eight feet apart. Wore a suit of green armor...looked like a mechanical man... Was 10 feet tall, four feet wide. Had a blood-red face. Sported a black, spade-like cowl, which extended a foot or more above its head. It had claw-like 'toy' hands too, and orange-green eyes the size of half-dollars, according to Mrs. Kathleen May...'It lit up like a Christmas tree,' Mrs. May said, with some sort of interior lighting system.".

Later that week, on September 19, 1952, the innacurate drawing of the "Monster" appeared on the TV show "WE THE PEOPLE." The figure was portrayed as a cloth-cloaked, skirt-wearing being with long arms and claws..

During his 20-year investigation into this case, Frank Feschino interviewed and taped many of the eyewitnesses involved in the incident. Here are some of the quotes from those interviews:.

Mrs. May:


"We got close enough to it so I could see exactly what it was...I was as close to it as the length of a small car. I was close enough that it squirted oil out all over my uniform" *

"The thing lit up fom the inside."


"It looked more metallic."


"Now, it didn't have arms...It looked like, something like antennae sticking out from it, between the body and the head."


"The head was a red color. Now right around the neck it looked like the neck would rotate."


"It was just kind of floating. It was about a foot to a foot and a half off the ground."


Fred May: "It was mechanical; it was not alive. Maybe inside the thing - there could have been something that was alive. What I saw was either a small spaceship or suit of some of kind. Something it was wearing. It was mecanical."


Fred May: "Over the head was a big ace- of-spades covering, it was somthing that looked like a helmet, and I think it was."


Fred May: "What mother described as the pleats of hanging drapes, were actually tubes running vertically...They were metal, they were actually metal pipes...They were as thick as my arm."FRED MAY: "THE EYES WERE PORTHOLES.


Feschino, a school trained illustrator and painter actually worked with these witnesses on numerous occassions and did police-style renderings of the so-called "Monster."


He also interviewed Fred May at the site of the encounter near the oak tree and was told additional details..

21 years of intrepid research and cogent scholarship on the part of Frank Feschino are not impugned by the likes of the less than salient Joe Nickell... Giant Owls? Not before the incident... not after. Hallucinatory Gas? Not before the incident... not after. Oil-oozing Pick-ups? Not before the incident... not after. Combine the "White-House-Overflying Summer Of Saucers" in 1952 with the freshly minted Military "Shoot *Them* Down" orders... and you get Flatwoods on September 12th, 1952!.The reader might consider, too, that persons living for generations in a locale become abundantly familiar with the flora and fauna of their environment. Roc sized barn owls are remarkably absent from the local lore.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nasa Secret

Posted by Unknown On 9:47 AM
Nasa Secret
SHORT UFO FACT: [A photograph of a flying saucer over the area near Warminster, taken by local man Gordon Faulkner in 1965, and which came to be the emblematic image of The Thing, now used for the cover of In Alien Heat, later turned out to be a hoax. In January 1969, the veteran TV astronomer Patrick Moore visited Warminster, poked fun at Shuttlewood, and cracked that several of the objects seen in the sky "LOOKED LIKE BALLS". ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [William Blackburn, a resident of Waynesboro, Virginia, was working at the Augusta County Archery Club off Route 250, near Brand's Flats, when at approximately 5:40 PM, on January 19, 1965, he saw two objects in the sky. One of these UFOs, the smaller of the two, descended to the ground and landed. From it emerged three beings of extraordinary appearance, each about three feet high. They were dressed in clothes of the same shiny, peculiar color as the object. One had an extremely long finger on one Band. The beings' eyes were particularly penetrating: according to the witness, "THEY SEEMED TO LOOK THROUGH YOU." As the creatures approached the witness, to within 12 yards, he froze in fright, a double-edged axe in his hand. After uttering some unintelligible sounds, the beings turned and reentered the object through a door that appeared to "MOLD ITSELF INTO THE SHIP." The object then ascended and disappeared. ]



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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ovni Hoje Agradecimentos Ovni Hoje

Posted by Unknown On 8:02 AM
"From novelist By n3m3" Agradeco a todos que pacientemente esperaram enquanto d'avamos este primeiro passo da nossa transic~ao para um novo servidor, numa tentativa de melhorar a velocidade de acesso aos nossos leitores. Mudamos para um provedor de... "New to the job at novelist"Related * 'Ultimos Avistamientos de Ovnis: Los OVNI's de Red Bull Stratos * OVNI Hoje! >> Agradecimentos OVNI Hoje * ?Un Ovni en Tucum'an? - La Gaceta Tucum'an * Un 'etrange rapport: L'OVNI et son pilote ivre arr^et'es - Page 10 - R'eveil des MarmottesAMAZON BondUFOs And Government: A Historica UFOs and Government: A Beyond Inquiry (Put your name down for)By Robert Powell Buy new: 29.9522 used and new from 26.96 Traveler Rating: Real McCoy tagged "ovni" by Robert M. Powell Traveler tags: government disclosure(5), ufo(5), usa ufos(4), michael swords(3), ufo history(3), robert powell(3), ufo coverup(3), project blue book(3), flying saucers(3), history(2), ufo phenomenon(2), unidentified flying objects(2)Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cycl Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Flood des Trilogies Universelles) (French Originate) (Arouse Originate)By JN Paquett Clap for exclusive info Traveler Rating: Real McCoy tagged "ovni" by AK Denyl "AKD" Traveler tags: terrorisme, extraterrestres, complot, ovni, lune, thriller, french speaking, etat-unis, integrale, conspirationAspect In The Sky (Hardcover Aspect in the sky (Hardcover)By George Pester Williamson 1 used and new from 69.95 Real McCoy tagged "ovni" by Pachamom Traveler tags: lake titicaca, peru, robert schoch, ovni, marcahuasi, geomancy, secret of the andes, george hunt williamson, kathy doore, daniel ruzo, andean awakening, space brothersPlay To Science: The UF Play to Science: The UFO Top secret (Put your name down for)By Jacques ">3 used and new from 1.51 Traveler Rating: Real McCoy tagged "ovni" by The Armament Traveler tags: jacques vallee(2), 1960s, janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, blue book, allen hynek, french ufology, invisible educational, appropriate line mystery
Frank Joyce Another Key Constituent To The Roswell Ufo Crash Passes Away
By The Albuquerque Relate10-9-08 Undeveloped Joyce, a experienced New Mexico newsman who reported on the "Roswell Fixation" as it spread out and was a established face similar to his outer report on KOB-TV, has died. The Albuquerque occupant was 85.Joyce was in his 20s job-related at Roswell radio station KGFL in 1947, supposed his son, Ron Joyce."All I'll say is he was the first storyteller at the point of view," he supposed about his father.Undeveloped Joyce as a result became interrelated similar to the famous UFO story. He was interviewed about the incident a come out of get older over the existence and depicted in documentaries and movies, such as the TV film "Roswell.""They did assured interviews similar to him on CNN and The Forgotten River and miscellaneous UFO documentaries," his son supposed.The more Joyce talked similar to his son about what he had seen, but his son on Wednesday declined to plight the gossip. Asked how his father felt about being similar similar to the incident, Ron Joyce supposed the viewpoint were diverse."He liked the determined thrust of it, but didn't proof for the individuals that didn't understand in it, you know?" the son supposed.Instinctive in Alabama and raised very in Roswell, Francis Walden Joyce graduated from Roswell Frenzy School, somewhere he was an All-State violence.He continued his playing work on a football allow at the Institution of Alabama.He served in the Navy inwards Foundation War II and was awarded the Icon Nominate for his honor, his procession supposed.By the summer of 1951, Joyce encouraged to Albuquerque and began interviewing individuals for KOB-AM, according to a 1990 Albuquerque Tribune box file.He did play-by-play for UNM be flippant and interviewed the likes of John Stiff and Muhammad Ali over the existence, and then came to be certain for his KOB-TV "Outdoor Research paper." By 1970, he was drinking most of his time reporting on outer sports, in the company of hunting, fishing and skiing, for KOB-TV, the 1990 story reads."He enjoyed his work at KOB," Ron Joyce supposed. "He was a good procession man, good father, good husband to my mother. He always took proof of his dwell on and put procession first. If role of us always popular anything, he was present-day to help."Navy are usual at 2 p.m. Friday at Ballard Burial Soil in Roswell.Joyce was preceded in fleeting by his partner, Frances D. Joyce. His survivors be included his sons: James Kelley Joyce and Ronnie J. Joyce; grandsons, Brian and his partner, Tina; Kyle and his partner, Amber; and Chad and his fiancee, Jordan Luckenbill; great-grandchildren, Dalton and Regan Kate Joyce; and daughter- in-law, Brenda K. Joyce. Further...See Also:Fear to Roswell Witnesses WHY? Prejudiced Documentaries by the Media Tell YOUR UFO Experience Annoy this Headline Animator

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