Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ufology Ufo Sighting And Possible Abduction In Maryland 1961
See by SW/LITS.


A onlooker recalls that at the age of 10 in 1961, they were days in Kentlands, Maryland, in the manner of the onlooker observed a disc fashioned UFO and so they say "lost time".

Now the onlooker claims they cannot watch a movie friendship "Be enthusiastic about in the Sky", inadequate check a scare attack.

Featuring in is that report as it was submitted to MUFON, then just diminutive corrections in spelling. To see unique report interest bang on case fit into.


MUFON Group # 29571

Date: 1961-11-30

City: Kent Neighborhood - Kentlands

State: Maryland

Shape: Album

Summary: observed UFO hovering especially me... lost time.


I was about 10 years old & was self-determining playing in the rubbish (then toy farm animals) and the air felt cool (friendship early highly or early fall) & I knew that it would be obscurity in the future against the clock but it was similar daybreak.

I felt friendship I was being watched & I stood up & routinely looked especially me. I was not worried and restore stood give looking. I observed a vast enclose space ship hoovering especially me over our carry factory.

We lived in a position that recycled to be farmland, a new clarification similar in the market of council house townhouses (3 per council house) & most were not polish yet & give were just a few wet behind the ears families who had moved in. The clarification was likewise impending to a golf course. So it was praising of lay bare & austere to some importance. Not an assortment of people violently to dot a spaceship over someones factory.

I restore stood looking up at the craft. I noticed that it had 3 big lights... one was a ring light, 2 were beneath & were 2 unusual dyed lights. Thus all of a without delay I noticed that I might see with the craft... it was a enclose and the middle was like to a car routing joystick shape (friendship 3 spokes then spaces relating them) wherein you might see relating the spokes & now I noticed that I might see the stars & sky relating the spokes. I wondered how that might be.

As it was slapdash, educational to my proper and angling up I might see it had lighted windows behind the heart spokes & self-determining rim. As the craft moved hastily up & elsewhere (at first friendship brake momentum & for that reason it was absent in seconds) I ran arrived the carry backtalk of the house to tell my mother.

The house was not well lit, my mom wasn't heart so I ran out the precursor backtalk & directly congested in my tracks confused that it was dark self-determining. My mother believed what I saw was not voluntary unless it had been the Sputnik.

I am atrocious of the movie "Be enthusiastic about in the Sky >Click on map for huge considered opinion.

Origin: greys-area.blogspot.com

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ufo Activity Over Rafaela Argentina July 2011

Posted by Unknown On 8:42 PM
Ufo Activity Over Rafaela Argentina July 2011
They were show a babe dancing each time a creepy object appeared in the sky. To the same degree they noticed the object's apparition, the inexperienced women began uproar. "It's a flying saucer" according to a silent occupant. They grip nothing while this had ever happened to them before.Two women in the north end of Rafaela grip having recorded a creepy object just before the sun desirable as they were show the youngest brother of one of the women as he danced surrounding."I was very anxious," assumed one of the girls to a silent news station, and her inscription next appeared in Rafaela's Diario Uno. A creepy object is evident in the video, which appears despondent the formula of the dancing boy.The girls began to yell as soon after as they noticed the object. A fellow citizen said: "it's a flying saucer."One of the inexperienced women recognized that she has hard at it photos in the extremely way and pointing in the extremely course, but that nothing constant had ever happened before. "I take for granted in these objects, but I don't pass on."

Credit: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ufo Sighting In Chandler Arizona On October 24Th 2013 Saw A Craft Fly From West To East In Southern Sky
UFO SIGHTING IN CHANDLER, ARIZONA ON OCTOBER 24TH 2013 - SAW A CRAFT FLY FROM WEST TO EAST IN SOUTHERN SKYI was driving home from the grocery store at 9pm on 24 Oct 2013, and turned southbound on Coronado Street. I looked up towards the southern sky and saw a craft. The craft was almost saucer-shaped and had 2 to 3 dozen lights on it (in circular patterns starting from the middle outwards). The lights were different colors (which is what caught my eye in the first place). They were red, yellow, and blue; mostly yellow, though. The craft was of a grey color (it did not match the black of the evening sky). I stopped the car because I couldnt believe what I was seeing. While parked, I watched as the craft moved West to East. It was rather slow, but in total, I only saw it for twenty seconds. I could not take pictures, as it was too dim to show up on my phone camera. It went out of view (thanks to tree-lined streets), and I went home. When I saw the craft, I was baffled. Afterwards, I was scared and excited about what I saw. There's no other way to describe it.LATEST UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Raise Money for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Lua Um Centro De Minerao Extraterrestre

Posted by Unknown On 5:44 AM
A Lua Um Centro De Minerao Extraterrestre
PRESENcA Unexpected na Lua? ANOMALIAS DA LUA Existe um "Unexpected Base" na Lua? Mais e mais pessoas est~ao vindo para a frente com hist'orias que poderiam provar isso 'e verdade. Rumores dizem que h'a um Unexpected Moon Base do outro lado da lua, o lado nunca vemos da Terra.Voc^e j'a se perguntou por que os pousos na lua parou e por que n~ao tentaram construir uma base lunar? Ele faz parecer como uma id'eia melhor e mais f'acil do que uma estac~ao espacial flutuando com qualquer acesso `as mat'erias-primas ou suprimentos? De acordo com o astronauta da NASA Neil Armstrong os extraterrestres t^em uma base na Lua e disse-nos em termos inequ'ivocos, para sair e ficar fora da lua!Som longe para buscar? Milton Cooper, um oficial da intelig^encia sailing nos diz que n~ao s'o o Unexpected Moon Base existem, mas os EUA Intelig^encia Maritime comunit'ario refere-se `a Lua Unexpected Base como "Luna", que existe uma enorme operac~ao de minerac~ao acontecendo l'a, e 'e a'i que os alien'igenas manter seus enormes navios-m~ae, enquanto as viagens para a Terra s~ao feitos em pequenos "discos voadores".LUNA: A base de Unexpected do outro lado da lua. Ela foi hope e filmada pelos astronautas da Apollo. A base, uma operac~ao de minerac~ao utilizando m'aquinas muito grandes, e as embarcac~oes de grande alien'igenas descritos em relat'orios de observac~ao de naves-m~ae existem l'a. -Milton CooperSer'a que a Apollo 11 Encontro OVNIs na Lua? a partir do livro "Arrogant Top Trap", de Timothy Satisfactory.De acordo com relatos n~ao confirmados at'e agora, ambos, Neil Armstrong e Edwin "Buoy up" Aldrin viram UFO's emblem ap'os seu desembarque hist'orico na Lua Apollo 11, em 21 de julho de 1969. Lembro-me de ouvir um dos astronautas se referindo a uma "luz" dentro ou sobre um carreteiro durante a transmiss~ao televisiva, seguido por um pedido de controle da miss~ao para mais informac~oes. Nada mais foi ouvido.Segundo um ex-empregado da NASA Otto Dedication, r'adio sem nome com as suas pr'oprias instalac~oes de recepc~ao VHF, que ladeavam estabelecimentos da NASA radiodifus~ao pegou o seguinte di'alogo:NASA: O que h'a? Controle da Miss~ao chamando Apollo 11...Apollo: Essas "coisas" s~ao grandes, senhor! Enorme! OH MEU DEUS! Voc^e n~ao vai acreditar! Eu estou dizendo existem outras espaconaves l'a fora, alinhado no lado mais distante da borda da cratera! Est~ao na Lua nos observando!Em 1979, Maurice Chatelain, antigo chefe de comunicac~oes da NASA Systems confirmou que Armstrong de fato reportou ter visto dois UFO's em uma cratera. "O incidente era de conhecimento comum na NASA", revelou, "mas ningu'em falou nisso at'e agora."Os cientistas sovi'eticos teriam sido os primeiros a confirmar o incidente. "Segundo nossas informac~oes, o encontro foi relatado imediatamente ap'os o pouso do m'odulo," disse o Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, um f'isico e trainer de Matem'atica na Universidade de Moscou. "Neil Armstrong relatou ao Controle da Miss~ao que dois grandes e misteriosos objetos estavam os observando depois de terem aterrissado perto do m'odulo lunar. Mas sua mensagem jamais foi ouvida pelo p'ublico, porque a NASA censurou".De acordo com outro cientista sovi'etico, o Dr. Aleksander Kazantsev, Buoy up Aldrin tomou filme a cores dos OVNIs do household do m'odulo, e continuou filmando-los depois que ele e Armstrong foi para fora. Dr. Azhazha alega que os OVNIs partiu minutos depois que os astronautas sa'iram para a superf'icie lunar.Maurice Chatelain confirmou tamb'em que as transmiss~oes de r'adio da Apollo 11 foram interrompidos em v'arias ocasi~oes a fim de esconder a not'icia do p'ublico. Antes de despedir alegac~oes sensacionalistas de Chatelain, 'e importante notar sua experi^encia impressionante na ind'ustria aeroespacial e do programa espacial. Seu primeiro trabalho depois de se mudar da Franca, foi como engenheiro eletr^onico com Convair, especializada em telecomunicac~oes, telemetria e radar. Em 1959 ele foi encarregado de um grupo de pesquisa eletromagn'etica, desenvolvimento de novos radares e sistemas de telecomunicac~oes para o Ryan. Uma de suas patentes onze v^oos foi uma autom'atica para a lua. Mais tarde, no North American Aviation, Chatelain foi oferecido o trabalho de projetar e construir as comunicac~oes Apollo e sistemas para processamento de dados.Chatelain afirma que "todos os v^oos Apollo e Gemini foram seguidos, `a dist^ancia e, por vezes, tamb'em muito perto, por ve'iculos espaciais de origem extraterrestre, discos voadores, ou OVNIs, se voc^e quiser cham'a-los pelo nome. Toda vez que isso ocorreu, os astronautas informaram o Controle da Miss~ao, que ent~ao ordenou sil^encio absoluto. " Ele prossegue dizendo:"Acho que Walter Schirra, abordo da Merc'urio 8, foi o primeiro astronauta a usar o codinome" Papai Noel "para indicar a presenca dos discos voadores pr'oximo as c'apsulas espaciais. No entanto, seus an'uncios foram pouco notados pelo p'ublico em geral.Foi um pouco diferente quando James Lovell no comando do m'odulo da Apollo 8 sai do lado oculto da lua e disse para todos ouvirem:"Informa-se que N~AO EXISTE um Papai Noel."Mesmo que isso aconteceu no dia de Natal de 1968, muitas pessoas viram um sentido oculto nessas palavras. "

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ufo 1950

Posted by Unknown On 4:10 AM
Ufo 1950
SHORT UFO FACT: [AREA 51 (DREAMLAND, DATA REPOSITORY ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENACE LAND) Area 51, also called Dreamland, is located at a corner of the Nevada Test Site, where highly classified national defense projects have been conducted for over 4 decades. Such spy planes as the U-2 and the SR-71 were developed there, as were the Stealth Aircraft and the technology associated with the Strategic Defense Initiative. Government officials denied that the Aurora project even existed, but anyone willing to take the Nevada back roads to Area 51 could observe almost nightly aerial performances. Area 51 is the site where Robert Lazar claimed that the US Government had him working on back engineering captured alien spacecraft. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [ARYANS are blond nordic humanoids. The story about them is that they are captured by the Reptoids and have implants. They are hard to rely on as they switch side between the Reptoids and the Confederation of Humans every now and then.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Source: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Tunguska Event

Posted by Unknown On 7:09 PM
The Tunguska Event
The Tunguska event - was a large explosion, most likely caused by a meteoroid or comet, in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia in June 1908. Night skies as far away as London were reportedly brighter for several evenings. Unsupported theories regarding the event include the impact of a miniature black hole or large body of antimatter, ball lightning, a test by Nikola Tesla of the apparatus at Wardenclyffe Tower, and a UFO crash. Another theory is that the explosion was caused by a piece of Biela's Comet from 1883. There was little scientific curiosity about the impact at the time, possibly due to the isolation of the Tunguska region. The behaviour of meteorites in the Earth's atmosphere was less well understood during the early decades of the 20th century. Due to this, as well as the paucity of relevant data resulting from Soviet secrecy during the Cold War, many other hypotheses for the Tunguska event have sprung up, none of which are accepted by the majority of the scientific community.Comet 2005 NB:One study "suggests that a chunk of Comet 2005 NB caused the 5-10 megaton fireball, bouncing off the atmosphere and back into orbit around the sun." The scientists involved in the study claim that the object that caused the event will pass close to Earth again in 2045.A Natural H-bomb:In 1989, Serge J.D. D'Alessio and Archie A. Harms suggested that some of the deuterium in a comet entering the Earth's atmosphere may have undergone a nuclear fusion reaction, leaving a distinctive signature in the form of carbon-14. They concluded that any release of nuclear energy would have been almost negligible. Independently, in 1990, C'esar Sirvent proposed that a deuterium comet, i.e., a comet with an anomalous high concentration of deuterium in its composition, could have exploded as a natural hydrogen bomb, generating most of the energy released. The sequence would be first a mechanical or kinetic explosion, triggering a thermonuclear reaction. These proposals are inconsistent with our knowledge of the composition of comets and of the temperature and pressure conditions necessary for initiating a nuclear fusion reaction. Studies have found the concentration of radioactive isotopes in the blast region to be inconsistent with those expected following a nuclear explosion, fusion or otherwise. Edward Drobyshevski, has suggested that the event was caused by the explosion of the hydrogen-saturated part of the nucleus of a comet that struck the Earth's atmosphere, with most of the remaining comet nucleus surviving, and possibly continuing to orbit the sun.Black hole:In 1973, Albert A. Jackson and Michael P. Ryan, physicists at the University of Texas, proposed that the Tunguska event was caused by a small (around 1017 kg to 1019 kg) black hole passing through the Earth. This hypothesis is considered flawed, as there was no so-called exit event, a second explosion occurring as the black hole, having tunnelled through the Earth, shot out the other side on its way back into space. Based on the direction of impact, the exit event would have occurred in the North Atlantic, closer than the impact event to the seismic recording stations that collected much of the evidence of the event. The hypothesis also fails to account for evidence that cosmic material was deposited by the extraterrestrial body, including dust trails in the atmosphere and the distribution of high-nickel magnetic spherules around the impact area.Antimatter:In 1941, Lincoln LaPaz, and later in 1965, Clyde Cowan, Chandra R. Atluri, and Willard F. Libby suggested that the Tunguska event was caused by the annihilation of a chunk of antimatter falling from space. Antimatter is the extension of the concept of the antiparticle to matter, where antimatter is composed of antiparticles in the same way that normal matter is composed of particles. As with the above hypothesis described, this does not account for the mineral debris left in the area of the explosion.The Wardenclyffe Tower:Oliver Nichelson suggested that the Tunguska explosion may have been the result of an experiment by Nikola Tesla using the Wardenclyffe Tower, performed during one of Admiral Robert Peary's North Pole expeditions. The Wardenclyffe Tower was an early wireless telecommunications tower designed by Tesla and intended for commercial trans-Atlantic wireless telephony, broadcasting, and to demonstrate the transmission of power without interconnecting wires.This theory failed to gain any adherents because of the lack of positive evidence, the presence of meteoroid fragments in soils and trees from the time, and the fact that the Wardenclyffe Tower was largely or entirely inactive at that time.Aliens:A number of theories based on UFOs have claimed that the Tunguska event was the result of the activities of extraterrestrial beings, including an exploding alien spaceship or even an alien weapon going off to "save the Earth from an imminent threat". These claims appear to originate from a science fiction story "The Explosion" by the Soviet writer Alexander Kazantsev in 1946, in which a nuclear-powered Martian spaceship, trying to land on the Earth, malfunctions and blows up in mid-air. Kazantsev never visited Hiroshima, but his idea of the above-ground explosion of the Tunguska space body was inspired by the news about the nuclear explosion over the Japanese city, as well as by his talks with some leading Soviet nuclear physicists.Many events in Kazantsev's tale, which was intended as pure fantasy, were subsequently confused with the actual occurrences at Tunguska. The nuclear-powered UFO hypothesis was adopted by the TV critics Thomas Atkins and John Baxter in their book The Fire Came By (1976). The television series The Secret KGB UFO Files (Phenomenon: The Lost Archives) in 1998, referred to the Tunguska event as "the Russian Roswell" and claimed that crashed UFO debris had been recovered from the site. In 2004, a group from the Tunguska Spatial Phenomenon Foundation claimed to have found the wreckage of an alien spacecraft at the site. In 2009, Dr. Yuri Labvin, the president of the Tunguska Spatial Phenomenon Foundation repeated these claims, based upon findings of quartz slabs with strange markings on them found at the site, which, he claims, represent the remnants of an alien spaceship's control panel.Geophysical hypothesis:Astrophysicist Wolfgang Kundt has suggested the Tunguska event was caused by the sudden release and subsequent explosion of 10 million tons of natural gas from within the Earth's crust. The similar verneshot hypothesis has also been suggested as a possible cause of the Tunguska event.Similar events:The Tunguska event is the strongest, but not the only, example of unexplained explosion events or meteorite air-bursts in recent history. There have been a number of similar events, the Curuca in Brazil even as the developments in satellite and radar tracking have reduced the likelihood of undetected meteors.

Artist's impression of brown dwarf ULAS J222711-004547, which has a very thick cloud layer of mineral dust. The dust is making the brown dwarf appear redder than its counterparts. Credit: Neil J. Cook, Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of HertfordshireDust clouds on a brown dwarf or "failed star" are making it appear redder than its counterparts, new research reveals. Better studying this phenomenon could improve the weather forecast on these objects, which are larger than gas giant planets but not quite big enough to ignite nuclear fusion processes to become stars."These are not the type of clouds that we are used to seeing on Earth. The thick clouds on this particular brown dwarf are mostly made of mineral dust, like enstatite and corundum," stated Federico Marocco, who led the research team and is an astrophysicist at the United Kingdom's University of Hertfordshire

Sunday, July 13, 2008

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Grafton

Posted by Unknown On 11:39 PM
UFO Finding IN GRAFTON, WEST VIRGINIA ON OCTOBER 24TH 2014 - WAS IN THE Hospital PARKING LOT LOOKING WEST AT Positive Tongue in cheek LOOKING Vapors OR JETS Amid MY Adolescent TURNED MY Director AND SAW A UFOI was leave-taking down town to pickup the inscription in the middle of my innocent person. A long time ago we came out of the post office and got in the van she noticed no matter which in the sky to the west and asked me to go across the skywalk for a lid picture. I did and you forever couldn't see what she had seen very well so I turned in the region of and headed back towards the post office and up the hill to the medical wing parking lot. We were looking at these strange clouds/jet trails. I'm forever not sure what they were to the same degree a jet temporary a hunger slog crossed paths in the middle of one. They were in the sky for awhile. My innocent person was advantageous they were meteors or ufos. Fair I turned my head not in a saw a age-old, rub of cigar shaped object in the sky to the north. It was ability to the southeast. The object seemed to be thinner in the halfway. I called to my innocent person to picture and grabbed my cellular phone and took a picture since it dead. I took the photo and lowered my cellular phone and couldn't get hold of it where in the sky. My innocent person stayed outer layer having the status of I ran now the medical wing to pleat up a tablets. I told the two nearest and dearest now what I had seen and the guy alleged he had videotaped lights in the sky on the other side of town but hadn't unacceptable being. He ran outer layer to conduct a picture at the clouds/jets/ufos my innocent person was looking at. She as a consequence videoed and took photos of what she was looking at. Mechanically I give your opinion submit was two sightings.Up to date 2014 UFO FindingCredit: MUFON- - - Any included Media: http://bitly.com/10PjMT3Any duplication, in allocate or in rough, is prohibit weakening width of copyright opinion. Email Zone Admin for examination, annotations or questions.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Unusual Phenomenon Observed With Radar

Posted by Unknown On 12:50 AM
Unusual Phenomenon Observed With Radar


I was working, as senior meteorologist, at the RADAR laboratory (physics of the atmosphere) at the National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology in Bucharest (Romania), since 1967. In the same year an English Plessey radar was installed in our Institute, the training of users being made by English and American specialists. In 1971 the Plessey device was replaced by a new installation: MRL-2, made in the former Soviet Union, the training being performed by an engineer from the manufacturer company. The radar had a range of 300 kilometers and a narrow angular opening, typical for meteorological radar devices.

The meteorological observations are performed each hour, 24 hours per day, working in shifts. During one of the routine observations, with this radar, in a night of August 1986, at 2.00 a.m., on the screen appeared a sharp horizontal line, one cm. long. The position of the target remained stationary. By specific radar techniques, I determined that the distance to the object was 275-280 km Southwest from our station, that is above the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), at an altitude of 30000 meters. Through manual operations, I stopped, for about 4-5 minutes, the radar beam on the "object", which remained motionless all this time. Afterwards, almost instantly, it disappeared.

I found it immediately, on the same vertical, some 5000 meters lower down. I fixed the radar in the new position, continuing the observation, but after a short while it disappeared once again, this time rising in its initial position. I have a good experience in observing flying objects and I have also two licenses as airplane pilot, but this object and its movements resembled nothing I knew before.

In this period of time I was on duty by night, each four days. I had the opportunity to observe this strange "object" almost each time, during three-four weeks, in the same place. The length of the observations was varying between 3 and 20 minutes. I discovered the same object (or another, identical), above the city of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), located at some 300 kilometers Northwest from Bucharest. Afterwards the object disappeared and it was impossible for me to find it, despite my efforts.

The object reappeared in February 1988, again in the area of Sofia, and again by night, between 2.00 and 4.00 a.m., My observations were made several times, the whether being good and the sky cloudless. Once again the "object" made its vertical movements. After one month, a change occurred; during one of my observations, the object disappeared suddenly, but this time horizontally; I found it more than 200 km eastward, in the area of the city of Varna (Bulgaria), after a search of one minute, but it seems that the distance was covered in a much shorter time. In the next observations I found it in this new location. When I fixed the radar beam on it, the object performed the same quick movements upward or downward. In one night, after repeating this operation several times, when I fixed once again the beam on it, all the radar installation was disconnected spontaneously, with a muffled thud. I started it again only for the next hourly observation. After the usual operations, everything was functioning without any problem. But the "object" was no more visible. After this incident, I stopped to study the strange object. I saw it several times for a short glimpse, but I avoided stopping the device on it. I have to mention that the morning after the incident I called the electronic technician. After checking all the components, he told me that he did not found any explanation for the spontaneous stopping of the radar. As a matter of fact, the radar was working in the next period of time without any failure.

The dimensions of the object could be estimated by analogy. A big ship (e.g. 200 meters long), at a distance of 35-40 kilometers offshore, appears on the screen of a similar radar, installed on the coast of the Black Sea, as a horizontal one centimeter line. Taking into consideration the distance of 275-280 kilometers, the "object" could have a length of at least 1500 meters. It has to be remarked also its tremendous speed, both horizontally and vertically, as well as the property to reflect the radar beam.

(Previously published in EJUFOAS, The European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies, March 2000) NOTE - Following some comments which contest the possibility to stop the radar device on the target, the author states that there are several types of radars and some differences between military and meteorological radars, as follows:

- The military radars transmit radio waves, with a great angular opening, to detect small targets. There are often two antennas moving horizontally and vertically. Only when they are moving they can "see" the target.

- The meteorological radars, as the MRL-2, have a small angular opening. Their purpose is to detect targets with large size and low speed (as the cloud systems). They act emitting two microsecond pulses of radio waves.

When they "catch" a target, the echo of the pulses is received by the same antenna, in the same position. Unlike military radars, the meteorological ones can observe a target being stopped on it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Shirley Maclaine On Ufo Attack

Posted by Unknown On 11:32 PM
Shirley Maclaine On Ufo Attack
Sooner than a skillful New Age author, scholastic and practitioner of sorts, Academia Respected Entertainer Shirley MacLaine seems to hit emergency ufo move conspiracy relator to her log. In her latest book, Saging Equally Aging, Shirley reveals what she knows or has learned most selected incidents concerning UFOs, the military, intelligence services and famous personal. The habitual expert that has appeared in generally sixty films to date at the end discussed her aggregation and collective at all of these revelations together with Whitley Strieber on his Dreamland web cast.One of the most-shocking claims complete by the hardened doer is that the New John Mack, governess of Breakdown at altruist University circles and outlander abductions scholastic, may hit been murdered. Dr Mack was killed by a inebriate driver as he stepped off a constraint in London, England, multipurpose Totteridge Pour out and Longland Traipse on Sept 27, 2004. He was ramble bungalow gone after a lunch together with at all acquaintances seeing that the incident occurred. Shirley says that just starting out man named John Mack was in the same way killed by a inebriate driver just about the extraordinarily time in just starting out launch of London.Special story Shirley shares is one that she heard from Lucille comedienne concerning the New Ronald Reagan. Equally he was heavy an actor, Ronald Reagan was attending a faction together with particular other celebrities at a clannish housing in Los Angeles. The actor and his husband indoors particular hours late. According to habitual doer and comedienne Lucille Revolve, Reagan took her comment and told her that he and his husband Nancy had an shocking experience on the way to the faction.Ronald Regan told Lucy that he and Nancy were cloudy on Mulholland Traipse seeing that a phantom landed multipurpose their average. Except this story has been told in front, a question of pristine details were especially. For instance, Shirley MacLaine says Lucille comedienne told her that Reagan claimed a ladder appeared and an outlander climbed out of the craft. The outlander told him to pat lightly his drama work and go wearing politics. The most favourite version of that extraordinarily story doesn't carry out the mark of an outlander or what he said to the foremost California Proprietor and President of the United States.MacLaine had a few first-class surprises in adding up for Whitley Strieber and his force out. One was that she thought the favourite commentary that President Eisenhower met together with aliens at what is now Edwards Air Fix Flooring in 1954. Special was her devotion for the New Dr Michael Bolt and the information he collective together with paranormal researchers. Dr Bolt is well household to at all in the ufo move profile as a U.S. Gathering Insider that dragging roughly the last ten years of his life allocation at all of what he knew or had learned most UFOs and aliens. Ancestors revelations included as distant as he was official to look most U.S. Gathering give away together with aliens.Fellow paranormal scholastic Dick Criswell and I dragging years talking together with Dr Bolt., Dick distant first-class so than I. Michael Bolt pull your leg most hit concerning UFOs and aliens in the 1990s that were sheer obscure to phantom researchers at that time. That caused him first-class than a few evils together with numerous in the ufo move investigate community where earlier than green with envy and not probable personal took aim at his claims. Not considering generally hopeless fail to acknowledge by vast phantom investigate organizations, Dr Wolf's information was faithful and time has recognized him to be completely. Shirley MacLaine first encouraged up a hornet's layer together with her pristine aggregation by informative that Broadminded presidential contender Dennis Kucinich (House of Gathering, D-Ohio) had seen a phantom once at one of her homes located multipurpose Seattle, Washington. That brought a question of troubled questions for Kucinich and available how the widely held media undoubtedly refuses to hijack the spring ascetically.MacLaine's pristine aggregation is first-class than wholly the recurrent New Age fluff and I'm not stanch that her yes readers are ready for what she has to say. Notwithstanding, I thank her for her politeness and resign yourself to you unravel Saging Equally Aging. In a courtesy over-enthusiastic to teenagers, it's significant to celebrate how distant we can come by from group who hit shrewd life and few hit owing to so first-class in detail than Shirley MacLaine.

The Green Fireballs

Posted by Unknown On 1:50 AM
The Green Fireballs
The mysterious Green Fireballs began appearing over America's southwest, primarily New Mexico, in late 1948. These "visitors" seemed to be paying particular attention to sensitive research and military installations including Los Alamos and Sandia Base. Both Los Alamos and Sandia Base were heavily involved in the testing and construction of atomic weapons.

The official theory is that the Green Fireballs are simply meteors with a heavy copper content. Those that disagree with the official theory recount several of the first reported sightings. Both civilian and military pilots witnessed several of the unusual visitors on December 5, 1948. These pilots reported that the fireballs travelled parallel to the ground or upwards, not at all like the path of a meteor.

Fearing Soviet espionage or sabotage, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) immediately dispatched a two-man team to New Mexico. They had a Green Fireball sighting of their own on December 8, 1948. The Air Force investigators reported seeing an intensely bright, large green light that was travelling about 2,000 feet above their aircraft and moving almost flat and parallel to the earth.

Air Force Project Blue Book's Captain Edward J. Ruppelt travelled to Los Alamos National Laboratory in early 1952 to interview scientists and technicians about their views on the Green Fireballs. Ruppelt was surprised that none of them accepted the conventional meteor explanation. Some believed the visitors were Russian spy devices. Others had an even more chilling theory.

Ruppelt recorded that many scientists believed that the fireballs were actually "extraterrestrial probes projected into our atmosphere from a spaceship orbiting several hundred miles above the earth". Below is a copy of the April, 1952 "Life" magazine article that explored the extraterrestrial theory.

Meteors? Russian spy craft? Visitors from another world trying to determine the extent of the threat our atomic program presented? The Green Fireballs remain a mystery to this day.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Howard Hughes Socorro And Roswell

Posted by Unknown On 2:06 PM
Howard Hughes Socorro And Roswell
Howard Hughes' Tool Firm and Hughes Shape were employed by the U.S. military to breakthrough numerous space craft and satellite squeeze, by means of lunar landing modules in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s.All Hughes' constructs were CIA fundamental and some Hughes' operations were CIA fronts: Maheu Zamora's rocket blast!)Howard Hughes was for atomic disarmament, and struggled among the AEC to thwart atomic explosions in the Nevada stop in the 1950s. He was a good number rebuffed. (Ibid, "Age of Secrets")Hughes what's more was enamored of pychics and fundamental among Peter Hurkos on numerous occasions, obviously about the insinuations of George Adamski, who imparted threatening warnings that seemingly came from Venusian troupe about atomic testings. (Ibid, "Age of Secrets" et al.)(We wave around what's more stumbled tangentially indications of a secret Hughes Shape test for the Sapphire in 1947 that could record for the Roswell incident and wreckage. Completed on this outlook.)Hughes' operations were what's more employed by the United States Sapphire. Departed 1969: the CIA desired to use the Hughes Tool Firm as a fascia to expand a ahead of its time "The Hughes Glomar Adventurer" vessel to collect gaunt submarines. "The Jennifer Propel" was to get back a gaunt Soviet sub 750 miles northwest of Hawaii...but Hughes pulled out of the plan. (Ibid, AGE OF SECRETS)That UFO buffs and investigators wave around disregarded the Hughes connection to U.S. military testings of model space vehicles, one of which we mean is what Lonnie Zamora saw in Socorro in April 1964, goes to the fortitude of the lacunae in "ufological" research, very once upon a time such research tends to cite monochrome explanations for some out-of-the-way UFO incidents, Roswell, Socorro, Shag Dockyard among them.RRR/JS/RR
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