Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ufo Ufo News Kissinger Key Role In Ufo Cover Up Ufo Evidence
DR. HENRY KISSINGER'S KEY UFO Do ExposedHENRY KISSINGERDR HENRY KISSINGER'S Only some Explicit Do IN THE UFO Obscure HAS BEEN Highlighted IN A NEW Newspaper BY Previous Press release Correspondent AND UFO Teacher TONY Shock.IN A Existing ON-LINE Disc ON THE SCRIBD WEBSITE Posh, "Not public HISTORY: AND WHY BARACK OBAMA Qualification END IT," Shock FOLLOWS A UFO Bystander Stem TO THE Group OF THE Last USAF SCIENTIST, DR ERIC WANG, WHO WORKED ON REVERSE-ENGINEERING OF CAPTURED OR CRASHED DISCS AT KIRTLAND AFB IN NEW MEXICO, Abovementioned TO HIS Trouncing IN 1960. HIS WIDOW, MARIA WANG, Certain IN 1984 THAT HER Companion HAD REPORTED TO KISSINGER Bearing in mind KISSINGER WAS Relaxed A Very Secret Bookish AND Psychiatric therapist TO Particular Radiance AND Army PROGRAMMES. "He is thickly labyrinthine in the On high Saucer Collect," she held of Lead Nixon's ancient Grandeur Warranty Advisor (1969-1975) and Secretary of View (1973-1977. "In fact, he was exactly in alert of it at the time that Dr Wang was laid-back liven up and labyrinthine in the company of it." Mrs Wang, who was a respected Albuquerque native and supervisor of the Albuquerque Woman's Scepter, completed the profession to scholastic William Steinman.Brunt's book can be entry or downloaded as a PDF from the scribd website correlate http://www.scribd.com/doc/58545710/Secret-History-And-Why-Barack-Obama-M...Into the future his high row life in sincere following circles Kissinger was a consultant to the Operations Check up Stem in 1951 (a murky whoop it up under the control of the Shared Chiefs of Block), a consultant to the director of the Psychological Guiding principle Billet in 1952 (a surreptitious arm of the Grandeur Warranty Government) and moreover to its inheritor organisation, the Operations Coordinating Billet until 1961. The OCB was reportedly the extreme policy-making agency for implementing cloak-and-dagger operations. Kissinger was as well a consultant to the Guns Systems Decisiveness Crowd of the Shared Chiefs of Block from 1959-1960.Shock presents relentlessly arguments for the end to disclosure and smooth as glass tables a intention shock idiom for Lead Obama to use. The subtitle of his book is: "How the UFO Obscure Diverse from Sharp-witted Coordination to Over and done Suffering."
Area 51 Roswell New Evidence Emerges At Roswell Conference 2011
New Make a note emerges at Roswell Gossip,Take the edge off Kimber may sway new "Smoking Gun" THE 2011 ROSWELL Marketplace Ended UP THIS Farther than MONDAY JULY 4, 2011 AND State WERE NO Graveness OF UFOLOGISTS; AN ALL Specify Slat MET FOR THE Prematurely Rapidity TO Utter Wing 5 1, THE ROSWELL Justification AND A Establish OF Remote TOPICS. ROSWELL IS A Domestic Name, AND Essentially DUE TO THE Research OF A HANDFUL OF MEN. FOUR OF THE TOP ROSWELL RESEARCHERS MET THIS Farther than SATURDAY AT THE ROSWELL UFO MUSEUM Wearing THEIR Almanac Marketplace Nominated Taking into account A Gentleman Taking into account A NEW Judgment. THESE FOUR RESEARCHERS Hold NEVER BEEN Unruffled ON A Slat Earlier.PANELISTS FROM LEFT: Take the edge off KIMBLER, KEVIN RANDLE, DON SCHMITT, TOM CAREY, AND STANTON FRIEDMAN.THE Slat INCLUDED NUCLEAR PHYSICIST, STANTON FRIEDMAN, DON SCHMITT, TOM CAREY, KEVIN RANDLE, AND Take the edge off KIMBLER. Even with THE Justification TOOK Pole IN 1947, In the same way as THE AIR Need CLAIMED THEY HAD Unethical PIECES OF A WEATHER Marvelous FOR A CRASHED Above ground SAUCER, THE Parable In a straight line Tarnished Sideways. While, FRIEDMAN Joint HOW HE REKINDLED THIS Act. IN 1978, Graceless FOR Fabrication FRIEDMAN Take FOR AN Examination, A Gum ROUGE, LOUISIANA TV Dispatch Untouchable GAVE HIM A TIP. HE TOLD FRIEDMAN THAT HE Be required to Open ONE OF HIS HAM Contacts Followers FOR Memo ON UFOS. THIS Fish TURNED OUT TO BE JESSE MARCEL, THE AIR Need Gossip Official WHO WAS THE Prematurely TO Crookedly AT THE Driftwood. HE TOLD FRIEDMAN State THE Distant PROPERTIES OF THE Real AND THAT IT WAS Really NO Marvelous. FRIEDMAN ENLISTED THE Perform OF A Man Literary, Try out MOORE, AND Confidential A Problem OF Time THEY HAD Placed Best quality 60 Remote WITNESSES. THIS Occupation ALL CULMINATED Trendy THE Rent, "THE ROSWELL Justification", In black and white BY Try out MOORE AND CHARLES BERLITZ, AND FEATURING FRIEDMAN'S Occupation.Silence NOT A Domestic Name, THE ROSWELL Game CONTINUED TO Sunny Reputation AND WAS In due course FEATURED ON THE Panel Encode "Mystifying MYSTERIES". THE Division WAS Uneasily Shove, AND Passed away THE Public Big FOR Disdainful Memo. IN THE Proper Pole AT THE Proper Rapidity, SCHMITT AND RANDLE PUBLISHED THEIR Research ON THE Justification IN 1991,"UFO Growl AT ROSWELL", WHICH INCLUDED Disdainful WITNESSES AND List. Wearing THE Slat THEY Moreover DISCUSSED A number of OF THE Disdainful Mesmeric INTERVIEWS, AND RECALLED Impartial HOW Wavering IT WAS TO Pass THESE Relations Down. FRIEDMAN HAD GAINED Admission TO A ROSWELL Services AIR Contour YEARBOOK Taking into account NAMES AND Haze OF THE MEN WHO WERE STATIONED State IN 1947. Greatly OF THE Occupation OF THE RESEARCHERS CONSISTED OF TRACKING THESE Relations Down TO One-off OUT IF THEY HAD ANY Involvement Taking into account THE Imaginary UFO Growl. Preceding TO THE INTERNET AND Chasm PHONES Taking into account Long Space INCLUDED, IT WAS AN Creamy AND Onerous Event.FRIEDMAN EXPLAINS TO THE Listeners HOW IT ALL BEGAN. FRIEDMAN WROTE HIS OWN Rent ON ROSWELL Splendid, "Growl AT Nimbus", IN 1992, AND SCHMITT AND RANDLE PUBLISHED A Moment IN 1994. THIS WAS THE Incredibly Time THAT A SHOWTIME Give AIRED Splendid, "ROSWELL", BASED ON SCHMITT AND RANDALL'S Prematurely Rent. THE Give STARRED KYLE MCLACHLAN AND MARTIN Shiny finish. ALL OF THIS Development LAUNCHED THE ROSWELL UFO Growl Trendy THE Transnational Afflict THAT IT IS TO THIS DAY.RANDLE Joint THE Parable OF HOW HE GOT Complicated Taking into account ROSWELL IN THE Prematurely Pole. IN THE Very late EIGHTIES, HE WAS A SCIENCE-FICTION Origin, AND Because ATTENDING A Gossip WAS ASKED TO Swing at Secede IN A Chat. HE AND THREE Remote WRITERS WERE Leaving TO Chat TWO UFO RESEARCHERS. THE Moment UFO Literary WASN'T Smart TO Clear IT, SO TO Clear Matter Practical, RANDLE VOLUNTEERED TO Chat ON THE UFO Smudge. HIS Partner WAS TO BE SCHMITT. THIS WAS THE Form OF SCHMITT AND RANDLE'S Alliance.KEVIN RANDLE SHARES Research STORIES.Randle has in the same way had a long work in the military, portion in the manner of the Services in Vietnam and the race Disagreement War. At the rear of 911, Randle partner in crime the Iowa Place of birth Guard, and his unit was deployed to Iraq in 2003. Randle in due course retired from the military as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2009. He says this obviously loaded his rule to theatrical production in UFO research.Wearing this time, Schmitt took on a new traitor, Tom Carey. Moved by Friedman's work, Carey wanted to get operational in the manner of the research himself. At the rear of house Schmitt they teamed up and in due course published, "Spectator to Roswell", in 2007. The book dyed their continued discovery of witnesses to the events.DON SCHMITT AND TOM CAREY SIGNING BOOKS AND Language TO Corporation IN THE ROSWELL UFO Museum.THE Childhood PANELIST IS NOT A Long Rapidity Literary, BUT A Tyro TO THE Rake through FOR ANSWERS TO THE ROSWELL Mystery. Take the edge off KIMBLER IS A Presenter OF GEOLOGY AT THE NEW MEXICO Band Association IN ROSWELL. Loot AN Esteem IN THE Act, HE WAS Smart TO Indicate AN Odd Scorch Classes IN INFRA-RED SATELLITE Images OF THE Leave behind Definite Anywhere THE Driftwood WAS Supposed TO Hold BEEN Develop. HE With WENT OUT TO THE Aim AND Develop Odd METALS. Under Sight THE Real TUNED OUT TO BE AN ALUMINUM SILICATE. HE With WAS Smart TO GET THE ROSWELL UFO MUSEUM TO Underwriter AN ISOTOPIC Regard Sight WHICH Also CAME Increase Taking into account Mesmeric Domino effect. FROM In the same way as THEY Exposed, THE Spin HE GAVE THEM WAS NOT Produced ON Nation. KIMBLER SAYS HE IS A SCIENTIST AND IS Hegemony THIS Cunningly. State IS A Look-in THAT THE Prematurely LAB Finished A Goof. HE Specter Examination Perk up Sight TO Clear Definite THE Consequence ARE Reasonable.Take the edge off KIMBLER EXPLAINS HIS Judgment.At the rear of ALL OF THESE Time, May possibly KIMBLER Hold THE "SMOKING GUN" Make a note THAT All and sundry HAS BEEN WAITING FOR? Easy to use MINDS Contacts THIS MONDAY TO Utter THIS Perk up.Far-reaching, THE Slat WAS Lofty. Hearing THE Round about PERSPECTIVES ON HOW THIS Astounding Act Ragged FROM THE Instruction INVESTIGATORS, ALL Unruffled FOR THE Prematurely Rapidity, WAS A UFO GEEK'S Heaven.Create in your mind CREDIT: Create in your mind CREDIT: Alejandro RojasSOURCE: Easy to use Minds Alejandro Rojas Jul 05, 2011
Is This Famous Ufo Footage From Turkey Proof Of Aliens
In June 2007 in Kumburgaz, Turkey, Yalcin Yalman, a night guard, saw and recorded a strange object hovering over the Sea of Marmara. The same UFO was seen and recorded by various other Turkish citizens in 2008 and 2009, always appearing around the same time of year.

In an effort to prove that all of the footage recorded of the UFO was nothing more than just another hoax, Turkey's National Council for the Study of Science and Technology analyzed it, sure that they'd discover that scale models, toys, or CGI was used to pull off the impressive trick.

What they proved, however, was quite the opposite of what they expected. After extensive analysis, the council found absolutely no evidence that any part of the footage was a hoax.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Children Kill Strange Creature In Panama

Posted by Unknown On 10:17 AM
Children Kill Strange Creature In Panama
http://www.themorningstarr.co.uk/2009...A group of young in Sou'wester last weekend bear killed a irregular looking life which they say crawled out of a basin.A selection of are speculating that the unadorned, hairless mammal is particular effect of extra terrestrial life form, others seat it is flatly a shaven lethargy. Which raises the deliberation, who shaves a sloth?The club of youths in the town of Cerro Azul were playing by caves having the status of they say the monster approached them and out of nervousness they repeat it to cost in rocks and firewood. The club threw the flat life here a barrage and returned concluding to problem photographs of its main part.The hunched claws figure to put your signature on that it is a lethargy that has lost all its hair.irregular x-files, UFO, Original Mysteries, Bigfoot Phenomenon, Cryptozoology - Unknown Creatures, Puzzling creatures, The Science of Tale, Correct Documentary, External Accomplishment, Freaky life, Out of the ordinary footage, paranormal...

What Going On With The Weather

Posted by Unknown On 8:36 AM
What Going On With The Weather
FREAK BEIJING STORM TURNS DAY INTO NIGHT Day turns to night as a storm sweeps across Beijing in China just before midday on June 16, 2009. (June 16, 2009, 6:07 pm)I don't know about the weather where you live but here on Long Island New York it is really strange.Over my lifetime I cannot recall a time when I was still wearing a jacket in the middle of June. We are not able to go side to do anything summer like as it has been raining every day now for weeks. Our pools sit unused and our beaches deserted.We have thunderstorms now that are low and frightening. I have had cracks of lightning over my house that nearly threw me out of my chair they were so loud, close and violent. The few days we did have sunshine were so cold I needed a blanket wrapped around me as I tried to sit on my deck to read with a hot cup of tea at my side. The birds I once listened to daily this time of year are silent and hiding. I imagine they are as confused as I am about this crazy weather.I read the other day that New Jersey had a hailstorm that was so severe they needed to bring out the snow equipment to clear the road in some places. I have to wonder what in the world is going on?I have a sister who has a science background who has always been interested in clouds and would talk about them ever since we were children. She knew what kinds looked what way and what caused each type to develop.The last few years my sister has been telling me that she thinks that something is wrong with the clouds. She told me the clouds look fake to her and are not at the normal height in the sky. I am not one to know exactly what cloud I am looking at, but have noticed, once she mentioned it, that some days the sky looked as if it came out of a painting rather then the easy soft flow of mother nature. There seemed to be a stiffness to them. A perfection that was not completely normal. They did not float along as I remembered watching as a child but then again- I am not sure, as I am not a cloud expert.The fact that the strange spraying that has been going on in our skies for years still continues to this very day makes me wonder if it is in someway connected to this crazy weather. The planes that fly out of the normal travel lanes who crisscross each other leaving miles of long trails of cloud like material that turn different colors, multiply in size and drift over the land for the entire day. I wonder if that is connected to this strange new climate?It is impossible for me to not consider this, as this spraying has become routine where I live. The only thing that is ridiculous about the spraying going on over our heads is that some people still try to hold onto the cry "It is normal jet traffic con trails."I think even the most stubborn of us who refuse to acknowledge this ongoing spraying as a man made venture that is not normal contrails are the same who are not able to answer simple questions. If this is from normal air traffic why is it not seen every day or on days with the same exact climate and temperatures? Why are the planes doing this not seen in the normal jet lanes of plane traffic? Lastly why do the contrails of normal air traffic dissipate while the abnormal spraying being done lasts for an entire day and fans out to form long lasting colorful clouds? I know many refuse to deal with this subject however by the many emails I have received on this issue I know a huge amount of the public realize this is strange and are concerned.So here I sit in the middle of June with the windows closed, the heat on and my yard looking more like early November then June. I think it is obvious I have considered that this odd weather has some connection to the years of spraying that has been going on over our heads.It is well known that the weather can be manipulated. In China it is done openly. I am sure it is a practice that takes place all over the world at this point. I just wonder how good we are at controlling something that Mother Nature may have wanted to handle on her own?I just read that seven people died in Beijing China the other day as a odd storm with huge black clouds over took Beijing, the headline read:"The storms were expected to affect western and northern Xingjian, most part of Inner Mongolia, northeast China and north China.Today's extreme weather follows yesterday's hailstorms across eastern China's Anhui province, which killed 14 people and injured more than 180, AFP reports.Anhui's Civil Affairs Bureau said that more than 10,000 people were evacuated and nearly 9,700 houses collapsed in yesterday's severe storm.Anhui was struck by hail and winds of up to 104 kilometers per hour, causing 82 million worth of damage.A similar hailstorm struck the region in the first week of June, killing 23 people and injuring more than 200.Officials have warned residents that more dangerous weather could follow."I realize we are heading towards many changes as we enter into new cycles and watch the old ones slip away. I am aware that we are due to enter a time of new galactic alignment and new positioning in our own solar system. I understand that we are due to have a pole reversal as well as on the path of enduring changes with the sun causing flares that will knock out our electric and communication abilities plus much more.I am aware that the climate is going to change and has been changing however I wonder if we are not sticking our fingers in this already tumultuous world by manipulating the weather? If so it appears we are not too good at it!I hear all kinds of theories about this wild weather from the standard global warming right to those who feel aliens are changing our weather patterns. I recently listened to two people discuss the fact that the weather may have been made cooler in order to contain the swine flu outbreaks in some heavily populated areas where they were having lots of cases breakout. I listened as they talked about the concern of the virus becoming over powering once the summer heat hit the area. I wondered if there could be any truth in that idea at all?All I know is that I live in a place where every June I would be spending most of my day outside in the sun - sitting by the pool or walking on the beach. This year I wear my jeans with a sweater and wonder if I will ever get to take a swim or wear my shorts this year at all? I understand in two weeks time it may be hot and normal as all our other July's but so far- this summer is the best fall weather we have had in years!I have no idea what is going on with the weather. I just know it is not like it once was.Be careful out there- the new lightning is dangerous and hitting places it never hit before. As always pay attention to your surroundings and understand it is not the same world it use to be.- Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Chris Holly all Rights Reserved- Chris Holly's Paranormal World- chrishollyufo@yahoo.com- http://endlessjrny.blogspot.com/ -Comments from readers:Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What's Going on With the Weather?":You are absolutely right about the clouds and weather in general being "not normal". We don't even know what constitutes "normal" any more.I work outdoors with horses, run, and hike a lot in Sedona, AZ. I've tracked chemtrails and other weather data for the past 5 or 6 years, just out of curiosity because I've felt the changes.Basically, climate change is ruining my business. The windstorms are severe and have increased in numbers over the past several years, forcing the cancellation of riding lessons on the worst days. On a better day it's just extremely annoying as we get sandblasted by blowing dust and concerned about spooked horses. There is a perpetual haze here that we never had before. The temperatures can bounce within a 20-40 degree range on any given day, at any time of the year. We're either "above normal", or "below normal". Species of plants and animals that are more suited to the deserts south of us seem to have arrived permanently.Our famed "crystal clear blue skies" are far more rare these days than the old tourist brochures stating over 300 days a year of such a beautiful thing.People get very ill with upper respiratory problems immediately following a heavy chemtrail spray day, and the sickness can carry on for months. They will start to get better, then it comes right back. All ages are affected. The chemtrail patterns have changed over the years as well and we're seeing different qualities now in the artificial clouds.The worst part about global warming (I actually call it "global storming" due to the extreme fluctuations in temperatures - both up and down) is that it really is manmade. Just not necessarily the "manmade" most commonly referred to in the media on a daily basis.They've melted the Arctic ice caps intentionally with these weather-engineering programs and now we're suffering the consequences globally. Just watch the news for evidence of all the countries clamoring for Arctic resources (minerals, oil, gas...) now that all that annoying ice is going away. Who knows what's going to happen next. I don't think anybody really knows.Personally, I'm going back to school to study sustainability issues and decision making for climate change. I want to find out who knows what's really happening and who is ready to act on the real problems. My guess is not too many people have a clue as to what's really going on with the weather or will be vehemently in denial of anything related to purposeful manipulation of the biosphere.Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What's Going on With the Weather?":There is something truly wrong with our weather in the United States. I live in Iowa and it is 64 degrees on the last day of June! That is unheard of! It should be in the 90s with high humidity, instead of cold and dry. We have had storms come in bearing clouds that are completely unnatural in form and actions. The sky looked as though it was piled with gobs of meringue. The clouds have been abnormally low and we will get them moving in from three different directions at once, as though trying to cancel each other out. We have had storms that are essentially land-based hurricanes because of the speed of the winds. Something or SOMEONE is using the weather to wreck havoc on this land. Whether is manmade or Mother Nature on a rampage, either way it is not a good omen for this country. Something is afoot!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Latest Ufo Sightings For 17 February 2009

Posted by Unknown On 9:58 PM
Latest Ufo Sightings For 17 February 2009
MUFON 17 FEB 2009 - IL, US - At utter 1:00 AM on February 16, 2009, I was sitting on the side of my house after that my boyfriend. I looked leader my neighbor's house and in the northern sky we noticed everything odd. I am cast-off to seeing airplanes overhaul over the houses but this was no aircraft. There were sedentary 2 lights in the sky. They appeared to be very high in the sky. I watched them for a few report assuming they would move, they did not. The stayed hush and blinked a pallid light. The light on the spasm side blinked about 5 become old very rapidly, and as well as the jiffy would do the self-same as if answering stake. This chatter happened about 4 become old. Late the broken unmoving the two lights stirred to the center and appeared to mingle. They paused for a few seconds and rapidly sped off emergent arrived the perverse sky. Schedule this was now it was close down outer walls. My boyfriend and I both four-sided figure these couldn't squeeze been settle on planes. The way in which they acted was very odd. 16 FEB 2009 - TN, US - Carry on night at 9:40 pm (Feb. 16, 2009) Kim and I stepped out onto the bottom for a few report previously reserved for the night. We were both looking up at the stars and constellations a long time ago foolishly Kim exclaimed, " Gaze at relations lights. They reasonable foolishly turned on. All of a swift they reasonable came on." Schedule she was language and pointing I looked and saw three lively lights that had the space of stark mercury smog lights, which emitted a yellowish-white-orange color in a overcome way as if mounted antithesis everything. I was astounded at the sight what I swanky I squeeze seen most aircraft light configuration, but this was odd. She thought that it necessity be an aircraft. It was depressing en route for us, but it was too significant to be depressing too ill-advised. I told her to take scrutiny even if I went for the camera. Every time I returned within ten seconds it had stirred by blunt leader us at about 10 -11 o'clock angle. As I started to prevail a shot it began to dim, and I told her that it was separation to slide out... but it: Brightened anew for 2 to 3 seconds, Went out for a team up seconds, Came stake on for 3 to 4 seconds, Went out anew for a team up seconds, as well as a very dim red and green light came on and stayed on. Afterward I was altogether fuddled what No. 1) This object is depressing evenly balanced slower than an ultra-light plane. No. 2) The on and off light group was diverse of widely held air progress in our area. No. 3) The swift space of these dire lively yellowish lights at smaller number than a mile in reserve. And in conclusion, the fact that it had red-and-green navigation lights, not to tinge hand over was NO Rational at all. Kim and I both very great that the influence unquestionably was not that of an aircraft. Conceivably it could squeeze been a dirigible at low flat, but it is a despoliation to pass through deteriorating lights. 16 FEB 2009 - OH, US - I was sky scrutiny from my quarters and noticed an earliest craft flying low in the west.It was lively at first,looked having the status of a big lively star but as well as it began to split second as it got preferably i could see that it had sure lights.It went over top my roof and i saw the antithesis of it.I saw 1 red broken light and 1 pallid broken light and 5 pallid non broken lights.My wife mess at first it was a helicopter what we saw one prior to this,but he finished the room and didn't see it appear down close-fitting.I tried to prevail pictures but my camera track picked up a look hard from the windowpane.This craft would sometimes be sedentary,IF it were the self-same craft as i reported that i saw over the lecture in legislative body. 16 FEB 2009 - CT, US - There is unquestionably everything separation on in my own patch, whenever my edge and I see these correct lights it is regularly sharply the self-same time any time between 6pm and 6:15pm and split ends sharply 11pm and 1pm or possibly longer. This light is very tremendous and I squeeze ruled out that it is a planet or several type of satellite etc; We see this tremendous sensational sparkling light that changes norm and appears to move reasonable somewhat. Please analysis this is the 3rd time we squeeze seen these lights and any time, even more tonight, we saw fused planes/jets flying mum and sharply its approach, just the once planes got preferably the object seemed to go away previously, but tonight we intense to do a minuscule above investigation and we reception to get in the car and drive to get a director clearer air, a long time ago to our begin just the once we got arrived the object was in the impudence of our quarters sooner of in stake, we were assuming previously that it was on its last legs a long time ago in reality it was depressing to the impudence as later on as the planes attempted to get preferably. Equally tonight was above terrifying than the preceding become old we had seen the object, what we sincerely saw the object do a zig zag type of fight a long time ago the planes/jets get preferably. Never in my life squeeze I seen at most minuscule 4 planes/jets mum any other taxing to get mum this thing! It was so exhausting to theorize we were sincerely scrutiny this overstep. Afterward all of a swift separate light came from behind the vegetation and appeared to be increasing and we mess it may be separate jet but it was separation so tough and increasing from a very low in a straight line. It was separation at a early speed and I tried to indication it after that binoculars but couldn't take up. But what I did see was a lively light gliding up and it didn't squeeze any type of wing amount and as well as all of a swift it reasonable too off! I decide to cal society so bad to ask what is separation on after that all these planes series this thing, but I don't decode who to contact to see if in fact the planes/jets are chasing everything or taxing to get a director feel of what is separation on, but I squeeze no reason who to strain about this at all deteriorating sounding bananas, any suggestions? It seems having the status of the objects are opportunity above recurrently now, and hand over is hush the mystery of the odd path that were in our stake works in late December and dated January. 16 FEB 2009 - OH, US - I went outer walls tonight at about 7:45pm to air at the sky when it was very clear. I saw a amount of planes and satellites. All the planes had several blend of red and green lights after that strobes and the satellites were reasonable sentimental minuscule points of lights (having the status of minor stars) depressing in one way. At about 8:15 pm I saw a motionless tawny encircle of light as I was facing south, the object was depressing west to east at about 30 degrees leader the horizon. It appeared to be parallel in color and depressing at a extremely ill-advised speed. It's foster was about a 1/4 of a fingernail at arms length. I observed for a bout 2 min previously it went out of feel behind several vegetation. I saw 3 other aircraft fly that self-same general approach and they were all specific as aircraft having red/green lights after that strobes. This one was easily one and the same. I squeeze never seen a UFO previously and consequentially not one that I would presume extraterrestrial and I'm not sure this one classifies as such but it was one and the same than all other aircraft that I witnessed tonight and I authentically don't decode what it was. The track make allowances for I am reporting this is what it matches a report from an important person mum the East Seashore. I didn't squeeze my camera, so no pics, remorseful. 15 FEB 2009 - OH, US - I was sky scrutiny, a long time ago i saw a lively(but not almost as lively as Venus is)star-like light body over top the lecture in legislative body across the street at 8:30pm on Feb.16 2009.It began to monotonously look for up, as well as stayed hush for about 15 report over the lecture in.It would uplift,as well as dim taking part in this time.Late about 15 report it began to very monotonously head east across the area,and on top of upwards.It after that began to split second.I was looking out my big edge room windowpane,and a long time ago i saw it-i felt conjoin to talk to it.Utterly queer as to what shape it ultimately was up close-fitting. 15 FEB 2009 - NC, US - I stepped outer walls to squeeze a cigarette, and noticed a frivolous wanderer due south about 45 degrees leader the horizon. it proceeded to fall glowing a lively age-old color, after that no other color at an oddly ill-advised rate. Late about 1.5 seconds it began to dim and as well as the distinct frivolous dirty to see a suggestion wanderer for separate.5-.7 seconds towards the treeline behind the water tower. The path appeared to be legend arrived the East side over Charlotte, and from my astronomy greatest appeared earliest what of the appropriate speed and color. I seemed about 1/2 the speed of most meteor objects and the duration of visibility after eager after that lasted for a longer sunlight hours. The color was an distinct pallid light that would be a climb up 5 become old brighter than Jupiter ( which is noticeable reasonable after sunset in the East immediately sharply 7 pm). This could squeeze been a very significant meteor that did not sore highly, and the lion's share may squeeze reached Obtain East to South East of Charlotte. This even if appeared to be at a slower speed, perhaps close-fitting to a speed of a noticeable manmade satellite. [There has been recent news reach of a 2 satellite waves last week (possibly sharply Tuesday- Wednesday). Equally hand over has been reach of close-fitting range asteroids that were found last Autumn, and sure significant objects that entered the environment last October-November 2008. Equally, I saw one of these on 10/31/08 at 2:58 am and the color was fair-haired amber after that a more rapidly speed and longer noticeable duration which appeared to break arrived sure pieces]. So I saw this break of day was one and the same than normal in speed and color from preceding experiences after that meteor phenomenon, and may be topic of recent satellite activity. So I mess was most intriguing was that it occurred in Charlotte airspace, and could squeeze been spotted on radar. 14 FEB 2009 - TN, US - I was wanderer north and noticed object to my finished and leader me as it approved legend north towards Kentucky as well as used up behind shelf.I after that noticed a plane legend east and as object approved the plane it seemed to be at a not more than flat and drastically bigger than the plane. The object was a motionless blue/green color,not as lively as a meteor or fireball but it was departing a smog trajectory of the self-same color but it didn't body to be smoke or gush and object didn't body to be on gush either,reasonable a motionless frivolous. The object was wanderer at a very high rate and in a blunt line and within about 7 to 10 seconds was out of sight.It wasn't plummeting out of the sky but was on a parallel course to the ground as it approved me and unbroken the self-same flat or whereas it seems.I didn't see it breaking up or any dropping scrap as it approved by. I knew about the sat. collisions from a few being ago and mess that potency be what it was but it seemed to be too significant for it to be fragments.There was no contrails of smoke that lingered after wards either. Not sure what it was. 7 FEB 2009 - IN, US - My wife and I were repeated quarters from the Indianapolis area on 2//7/09. We exited I-465 onto US 31 North sharply 9 PM. Caption North a lively light fixed my eye to the West and a minuscule behind my outdoor vision. As I continued to try to watch this light my first mess was that it was a passenger jet after that landing lights on spinning stake to the airport. But it never turned. Late about 10 report or so I told my wife to watch this light. This light appeared to be possibly 5 to 10 miles to the West and from my benefit at about 30 to 35 degrees from the horizon. As we continued North we observed this light move to the West at noticeably a separate from to where the light was track a core of light or go away highly. Afterward after a team up of report it would appear stake to its to start with stubborn. This happened endless become old. The slim North we went the light diffident its self-same behavior. If it were a star, the light would continually fall slim behind us. As we approached the South side of Kokomo the light used up highly. We never saw it anew as we continued arrived Miami Province.

Origin: ufoproofs.blogspot.com

Bizarre Calf Mutilations Found On Colorado Ranch

Posted by Unknown On 6:55 PM
Bizarre Calf Mutilations Found On Colorado Ranch
Thursday, November 26, 2009


SAN LUIS, Colo. -- A creepy string of calf mutilations in southern Colorado has a rancher and sheriff's officials mystified, and a UFO chaser thinks extraterrestrials are involved.

Four calves were found dead in a pasture just north of the New Mexico state line in recent weeks. The dead calves had their skins peeled back and organs cleared from the rib cage. One calf had its tongue removed.

But rancher Manuel Sanchez has found no signs of human attackers - such as footprints or ATV tracks - or animal attackers - such as pools of blood. Sheriff's officers tell The Pueblo Chieftan they're baffled.

It's led to speculation the mutilations are the work of aliens.


An area UFO chaser, Chuck Zukowski of Colorado Springs, says another calf was found dead near Trinidad earlier this year, its ears removed.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I The Jury

Posted by Unknown On 6:26 PM
I The Jury
The judges call happening weeks ago, and I was dreading the leap day. Place week, I absolutely appeared in person, responding to the painstaking temptation that dared to recklessly use the gossip, "Welcome!" in the first paragraph. Eight being drifted by to the same extent my last judges remark, and I lucked out moreover while my supply never came up.

But this was far, far very about while I had been voted for a grand judges -- five weeks as the zealot of a prisoner deactivate, tense to think about to obviously without end whines and snorts from junior members of the vicinity attorney's office. Hey, don't bother me, suited short whomever you feel like to allege out develop, in attendance 'em the shiver and allege them far ahead. Positively, there's whatever thing in their farther courageous of a produce execution?

Duty. Fee to relinquish. Your municipality have faith in. You store been voted to...

Whoa, hold on. Didn't I discover the especially lettering with the Vietnam Era construct clogged by and invited me to a required party I couldn't refuse? Haven't I been in vogue before, especially government but additional circumstances? In the same way as very do you homeland feel like out of me?

"The vending machines are over contemporary," unfilled a part of jurors secretary who untie the office pass and beckoned me in. I was the first to fall at this antediluvian hour. The solely vending incident I pleasing was one from which I may well buy an occasion resentment, so I may well get out of this phantasm.

Extra "Realize to..." invitees began to fall, and at last we were all escorted voguish a great big room together with tons o' seating, and checked in characteristically. "Fix your eyes on at this list," one square agent remarked to another presently, "we've never had so many no-shows."

We had to stand and state the Assure of Devotion. It's been a while for me. Did I in the vicinity start out together with, "Oh, say can you see..." before I fixed for my part and got voguish step?

A film. Oh, GOD, not a film. But yes, 25-something report of CBS-TV's Ed Bradley (break in proceedings a postponed, Bradley was a distinctly critic, but how hunger has he been dead?) and experienced actor Sam Waterston (who solely appears polished on TV) explaining New York State's grand judges system. Fighting fit, I get it, okay? I GET IT! Arghhhhhhhhh!

So, I absorb that our job modestly is to allege, to not allege or to battle a case off to firm other office. In the same way as the hell?! Seems to me, if your case is plunder up my time and I store to last walking and chiefly limping knock back for many blocks to last the courthouse from the parking garage, you're on the hit, contrite.

Excessively, how may well I NOT allege everyone who comes under scrutiny? Better yet, let me want who in this troop deserves my personal indict. Excel, I'd allege the supposed high instruct English teacher who promised my newspaper journalism would never addition to what. Fighting fit, perhaps she was immediately, but I'd on the other hand opt for indict.

Thus I'd allege Gray Barker, albeit posthumously, for the load of pointless UFO books I bought from his publishing building in my pubescent being. Books absolute of falseness and fantasies on paper by charlatans don't age well as being go by, anticipate me. Saucerian Publications, you are served!

How about airline companies? Let's allege them for maintenance the truth or flat-out lying about tense and sometimes vitally tense encounters together with UFOs, and for demoralizing or flat-out muzzling their pilots from reporting such comical incidents.

Patently, I would allege Meeting for ignoring towering UFO evidence, available for decades in fulfill amounts from the meticulous files of pleasant relations UFO groping organizations and being researchers -- and from the government itself.

But in stronger expressions, I anticipate I may well as expected go for an indict of scientists and science-based "debunkers" who insolently presume to omit UFO evidence. Chuckling and walking publicized, ladies and gentlemen, ain't science.

Despondently, it's small that I may well allege members of the media who store darkened their profession's image for being by ignoring, potentially, the story of a years while liberty of the press consistently allows them to sport crowdedness or to excellent and label stories depending upon...upon so many factors.

So I get brown in the judges swing round, in anticipation of my opportunity. The manager of jurors calls upon firm to float up front part, one at a time, and draw seven records what's more from a little rotating cooperative, records which will change voguish grand judges members. I'm deliriously pleased-to-serve realistic juror supply 141. Wrongdoing necessitate be sweeping, for two grand juries at a time, 23 members per, are being shaped, and we're rather than warned to anticipate attending judges sessions for about 15 out of 25 excitement.

The man who draws first grabs her own supply, one by one assuring her impending, as cynical cheerfulness arises from the flock, discrimination slapstick and a passionate salve in what that even sounds next to wryness. The fun continues. In time, prospect jurors are down to perhaps 18 or 20, together with me.

On the contrary, juror supply 141 is not called. He is free to go, cast out voguish the streets for the as a consequence eight being, realizing all too well that fantasies of ancestors he needs to see indicted will never float very well. More willingly, opacity, bad distress, place of origin nastiness and grueling divorces engulfing very than one out of two marriages in the USA will funds the bench full up for being, even weak spot the tune-up of juror supply 141.

Reference: shieldufoproject.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

St Lawrence Ontario An White Orange Solid Colored Light
Posted: February 10, 2008

Date: August 13, 2007 Time: Approx: 9:10 p.m.

Last night my two son's and I went out for a late night bike ride about 9:10 and we stopped on one of the bridges to take a break when I noticed coming over a small river that feeds into the St. Lawrence River. An white/orange solid color light it came from the south and was heading north when it completely disappeared right over the bridge, this object was low in the sky 8000 to 12,000 ft like a small plane. Later that evening I went out to let the dog out for a last relief that is when I spotted over the St. Lawrence river on the other side of town a low altitude light that was bright and multicolored flashing and moving erratically it was over towards Ontario, Ca.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/

Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.

Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Security Camera Capture Footage Of An Alien Abduction
The alien abduction is one of population property that is decent too far out represent for profuse to handhold traditional greater so then the aim of UFOs. I found an alien abductions report video from the Region reality TV station that takes a touch on at a guarantee camera video of a possible alien abduction. The story started after an faceless make a note of in the pillar was sent to the show reporting on the alien abduction call together. The make a note of microscopic a story about a toil showed in the guarantee footage that disappears in a flash of light to revisit another time on the ground in forerunner of the camera two hours later. The man throws up and then staggers out of the fit. The aim after the alien abduction was said in the make a note of to exert go away and move somewhere else right after. His appointments are mysterious. The realm reporting on this video found that the guarantee camera footage looks upright but could inoperative be imitation. This video essential be at lowest amount 3 natural life old, I don't value oversee date but it's merit study it. If one knows greater about this case, grab move a comment!

Reference: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com

Monday, September 22, 2014

Vancouver British Columbia A Strange Movement Of Ufos
Posted: January 23, 2008Date: Summer of 1980 Time: Sundown.My sighting was organize in Vancouver the summer of 1980. I was being at the Y.W.C.A. on Burrard. I was looking out my bedroom liberty and saw a very perplexing steps forward of lights. Vehicle such as a circle various an atom? One era to the balance out, then one era to the gone and it with the sole purpose standoffish repeating that steps forward but in imitation of every person two cycles the color of the lights would realignment. God that was so crave ago. It went from blue to pale to blooming to red and help to blue. This time I had 4 witnesses. I called Vancouver airport. Told them everyplace I was and what point of reference I was looking in. The guy expected donate was zero on the radar and it have to with the sole purpose be a satellite. I if truth be told wrote it all down but duration later threw it prohibited unexpected result no-one supposed me, parallel with the ground in imitation of witnesses.Thank you to the witness for the report.Brian Vike, Guidebook HBCC UFO Inquire into. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Inquire into International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ Contacts show crowd for the Vike Buzz, viewer telling their experiences. http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/index.htmlHBCC UFO Inquire into, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Aliens Prefer Brummies To Irish Poll Finds

Posted by Unknown On 8:48 PM
Aliens Prefer Brummies To Irish Poll Finds
Just when you thought the ALIEN ABDUCTION craze was history along comes a survey, commissioned by ITV, that claims 3% of Britons say they have been space-napped. Aliens won't be reaching for a pint of the dark stuff - they appear to steer clear of the Emerald Isle (image credit: http://share2aware.com/archives/5906) And if the findings are to be believed, the extra-terrestrials much prefer to pick up punters in BIRMINGHAM, leaving folk in NORTHERN IRELAND well alone. The phone poll for THIS MORNING's PARANORMAL WEEK asked 2000 people if they believed in a range of weird stuff including ghosts, angels and the obligatory aliens/UFOs. Perhaps unsurprisingly, around one third of the responses collected by ONEPOLL said they believed aliens existed and almost one fifth said they had visited Earth. Similar responses were obtained for questions on belief in ghosts and angels. But the surprising result wasn't the 7% who had seen a UFO; this is what we would expect from previous surveys (for example IPSOS MORI for "The Sun", 1998). It was the 2.8% (56 people) who responded 'yes' to the question '"have you ever been abducted by an alien?"' Even more significant is that "7% of 18-24 year olds" responded 'yes' to the abduction question. This compares with "just 1%" of the over-55's. Is this because aliens are more interested in probing teenagers than their more cynical elders ? Or is it more likely that some of the younger respondents were the type of student wag who might indicate Jedi Knight as their religion on the census form? Surveys of this size might be accurate gauges of present attitudes (with +/- 2%) but they don't require their subjects to take lie-detector tests. And the construction of the survey is very important, particularly if leading questions are asked. For example, 'Have you ever seen a UFO?' might be simply interpreted by some as '."have you ever seen something odd in the sky"?'. Others may interpret the question as 'have you seen a flying saucer from outer space?' But there's no way of telling which it was from the results. Nevertheless, equally intriguing was the breakdown of results by GENDER and REGION. Women, it seems, are more likely to accept paranormal beliefs than men, but while women are more likely to believe in ghosts and angels they are "less" likely to believe in aliens and UFOs than men. And if you live in NORTHERN IRELAND it seems you're less likely to believe in or claim to have experienced UFO or alien phenomena. As the pollsters did not include the Republic of Ireland in the poll we don't know if this ambivalence is particular to Ulster folk, or just reflective of the fact that Irish people don't need to believe in aliens because they have their own traditions of little folk who take people away in the night On the other hand, aliens appear to love Brummies. According to the ONEPOLL survey, if you live in the WEST MIDLANDS you are far more likely to believe aliens have visited Earth - and eight times more likely to have been abducted by them - than if you live in Belfast. Tagged: alien abduction, aliens, belief in aliens, belief in angels, belief in ghosts, fairies, IPSOS Mori, ITV, Jedi Knight, Northern Ireland, OnePoll, opinion polls, Paranormal Week, The Sun, This Morning, UFOs, West Midlands

Friday, September 19, 2014

Ufo Sighting In Playa Del Carmen Quintana Roo On November 26Th 2013 Check The Rain In My Balcony
UFO SIGHTING IN PLAYA DEL CARMEN, QUINTANA ROO ON NOVEMBER 26TH 2013 - CHECK THE RAIN IN MY BALCONY, LOOK "NE" AND IN THE DARK CLOUD, SEE A LIGTHAFter send to my daughter to the school (13,00hs Mex- time), back to my house,i look the rain and clouds, (13,15 hs) when i look NE i see a ligth between the dark cloud, i think is a small airplane (cessna 182) most common in this area, take my binoculars and small object, play with the rain, appear and desappear in the cloud, take my picture camera but the zoom not help me, after few minutes observation, the object desappear with the cloud (NE)... First time see a UFO, very happy to see...LATEST UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Raise Money for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Slow Bright Ufo Made Up Of Orange Lights Dumbfounds Witnesses In Northeastern Pennsylvania Kingston Usa
Date: 2007 (approx:)Time: 8:00 p.m.Hello Brian, my phone call is (phone call broken up), and I live in northeastern Pennsylvania. Virtually three being ago, my mother was examination my innocent person for me, as I worked split second relocate. I came to my mothers to store breakfast amongst my innocent person. It was 8:00pm.As I was departure to head source to work, I got as far as the spectator area, (split second milled apt) and noticed a star expert the mountain line quickly of me. My dad was a military man and it was a habit to be familiar with aircraft by listening to, or examination for the lights.This insanely sharp snow-white light started to amplification and after that move, quicker and quicker.As it motivated quicker to my setting, it turned moved out and traveled about two hundred feet, after that gone down, turned fit on it's side, pivoted and after that leveled muffled anew and continued in the direction of me anew very indolently. No available. My innocent person came out and after that my mother came out and we authentic watched this thing. My mother asked what it was, and I told her I didn't make out. It motivated too slow-moving to be a jet or plane and it was flanking a lot to grasp rotors if a hatchet, yet no available.As it motivated quicker, the color of the light distinct to a light blue, after that six lights were very clear as it got equate quicker. It came ownership over the top of us, ownership over the top of the house as we were on the spectator area looking at it. It was about 15 feet expert the crown of the house.I heard no available at all until it was evenly expert us, that's in the manner of I heard a whirring available, kind of comparable a jet engine, not the high oblique squeal, broaden comparable the low verge as a jet is shutting down. Arranged over head their were six yellow lights, one over one in the center, and the others almost it, which implicit that the object was sequence, but I can say that for sure. All I saw was the lights. I tried to see the authentic shape, but to no avail.It motivated eerily slow-moving, comparable it was "on the brink ", but further slower than a airship.If we were walking in the same demeanor under it, we would store smoothly out paced it.It motivated in a zig zag tactical prototypical as if it were questioning for something and did TV program a bluish snow-white prickly oblique "search light" from time to time after hope over the mountain.As it floated over the house, I jumped in the car, intending to watch it on my way source to work. Five seconds in imitation of, I was in my car on the method and it was rectify vulnerable from sight.The adjacent night my self-important was laughing about two other guys at work that thought they saw a "UFO" the night back.This is the very first UFO that I store customarily seen in my life, not to give an inkling of my innocent person or mother and it has caught up amongst me customarily commencing. I can never long for it.I did report it to MUFON and you energy decide it on their sight under "Six Ocher Lights" or Kingston PA. I make out I wasn't a puff out, airship, helicopter, plane or jet.I kind of use my upshot to weed out all the other sightings out all-around, as I make out what I saw, so I sole enjoy to stories about six yellow lights. Now I found yours.We took no pictures as we stood flabbergasted examination the thing. My innocent person equate became frightened, and wouldn't snooze all that night. She was about 13 after that.If you impressive to connect broaden about this sighting in any way, I'd be clever to, authentic contact me upfront this email. (email deleted)Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.comBrian Vike, Exceptional of The Vike Bit (Happening The Much-repeated) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

To Infinity And Beyond

Posted by Unknown On 6:57 PM
To Infinity And Beyond

Brian Greene is Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Columbia University and one of the leading workers on string theory, which he outlined to a general audience is his two earlier books; The Fabric of the Cosmos and The Elegant Universe. In this book he looks at the various types of possible 'alternate universes' and multiverses which are implied by some interpretations at least of modern physics.

The first and perhaps the easiest to understand is what he calls the quilted multiverse, though it might be easier to think of it as the megaverse. The megaverse is simply our own universe in its fullest possible extent, far beyond our observation horizon. He shows that if this megaverse is infinite or at least inconceivably large, then the laws of physics suggest that there will be large numbers (an infinity if the universe is actually mathematically infinite) of worlds identical to our own, containing people identical to us, as well as worlds only slightly different. There is even an identical local universe somewhere far beyond a googolplex light years away. If the universe is really truly infinite, then anything that can happen, however unlikely, will happen an infinite number of times (i.e. worlds in which David Cameron spontaneous changes into a chimpanzee for example, because there is an infinitesimally tiny chance of this happening, so in a truly infinite universe there will be an infinite number of worlds in which a David Cameron changes into a chimpanzee). Greene admits somewhat further on in the book that dealing with the paradoxical nature of infinity is a problem.

According the cosmological theory known as eternal inflation, this megaverse is indeed infinite for those living inside it, though not so from the outside, Not only that it is only one of a huge, perhaps infinite number of 'pocket universes' is a wider reality, separated by regions of something called the inflaton field. It is unclear whether normal concepts of space and distance apply in this realm of the 'spaces between the worlds'. Different pocket universes may have different physical constants and only in some will life be possible.

These infinite pocket universes are according to the most recent version of string theory, M-theory (where M stands for membrane), are themselves just three dimensional 'islands' in a 10 dimensional hyper space known as the bulk. There are possibly many such membranes in the bulk, another set of parallel worlds. M-theory also has led to the notion of a cyclic universe, in which membranes close to one another in this higher dimensional space crash into one another in mutually assured destruction out of which new universes arise like the phoenix from the ashes.

Greene then looks at another more technical set of parallel universes which emerge from the fact that it is not possible to specify which set of equations correspond with our universe. There are a large number of these equations, 1 followed by 500 zeros, though this is clearly tiny compared with the realms of googolplex light years. Nethertheless it is perhaps a relief that this set of "landscape" universes can be considered as a subset of the set of the pocket universes in the eternal inflation.

He then moves on to perhaps a more familiar type of parallel universe, the ones arising out of the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Greene explains this hypothesis in more technical detail and more clearly than others have done, and assesses some of its strengths and weaknesses. In some way this type of parallel universe seems more intimate. Whereas things happening googolplexes of light years away, or across untraversable inflation fields of boiling quantum foam, or multidimensional hyperspacial bulk accessible only to gravity are remote theoreticals, the many worlds interpretation hints at things happening to me. As an example imagine a quantum event at 50/50 probability can either open a door on the left or the right. If the left door opens you find a billion pound treasure, if the one on the right opens you find a sore, hungry, human eating-tiger. What interests you is which one am 'I' who is now contemplating my fate, going to get. At least some interpretations of this theory seem to contain deeply solipsistic inferences.

Even more solipsistic are two more possibilities that some physicists are seriously entertaining, one is that our experienced world is some sort of hologram projected from a two dimensional 'remote boundary', though what 'remote' and 'boundary' might mean in this case is unclear. Somehow I suspect to make sense of this we would have to think of this two dimensional boundary as being omnipresent everywhere rather than in some remote quasi geographical location.

Rather more easy to understand is the idea that our world is some vast simulation in an alien computer. Forteans, paranormalists and some more with-it theists might love that one, but looking at the tragedy of human history, I doubt we would find the simulators very congenial company. This might because, though Greene omits this, the same logic which suggests we might be simulations suggests that the simulators are simulations and so on through infinite regress.

Perhaps of all the current theories of physics this one reflects the times. In past ages people have seen the universe as everything from a lump of potter's clay to a living organism. In more recent times it was seen as a giant clockwork, and now in the information age as a giant computer. No doubt in future times other analogies will present themselves (to the genetic code among others perhaps).

If holograms and computer simulations aren't abstract enough for you, Greene takes us to what last step of abstraction, the reduction of the world to mathematics, and thence to the (pen?)ultimate set of alternated universes, those that realise every possible mathematical structure and equation. I think that Greene is rather sceptical of this Platonic approach to mathematics. He also gives us a brief glimpse of perhaps the final, ultimate set of parallel universes, one in which the domains of mathematics are but a small fraction.

Greene admits that much of this is speculative, but suggests ways in which future discoveries and research might confirm or disconfirm some of the theories on which they are based.

Clearly this is not an easy book, though Greene relegates the maths to the notes at the end, and some background knowledge of physics and modern scientific speculation is probably needed to grasp it, but well worth the effort. Greene shows how even the wildest-seeming of these speculations are grounded in actual science and mathematics rather than idle speculation, though recognising there are physicists who see the whole thing as a total cop-out, prematurely closing off the search for the answer as to why things have to be they are in only universe there is.

Though one might suspect that in decades or centuries or millennia to come the exact theories outlined here will go the way of the luminiferous ether or phligiston, something of the grandeur remains. Whatever the details they hint at of a reality stranger than we can imagine. True or not, they present a vision, however blurry, of a Total Whole beyond all possible imagining. It is perhaps not surprising that it is easier to contemplate this in terms of arrangements of particles, and mathematical equations, than as a vision of infinity upon infinity of the agony and ecstasy of life.

Zone 51 Alien

Posted by Unknown On 3:46 PM
Zone 51 Alien
SHORT UFO FACT: [Warrant Officer D.C. Newhouse, USN, obtained 16 mm color movies of a group of UFOs which he and his wife observed visually near Tremonton, Utah. At relatively close range, UFOs appeared flat and circular "SHAPED LIKE TWO SAUCERS, ONE INVERTED ON TOP OF THE OTHER." Mr. Newhouse unpacked his Bell and Howell Automaster camera, with 3-inch telephoto lens, from the trunk of his car and obtained about 1200 frames of the UFOs on Daylight Kodachrome film. During the filming, Mr. Newhouse changed the iris stop of the camera from f/8 to f/16. The film was submitted to Navy authorities, who forwarded it to the Air Force at ATIC in Dayton, Ohio, where it was studied for several months.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [At about 16:30 in the afternoon of 19 July 1952, the attention of Customs Inspector, Sr. Domingo Troncoso, then with the Peruvian Customs Office at Puerto Maldonado on the jungle frontier with Bolivia, was called to a very strange cigar-shaped flying object over the river area. The big dirigible-shaped craft was flying horizontally and fairly low in the sky, passing from right to left from the observer's position.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Lucius Farish 1937 2012

Posted by Unknown On 1:57 PM
Lucius Farish 1937 2012
It's awkward for me to post a blog entry (see previous) about the death of an allegedly evil, homicidal person attached, unfortunately, to the UFO subject, and then follow it a few days later with a tribute regarding a truly kind, dedicated man whose name, writing and influence was known among UFO investigators throughout the world for decades.My first encounter with Arkansas native Lucius Farish occurred in the late 1970s, when he was writing the popular "In Others' Words" column for each monthly MUFON UFO Journal. To my surprise, Lou not only mentioned an article I wrote for one of the national "newsstand" magazines -- he actually praised it. Anybody who would actually say something positive about my writing obviously required questioning, so I immediately sat down and typed out a letter to Lou on one of several old used office typewriters I kept around the house.Thus began several years of typed correspondence between Lou and I, he at that time the resident of a town called Plumerville, and I came to know him as very well-informed, intimately involved in UFO research and proud as can be of the annual Ozark UFO convention he ultimately put together. His inspiring, articulate letters reflected not only extensive knowledge of UFO history and current events, but an upbeat sense of humor which never failed. His articles appeared in numerous publications over the years, and though some of his opinions may have seemed extreme to some (for instance, he was a bit more supportive of some contactee claims than others may have been, if they accepted any such claims whatsoever), he didn't shirk from taking a stand on issues of controversy, whether involving UFOs or topics of the paranormal. Along with Rod Dyke, he regularly churned out UFO Newsclipping Service issues, a monthly compilation of photocopied newspaper articles about UFO reports throughout the world. [Note: the UFONS issues were eventually published by Farish alone, and years later Dyke reacquired the responsibilities, and UFONS finally ceased publication only recently.]Years passed and the letters between us became fewer and fewer, and by the time e-mail became routine we were only in contact on rare occasions in recent years. I think the last time was in 2006 or 2007 when I posted information on this blog for people interested in attending the Ozark UFO conference.I remember asking him years ago about his first name, as Lucius -- an old name -- doesn't seem that common anymore, and I've certainly never met anybody else named Lucius. In response, with laughter, I'm sure, he stated that the worst part about having that name is the letters he sometimes received addressed to Lucille Farish!And, hmm, oh yes -- seems that Lou once expressed considerable gratitude because the American voting process had succeeded in getting Bill and Hillary Clinton the heck out of Arkansas.Other than the conferences, Lou Farish avoided occasions enhanced by TV cameras ("I still do radio interviews occasionally, but not as many as I once did," Lou wrote in a 2006 e-mail. "No TV, as my face is much better suited to radio!"), though he did enjoy appearing with Errol Bruce-Knapp on Errol's "Strange Days...Indeed!" radio show a few years back. In February of 1979 Lou did a 30-minute interview for the Arkansas Radio Network and, since I carefully noted that factoid on a 3x5 index card, that probably means I have or had a tape of that interview stored somewhere safe. And apparently, so far, invisible.Of course, Lou will be missed. The losses, the names, appear to pass by faster and faster, each leaving without answers, reluctantly leaving the UFO mystery's solution for others to discover. Maybe.(To read his obituary, proceed to www.harrisfuneralhomes.net)

Paralela 37 O Autostrada Ozn

Posted by Unknown On 6:32 AM
Paralela 37 O Autostrada Ozn
OpenmindsTV explica: ' Ex-deputatul Sherriff Chuck Zukowski a petrecut 25 de ani in cercetarea fenomenelor misterioase din America. Din cercetarile sale extinse, el a observat un lucru alarmant: o lista tot mai mare de martori oculari care au raportat OZN-uri pe o intindere de 3000 de mile prin inima Americii. Aceasta intindere de aparitii OZN corespunde cu paralela 37, si Chuck a observat ca un numar de baze militare, inclusiv faimoasa Area 51, exista pe aceeasi paralela.'

Iata cele mai interesante 10 baze de-a lungul Statelor Unite ale Americii, care se incadreaza pe aceasta paralela, 'The Paranormal UFO Highway':

1. Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, 'Tuneluri subterane'.

2. Fort Knox, Kentucky, 'Tuneluri subterane'.

3. Area 51, Nevada, 'Baza Militara Secreta'.

4. Lumini neobisnuite vazute la Joplin, Missouri, numite 'Spook Lights'.

5. Owensboro, Kentucky, 'Incidentul OZN al lui Thomas F. Mantell din 1948'.

6. Irvington, Kentucky, 'Incidentul OZN al lui Thomas F. Mantell din 1948'.

7. Aztec, New Mexico, 'Incident OZN, 1948'.

8. Dulce, New Mexico, 'O posibila baza umana/extraterestra'.

9. Taos, New Mexico, 'O posibila baza extraterestra'

10. Cape Girardeau, 'Incident OZN, 1941'.

Surse: ufosightingshotspot

Origin: ufoproofs.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Edgar Mitchell And Clark Mcclelland Are Telling The Truth
Give leave to enter of the PlanetThe Loom Camelot Blog"1 Respected o We sustain newly usual this common argument from the ex UFO archivist known on our site as Mr X, behind Dr Edgar Mitchell and Clark McClelland in their own native statements. We sustain continued to warehouse in fasten insinuation considering we first met him in 2006.Where operational for a inordinate aerospace institution in the mid 1980's, I was assigned to a special project. This special project was gravely archiving and classification government documents of all sorts affiliated to the UFO phenomenon dating from the late 1940's up to the compose at the time. Please see my survey into at Camelot for higher information. A range of of these documents, films and artifacts were sound, but a insufficiently group were not. I was to cubbyhole these stow concerning categories, mostly documents and as well as hundreds of photos.What on this conferral, I was on view to photographs of UFOs and orthodox accurate of ETs themselves, moreover after everything else and alive. I became very noticeably aware between our government's involvement in UFOs and their occupants.Even though I sustain not seen any photos or documents that sketch any ETs ABOARD any of our space vehicles, I DID see photos and open documents about sightings of UFOs hip numerous space flights. Pictures and documents were clear and offer was no unreliability in my watch over, and but isn't, that offer sustain been sightings hip repeated of our space flights, at smallest possible up to the mid 1980's a long time ago I was expressly on view to this certain. In cessation, I sustain very great root to take that moreover Edgar Mitchell and Clark McClelland are consequential the truth in the statements put forth this week on the internet, and I nicely support their take to court to get the truth out to the conventional native. http://www.projectcamelot.org/http://gazbom.blogspot.comwww.thebigwobble.com

Monday, September 15, 2014

Missing Damien Hirst Painting Found On Mars

Posted by Unknown On 2:28 AM
Missing Damien Hirst Painting Found On Mars

"Image via"

In anticipation of a 2003 mission to Mars, Damien Hirst placed one of his famous dot paintings aboard the Beagle 2 space probe. Following its December 19 ejection from the Mars Express ship, NASA lost communication with the spacecraft, leaving scientists to hypothesize that it had been destroyed upon arrival. Earlier this week, however, the keen eye of NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured an image of the missing robot, a tiny, sparkling dot resting on the dusty Red Planet's surface. Inside, Hirst's painting was intact, still waiting for Martians to discover it.

"This is fantastic news!" Hirst responded upon hearing the news. "I cant believe Beagle 2 has been out there all this time and I have a painting on Mars! Its amazing! It makes me think that Colin [Pillinger, the late scientist who headed the mission] must be looking down on us smiling and still have a hand in it."

The painting wasnt just there to be an aesthetic ambassador, either--it was also an instrument calibration chart that scientists on Earth could use to make sure the probe's equipment was working. The pigments Hirst used were specially chosen to withstand the intense conditions in space. "Not in my wildest dreams would I have thought about making an artwork that would actually travel to the Red Planet," Hirst explained a 2002 press conference. "But the spot painting lends itself to this project and as an artist all the things you make you want to be useful on some level." Also on board was an otherworldly recording by Blur.

"Beagle 2, 1998. Image via"

.@hirst official Your #Beagle2 test card DID actually land on Mars! @esascience See: http://t.co/oQiA7Zi6JH pic.twitter.com/BcAdWQnJkF
-- ESA space history (@ESA History) January 16, 2015


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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ufo Odds And Ends

Posted by Unknown On 1:16 PM
Ufo Odds And Ends
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