Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ufologys Insane Asylum Ufo Updates

Posted by Unknown On 10:09 AM
Ufologys Insane Asylum Ufo Updates
The pathology instinctive to or appraise of UFOs is increase in and plain at an internet answer that designates itself as The List: Errol Bruce-Knapp's UFO UpDates.

A spry skin at the postings on UpDates provides evidence of a psychopathology that is substantiated by a perusal of such dolts as Jerry Clark, Don Ledger, Stanton Friedman, and particularly the troubled and intellectually angry Alfred Lehmberg.

Perfectly, passable and speak clearly thinkers such as Britain's David Clarke and the great Jeff Ritzmann inhibit uninteresting UpDates, realizing that the set now contains a flock of very mentally-sick persons, who are spouting jeremiads about the Weird and wonderful Abduction commotion that Paratopia started by its anti-Hopkins revelations of Carol Rainey, Hopkins' ex-wife and unite, and the Jacobs/Emma Plant imbroglio that has captured the noses of ufological morons and idiots who haven't a brainstorm as to what malfeasance is or difficult predisposition is on their section or others,

UpDates is the last departure of the ufological residue that has been marginalized by UFO newbies and accurately intellectuals, who malarkey to habituate the site.

The grotesque asides of The Listers is grist for psychoanalytic appraise, if one wants to delve into minds that inhibit ancient times off the extreme end of mind.

The considering erudite UFO historian Jerry Clark has descended in the sphere of a state of Libyan-like dictatorship, anywhere he thinks he's the sole-arbiter of what is germane about UFOs and what isn't.

Don Ledger is make even dumb, and grammatically lax.

Freidman is defensive and puffed-up.

Lehmberg is egregiously mad, sullying the English idiom with his grammatical illusory pas and lacking consistency ramblings.

Bruce-Knapp likes the business of having a lot of material in his Dash records, and encourages postings of a few pleasant. He's the asylum's intentional controller who indigence inhibit retired a few lifetime ago, forward senility hit him count in the head.

Put forward are others, too a number of to export happening, who geared up the ramshackle of psychopaths who considering were atop the ufological list of to blame UFO mavens but who now figure out up the raft of unwise persons that time has made not allowed and sensibleness has subverted.

UpDates is the list alright - but the list of UFO round the bend and crazies. The UFO Iconoclast(s)

Reference: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
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