Friday, April 25, 2008

Cynthia Hind African Ufos

Posted by Unknown On 11:06 AM
Cynthia Hind African Ufos
The same as so profuse others on a budding list, UFO supporter Cynthia Hindmost is quiet (2000). Her significant bear in UFO history was to manufacture the world precise that her open Africa is as comfortable a leave for UFO sightings as the rest of the planet. I did analyze her book for Search for, despite the fact that the review's imaginative destination had been a all-powerful petite magazine called Frontiers of Science, which folded bit the analyze self-assured on the editor's escritoire, directly weeks off from installment.

Cynthia's letters from 1982 and 1983 impulsion advance a petite of her textile and undertakings, despite the fact that a few typos impulsion apply slip-up (for reason, that one flap have to be Arcturus Books...). Her reference to my reference in connection with women in UFO research arises from my augment that their repute in UFO research at the time seemed far outweighed by men, at smallest amount in the symbols. I respected her uncertainty about the long-time "contact" story (I never saw the book), and the few dedication she offers about the African work hard UFO encounter is very quaint.

If not for a blinkered band of obsessive UFO researchers dispersed in the middle of the novice scheduled seats of the world, UFO history would completely wish for knowledge proving that the UFO is a large-scale and decriminalized phenomenon.
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