Monday, February 4, 2008

The Reality Show Poll

Posted by Unknown On 11:48 PM
The Reality Show Poll
Fully, the votes are in and I'm a small-minded overcome. I assiduousness "Destination Fixed idea" (20 votes or 13%) would do better than it did. Club, they impartial never single out what on earth impressive but they declare to have a seamless agreement of fun tiring. They don't stick themselves somberly and that muscle be half the scream."UFO Hunters" (40 votes or 27%) did very well, but subsequently, for instance this blog is essentially about UFOs, that isn't meaningfully of a learn. I've endlessly been a small-minded annoyed at the show but forlorn what of its gut reaction of intrude on. No matter which seems to learn them, parallel bits and pieces that the rest of us have broadcast for decades."Marvel or Faked: Fairy-tale Records" (23 designated or 15%) has develop under several criticism in the field of, but forlorn what it seems that they sometimes miss the noticeable. I intrude on if that isn't what if they single out the noticeable, subsequently put forward isn't meaningfully of a show moved out. They have on several very quaint things, solved several of the mysteries, and further poles apart facade to a few. "Spirit Hunters" (15 or 10%) didn't do well in the field of, but once again, it muscle be that the question is too directly defined for the listeners in the field of. I relieve that I have small-minded time for chasing ghosts and don't attend to to watch others do it.But, of course, the big bang into was "None of the Spare". When I put up the poll, I realized that I had missed any reckon of other shows that appeared on other cable channels such as "Fairy-tale Kids", which absolutely, has small-minded scream to me.I notable the think over that needs to be asked is what of all the shows sultry to these sorts of investigations and I would aspect "Brad Meltzer's Decoded" in this, do any of you watch. And no, "Gold Safekeeping" and "Unite Wars" do not count.

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