Posted by Unknown
On 1:25 AM
SHORT UFO FACT: [PROJECT SNOWBIRD. An alleged ongoing 1972 Top Secret project that researched, developed and implemented alien spacecraft technology and test flown recovered UFOs. It is possible that the UFO involved in the CASH/LANDRUM CASE was built by the Americans as part of this project, however another "PROJECT SNOWBIRD" has been found described as a "JOINT ARMY/AIR FORCE PEACETIME MILITARY EXERCISE IN THE SUB-ARCTIC REGION IN 1955" in the 1963 Gale Research's Code Names Dictionary. Project Snowbird is another project that was only revealed in the PROJECT AQUARIUS Briefing Document.]MARS NASA COVER UP PT 2 SHORT UFO FACT: [SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION (SSE) Office of the Secretary, P.O. Box 3818, University Station Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-0818 Laurence W. Fredrick (SECRETARY) 804-924-4905 : 804-924-3104 Publishes the Journal of Scientific Exploration and The Explorer. Established in 1982. A tax-exempt group that investigates various anomalies, including UFOs. Although its president Professor Peter Sturrock of Stanford University, all contact with SSE should be made through Laurence W. Fredrick.]UFO TEXAS CNN REPORTSIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
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