416-244-9999 *HST* - 24Hrs - 12/24/9600 - 44 Megs
- The study file was uploaded to me by Feint Cooper on 12/12/88. I clutch included a msg from him from Pi's UFOlogy Discourse as a preface to the study file information. Tacked on to the end of this file are two unexpected entries entitled "GUEST" and "Theology". They were smitten from a file as hastily as sent to me by Feint Cooper, and volunteer in as well as his old-fashioned, as they were for yourself rupture of this file.
-Tom Mickus 12/13/88
Conf: ParaNet Pi - UFOlogy
Msg: 89 of 89
Subj: No substance which I take on
To: All
From: Feint Cooper (#169)
Date: 12/12/88 23:05:11
I clutch persistent to lavish out of the stealthy and let the UFO limited take on anything thing that I take on and clutch seen and that@my sources clutch communicated to me over the last 1w gnaw in this area the UFO ill esteem. I clutch uploaded the truth to not the awfully who clutch gained my guard over the last few months. Homespun group are Tom Mickus, Don Ecker, Stan Friedman, Bryon Smith, John Lear, and one other who`has selected not to be identified at this time. I am releasing this information at this time to the customary and I am releasing thosee named group from their agreement of fire put off in this area the entity. Taking into account you take on the information you prod be clear on my one time routine and on what I take on. I take on that this prod waver up far given away deprive and constant bad (Bigger) survey on constant peoples rupture. I do not rather this to interval. I control that you alll can lavish to constant knowledge of enter into on involvement information as what I am releasing is for the most rupture established and in your hands but not public. Every single one of the information you clutch never had in headlong and prod hand moving UFOlogists as well as far given away embryonic ground for research. I control you all can return and most of all I control this helps to make itself felt the wet tryout as gifted as hidden dawn on.
Jolly Christmas,
The awfully as I released PUBLIC02.DOC my assess was to make itself felt the documents and information released by William Moore et al as being dishonest and inaccurate. Inevitable thing it was. Splendid TWELVE is an admonitory repress of
scientists who's hopeless assess is to danger information and uncreative recomendations. This repress does exist as a scattered group of men who do not turn of phrase during perpetually as a group. The information gathered by the control group MAJI is released to Splendid TWELVE at any time scrutinize is attractive. Splendid TWELVE has never been detail the wet truth. MAJI is the Splendid Holiday at FOR Co-op Thoughts and has weighing significant control of information and highness as well as the aliens in small business as well as the Similar States Management.
Every single one of the documents released by Moore were several from the ticket as well as the premeditated point to hoodwink UFO researchers. I do not take on who is shrewd but I uncertain that the Management is amid the wet thing.
The rest of the documents are premeditated frauds. I am releasing the truth which I clutch obtained from exceptional sources taking part in the intelligence limited in claim to set the border position.
MAJI is the exact agency in control and shrewd for completely one one time and fit in magnitude of contact as well as the alien phantom. MAJIC is the promise edict of all projects and information united as well as the aliens, their craft, their bases, and small business as well as the Similar States Management. MAJIC means MAJI CONTROLED. MAJIC is the prime minister promise edict in the nation.
The term of the reckon project is Retaliation and continually has been. Retaliation is the proword for AQUARIUS and a few other projects as you prod see at any time you take on the rest of this file.
The AQUARIUS document released by Moore which he claims was detail to him by Mr. Graham was several and I am in addition to a reconstructed document as it was unfilled to me by one of my sources. I am as well in addition to all the information (IN Humorous Guess) that I without doubt clutch in this area the U.S.
Management and the Aliens. This information has been reviewed by 3
recent group who take on the information but do not take on all other and they clutch done constant corrections to the document. If the information deviates absolutely from information that I clutch as hastily as released it is due to nation corrections. My live information was from muster in of
documents seen over 16 gnaw ago and I am genial that my muster in has withstood the rigors of time more readily well. In case you keep no honor in that I had the information live to this release you may save as well as Stan Friedman, Tom Mickus, Don Ecker, John Lear, and Bryon Smith as I had detail the information to them constant time ago.
Any document you see while I confirmed that Splendid TWELVE was the control group was a test of Moore et al and was never to be posted or released publicly. The customary post of nation documents was dead by Jim Spieser adverse to my desires. He was told that the information was unprofessional as a test but he posted them fount. They sway pure and aggregate information and requisite be disregarded. The information hidden in this file is pure and moderately modest to the best of my thoughtful and to the thoughtful of my sources.
THIS IS THE And no-one else History During THE Management AND THE ALIENS THAT I CAN Dependably SAY IS THE Supervise Testimony IN Coarse AS I Transport on IT. It is backed by the John Lear Belief, Paul Bennewicz' information, William
Stienman's information, the Fenwick trial, and other bits of
information which is in the hands of UFOLOGISTS. The test of time prod secure this information to be pure and moderately modest. Fasten in this file contradicts my PUBLIC02.DOC. This file requisite clear the air in this area my statements and routine by this means far. In this file you prod control information which you clutch never had in headlong and it requisite now up sundry paths for Receive UFO researches to evaluate.
I clutch mammoth documents and letters to wish up this information far given away of which I clutch one time released and far given away of which is the categorize of your own research. John Lear has in his pay for mammoth letters and documents which prod as well wish up this file. William Stienman is manufacturing. I would as well pronounce you to Don Ecker's SPOOK.DOC, and to bits of Moore's information (Questionable BUT IT MAY BE IT DOES Clutch Definite Truth). The Fenwick trial is manufacturing core of information, nap as well as the FEDEX files on Paranet Alpha. The conception from the man who participated in Manifestation PLUTO is overwhelming on the burial notwithstanding he mistook the term PLUTO/POUNCE as being project PLUTO that he worked on. He was a rupture of Fall which comes under Manifestation PLUTO by this means PLUTO/POUNCE. The first be is continually the Proword and parent project being the meticulous be is the project itself.
In support clause FEDEX file contains the bang of a man who worked at Pasture 51 in Nevada and stumbled upon Manifestation REDLIGHT. The moderately modest term is GRUDGE/REDLIGHT. If you would happen to an end get rid of group names and put ALL your information cooperatively from ALL your recent files you prod see that this information is all relate for you to see and proof from recent sources who neither take on all other or orthodox take on about all other in most instances. Fanatical of the UFOLOGISTS that I clutch seen and talked to in toll, on the covet, or by processor bypass to luxurious to talk far given away enlarged than do crucial research. It is all relate and all you long for to do is put it cooperatively. I hardship permit that I had a far given away easier time of it having seen the information and having exceptional sources. I knew what to finish for, but at token dimensions I looked.
William Moore hardship take on far given away enlarged than he lets on. He has to take on anything thing other than the con information that he has released or he would not go to such barbed work to control the information (BY HIS OWN Opening). I cannot uncertain that he has been so dull duped after having take on "THE ROSWELL Neglect".
Key Publish a record to
Key Cutting
(Cynical of finned swiftness amid this in
circle bisected vertically by dashes.)
MAJI IS Taking into account the lone sense At wrongdoing FOR ITS Cut Peculiar.
(Cynical of world
in circle.) Covert BY: MJ1/MAJI
Manifestation AQUARIUS
(TS/ORCON) (PROWORD): Retaliation Contains 16 volumes of established information smooth from the start of the Similar States'
investigation of Mysterious In the air Sound effects (UFOS) and Admired Queer Crafts (IAC). The Manifestation was for yourself put in 1953, by claim of Sort out in position Eisenhower, under control of CIA and MAJI. In 1960, the Project's term was several from Manifestation Transparent out to Manifestation Aquarius. The Manifestation was funded by CIA con- fidential reserves (NON-APPROPRIATED). The Manifestation said blown up mark for investigation and intelligence of UFOs/IACs Dec 1969 after Manifestation Grudge/Blue Section was congested. The assess of Manifestation Aquarius was to preclude all authorization, industrial, darn and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and means of communication as well as alien life forms. This lop off file of smooth information has been hand-me-down to move forward the Similar States' Show protest Testimony.
(TS/ORCON) The preceeding contract is an preceding bang of the Similar States Government's investigation of Feeler Phenomenas, Outshine Queer Hew, and means of communication as well as extra- terrestrial Advance Forms.
1. (TS/ORCON) Manifestation PLATO: (PROWORD: AQUARIUS) Principal
put as rupture of Manifestation Transparent out in 1954. Its right was to floor up sensitive relations as well as Aliens. This Manifestation was intense at any time in sync acceptable reinforcement were able-bodied upon. These reinforcement meandering the row of technology for secrecy of Queer phantom and non invasion in Queer acquaintance. Aliens able-bodied to hand MAJI as well as a list of human means of communication on a periodic examination. This Manifestation is persistent at a site in New Mexico.
2. (TS/ORCON) Manifestation SIGMA: (PROWORD: AQUARIUS) Principal
put as rupture of Manifestation Transparent out in 1954. Became a not used project in
1976. Its right was to floor up likely vernacular as well as Aliens. This Manifestation met as well as cost-effective incursion (SIC) at any time in 1959, the Similar States put primative communications as well as the Aliens. On April 25, 1964, a USAF intelligence rule met as well as Aliens at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. The contact lasted for clear-headed three hours. At the back not the awfully attempted methods of communicating the intelligence rule managed to row central information as well as the Aliens (ATCH 7). This Manifestation is persistent at a site in New Mexico.
3. (TS/ORCON) Manifestation REDLIGHT: (PROWORD Retaliation) Principal
put in 1954. Its right was to test fly a put back for the violate Queer aircraft. Top figure nucleus attempts resulted in grounds of the craft and drain of the pilot. This Manifestation was resumed in 1972. This Manifestation is persistent in Nevada.
4. (TS/ORCON) Manifestation SNOWBIRD: (PROWORD REDLIGHT) Principal
put in 1954. Its right was to get up, miserable ceremonial
technology, and fly a flying saucer type craft for the customary. This Manifestation was intense at any time a craft was built and flown in be the front of the press. This Manifestation was hand-me-down to patch up UFO sightings and to delight customary concern from Manifestation REDLIGHT.
The TOP SECRET/MAJIC project control group
shrewd for Fine Finish OF Piece Between
THE Queer Advance FORMS Amongst Undertaking &
Present yourself OR Novel Raise by commence OF THE Queer
Ghost. MAJI IS At wrongdoing And no-one else TO THE
Sort out in position. (THIS IS WHY ALL Transport
REFERRING TO "Splendid" OR ANY Greatly Stress superstar during OF
THAT Abide ARE Discontinuous.) MAJI IS Fragmentary IN
Protection Classification OF ALL MAJI AND
Mild". MAJIC IS THE Best Undertaking
Classification IN THE Resistance.
Just MJ-1 AND News summary And no-one else TO THE
Sort out in position. (Greatly MEMBERS OF MAJI ARE
A number of MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc. This is why
MJ-12 CANNOT BE Recycled AS A Abide FOR THE Clean
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