It begins like this:
"Over the past few days I have had a couple of online debates with friends and colleagues in Ufology on the matter of the merits (or lack of) of the notorious, New Mexico-based events of July 1947. I'm talking, of course, about Roswell. One of the issues that surfaced was: what does the Roswell affair mean to the field of Ufology and to those that dig into, observe, or ponder upon the matter? Well, I'll tell you: for many saucer-loving souls, Roswell means absolutely "everything."
"I understand why that is, even if I don't agree with the approach. After all, the official line on what happened (or on what "didn't" happen) has changed more times than my socks. First it was a flying disc, then it was a weather balloon, and now it's a Mogul balloon."
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