Saturday, November 17, 2012


Posted by Unknown On 2:34 PM
Celebrity UFOs

Back in 1975 singer Phoebe Snow and a few friends became
entranced with a Ouija board. One day they even tape-recorded
a session. When they played the tape back, Snow now explains,
they were shocked to hear the voices of Laactiped and Uresi, 2
alien beings from an "intergalactic civilization with stations
in the inner earth and the Bermuda Triangle."

"I was thrilled to see the cosmic fireworks," says Snow. "But
after a while it got scary.
" Indeed, according to Snow, the
aliens eventually began calling in "tiny, screaming voices" on
the telephone. After 5 months of communication, Snow and her
friends grew so terrified that they contacted the late ufologist
J. Allen Hynek. Then they burned the Ouija board.

Snow, it turns out, is just one of many celebrities reporting
possible visitations from the stars. John Lennon, for instance,
stood on the roof of his Manhattan apartment late one night in
the mid-70's and watched a glowing object move through the sky.
"It *definitely* wasn't an airplane," Lennon told longtime friend
Elliot Mintz. "It was a UFO." And boxer Muhammad Ali has
reported "strange, bright lights that take off across the sky
and disappear."

While Lennon and Ali reported classic UFOs -- mysterious lights
in the night sky -- still other celebrities have had sightings
in broad daylight. Vocalist Sheila MacRae watched "two dark
brown things, as big as dirigibles,
" soar through the sky over
Las Vegas in the early 60's. Her daughter Meredith MacRae once
walked outside the family's California home and looked up to see
"4 yellow-white, oval-shaped craft flying in formation overhead."
And actor Ray Walston was lounging by his pool one sunny
afternoon during a break in filming the TV series MY FAVORITE
MARTIAN when he was startled by "an aluminumlike sphere about
3 times the size of a beach ball.
" It appeared suddenly,
according to Walston, hung around for about 10 minutes, then
just as suddenly left.

Almost without exception the stars interviewed by OMNI described
craft with the ability to hover and take off at lightning
speed, thus defying the standard explanations of weather
balloons, reflections, experimental aircraft, or astronomical
debris. As actor Orson Bean, who saw a UFO over Patchogue, Long
Island, in 1968, says, "It couldn't have been anything else."
And Sheila MacRae agrees. "In this vast universe with all
we're still discovering,
" she says, "I don't think we're the only
intelligent creatures around."

But skeptics remain. Ali, as a Moslem, doesn't believe in
aliens, although he admits that "if something did land and some
little green men got out, I might be a little frightened.
" And
Walston, who portrayed a Martian for years, thinks the whole
notion of searching for extraterrestrials is a waste. "With all
the stories going around,
" he says, "something certainly would
have materialized by now."

But even *he* wouldn't mind boarding an alien ship. "I would
want to be taken to wherever they came from and be made into a
30-year-old with my choice of height and weight, in the
greatest of health, never to deteriorate,
" he says. "Then I'd
want to come back to Earth."

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