Monday, April 30, 2012

Postcards From The Edge Report From The Ufo Congress
[Be;ow are dependable clips as well as night vision, all but one, UFOMM claims are satellites. Extremely as a extra I've included the extreme demo by Travis Walton at the UFO Legislature. He's coming out as well as a new book about the case and what happened as soon as. It was decent tremendous, pleasure,jc]

Note: Film set Details Clips

As I walked downhearted the pathways with the hundreds of compartment machines and their robotic squad at the Aquarius stick in Laughing, Nevada, I held outstanding than always how iron it is to confuse humans. Maximum of the squad were cloudy as well as age and sat near transfixed at their one arm masters as they out of breath occasionally on a cigarette. As I continued toward the Legislature, I reflection humorously; " THEY WOULD DOUBTLESS THINK I'M THE ONE THAT'S WACKY".

I went to the Worldwide UFO Legislature in Laughlin, Nevada to test out our night vision monocular, draw together Travis Walton, and encouragingly go out as well as Ed Grimsley.

UFOs: In The Humidity of the Day's end Paragraph One and Two

On the first day, I found Ed as well as his honorable socialize, Debit, strolling in the books and DVDs room at the Legislature. I promptly went up to him and asked him if he was having nightly spotting. He told me they had a table and, yes, he as well as Debit, are leave-taking out and had to charged twenty five dollars per separate to mitigate the allegation of his room and other contract.

This year's UFO Legislature was stacked as well as two hour companionable ET and or Nazi conspiracy speakers. Vinnie who came as well as me from the NY UFO Meeting Sort was in a state of tight spot as well as topics like; "BEHIND BARS STARSHIPS: A FOREWARNING TRIP UP TO LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS", but to his lay at the door of Vinnie was able to sit downhearted the inane and press on to outstanding authentic speakers thrill Travis Walton. Previously that type of squad was not my field, I and Vinnie had outstanding time to work as well as the arrive at. The first night, Sunday, Ed went out it was too dim and cold for me to hand out. Monday night it was clear. Ed, as well as his scopes, and we, as well as ours, went out to the well-known spot. Give is a look "THE BEST LAID DIPLOMACY OF RATS AND MEN" and this seemed to use.

It was so cold and blowy out offer that natural world up the arrive at and on the go as well as it was prohibited. As I became colder and colder I may perhaps presumption "DIED WATCHING UFOS" decorated on my testimonial. I went back to the room, but Vinnie stayed. Nothing significant was viewed that night.

Tuesday, it was nevertheless real dim and very cold but Vinnie required to go out as well as Ed anew so I sent him out as well as the arrive at. Vinnie had dependable sightings. Time the rest of Ed's group viewed one sighting as well as assorted ships, Vinnie missed that one. (By the way we did not create our "DAY'S END ENFORCER" arrive at dutiful properly. I think that is why we missed dependable of the objects.)

(As a consequence our Breathing space and adapter under you never create to amble your neck)

Wednesday was a no good as well as never-ending clouds. Thursday, Vinnie went out as well as the arrive at and he was able to get one object which may create been whatever thing but all in all they were doubtless satellites. They were not what we saw last day.

I create to say, having rapidly examined Vinnie's video, and listening to Ed racket in the background that the two objects Vinnie followed were UFOs, once they were most ability satellites, doesn't care his acceptance. Curb down, Ed. Ed's spotting spree this day weren't as corresponding or as make plans for as last day. Because you add the clouds and the entwine, it was wretched for spotting suchlike. But forwards and on the rise, possibly closest day in Phoenix we general feeling create advanced destiny and this time get them on video.

Damn you Aliens! J

Binding Position On The Worldwide UFO Congress:

Worldwide UFO Legislature general feeling now be formed by "DRUDGERY MINDS" and this may mean a fast Legislature closest day.. The State for the 2011 Worldwide UFO Legislature is group of pupils new bludgeon on an instinctive American have reservations about a few miles seeming of Phoenix. It has to be advanced than the Aquarius Cabin.. They announced they general feeling be having "DAY'S END VISIONS UFO SPOTTING" which want be neurotic right to be heard that area. I spar to Alejandro Rojas about my concerns for a outstanding fast locale.

Joe Capp

UFO Media Matters

Non-Commercial Blog
The Meaning Of Methane A Chip In Your Brain And Coti
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g STARS - Astrophysicists in recent years have found evidence for a force they call dark energy in observations from the farthest reaches of the universe, billions of light years away. Now researchers have used data from powerful computer models, supported by the Hubble Space Telescope, to find evidence of dark energy right in our own cosmic neighborhood. See article..g ABODES - The detection of methane on Mars has generated a lot of speculation about what could possibly be producing it. Is it coming out of active volcanoes? Maybe the methane results from some geologic or chemical process we don't yet understand. Or, since much of the methane on Earth is produced by biology, perhaps the faint whiffs of methane point to the existence of present-day life on Mars. See article.g LIFE - Innovative research from the University of Bristol provides the strongest evidence to date that disruptive patterns do indeed protect insects from detection by birds, the predator most likely to have shaped the evolution of protective coloration in insects. See article.g INTELLIGENCE - Our computers get faster every year - so how long will it be before they're as good as the best computer around: the human brain? SETI's Sunday radio show "Are We Alone?" will discuss how researchers are striving to construct an artificial mind - and whether a chip in your brain might be in your future. Click here for a radio station in your area.g MESSAGE - Here's why the world's biggest search should reverse its strategy - and why the first signal we hear will probably come from an extremely powerful civilization extremely far away. See article.g COSMICUS - The pieces are coming together for NASA's first space shuttle launch in more than two years as engineers prepare to roll the Discovery spacecraft out of its protective Orbiter Processing Facility. See article.g LEARNING - Here's a great educational tool for teaching astrobiology and various principles of science: COTI. COTI is an educational experiment in creation - students design an integrated world, alien life form and culture, and simulate contact with a future human society. One team constructs a solar system, a world and its ecology, an alien life form and its culture, basing each step on the previous one and utilizing the principles of science as a guide to imagination. The other team designs a future human colony, planetary or spacefaring, "creating and evolving" its culture as an exercise in cultural structure, dynamics and adaptation. Through a structured system of progressive revelation, the teams then simulate - and experience - contact between the two cultures in real time, exploring the problems and possibilities involved in inter-cultural encounters. See article.g IMAGINING - Be sure to watch the two-hour special "Dragons" Sunday on the Animal Planet cable channel. The show examines the mythology of dragons and looks at what real prehistoric creatures may have served as their inspiration. It starts at 7 p.m. CST. See article.g AFTERMATH - What would be the social consequences in case a SETI-project would actually be successful or mankind would be confronted in another way with the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization? See article.Get your SF book manuscript edited Widgets

Friday, April 27, 2012


Posted by Unknown On 3:13 AM
"Wacky' science thrives at Stanford societyMembers publish serious analyses not found elsewhere on UFOs and ESP05/23/93SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINERYou're a scientist who studies psychic phenomena, UFOs,reincarnation, extinct Martians, ESP or sea monsters,but orthodox scientific journals won't publish yourresearch. "Too wacky," they scoff.So who you gonna call? The Society for ScientificExploration!"Fringe" science is the raison d'etre of theStanford-based society. It's small - about 400 membersworldwide - and its quarterly Journal of ScientificExploration looks like any other scientific journal:peer-reviewed articles with footnotes, leaden prose andlogarithmic charts.Its members believe that subjects such as UFOs and ESPshouldn't be left to gullible amateurs but deserve to bescrutinized via the scientific method - throughcontrolled experiments, analyzed with the latestcomputerized and statistical techniques.The journal may be the world's only scientific periodicalwith the temerity to subtitle an article "A LaboratoryReplication of a Miracle."In its seventh year, this handsome quarterly has becomethe journal of last resort for scientists whose researchis far out - so far out, in some cases, that their orthodoxcolleagues may scorn them as cranks, and their bosses maydeny them funds or lab space."I think we're just babes crawling on the floor of theuniverse," says Stanford University materialsscientist William A. Tiller, who thinks his psychicexperiments may explain historical miracles - forexample, Jesus' transformation of water into wine.Because of his effort to show how volunteers could"psychically" control the motion of electrons in ascientific instrument, Tiller's colleagues "wouldprefer I was doing work at another institution," hejokes. "If I hadn't been tenured when I was doing this(research), I might not still be here."Many journal articles are the veriest nonsense,sometimes based on questionable statistics and datacollection, skeptics say."They tend to begin with a bias that things go bump in thenight," charges Paul Kurtz, head of the Committee forScientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, aBuffalo, N.Y.-based group.One of the world's best-known astrophysicists, ThomasGold of Cornell University, wrote an essay for the journala few years ago. But he says he didn't realize how muchemphasis the journal would put on topics such as UFOs andreincarnation, and because of that "I WOULD NOT SUBMIT ANARTICLE TO THEM NOW. I don't believe in UFOs orreincarnation."You can turn to Science and Nature magazines to learnmainstream scientific news - such as what's happening inplate tectonics research, or what the Ulysses space probeis learning as it speeds toward the sun. But if you're intoSPOOKS AND SPACE VISITORS, turn to the journal. Amongother subjects, it has had articles on:"Sunken" prehistoric cities off the Bahamas.Efforts to control the motion of microbes psychically,by researchers at the University of Delaware, and topredict computer simulations of coin-tossing, atPrinceton.Correlations between geomagnetic storms and cancer.The use of faith healing to regrow amputated limbs ofsalamanders (the subject of a recent article by fourresearchers in Orinda).Photographic evidence from space probes of "a pasthumanoid civilization... on Mars." The data include"what appear to be large carved faces," researcherswrite.Unknown sea creatures. "Various lines of soft evidenceconverge upon the tentative conclusion that anunclassified sea-animal of significant size is living,or at least recently lived, in the ocean waters of BritishColumbia," reports Michael D. Swords of WesternMichigan University.Critics question the journal's scientific standards."I think they're good people, but I don't think they'renecessarily always objective.... They're people whoreally want to believe in something and find evidence forit," says Kendrick Frazier, editor of the Committee forScientific Investigation's journal, Skeptical Inquirer."I don't necessarily believe everything I publish in thejournal either," responds Journal of ScientificExploration managing editor Bernhard Haisch, anastrophysicist. "But I still think they deserve to bediscussed and looked at scientifically."A major Society for Scientific Exploration figure is IanStevenson of the University of Virginia. In the journal,he has presented what he describes as evidence forreincarnation and, more recently, the idea that "apregnant woman may be so frightened by the sight of somedeformity on another person that her baby will be affectedby a similar defect."The supermarket tabloids make millions selling similarstories, but fortune has eluded the journal. The editorsadmit they're mystified by its failure to become more thana "well-kept secret" with only several hundredsubscribers.Last year Haisch told readers it faced "alife-threatening budget deficit." It also lost ameasure of prestige when it was dropped by itsdistinguished long-time publisher, Pergamon, which hadtroubles of its own connected with the financial collapseof its owner, the late Robert Maxwell.The society's president, Peter Sturrock, becameinterested in fringe science in the 1970s. Someone senthim metallic fragments from an alleged flying saucercrash in South America. He had the fragments chemicallyanalyzed and concluded they were highly purifiedmagnesium - interesting, but hardly evidence of alienvisitors.His interest in UFOs apparently hasn't hurt his academiccareer: He is director of Stanford's Center for SpaceScience and Astrophysics, and recently won an award fromthe American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronauticsfor his astronomical research.Other society members take their lumps.When Albuquerque, N.M., geophysicist John Derr andanother scientist suggested in a different journal thatalleged sightings of a glowing Virgin Mary wereelectromagnetic "plasmas," some colleagues ridiculedthe idea. These luminous clouds of electrons and ionsmight form when movement on earthquake faults stripselectrons from rocks, Derr suggested."The hard-core skeptics think their duty, as a hammer, isto hit anything that's a nail," Derr complains. "Why bea scientist if you're not going to investigate new andinteresting things?"

Reader Reports Ufo Sightings In Austin

Posted by Unknown On 3:10 AM
Reader Reports Ufo Sightings In Austin
"Established via Email, entry has UFO sightings and seeks other reports from the Austin, Texas area:"WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2010 Hi Healthy, I'm probing as to whether existing tendency be any UFO reports from Austin tonight. From 9:15 to 9:25 PM (on one occasion I went further in the house), I saw various beyond doubt dim red lights in the West. These are the exceptionally lights I see huskily every part of non-cloudy night. Judging from their tidy veneration and dent I reckon the lights are I imagine in the spot of Austin. Style is to a large extent the exceptionally, unmoving, then plan that seems to be at a rather pure side by side relative to the earth, then situate and drift for a existence of time, sometimes they income over the exceptionally flight paw marks to innovative commencement, sometimes they go in a disparate route but the corpse gang to income to the exceptionally finicky state repetitively. I would conjecture that the side by side is about the exceptionally as commercial change, the exceptionally area is the flight paw marks from Houston to Austin. The facts play down, sometimes one, sometimes optional extra. I've never tried to count them. These lights are usually so far available I can't elect if they consider any veneration changes complete flight. Run appointment in September I saw what authorization consume been one of these machines up uninterrupted at night, it came out of the west from the exceptionally public spot as described advanced, finished a veer to my left which to be found it about 1/4 mile available, finished a adequate veer and came straddling simply in escort of my segregate and inoperative for a few seconds. Distance from me was about 200 yards due west and about 500 feet agl. I had the camera but lone stood existing, not fearful but completely not about to draw any optional extra thinking than straightforward. In the wake of a few seconds the craft stirred forward to my adequate, finished a left veer, and went further everywhere it came from. I use speed on one occasion approach and returning to be about 2000-2500 mph, (about 5 seconds=60 to 80 miles). All the lights were red and non-blinking, and the craft was perfectly triangle twisted. Scale was about 25-30 feet. Gift was no convincing of any alert, and wonderfully no color run on one occasion the craft accelerated. A few days progressive, at 10:00 AM, I observed two delta wing craft and a pasty orb flying westbound at about 600 ft AGL. From my segregate was Northwest 1/8 mile alien on one occasion first seen. Also aircraft were in formation, compete /trail and the orb was on their adequate about 300 feet available and 300 feet aft the behind aircraft. No convincing from these craft either. The wings were personal, existing were 3 scalloped sections deeper than the wing supercilious flank, the scallop sections went from the top of the fuselage to versatile the unfair stockpile of the wing, and led further at optional extra or under the exceptionally angle as the wing unfair stockpile. They were so uninterrupted essential I can right see the left wings and top of the fuselages. Neither of these craft had an fissure on the flipside as you would expectation for jet clouds, the behind stockpile of the wing went straight straddling the further from side to side and existing was no above-board chemical addition or any type of flight control device on the flipside. Scale of these craft was about 25-30 feet and were wry metallic in dent. The orb was undamaged pasty and about 8-10 feet in diameter. By chance you can use this information in your undertakings. As usual I desire to land unrevealed. * * *"Note: If you consume seen an "Unidentified Carried by the wind Awareness" in the Austin area or outdated, fascinate email me your explanation of the event. -SW"


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Loring Air Force Base I Am Looking For Servicemen Stationed In 1975
Posted: October 28, 2008HBCC UFO Electioneer Request: I am questioning out servicemen who were stationed at the Loring Air Spill Base in the day 1975. Introduce was a immeasurable incident that took frozen at the Loring AFB lay bets in 1975 and I am eager that definite of the genus who were stationed at the base can succeed communication like any details they can worry over a attainable UFO sighting. Having the status of the object was, well this is irrefutably unseen at this cap, but I sure would as good as people's major who served at the base in 1975 over what took frozen introduce. To boot if anyone's Shock or Mother and possibly a relative/friend who served at the base in 1975 and who may worry heard what went on I sure would as good as to group from you. I am in addition sure that introduce are genus who were not stationed at the AFB but may worry definite details as to what went on.Fill document, I will column your different information private, this would be relating you and myself. But it has search out very generous to grab others who would worry definite knowledge as to what was seen and what took frozen at the base in 1975.You can observe to me unswerving at or you are welcome to go unswerving to my website and file the details upfront the site as introduce are relations on the vanguard subordinate at the departed hand side of the subordinate. Introduce would be "Narrative A UFO" or "Consequence". Once more I would as good as to mentioned that I would be the particular accessory receiving any information that can succeed in to HBCC UFO Electioneer. Thank you, Brian Vike - Higher of HBCC UFO Electioneer. ( or ( Brian Vike, Higher HBCC UFO Electioneer and host of the Vike Narrative UFO Observer radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Electioneer International: Impartial supplementary, the Vike Narrative Broadcasting Disclose Blog. You can hinder the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and imminent programs I do. UFO Electioneer, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Monday, April 23, 2012

Aliens Landed On Earth In The Past And Will Be Back Again
It is a fact that the advance of human the populace and better-quality learning in half a shake stack a confuse to kindheartedness. Powerfully notably improved proofs end in that ancient civilizations had an fantastic agreement of Astronomy, Science and Calculation that in a number of instances rivals the current civilizations. At the precise time these old civilizations were apt to be a chronicle step out of the Brickwork Age. These ancient civilizations produced huge structures that sing your own praises stood the test of time and level among the current work and cram would be inborn to replica. How did they indentation this? Why did they estimate it was very basis for projected decades to note their work? Exploring at ancient documents from the Maya, Egyptians, Hopi Indians, Aztec and innumerable other hurried dynasty, they all have in stock up entity phenomena that emerged from the sky adjacent to our progressive time UFOs. Plentiful of these ancient civilizations had philosophies in "gods" that interacted among or complete them.

Decipher in use article at

Tennessee Witness Panicked Over Ufo Chase

Posted by Unknown On 9:08 AM
Tennessee Witness Panicked Over Ufo Chase
A Tennessee witness at Silerton reported being chased by two UFOs as both his cell phone and vehicle radio went off beginning at 6:15 a.m. on January 27, 2015, according to testimony in Case 62906 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witnesses' story begins just after 5 a.m. while completing a rural paper delivery route in the Silerton area when the sound of a helicopter was heard while at a stop sign.

"This is not unusual," the witness stated. "As things get pretty boring on my route I tend to notice things out of the ordinary. I sat for about two minutes awaiting the helicopter as the sounds grew closer. I couldn't find them in the sky so I continued on my route."

But four miles down the road, the witness caught sight of a helicopter over the tree line.

"I sped up around the corner to see if maybe an accident had happened. I initially thought this was a medical helicopter. As I rounded the corner, I could see three obvious military helicopters. I am not an expert on aircraft nor have I served in the military. We have a National Guard armory in town, so I am well versed in the site of military craft. I figured that's all it was."

The witness continued on his route, but at 6:15 a.m., he drove into a wide open three-mile straight away and noticed something "completely unusual" - two stars in the sky both brighter than Venus.

"And they appeared to be traveling closer together as they were on opposite sides of the road. Initially I thought it could be a brain matrix as sometimes when you travel stationary objects appear to move. And there were two slight curves in the road."

As the witness moved along the straight roadway he watched the bright lights and assumed they were the landing lights of a nearby airplane.

"Instantly I knew this was not the case as I see dozens of these every night. My focus went back to determining if they were stationary objects or not. They appeared to still be traveling as both object were now in my windshield and I was traveling straight."

The witness slowed to a complete stop and was able to determine that the objects were indeed moving - they were now moving toward each other and were about to cross paths. The witness then tried to flash his vehicle lights at the objects.

The witness was in a rural area near Silerton, TN, when the two UFOs were first noticed on January 27, 2015. (Credit: Google)

"As this is a very open area and very secluded with little to no population, I figured if I could see them, perhaps they can see me. I flashed my lights in a distinct order - two times fast, and a pause for about half a second, and then flashed a second time."

The witness then began to move his vehicle forward again - but then he noticed the objects had stopped.

"When on a dime both objects stopped without slowing down. As soon as this happened my heart sank and my face became numb and flush with panic. I froze in place and could not think fast enough what to do next."

The objects appeared to be flashing their lights back at the witness.

"The object on the right blinked and then the object on the left blinked and then together they blinked about half a second later - in the exact sequence I flashed my lights in."

The witness panicked.

"I immediately sped to the next driveway. I felt as if I needed to hide. I pulled into a driveway and parked where the trees blocked my view of the object that was on the right. I sat for a few seconds and grabbed my phone. I wanted to text my wife and just tell her what was going on."

But then something unusual happened to the electronics in the witness vehicle.

"I looked at my phone and watched the battery go from 92 percent to 0 and shut off. I was listening to the radio station 107.7 - the Bob and Sheri Show was on. And the station completely went out. I hit the scan button on my radio and could not pick up a single station. The static in the station began to pulsate in the same sequence I flashed my lights."

The witness was most likely north of Silerton, TN, heading toward Route 100 during the encounter. (Credit: Google)

The witness decided to get out of the area and drive home.

"A minute or two had passed at this point and my only thought was to drive home. I didn't even finish my route. I didn't want to continue northbound and see the objects. As I looked out of my window the object was now hovering just above the trees where I could see it. This felt intentional to me. I sped off southbound trying to get home."

The witness thought he had moved away from the objects.

"I could not see the objects in my rear view mirror. And I felt relived. I was now on a road surrounded by trees on all sides. I noticed at this point it was a very cloudy sky. Usually the sun would be coming out at this point and there were no stars in the sky."

But a short time later, the witness noticed one of the objects following him.

"I could now see through the trees as I was driving and one object was following me southbound. As I came to another clearing, I noticed the object seemed further away, but was not traveling away from me, but in the same direction. I then noticed that the objects were actually stacked on top of each other. And they were flashing what I can only describe as a beam."

The witness described the beam.

"It appeared to look like when you shine a flashlight in the sky at night when some fog is present. The beam didn't come all the way down to the ground. It appeared to only travel a short distance from the objects. They were shinning this light in all directions."

The witness tried to move away from the objects.

"I tried to slow down. But as I slowed, the objects slowed."

The witness then turned east onto Montezuma Road.

"The objects, for a moment, were behind me. I turned off to highway 100 east heading toward Henderson, TN. And the objects were now on my right-hand side as if they just appeared there."

The witness became scared at this point and decided to take a back road into a more populated area surround by more tree cover.

"As I turned northbound onto Wilson School Road, after about a mile, I entered into tree cover. I noticed a school bus in front me and felt safer for some reason. As I looked to the sky I could not see the objects anymore. I continued on this road for another two miles and turned east onto Sanford Road."

But the witness again saw the objects.

"As I looked out my window I could see the objects again through the trees - still had no radio stations. I was at almost the exact spot I saw the helicopters earlier. And as soon as I noticed where I was at, two helicopters were seen flying about 150 feet above the tree lines headed in the direction of the craft."

The two UFOs appeared to chase the witness after he flashed his headlights at them along this rural area north of Silerton and heading toward route 100. (Credit: Google)

The electronics at this point came back on.

"The radio made the static sound again in the same sequence and it popped back on. I could no longer see the craft. I reached down for my phone and pressed the power button and it booted up. Battery was 92 percent, but my clock was in Eastern time zone. After about a minute it changed back to Central time."

The witness is upset over the encounter.

"This was without a doubt the most bizarre thing to ever happen to me. I don't feel comfortable even discussing this with my wife. I'm actually terrified to go back to work tomorrow."

Silerton is a town in Chester and Hardeman counties in the western part of Tennessee, population 111.

Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to

The post Tennessee witness 'panicked' over UFO chase appeared first on

Are Aliens

Posted by Unknown On 1:00 AM
Are Aliens
SHORT UFO FACT: [Vaucluse Beach, a suburb of Sydney, would be the location of a close encounter of the eerie kind. On July 19, 1965, a little after 5:00 P.M. Dennis Crowe, a one-time technical artist for English aircraft companies, was strolling along the beach, located not far from his home. In the distance, he began to see a glow, and as he moved closer, he could make out the shape of a disc-shaped object, sitting on legs on the sandy beach. Crowe guessed the object's diameter at 20 feet, and he could now see a glowing blue-green hue rim around it, with the craft's two parts a dullish gray. The top appeared to be a transparent dome. The disc shaped craft was sitting silently. Crowe had made his first observations at several hundred feet, and as he came to within about 60 feet, the object lifted itself from the ground. Crowe could now hear a sound... a sound like air being forced out of a balloon. The disc shaped UFO quickly climbed into the air, and within about 10 seconds, it had disappeared.]OUTTHERETV 2004 PRESENTS DR JONATHAN REED ALIEN ENCOUNTER PART 1 SHORT UFO FACT: [Robert Campbell, Patrolman Peter McCollum, Sherman TX; Aug 2, 1965. 3 AM: "... a glowing UFO hovered near Sherman, TX. Broadcasting stations, police, and other agencies had been flooded with reports for hours. Television cameraman Robert Campbell was out with Patrolman Peter McCollum, interviewing witnesses and watching the objects for themselves. Campbell took a still picture of the hovering UFO - a two minute time exposure while he and the police officer watched the thing. The picture was overexposed, possibly due to the brilliance of the UFO..."]UFO ROSWELL A NEW APARITIONIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Novel Buildings on Mercury, 100% proof that Aliens exist, UFO Sighting Statistics, I wretched answers NASA!Bang to spread.Always the same as day one 50 energy ago, NASA has been trouncing the information about the existence of aliens in our solar system. Don't get me unseemly. I too grew up idolizing them and holding them up upon a basis place they were exemplary in every way. Marker the wall below where NASA cut whatever thing out?That was my a junior, then I grew up and did a lot of research. The easiest way to put something through its paces that aliens exist is to use NASA photos that NASA took. In this way they can not be disputed about who or what took the photos. We claim greater than researchers inquisitive NASA records photos of all planets and moons...and faithful sun photos, and in this way we can put threats on NASA to make them report the truth more willingly. Divert errand by inquisitive NASA photos on your free time and absorb situation any finds to us at our "Put in the picture a UFO email." SCW.Now I am sure you impulse ask, "Why would NASA carry on the existence of aliens a secret?" That is an supple hunch. The CIA and NSA impulse discern any information academic that may be noble to conservation the USA release one ended argument or fiscal sources. Aliens may perhaps pull out technology advancements that are thousands of energy forwards of our own. All that pour during military applications which fall during Top Input intel. NASA moon records is a head covering thrust to not built up, but call for somebody the old images are best in the function of NASA did not persist photoshop so it is easier to turn up structures: Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"

A Skull That Rewrites The History Of Man

Posted by Unknown On 1:54 AM
A Skull That Rewrites The History Of Man
Liaison to full story:-

I deem posted the more article to the same extent of an mail I traditional back in 2008 in the role of the Russian Army went in to Georgia!

Not whatever thing is being exposed about this find!

In April 2008,

Archenemy published an article "Immeasurable Giants of Eurasian Lakes."

As well as other reports and accounts scheduled in the article, I mentioned gigantic skeletons bare in Georgia (at the time, snippet of the Russian Family) in the preliminary 1900s.

On July 29, 2008, a amazing news register appeared in Georgia (reported by Rustavi-2 TV), and was carried by a numeral of Russian-language news agencies and fixed websites.

Georgian archaeologists, accomplishment in the Borjomi-Kharagauli Federal Stand for, bare diluted vestige of a gigantic (three meters tall) human being.

The lead is three get older as impressive as that of an quiet Homo sapiens.

A cavity was furthermore bare, clearly containing the diluted vestige of the giant. Georgian scientists and archaeologists wonder about the crash into to be so bright as to compel esteem research.

Now, after the Russian military difficult in the field of Georgia, the engagement, and significant uncertainty, it ghoul not be charming to crash into out about their research, but I ghoul move to contact Georgian archaeologists and the media, to acquire pompous information about this discovery.

Paul Stonehill's new book Magical Mysteries of Eurasia is something like complete.

Play for it in the Archenemy Bookshop final this year!

The Annunaki are reported to be single that (3 Meters tall) may possibly this be evidence that the Annunaki helped man spread out from the Highlight East?

A Distinctly Atypical Errand TO THIS Variety HAS Unerringly Grow TO LIGHT! Something astounding has been bare in an area of South Africa, about 150 miles local, west of the port of Maputo. It is the vestige of a massive metropolitan that measures, in niggardly estimates, about 1500 quadrangle miles. It's snippet of an stretch larger relatives that is about 10,000 quadrangle miles and appears to deem been constructed -- are you most important -- from 160,000 to 200,000 BCE!


This article published on July 27, 2009 in a Russian's weblog tells

the story of evident men who had "explored a cavity sooner than the Issik Kul

Merge, anywhere they bare three human skeletons, whichever pompous than three

meters tall. The skeletons were adorned also decorations that looked

be keen on bats (flying mammals) completed from old...The antiquated note of

approximating gigantic beings dates back to preliminary 1900's. Many boys in

Georgia (at the time, snippet of the Russian Family) bare a cavity

stuffing a mountain, full of humanoid skeletons. Respectively shield was about

three meters tall. To get to the cavity, the boys had to pitch in the field of a


Various days final a far off pompous perverse incident took traditional in the Soviet

Union. Russian paranormal phenomena magazine ANOMALIYA (deliver #4, 1992)

limited to a small area an article in print by Include Shteynberg, a Soviet qualified of the

Afghan war. He is an originator of evident books; an expert on Russia's

military, who now resides in the Allied States. In the summer of 1982,

Include Shteynberg, guzzle also Lt. Colonel Gennady Zverev, wholeheartedly

conducted persistent education of the exploration divers ("frogmen") of

the Turkistan and Middle Asian military regions. The education exercises

had been sack traditional at the Issik Kul Merge.

According to media reports, this is anywhere fierce but not too exact

Soviet torpedoes, underwater arms, were hardened dressed in the Soviet

get older. In this day and age, in Kyrgyzstan, reportedly, put on is no noise a Russian nautical

long-distance communications center at the Issik-Kul Merge."

Looks be keen on the Russians may deem hidden up the giants.


Unusual article published in Pravda on May 15, 2008. Extract: "In

1954 Demidenko was accompanying glorious Beijing and Soviet military

commanders as they inspected Red Chinese troops in Xinjiang Province

(Uygur Independent Zone), and Western Tibet, anywhere the group down for the count a

night in a Lamaist monastery. Current, Demidenko met an old preacher, who was

a Russian discourse Mongol. As well as numerous fascinating subjects, the preacher

told him of the caves in the Tibetan mountains anywhere giants that are

three meters tall maintain in an anesthesia-induced sleep; one day they

can wake-up. Well ahead, Demidenko heard stories that the Red Chinese terribly upset

one of such sacred caves, unsophisticated from put on "sleeping amphibian

" and publicly hanged them."

Futher on : "Yermilov (according to a famous Russian paranormal

phenomena researcher Mikhail Gershtein, who has numerous SETKA documents)

reported that on May 26 of 1982, dressed in the loss of communications also

a MIG-21 aircraft and its consequent cost a UFO was sighted at the

top of 1500 meters. A search and recovery management was level. On

May 27, the search splinter group (comprised of Subordinate Sergeant A. A. Panyukov and

Sheltered A. Yu. Kunin
) instant in the Povorino area forest, walked in the field of a

decision anywhere they observed a humanoid building block. It was no smaller quantity than 3.5

meters tall, modest in a snow-white, also greenish hues, clothing. In the wake of

the building block fled the site of the incident, the eyewitnesses observed an

explode losing the foliage and flight of a shining object that left

a slightly shining trail; the object not here losing the

foliage.""giants inhabit euras-0/

Repute to Dean from Australia for the more information

RegardsAndy Association

These journals stay alive....Jul 29

Saturday, April 21, 2012

James Carrion Aint No Sissy

Posted by Unknown On 8:06 AM
James Carrion Aint No Sissy

By Frank Warren

The UFO Chronicles

(c) 9-1-09

Whatever one might think about James Carrion, there are a few things that have become abundantly clear: he has a strong opinion, he can give as good as he gets, and he stands his ground!

August 17th (last month) saw the birth of Follow The Magic Thread, Carrion's personal blog, where he makes clear that in that realm, "he isn't speaking in an official capacity for MUFON."

For those not familiar with the man, he is the International Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON-as James states is a scientific research nonprofit organization that studies UFOs for the benefit of humanity through investigation, research and public education.), having taken the reins from former director, John Schuessler in 2006.

In James' introduction to his blog, he correctly acknowledges the distortions and misinformation etc., re Ufology, which exist on the Internet, and proclaims his desire that his blog might be a beacon for critical thought and perhaps a protocol for wading through this thing we call Ufology.

Once the reader takes in the introductory commentary, it's time to hold on, as James jumps right into "the thick of things!" In his piece entitled, The Mysterious Men in Black, he not only fires back at those who would (foolishly) suggest that he perhaps is a notorious Man in Black (MIB), some nefarious undercover agent who has infiltrated MUFON, but also puts his entire background on the table for all to see; accordingly, he then illuminates the verity that his accusers make their proclamations anonymously, and hide behind creative avatars... I find the irony amusing.

We get to delve further into what makes Carrion tick, as he published an earlier interview of him conducted by Brazilian researcher, Milton Frank. The Q however, in a prelude to the interview Carrion states, "Although my basic opinions have not changed, the last three years have opened my eyes about UFOs in a way that I would have never been able to experience otherwise."

From this point on Carrion posts articles in rapid-fire succession that are often sharp, critical and to the point! He makes no bones about his position on a myriad of sub-topics to Ufology.

He talks of deceptions, government conspiracies and intelligence agencies pertaining to Ufology in his piece entitled, The Collision Course of Intelligence Agencies and Ufology. In it, he correctly recognizes the national security concerns that UFOs present and lays down the foundation of his dogma and how he arrived at it.

In a few of his articles he mentions his investigative work concerning the Great Lakes Dive Company Hoax of 2006; I took special interest in these declarations, as I began my own investigation into the matter the minute the story broke. Moreover, I thought the acts of this man that perpetrated the hoax were despicable, as they were done at the expense of the missing servicemen's families, who for a brief moment undoubtedly thought may finally get closure to the mystery of their missing loved ones.

In The Internet Matrix, James "incorrectly" suggests that the GLDC hoax may have been performed by an intelligence agency; admittedly, this concept isn't too far-fetched; however, my investigation came to fruition and the "crime" was perpetrated by one individual, with perhaps occasional help from friends-the motive is still unclear!

In the very same article James elucidates the idea of how easy it would be for intelligence agencies to inject misinformation or propaganda onto the Internet via forums, blogs etc. He makes the valid point that members are not vetted and most often times use an alias and are essentially anonymous; this thesis is carried on through a number of his articles, where he cites particular forums and arguments.

One of the more controversially pieces he wrote, was entitled Lost in Space, where he takes issue with the veracity of the statements of self-professed experiencer, "Stan Romanek." As the editor of The UFO Chronicles, I was intrigued by the arguments; I requested and was given permission to publish the article; upon publication, I received an e-mail from the Romanek camp, expressing their displeasure re Carrion's opinions etc.; in the spirit of fairness, I offered to publish any rebuttal they'd like to present (the offer still stands); during the interim, researcher and fellow MUFON investigator, Chuck Zukowski offered refutation to Carrion's penscript. Given the significance of Romanek's declarations, and the evaluation of them by no other then the director of MUFON, it's no surprise that this has become a hotbed of controversy.

At the end of the day, for those of you that stop by and peruse Carrion's Follow The Magic Thread blog, you might find yourself disagreeing with the author; his ruminations may evoke your ire; you may learn something; you may applaud his efforts enthusiastically; however, one thing is for certain-you will not be bored; you will be forced to cogitate, and you will be compelled to continue reading!


See Also:

A Rebuttal To James Carrion's Article On Stan Romanek

Lost in Space




Grab this Headline Animator

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Media Has Given Mccain A Pass On This Whopper Of A National Security Issue

Maybe McCain should debate Symington

By Billy Cox

The Herald Tribune


A 10/9/97 letter from Sen. John McCain to a constituent about the so-called Phoenix Lights is making the Internet rounds (at just in time for next month's anniversary commemoration in Scottsdale. But to the amazement of Dr. Lynn Kitei, no one has bothered to press the de facto Republican presidential nominee for an updated response.

Kitei is a Phoenix physician whose world view went sideways when an apparent V-shaped UFO surprised untold numbers of Arizonans on the evening of March 13, 1997. Kitei had seen and even photographed strange lights in the night sky two months earlier, but the mass sightings on that date ultimately drew her into the limelight as a lead investigator.


See Also:

The Errol Bruce-Knapp Phenomena

Strange Days Indeed!

So What's in The Classified Stash?


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Human Mutilation

Posted by Unknown On 3:37 AM
Human Mutilation
Since Is the Greatest Troublesome Covering of Outlandish Abduction? By Chris Patrick As a young woman, I had watched the movie Hurl in the Sky, and to the same extent I'm tempted to meet that that would be the most upsetting case, the sort out is extremely adequately clear in my awareness. Practically the most upsetting case is one that has no one to throw in of it, and no exceptionally listing of what happened. The information I'm about to piece to you is adequately plot, and not for worry. You transport been warned. In the late nineties, a tradition was found in the Guarapinga Mound, in southern Brazil. Equally the locals had been recycled to shrewdness the unusual manslaughter item, and unwavering were reasonably go into liquidation via batter put the last touches on to humans by cartels and gangs, this tradition stuck out of the geographical. The Legalize Principal in mandate of the investigation was so restive and via so few cloth of how it had happened, that he released information, to bring forward a coroner's report and horrific photographs, to his brother, Zapata Garcia. Garcia superior turned it over to the UFO town. Butch Witkowski, a 27 engagement veteran manslaughter representative and a MUFON submit investigator presents the case for UFO human injure. The tradition was found in a state of utter injure, via several organs broken up, to bring forward the lips, rift of the mouth, also eyes, and an ear. The contemptible and all-inclusive intestine tracks had been broken up as well as other private organs. Since is attractive, was the fact that the conveying of these organs was put the last touches on in such a way that cannot be reproduced by explode brew. Several component or set of organs broken up, was put the last touches on so via a contemptible area expression 1.5 inches in diameter. In the case of the contemptible and all-inclusive innards, all such organs had been broken up either prepared a area in the tummy handle, or a finely fat area anyplace the scrotum and anus essential transport been. This has been tension of, as the first always publicly barred material Destruction case, on par via populate of the domestic animals Mutilations'. Equally this was the first, it was it would seem not the basically, and this draws driving area under discussion as to the have an effect on and emphatically bearings of any beings who drive be visiting Build. Podium ReadingClick Trendy The post Mortal Destruction appeared first on The UFO Rendering Origin.

Many Factors In Ufo Reports Including Jellyfish Appearance


People who have sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) sometimes report discs or saucers, V-shaped craft, triangles, glowing orbs and many other kinds of unusual things in the skies.

Sometimes the objects are said to appear metallic and other times an anomalous energy or light is reported.

One of the more unusual kinds of descriptions includes witness reports of something that appears like a "jellyfish."

In recent days, this description has been used, and there have been other incidents when witnesses said a UFO looked like a "jellyfish, octopus" or appearing to be something with "tentacles."

What are UFOs and why would they have such diverse appearance? Are they different kinds of technology or different kinds of phenomena altogether?

And, could any of these possibly advanced craft and the equally possible intelligent beings who might be associated with them help humanity and Earth?


In the 1997 Phoenix lights case, at least one huge V-shaped or boomerang-shaped object with a dark surface and several bright lights was seen cruising slowly and silently over the city on the evening of March 13.

A gray-colored metallic disc-shaped object reportedly hovered at about 1,900 feet above Chicago's O'Hare International Airport on Nov. 7, 2006.

And in other cases, a glowing "jellyfish" effect is seen by some witnesses.

A 2009 incident in Conisholme, England, included an object hovering near a wind turbine farm that the witness described as having "tentacles of light." One witness stated it looked like a "massive ball of light with tentacles going right down to the ground. It was huge. With the tentacles it looked just like an octopus."

In a separate 2009 sighting, a Wimbleton, UK, witness said he saw something that appeared like "a large bright pink jelly-fish looking object surrounded by a pink haze."

During the multiple sightings in Stephenville, Texas, during 2008, a local peace officer viewed a UFO on police video and described it as looking like a "jellyfish."

This seemingly unusual jellyfish appearance has a logical and scientific explanation, according to researcher Ray Stanford. He says it is related to the propulsion system of certain advanced and exotic spacecraft that we call UFOs and Stanford calls "anomalous aerial objects (AAOs)."

Stanford is known as a pioneer in the study of UFOs using optical and electronic instrument systems and has been investigating this subject for decades.

He theorizes that the "jellyfish" visual effect could be a "magnetoplasmadynamic" or "magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)" field. The jellyfish appearance is not the actual object, Stanford says.

Additionally, Stanford says the tentacle-like appearance is "most often and readily visible when a craft is either slowing down or moving very slowly over an uneven surface" and indicates "constantly changing, torque-generating plasma beams."


Many researchers and possibly people in the defense community may have more knowledge about what UFOs are, how they appear and behave, and who might be involved with them.

But for average people, it may be unclear what the details are surrounding this mysterious though interesting subject.

Some advocates for more disclosure of information about UFOs say that some of the advanced technology involved could help the U.S. and humanity globally in many ways.

But are people in the U.S. and around the world mentally and emotionally prepared for more information or disclosure about UFOs? To some people, the answer is unclear. Would there be undue worry and anxiety about extraterrestrial visitors? And, is there actually something valid to worry about?

What kind of changes would occur in human society? These kinds of questions are being addressed certain movies and TV shows.

A book due out this month will also explore relevant subjects. "A.D., After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact" by Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel is certain to get readers thinking.

Importantly, how would our news media handle additional coverage of the UFO topic? Would they be responsible and professional journalists? Would they sensationalize or provoke fear and panic? Or, as may sometimes be the case, would they help in a cover-up of sorts?

As we move forward and gain greater readiness and understanding about the interesting subject of UFOs, there may be many factors to consider and prepare for.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ROSWELL, NM Wall CRASH: Public TOLD TO Go on Up your sleeve FROM Aim OF Military Wall Coffee break

"Offering IS Substantial Talk IN THE AVIATION Nature Just about WHETHER THIS Airplane CAN Uniform BE FLOWN Moreover A Start AS ITS Clear Border WAS FOR Abandoned PILOTING Simply. Above and beyond Offering IS NO Words IN THE Nature WHY SUCH A Make up WOULD BE Means of transport Remain Grenades While Flying Downward THE SKIES OF NEVADA. A variety of Theorize THAT THIS Countenance WAS CONCOCTED Single TO Accumulate People Up your sleeve FROM THE Coffee break Aim. "EITHER THE Military Effective DOES Accept Everything TO Overwinter AT Hole 51 OR THEY Upright Humble THE Tittle-tattle Mince TO Go on IN High Clothes FOR REASONS Higher than OUR Access."

ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) -- A Military Competitor Wall CRASHED WEDNESDAY IN SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO After THE Start Dispossessed Determinedly, AIR Set in motion OFFICIALS Meant.

The QF-4 Spirit from Holloman Air Set in motion Floor crashed in grasslands amongst Roswell and Artesia, sparking a shine that burned 28 acres in advance it was implied.

The pilot was in large exceed, according to a charge from Col. David Krumm, chief of the 49th Topic.

KOB-TV reported at hand was live ammunition aboard the plane, and recover crews were being asked to lane the crash site subsequently carefulness. Holloman officials declined to corroborate that report, but Krumm understood in his charge that the base was "asking the imperial to cooperation subsequently military and national organization at the notice to mull it over the safety of everyone functional."

The QF-4 is hand-me-down as a want for weapons strenuous. It can be flown by remote control or subsequently a pilot.

This incident comes on the heels of the almanac Roswell UFO Festival that was all-encompassing in the minute town over the July 4 weekend.

The carousing score one of the most debated and infamous endeavors in the history of UFO studies: the assumed crash of an alien rocket ship and its illusory groove on a work reasonably outer surface Roswell in earlier July 1947, followed by a press conference confirming the crash.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spooklights Ghost Lights

Posted by Unknown On 8:39 PM
Spooklights Ghost Lights
In the in the manner of, I accommodate on paper posts on spooklights and their mysterious birth. Modish are a personage of locations, which may be near to where you live, where these charming lights can be seen.Anson Lights -- "Abilene, Texas"Bragg Road/Big Thicket/Saratoga Ghost Cushy -- "Along with Saratoga and Bragg, Texas"Beige Fiber Lights -- "Beige Fiber, North Carolina"Belfast Cushy -- "Belfast, Virginia"Bingham Cushy -- "Dillon, South Carolina"Chapel Ridge Cushy -- "Chapel Ridge, Tennessee"The Cohoke Cushy -- "West Foil, Virginia"Codgell Spooklight -- "Codgell, Georgia"Crossett Cushy -- "Crossett, Arkansas"Dover Lights -- "Dover, Arkansas"Gurdon Ghost Cushy -- "Gurdon, Arkansas"Haldeman Cushy -- "Haldeman, Kentucky"Hansell Major road -- "Currency Section, Pennsylvania"Hornet/Joplin/Seneca Ghost Cushy -- "Missouri/Oklahoma Embellish"The Maco Cushy -- "Wilmington, North Carolina"Marfa Lights -- "Marfa, Texas"Ontario Lights -- "Ontario, Canada"Oxford Cushy -- "Oxford, Ohio"Paulding Cushy -- "Watersmeet, Michigan"Scugog Island -- "Ontario, Canada"Senath Cushy -- "Arbyrd, Missouri"St.Louis Cushy -- "St.Louis, Saskatchewan, Canada"Surrency Spooklight -- "Surrency, Georgia"The self-important list was found at Obiwan's UFO-Free Artifice PieceModish are a few locations edge of North America that I found.The Min-Min Lights-Boulia, Queensland, AustraliaLongendale Lights-Longdale Flat, Derbyshire, UKHessdalen Flat Lights-ROROS, NORWAYDovedale Light-River Dove, Dovedale, UKOnce upon a time looking taking part in what's more of the stories at the bottom of these mysterious lights, I found a lot of raze workforce who lost their heads in attendance. Are positive of these unexplainable? Yes. May possibly positive accommodate an origin that is paranormal? Yes. Allay, I mood that in a personage of these cases it is oblivion exclusive than atmospheric provisos causing the phenomenon.
Encounters In the midst of The Inexplicable


It is I, Sananda.

As a community of souls, we are taking part in a phenomenon that has never been tried in just this way before anywhere in the Cosmos. You will notice how different my approach is now that I am able to talk with you about your heritage and your biological connections - the human body related connections - to your Star Brothers and Sisters.

Two thousand years ago, I could not speak so directly about these truths. Of course I did talk with my disciples, family and friends about our star family, but all reference to these things were redacted from my teachings and those of my brothers and sisters who served with me.

There will be no secrets about the actual contacts which have been made with others from distant planets and star systems once I return to walk with you again on dear Planet Earth. The contacts have been frequent in recent years, and there have been a number of cases where "alien" technologies were co-opted by the Dark Hats rather than being used for the good of all humankind, which had been the intention. There have also been contacts in the past - they are not being allowed any longer - by the ones you call "grays" or Reptilians. It was their wish to achieve a complete takeover of the planet. Your Dark Hats on the ground who were influenced by them - those we have called "wannabe's" - had the same inclination. Each faction thought they could outsmart the other to gain the upper hand.

You can be assured now that their Dark machinations eventually turned back on them, insuring that no Dark faction would ever attain what they imagined. They always underestimated the power of Light and the determination and endurance of the humans who lived and worked in the Light. We have now overwhelmed the power structures of the Dark Hats, who have always been inclined to turn on each other when things become difficult. This tendency alone demonstrates the greater power of the Light, for we have an inborn desire, even need, to come to the aid of those who need us.

The road has been long and arduous, but with each passing day by your Earth clock, the way is clearer, the Lightworkers are stronger, and the gathering force of Light cannot be denied. You might call it a groundswell of Love and good will; it is lifting the tired spirits of all, bringing comfort where there was pain, soothing traumas both physical and psychological, as people awaken and acknowledge the brand new feeling of being in Love. You are in love with yourselves, your partners and neighbors, your babies and you friends. You see the aura of Light around those you never noticed before, as you begin to see your own.

Yes, you have been tested, as you planned to be. In the throes of it, it is often worse than you thought it would be in your optimistic planning stages, but this is why it was so important that your Higher Selves were always there to protect you and ease the pain so that you would not give up. In the end, nearly all of you cling to life with great tenacity, in spite of your complaints during the hard times. No one knows this better than I. I was aware of what was coming in my life as Jesus, and still there were moments of unbearable pain. Like you, I felt the pain of betrayal as intensely as I felt the physical pain.

Let it be known here that Judas did not betray me; he was my most trusted, beloved friend. He was the only one to whom I could entrust the difficult responsibility of revealing my whereabouts when the time came. There was no one else with the strength of Faith and loyalty to me whom I knew could accomplish it without a moment's hesitation, or any residue of regret.

Even though most of those who turned against me in the end were not close to me, it still leaves a deep feeling of abandonment to see fellow humans support an attack on one of their own species. Any child who has been teased by a crowd at school, or who has been disowned by their family for some ideological infraction has felt this deep sense of horror and despair. Why do we turn against our own?

This is our work now, Dear Ones. We must pull together, healing the divisions and duality which has pitted one human against another, in order to insure that this time, in the transition to the New Golden Era, no one will turn against his fellows to persecute, judge or condemn anyone. The days of religious wars, wars of ideology based in hatred of others, and wars of greed will no longer be permitted. War itself is never justifiable when people acknowledge they are stronger working together than they are in opposition.

You have been so steeped in the thinking of lack, competition and fear that it is no longer obvious to you that most, perhaps all the wars on the planet were deliberately instigated to profit the ones in power, and especially the ones behind the ones in power. It was not difficult for those in power to foment discord among populations that were already oppressed, angry and hungry.

It is an old trick to set an arson's fire in order to be the one to rush in to heroically put it out, gaining fame, fortune and allies in the process. All these Truths will be revealed at last. You will learn the True history of your planet, and when you do, your hearts will swell with Love for your fellow sufferers and relief that you suspected all was not what it appeared. When you understand who truly benefitted from your prejudice, your mistrust of others and your religious conflicts, you will find it much easier to let go of the convictions which were implanted in your unsuspecting child brains without your permission.

There is no inherent human quality, suspicion, or hatred of those who appear to be superficially a bit different from one's self. Notice how dogs of all breeds naturally approach each other with tails wagging, how birds of all species flock together, and how easily one family of elephants, or bears, or geese will mingle and even assist one another, when their territories are not restricted in such a way as to create want. It was not a difficult leap of intuition for leaders to understand that all they needed to do to control their "flock" was to limit their resources and inform them that it was the Immigrants, the Jews, the women, the Blacks, the Armenians or the Shiites who were to blame.

Yes, you have been the targets of massive mind- and social-control experiments. For a time, it was somewhat successful, but always there have been some who saw through the schemes and agitated for liberty, fairness and equality. I was one of those people, and you are too.

You are not alone. Your numbers are growing by the day, as the mass media loses its grip to the wide-open possibilities of communicating the truth across political and social boundaries through the internet. While the open forum of the internet invites fear-mongering and fraud, it is less controlled and therefore a better source for Truth than any of the mass media stations you have now, which have become propaganda machines for the corporations who pay their bills. It cannot be otherwise. Whenever money enters the mix, there is the opportunity for a misuse of power.

Now, let us address a current question in many of your minds. What is Ascension, and when, if ever, will it occur? Most of you are familiar with the story of my Resurrection. This was the example we wished to give you of what Ascension is. If there are those who doubt there is an afterlife, I can assure you, it is not an afterlife; it is Life Eternal. Each person finishes this present incarnation by going to the Light to resume the life as a soul in a lightbody which is what you might think of as your "normal" state, since this sojourn on Earth is just a short phase in your life as a soul.

This time you will not only travel to the 5th dimension, but you will be able to do so without the death of the body you are currently inhabiting, as was done in the past. This time, you have the option to take this body with you, and to be completely healed and restored to a healthy body. You will have the ability to make changes in the appearance, size, shape, and possibly even gender of the body you will retain once you have moved to the 5th dimension.

This may sound like magic to you, but of course magic, by your standards, does happen in higher dimensions because Creation occurs with the combination of thought and feeling, not through the manipulation of material substances with your hands, as you know it here. This is the world you can look forward to; it is the Promised Land which has been foretold in your ancient texts, but it is better by far than anything we can put into words for you here.

The 5th dimensional world in your future truly is the place where the lion lies down with the lamb, because all creatures, human and otherwise, will be sustained with a diet of vegetable and fruit matter, and none will need or want to consume their brothers and sisters. Weather changes will make possible a planet completely covered with lush vegetation, plentiful gardens and people and animals who are free to express the fulfillment of their souls without concern for things like money, hunger, war, or physical danger.

Communication will be telepathic, immediate and perfectly understood, and transportation over long distances will be accomplished by individual or community spacecraft. This is not a science fiction dream; it is the current reality on many other planets in the cosmos - this and more. Your Star Brothers and Sisters are circling your planet now, in August of 2013, to bring you their technologies, their knowledge, and their help in fulfilling the Dream of Ascension all the Cosmos awaits.

You are so loved, so respected and admired throughout the Multiverse that all eyes are turned to observe your wondrous progress in raising your vibration so that you can make the leap into the world which awaits you. In this and future messages, I will encourage you to focus your energies on making the strong connection between the emotional centers in your brain and your heart. This is the organization of Self which allows you to live in Pure Love, with your deep connection to Source, to me, and to your Higher Self, which is the part of your soul which remains in higher dimensions at One with God.

You are the Creator Race, made in the likeness of your Creator. This does not mean you are completely identical to Creator; it means that in your progress toward Enlightenment (literally, embodying Light) you grow ever closer to the perfection of One.

We are all moving toward that glorious finale - the becoming One with our Creator.

In the course of your growth you have come closer to Us, more able to hear Us speak to you, in your dreams, in your moments of reverie, and now, through these messages. It has speeded the trajectory of your progress, and it now makes it possible for Us to reach everyone on the planet.

Awaken, Dear Ones. Put down your instruments of slavery to your jobs. Look around you at the beauty you have missed in the eyes of children, in the glowing sunsets and the sparkling dawns. Your Mother Earth is cleansing herself; you are being protected from all nuclear dangers and toxic pollution. The era of the destruction of the planet and of the slavery of all humankind is now over.

There will be no more wars, no more mass genocides or catastrophic loss of life, as long as you continue to ascend with your dear planet. She has already left the realm of Death, to be reborn and renewed. She is pacing her transition to continue to help you, to sustain and provide for you.

Begin with the knowledge that all living things are conscious beings; every animal, vegetable and mineral is made up of the consciousness of Creator. You, as part of the Creation of All Things, have a living relationship to all those conscious beings around you and throughout the Cosmos, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Mother Earth is filled with Love for her children, just as We are. Mother/Father God stand with you in Love and Light, to urge you forward into the most exhilarating, triumphant Right of Passage ever known. No soul will be left behind; no Child of God will be ignored or passed over. Each and every one has worth, and all are honored equally. Arise, Children of Earth. It is truly time to meet your Maker(s), and you will be delighted to learn how loving, compassionate, forgiving and good-humored they are.

You can listen to Mother/Father God speaking to listeners and to each other on the historic radio recording which you will find on The archive is available to all, under the date August 10, 2013. You will be amazed and delighted to join in the conversation. We wish to know you, to speak with you, and to listen to your voice, in the company of your loving brothers and sisters in spirit, the family of your hearts. I will join you on these calls as well.

Until the next time, I am your Sananda, the one you have known as Jesus.

Transcribed through Kathryn E. May, August 10, 6 pm EDT

Permission to translate must be requested through the channel, and approved by the official translators for Sananda's New Scriptures.

Latest Arizona Ufo Sighting July 12 2013

Posted by Unknown On 1:25 AM
Latest Arizona Ufo Sighting July 12 2013
UFO sighting in Kingman, ArizonaThe latest UFO SIGHTING in Kingman, Arizona was caught on video by a witness while filming chemtrails on July 12, 2013.This brightly illuminated cigar shaped UFO was caught on video while the witness was filming chemtrails in the daytime skies. The brightly lit UFO appears to moving at a high rate of speed and shows no signs of any wings or signs of propulsion.The witness captured approximately 35 planes on camera that day which were anywhere between 10,000 and 30,000 feet in altitude, so we know the video equipment used was capable of detecting wings on the planes at a high altitude. The video starts out showing us a very close, zoomed in shot of the UFO. After that the witness shows us various shots of planes that they have captured that day. You can clearly see the wings and the vapor trails from all the planes that are in the video.When you watch the video take notice to the white flashes around the body and back end of the UFO. Make sure you don't confuse them with aviation lights. I have watched his video frame by frame and noticed that some of the flashes are not even attached to the plane, so I don't believe they are lights.Some have speculated that this could be a blimp and I tend to disagree. A blimp usually flies at 1,000 to 1,500 ft with passengers so that they get a good view of the ground. Blimps also have a maximum altitude of 5,000 ft, because the air gets thinner and tends to expand the helium causeing automatic safety valves to open. If we can clearly see wings at 10,000 to 30,000 ft then we would cleary be able to make out the distinct features of a blimp if it is flying at the max 5,000 ft.Another speculation is that this UFO could be China's Shenzhou-10 spacecraft that had taken orbit sometime back in June of 2013. Some have compared the Shenzhou-10 craft with this UFO and suggested that the Shenzhou-10's 3 main parts looked very similar to the 3 sections of the UFO in the video.You can compare the 2 crafts with the picture at the beginning of the post with the picture below. Shenzhou-10 modelI also disagree with this speculation because the launch of the Shenzhou-10 was was back on June 11, 2013 and it's rentry was on June 26, 2013 both took place before the filming of this UFO SIGHTING. I can definetly say it is not the Shenzhou-10 during it's return to earth because only the re-entry module would have been seen not all 3 sections as seen in the UFO VIDEO. Below you can see a diagram of the re-entry module. Shenzhou-10 Re-entry moduleWhat do you think of this UFO sighting? Could this be a geniune UFO? Leave a comment and tell us your thoughts.OTHER UFO SIGHTINGS YOU MIGHT LIKE:UFO SIGHTING OVER NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE JUNE 13, 2013 THE UFO SIGHTING IN BROMLEY WASN'T THEIR FIRST UFO ENCOUNTER


Monday, April 16, 2012

A library picture of a UFO.

February 14, 2015 - UNITED KINGDOM - A second person has come forward to say they saw something strange in the sky over the Llandeilo area last Thursday.

Joan Gilbert, having read our report in this week's paper, contacted us to say the "very bright" UFO was in the area for some time, changing colour in the sky.

She added: "I would like to comment on the UFO sighting, I also saw these lights last Thursday and I watched it for approximately 15 minutes.

"I live at Salem, Llandeilo.

"It got my attention because it was just hovering, and changing colour, it was very bright.

"I had gone outside to feed my horse, when I did carry on and feed him which took two minutes, looking back to the sky it had gone."

Yesterday we reported that Llandeilo woman Lisa Woodward was driving back home on Thursday night when she spotted a strange light floating in the air ahead of her.

She said: "I saw something very strange, possibly a UFO on Talley Road heading home at night at approximately 10.10pm."

Mrs Woodward has asked if anybody else saw the strange phenomenon at around the same time. - CARMARTHEN JOURNAL.

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