Posted by Unknown
On 11:12 PM
"Disclaimer: I'm just entertaining ideas on this lazy rainy afternoon. In a slight haze recovering from a bad ear infection and pain killers. So let's not take things too seriously dahlings."Listened to an excellent interview on Coast to Coast last night. The guest was Marshall Klarfeld, author of books on ancient aliens, including his latest, The Anunnaki Were Here!. (The interview, combined with my foggy mind, caused the most interesting dream, which I wrote about on my Orange Orb blog: Glowing Eyed Anunnaki.)ALIEN VAMPIRESI'm currently reading the late Michael Talbot's vampire book A Delicate Dependency. It's very good; well written and I enjoy the first person narration. The novel was written in 1982, and is set in the late 1800s. My favorite period for vampire stories.One thing that I came to appreciate in Talbot's novel is the idea that vampires are not merely some evil undead ghoul, but possibly a mutation of human. Or an evolution of human. Or a hybrid. Some or all of the above. And in last night's Coast to Coast program, Marshall NAME theorized on the state of the Anunnaki, then and now. (For surely they still exist.) Not just the aliens as separate entities, but, since they have bred with humans, are of us. Or, we, them. And if they live a very long time, or even, as we may see them, immortal, and, if these aliens are also joined with us in some ways, could it be they have become the inspiration for vampire mythos? They wander, they live a very long time, they're changeable and they're ethereal. They don't drink blood, int eh literal vampire imagery sense, but they do use humans. From enslaving us for the gold they once needed to whatever other purposes (i.e., abductions and nocturnal intrusions), as well as their intelligence that far surpasses ours, the parallels are intriguing. We can also trace their routes and compare it to origins of vampire lore.BIGFOOT GHOSTSAside from the mundane argument of Bigfoot being a flesh and blood, mysterious creature -- yet still, a mammal, simply unknown at this time -- is the "paranormal Bigfoot" school. Scoffers at the idea that Bigfoot is a paranormal entity ask how it is a "spirit" can leave behind physical evidence: footprints, scat, vocalizations?Ghosts leave behind physical evidence of their existence all the time. They can move objects. Sounds, including voices, are heard by both the naked ear and caught on tape. (It's been said that the voice print of a human matches that same person's "ghost voice.") Orbs and ectoplasm appear on film and tape, and can also be seen by the naked eye. The point is, often something is not seen or heard by humans, but later, activity is found on tape, film and audio. And when objects are moved by unseen hands -- well, something is moving the objects!Related articles of interest:Lisa Shiel, "Water Gods: UFOs, Bigfoot, Fairies, UFO Magazine Blog "Anita Brown, "Bigfoot's Ghost? "My articles:"When Entities Collide: Ghosts, Aliens, MIB and Entities and The Trickster, UFO Digest""The Abominable Snowman": "Was Film's Creator Aware of Paranormal Bigfoot? Fairies, Bigfoot and Hauntings "
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