Wednesday, December 22, 2010

War In Heaven Space Our Hollow Earth

Posted by Unknown On 12:03 PM
War In Heaven Space Our Hollow Earth
(3DB) The video is smoking gun evidence of abominable military action towards above extraterrestrial spacecraft, photographed in the sphere of NASA Empty Shuttle profession STS-48.

To the same extent our governments are affianced in a secret war as soon as other civilizations from overseas worlds, give to are cavernous questions to ask.

* Who skilled it? Why are we distasteful above UFOs, without stopping as soon as ET profit from other alien groups on Earth?

Bestow is a ever-increasing dispute over what in effect happened. NASA pitifully dismisses the differ claiming that these are message "ice particles." But as this sit on your heels documentary clip shows, such a dismissal or nonsensical explanation is not moderately good satisfactory.

Opinion the line reveals that the most raw explanation is that an above spacecraft was the cheat of a ground-based laser or bomb soft. Subsequent to the fact that this object maneuvered from 0 to 3000 MPH in about 1 speed, the lassitude would power killed any human passengers stopping at customary Earth-based propulsion and space technology.

Based on this fact separately, we can arrange that give to is a high destiny that this spacecraft is of extraterrestrial foundation.

* The Old Fact list of Ancient times
* Having baby is not lid of a woman's life

* Mark Terracotta Notion as soon as above mores

Come to world hidden wearing Terracotta, June 6, 2011

It seems that scientists achieve expert and expert evidence to exonerate the existence of parallel worlds. Physicists at Stanford Educational managed to calculate the alleged put out of universes that were produced as a slice of the Big Strike.

According to them, the Big Strike bent 101016 universes. It is reasonably possibility, at the same time as, that they may exist wearing one fresh, along with our planet. Appropriately, give to is maybe fresh Terracotta hidden wearing planet Terracotta.

The hollow Terracotta theory can be traced back to ancient periods of the history of human mores. Old sensible men expected that give to was a intact underground world as soon as its underground creatures living wearing the planet. It may channel to various that it is simply a primitive and na"ive comprehension of the physique of the world.

In ancient Greece, give to was a legend about Tartar -- the vital underground world. The mystic Anaxagoras (5th century A.D.) built a model of construction ready of the dry Terracotta delimited by an air region and a cloud of ether. He wrote about the existence of the parallel world as soon as its employees, cities, and without stopping space bodies. If planet Terracotta is the center of the universe, where do these employees live? Do they live under the ground? Over


Allied States Evident 1096102: "The Mark Terracotta Notion"

On Nov. 25, 1912 Marshall B. Gardner of Aurora, Kane Zone, Illinois, USA, submitted his discovery application to the Allied States Evident Workroom. Eighteen months difficult, on May 12, 1914, this central agency established Gardner US visible 1096102, the speed most burdensome specialized document always issued. Its specialized timbre is exceeded simply by the programmed flight discovery of Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903. For reasons which without stopping Mr. Gardner can not power utter right and proper in the inappropriate 1900s, but which are now abundantly clear, his discovery abruptly became the most considerably classified military secret of all time.

NASA image of hollow Terracotta as soon as explanation


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