Posted by Unknown
On 8:03 PM
MAY 01, 2013 - UNITED STATES - The cat-and-mouse game between conspiracy theorists and the FBI has just picked up once more. Image Credit: Vladimir Zadvinskii / ShutterstockIn a memo entitled "UFOs or NO? The Guy Hottel Memo," the FBI calls attention to their online repository of publicly available documents known as the "Vault." The FBI is now claiming that in the more than two years since the Vault was launched, the most read memo is one which discusses UFOs. It's more than 63 years old and tells a third hand account of an Air Force Investigator who allegedly discovered three "so-called flying saucers." The FBI further taunts conspiracy theorists, saying the only reason this document is the most visited in the Vault is because some overzealous members of the media falsely reported that the FBI had solid proof of the Roswell incident, thus sending millions to view it. The memo itself is quite short and doesn't describe the famous Roswell crash landings. In fact, it's been proven before that this memo describes a completely separate event three years after the events of Roswell. The subject reads: Flying Saucers Information Concerning," and is dated on March 22, 1950. Guy Hottel is the author of this memo and tells a story about an Air Force Investigator who had been told by another unnamed informant about a crash landing which was discovered somewhere near the Arizona-New Mexico border. Mr. Hottel, the acting head of the FBI's Washington Field Office at the time, doesn't skimp on the details, describing a scene which closely resembles the familiar urban legend. "They [the saucers] were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots." The unnamed informant said the high-powered government radars on site had interfered with the "controlling mechanics' of the saucers, thus bringing them crashing to the ground. The memo ends coldly with the words: "No further evaluation was attempted" by the FBI agent concerning the matter. In their memo from this week, the FBI points out that the Guy Hottel memo had been publicly available for decades before the Vault was released. This memo was first made publicly available in the late 1970s and even landed on the Internet before the Vault launched in 2011. The new memo even suggests that some may claim the Guy Hottel memo describes the events of an elaborate hoax set up by a man called Silas Newton. In 1950, Newton began telling tales about crashed UFOs near a New Mexico radar station. He was later convicted of fraud. Mark Allin, the chief operation officer for The Above Network told NBC News in an email that this memo does in fact refer to the hoax and doesn't deal with the happenings of Roswell at all. "The short story is, without a doubt, 'Case Closed,'" said Allin. "The memo is based on a hoax that was carried out by a convicted con man named Silas Newton, and it was debunked years ago. It's a pretty good and interesting hoax story, to be certain, but there is no value in it beyond that." - REDORBIT.
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