Posted by Unknown
On 9:44 AM
Engaged from: "Wow!" signal as it would signal on SETI@home. Good word that in reality the "Wow!" signal could never be captured on SETI@home, becuse it originated in a portion of the sky that is not covered by the Arecibo radio contract. Moreover, the signal bears the hang of the radio contract that detected it, Big Ear. Period Arecibo's playful takes 12 seconds to displeased any set instant in the sky, Big Ear, by a wider playful, takes 37 seconds. As a mark, the "Wow!" signal's gaussian is three times as all-embracing as a worthy SETI@home signal would be.otherworldly x-files, UFO, Drab Mysteries, Bigfoot Phenomenon, Cryptozoology - Run of the mill Creatures, Peculiar creatures, The Science of Legend, Dead on Documentary, Unexpected Raid, Freaky entity, Scarce footage, paranormal...
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