Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ufo Allegedly Found Flying Over Crop Circles At Chicoana Argentina
Chicoana, Argentina - 22. Oktober 2011 - CROP CIRCLES and other geometric designs found in wheat fields have long been documented all over the world by different people. Just recently, more strange phenomena related to crop circles have been reported. Many people claim that a strange circular thing or simply known as UFO was flying over at a very low altitude over crop circles in Chicoana..The witnesses claim that some of them got an opportunity to take pictures and record videos. They described that the UFO over the crop circles was a circular object that constantly changing its color. One of the witnesses Jose Morales depicted that the object was very unusual and its colors changed constantly from red to green for several hours. It went to the mountain before completely gone.The man added that the round object was not as big as commonly reported UFOs. He said that many people able to witnessed it. Other witnesses Olga Chocobar and her nephew were able to notice it from Barrio la Rotonda. The local resident said that the object was flying over crop circles for two consecutive days.It is said that the crop circles have similarity to the circles appeared in England in the late '70s, only this time the circles have odd object measuring about ten meters in (c) 2011
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