Friday, December 17, 2010

Ufo Sighting In Philadelphia Pennsylvania On December 13Th 2014 String Of Pearlsorbs Of Light In The Sky
On the morning of December 13 2014, just before 8am EST, I pulled up the blinds and saw a beautiful moon outside and immediately went and got my camera to take photos. Suddenly, I noticed something strange; it looked like a strand of pearls. I had seen something similar before about 10 years ago but never had a chance to take a picture. My daughter and I researched "string of pearls" and came up with results suggesting UFOs. Upon zooming the photo in, I realized that it was a string of about 26 orb-like lights. To be thorough, here are the answers to the guideline questions: 1. I was at home and part of my morning routine is to open all the blinds around the apartment. I also enjoy bird watching and taking photos of the nature outside around this time. 2. While taking a photo of the moon, I noticed something stringlike and metallic shining near the moon (beneath it) and traveling slowly in a vertical direction. 3. When I initially noticed the object, I was baffled. It had no resemblance to anything I could identify. 4. The object was a long string of orb-like lights (initially metallic and then emitting a glowing whitish light) traveling at a slow and stead pace straight up into the sky. It appeared to disappear gradually, one orb at a time. 5. I felt excited and quickly took a picture of the object before it disappeared. 6. It disappeared gradually.

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