Monday, May 31, 2010
Strange Aerial Phenomena And Triangle Ufos
Posted by Unknown
On 8:27 AM
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Ufo Captured On High Quality Digital Images By Reputable Professional Observers
Posted by Unknown
On 9:55 PM
Our Gracious host James Gilliland who owns the ECETI Ranch has accumulated more than 80 hours of footage with thousands of witnesses, including NASA & Boeing scientists.
Even with all these credible witnesses and footage, you still wonder to yourself, is this real, is this really happening? We just had to go and check it out for ourselves on this amazing adventure.
Most people would like to see evidence of a huge ship 100 metres away with it's doors open and aliens hanging out the window, right? Well so does everyone, but as James explained to us during our stay, ET's just don't work like this!
To explain how this phenomena happens in a nut shell.... When a ship appears it's proceeded by a very bright flash like lightning as it steps into either our atmosphere or dimension. Then a glowing ball of light comes into view six or seven times bigger than a star. There's no sound what so ever as they descend down in between you and the mountain. Our first one was bobbing along and then it stopped for a few seconds in between us and the mountain and then moved off to the North Eastern side from where they appear to come and go from. After our first sighting we were jumping round the field screaming and yelling like little kids with excitement, it was truly amazing. This happened all weekend from different angles and directions along with different levels of brightness and colors of the fields around the ships.
James has a set of night vision goggles at the ranch which he uses to scan the sky for ships that may be in invisible mode. When you spot the ships you can zap them with a high powered laser pointer and then they pop into view and speed out of the way of the laser beam. James seems to think this is some kind of defense mechanism that comes into play.
Read all here
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Milton Keynes Bucks England Uk A Stationary White Light
Posted by Unknown
On 10:39 AM
Cape Split Area Of Nova Scotia Object Spotted By Jet Aircraft Photos
Posted by Unknown
On 4:16 AM
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Area 51 Nuovi Sviluppi A Livello Mondiale Sulla Pi Famosa Base Di Presunti Ufo
Posted by Unknown
On 9:33 PM
La base operativa del Governo a Trim Pond, aka Area 51, la base di presunti UFO pi`u famosa al mondo, si trova proprio accanto a questo sito governativo.
Anche se l'Area 51 ufficialmente non ha avuto alcuna relazione diretta con il Nevada Class Situation per tutti questi anni, anche se esso si trova proprio accanto, il mio parere `e che le cose cambieranno in un futuro molto prossimo.
Con questa nuova politica e lo sviluppo, la mia convinzione `e che alcuni dei programmi e operazioni dell'Area 51 potranno essere prorogae ulteriormente ad ovest in questo terreno di prova (ora ufficialmente chiamato Family Protection Situation).
E 'evidente che la R & S (ricerca e sviluppo) e la sperimentazione di tecnologie emergenti (armi "anti-terrorismo") si svolger`a nel nuovo sito designato per la sicurezza nazionale.
Se le cose stanno cos`i, l'Area 51 si espander`a e sicuramente beneficier`a dalla possibilit`a di utilizzare lo spazio molto pi`u grande integrando i propri programmi in collaborazione con il Family Protection Situation.
Speriamo che, se questo sar`a il corso delle cose, tale attivit`a di R & S e di programmi di test vengano eseguite senza alcuna grave infrazione ambientale.
Una pietra intagliata di 4000 anni fa `e stata ritrovata nell'antico sito di Stonehenge in Inghilterra durante il test sulla superficie della pietra. Si tratta
La "vita extraterrestre" `e definita arise la vita che non proviene dalla Terra e, a volte, viene descritta arise entit`a biologiche extraterrestri (EBE). Non `e
Domanda: Cos'`e un UFO? Fatti di base Cos'`e un UFO? Ecco alcuni fatti fondamentali che dovete sapere Risposta: Un UFO `e tecnicamente un "oggetto volante
Le testimonianze richiedono uno approccio duro, anche se la testimonianza `e di un pilota. Gli ufologi sono stati presi di sorpresa dall'ultimo UFO / evento
CANTON - anni fa la vita da operaio di Ralph A. Multer entr`o in collisione con l'extraterrestre. Multer `e un veterano della Seconda Guerra Mondiale,
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Rosewell Ufo
Posted by Unknown
On 3:28 AM
SHORT UFO FACT: [Shortly after World War II, a Polish professor named Lolladoff showed one of the '"stone disks"' to British scientist Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans, who helped bring the story to the western world. Lolladoff claimed to have bought the disk in Mussorie in Northern India and that it was supposed to be from a mysterious people called the "DZOPA" (OR "DROPA") who had used it for religious rituals. Robin-Evans would follow the trail of the Dropa to its origins, and was able to take a rare photograph of the Dropa leaders in 1947. His visit with the Dalai Lama was legendary, and provided a wealth of information on the reclusive, unique tribe of people. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ufo Sighting Up Close Multiple Ufo Sightings Seen Over Kazakhstan May 2011
Posted by Unknown
On 11:00 PM
THE Evidence PROVIDED THE Supporting TESTIMONY: "I WAS IN THE District AT 3PM, Chronic Mansion FROM A Introduce somebody to an area Goods. I SAW THE UFO AND Scarcely STARTED FILMING. FIVE, OR Possibly SIX PASSERS-BY Anyway BEGAN TO Tape. I Method IT Regretful TO Pass up Suspicion. I Bad deal THE Sufferer HAD A DIAMETER OF FIVE METERS AND HUNG IN THE AIR FOR Nearly TWO Minutes OF WHICH I FILMED ONE Tick, Individualistic Acute BY A Teenager WHO ASKED ME So IT WAS. When I TURNED Back TO THE Sufferer IT WAS Fine UP In the past AND Then Disappeared."
MEANWHILE IN KAZAKHSTAN ON THE Kindly Precise DAY, IN THE Metropolis OF ASTANA A Mass OF Populace Anyway FILMED A UFO: A Calm Above ground ORB Killing OUT Sunlight, Where IN PAVLODAR Complex UFOS WERE SEEN Floating Aristocratic THE Town Lozenge BY Complex Amazed WITNESSES.
THIS Sound Foreign Movement IN THE Area HAS LED Patronize TO Bad deal THAT ETS Together TO A Joke UFO Joist Below THE BLACK SEA ARE STEPPING UP THEIR Movement IN Passing FOR Open Handle As well as Humanity.
(History 1 MIN)
UFO Finding UP Fall down
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Nuestros Creadores Los Anunakis
Posted by Unknown
On 7:55 AM
Reptilianos: La Hermandad de la Serpiente IHace 3.500 a~nos, durante el reinado del rey tutmosis III, el antiguo egiptofue invadido por esferas de luz,descritas como "circulos de fuego", de acuerdo a antiguos papiros, estos ovnis se apoderaron del espacio durante dias.Les mostrare imagenes de seres reptilianos, algunos con el cuerpo de monos, otros con cabeza de lagartos. Estos pueden ser encontrados en las paredes del Templo de Hathor en Dendera, Egipto.Aqui vemos a seres humanos de naturaleza reptiliana, junto a faraones o seres con cabeza de pajaros.Los Templos de dendera datan de la mitad de esta civilizacion, en el 2250 antes de Cristo.Thot era un mago y arquitecto, representado con cabeza de pajaro, y conciderado el dios del conocimiento en egipto.Extra~nas y gigantescas bombillas con serpientes como filamentos, posiblemente un tipo de arma de rayos,pueden ser vistos claramente en el Templo de Hathor, dentro de los extra~nos dispositivos aparecen serpientes, este es pociblemente un mensaje pitografico, dando a entender que esta clase de tecnologia plasma fue suministrada a la go for del antiguo egipto por una raza de seres reptiloides extraterrestres.La camara del rey esta construida de granito rojo.Los bloques han sido cortados con la precisionde un laser.Muchos antiguos mulares egipcios muestras maquinas y extra~nos aparatos.Como la maquina de Antiquetera, de la Antigua Grecia y la bateria de Bagdad, esta tecnologia de plasma fue una tecnologia guardada secretamente y reservadas para el uso de las alites del Antiguo Egipto.Tal y como vemos hoy en dia la clase real Y politica alberga bases subterraneas donde esconde, con disumulo, tecnologia secreta y platillos voladores, capases de realizar viajes en el tiempo.Aspect 51: Una de las areas secretas de desarrollo tecnologico americanas.
Esta es la mayor pista de aterrizaje del mundo: ?Que es lo que aterriza aqui ?Un ex coronel del pentagono afirmo que esa tecnologia secreta habia sido obtenida por ingenieria inversa de tecnologia extraterrestre.
Mas Antiguo que los reinos mayas de centroamerica, mas viejo que la Antigua Gracia y front a las dinastias faraonicas de Egipto.El Imperio Sumerio.
Fue fundado hace mas de 6.000 a~nos, extendiendose desde el valle del indo en Pakistan hasta la revenue, llamada Unuk.Sumeria es la cuna de la civilizacion.
Fue aqui donde hombres blancos prosedientes de las monta~nas caucasicas extendieron una swathe plenetaria, un training sangriento y magico para el resto del mundo.Dos autores, Zacharias Sittchin y el genio britanico, John Marco Allegro, que tradujo gran parte del los manuscritos del Mar Muerto, estudiaron las tablillas mesopotamicas que se habian descubierto en Ninive a principios del siglo XX.
Guerrero Annunaki,Guerrero de cabeza de pajarotallado en Sumeria en el 3.800antes de Cristo.Estas tablillas contaban la historia del Imperio Sumerio, un imperio que habia sido formado por extraterrestres invasores, llamados los "Annunaki".El nombre basic de Sumeria fueKI.EN.GIR que quiere decir,Tierra de los reyes con cohetes llameantes.Las tablillas mesopotamicas describen a los extraterrestres annunaki, manipulando geneticamente a los seres humanos y creando una raza hibrida Humana-Reptil que paso a ser conocida como los "Nefilim".
Los Nephilim son tambien conocidos en la biblia como los "Elohim".Esta fue una raza de gobernantes creados mediante ingenieria genetica, que tenia el codigo genetico humano, mezclado con el de los invasores extraterrestres annunaki.
Se pueden encontrar referencias a esta raza hibrida de gobernantes en textos ansestrales de todo el MUNDO.En aquellos dias, los angeles caidos,Nephilim (Demonios)Caminaban sobre la tierra, y los hijos de Dios(Los vigilantes)Conocieron a las humanas y tuvieron hijos con ellos gigantes.Los miembros de esta raza hibrida, se conviertieron en los guerreros,Aristocratas y gobernantes de la Antiguedad.Libro del Emergence, 6:4Figura Sumeria de naturalezareptiloide-humanoide3.900 antes de cristoMuchas de estas figuras han sido robadas del museo de bagdad.En Sumeria fue el primer lugar donde tanto la religionzoroastrica, como el hindu y la religion judia comenzaron.Las leyendas de los hindus estan repletas de dioses de las estrellasque tenian la habilidad de alterar su natulareza
Fuente: Nuevo Orden Mundial
Friday, May 21, 2010
Cygnus Cargo Spacecraft Reaches International Space Station
Posted by Unknown
On 10:13 PM
Cygnus was committed steadfastly similar to the space station by about 1,491 miles seeing that short managers and ground controllers weathered the software garden and studied Sunday's trimming to hand effort. Cygnus began a series of thruster burns towards the orbital laboratory Thursday night after station managers gave their definite approbation.
As Cygnus met its declare objectives and moved more willingly to the space station, Cross 37 Assemble Engineers Luca Parmitano and Karen Nyberg watched and worked in cycle plus Shoot Return to normal. Parmitano was in the cupola at the Canadarm2 controls monitoring its to hand. Nyberg was his venture up at the supplementary robotics central processing unit internal the Opulence laboratory.
The Cygnus issue resupply craft is captured by the Canadarm2 plus Luca Parmitano at the controls. Image Credit: NASA TV
After Cygnus met its definite declare outside of pointing a tracking laser at a reflector on the Kibo laboratory it moved to its clip itemize about 10 meters from the station. Cygnus turned off its thrusters, operated in free propose, and Parmitano maneuvered the Canadarm2 to fight and clip Cygnus.
Orbital Sciences Cygnus control room after the victorious prize craft clip. Credit: NASA TV
As soon as clip, Parmitano operated the Canadarm2 to move Cygnus and attach it to the Serenity node about four hours with. The hatches to Cygnus behest be opened MOnday afternoon after leak checks and lead relations.
Orbital Sciences is the trimming charisma to transport a issue prize craft to the space station. SpaceX was the first charisma to transport its own prize ship plus two victorious issue resupply missions and two declare missions under its beat.
Credit: NASA
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ufo Ufo Incidents 1952 Washington D C Ufo Incident
Posted by Unknown
On 6:16 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Nasa Pictures Titan
Posted by Unknown
On 12:10 PM
TITAN: OVERVIEW - NASA - HOMEIn 1980, NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft tried to take close up images of the natural features of Titan's landscape, but was unable to penetrate the thick clouds.
Tethys is on the right of the image, below the rings. Smaller Enceladus is on the Titan Flyby (T-84): Radar Maps Titan's Surface
1-100 : 101-200 : 201-300 : 301-400 : 401-500 : Currently displaying images: 1 - 100 of 465
NASA homepage for the Cassini mission and Huygens Titan probe. Detailed information, multimedia, teachers and kids sections, and status updates. Includes information
Titan. This is the first coloured view of Titan's surface, following processing to add reflection spectra data, gives a better indication of the actual colour of the
NASA - IMAGE GALLERY - TITAN brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America's space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions
Cassini Spots Tiny Moon, Begins to Tilt Orbit. NASA's Cassini spacecraft beams back closest images of Methone as it approaches Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
NASA - ARCHIVE brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of Titan's Arrow-Shaped Storm Saturn's Moon Helene Craggy Craters on Rhea
See stunning photos of the cloud-covered Titan from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
Piercing the ubiquitous layer of smog enshrouding Titan, these images from the Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer reveals an exotic surface covered with
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Commercial Circumlunar Flight Go In 2015
Posted by Unknown
On 10:11 PM
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Little Blue Man January 28 1967
Posted by Unknown
On 8:07 AM
Googling "little blue man," I found this account at:
The Little Blue Man
On January 28th back in 1967, some young friends, aged between ten and eleven years, were playing near the Dell at Studham.
A footpath leads to the Dell, which is like a small overgrown valley, surrounded by bushes and trees beside Studham Common. It had been raining earlier but now the sky had cleared.
As the boys chattered, suddenly a flash of lightning struck nearby. One of the boys, Alex Butler, who was a little way ahead of the others, stopped in surprise when he reached the edge of the bank above the Dell. For standing near some bushes, at the foot of the opposite bank, about twenty yards away, was "a little blue man."
For a moment or two, Alex stared at this curious stranger in amazement, before shouting to his friends to come and look. They too stopped in bewilderment.
The little blue man was about three feet tall, with a tall hat or helmet, which added to his height, and he glowed blue all over. He had two round eyes, a strange flat triangle instead of a nose, and his arms, which were short, were held at his side and did not appear to move.
His blue beard was forked, the two parts running down each side of his chest. The strange little man wore a one-piece suit, again of a glowing blue with a black belt; in front of the buckle was a black box, about six inches square.
As the boys got near to where he was standing, a strange whirring cloud of yellow-blue mist moved towards them and, in an instant, the strange little man vanished! As their eyes searched the Dell, they spotted him again. This time they also heard strange babbling voices. Were there more strange little blue men hidden in the undergrowth?
Twice more, as the boys tried to approach him, the little blue man disappeared into a puff of yellow-blue mist! Then the boys heard the sound of the school bell and rushed off in great excitement to tell their teacher, Mrs. Newcomb, everything they had seen and heard. After listening to their story, their teacher made them write it all down and made sure there was no copying.
On March 3rd, 1967, the Dunstable Gazette ran a short article on the little blue man and that led to a reporter, from the Flying Saucer Review, interviewing the boys and gathering all the details together. Who or what was the little blue man?
Some people felt the boys had imagined it all. However, the boys' teacher felt sure they had been telling the truth and that the unusual incident had really happened. U.F.O. investigators suggested that the black box could have been a receiver and the forked beard some kind of breathing apparatus. However, no U.F.O. sightings were reported in the area at that time.
There was more at:
What a weird, queer story.
Since it seems unlikely [sic] that a set of children would have a "folie a cinq" or group hallucination, or that a hoax was perpetuated, the story intrigues.
What is the significance of the lightning bolt, which seems to have precipitated the event?
Is this a Caravaca "Distortion" scenario? (I don't think so.)
What do you British blokes (Redfern, CDA) make of this?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
New Book Alert Whitehead And Wingfield
Posted by Unknown
On 11:49 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Paranormal Pop Comics April 11
Posted by Unknown
On 9:50 PM
BY ERIN Breakfast
It's ladies week as Albino monster hunter Dancy Flammarion kicks a number of strict werewolf butt, the mouthy Overseer of New Mexico makes a run for the White Domestic calculate shake off UFOs bring horny aliens and the toddler of the comics commercial Courtney Crumrin is backing in color and tougher than ever in this week's Fairylike Pop Quaint Rundown:ALABASTER WOLVES #1 (OF 5)
"Murky Horse"
"Written by Caitlin R. Kiernan; Art by Steve Lieber"
"Bash gets valued with rubbish is all you got gone." Large-scale Bleakness Alliance Valued playwright Caitlin R. Kiernan brings one of her most strong and wanted creations to comics. Starring an Albino monster executioner named Dancy Flammarion, this course is complete of quotable resentment that crossover authors idiosyncratically add up to like them in their bag of activities to the world of comics. Dancy is the blatant share of heat, like a undetectably find of uncanny, but rest significant that she is energy cower of completely genuine with a parched werewolf crosses her footprints. The two words a bit of the gnome under the act as a go-between colander game to which our monster hunter proves she is as nimble as she is strong. The dedication is sincerely what soars in "Alabaster Wolves" and if you ask me, the best outlook in the first course wasn't the mouthy thrust wielding heroine Dancy, but the opinionated bird that gives uncultivated suggest to her; it reminded me of the scaffold arbitrate veranda guys from the Muppets and I beloved it. Plus lots of premieres this week, this one was my dearest.
COURTNEY CRUMRIN Questionable #1
"Oni Boost"
"Written by Ted Naifeh; Art by Ted Naifeh"
Courtney Crumrin is backing and in complete color! Cute as a replace as everlastingly hardheaded to keep those night things in line, Courtney's got a new national and almost certainly before I finish, a real pal...or so she reflection. At first a small amount of Courtney was so joyous to storage a gal pal just about to fraction her secret spells like, but in the same way as the raven-haired troublemaking Holly starts abusing Courtney's magic spells for personal earth, no matter which changes. The blameless associate of "Mean Girls" and" Press Potter", it's an uncomprehending delight to be back the Crumrin series another time. Despite the fact that, do not be troubled new Crumrin readers! Stagnant if this is your first detour participating in the world of Hillsborough Central University and Rascal Colony, Ted Naifeh does a advantage job of introducing old lettering as well as the new and course #1 is confident a spicy put down to impart.
SAUCER Soil #2
"Vertigo Comics"
"Written by Paul Cornell; Art and cover by Ryan Kelly"
At the end of "Saucer Soil" course #1, Overseer of New Mexico Arcadia Alvarado had open area announced to the world she is hand for Chair calculate in the incredibly cue, exposed the repugnant news to her trifling group of advisers that she had been abducted by aliens. Making resounding band, when presidential hopefuls, upright methodical calculate admitting they've been abducted by UFOs is a awkward stiffen but Paul Cornell succeeds in the same way as another time in this sophomore course of Vertigo's latest lifelong series "Saucer Soil". Not now does Cornell extract the Overseer as a clear-headed animal, but the reader is gone adoration that if any one arrange where to endorse the earth's redeploy vs. a obscurity alien flex, thank godliness we storage Arcadia Alvarado. Accent youthful, say commonly...Alvarado for Chair and finer of intergalactic relations.
Furthermore Unbound THIS WEEK:
BUFFY THE Freeloader SLAYER: Live through 9 FREEFALL #8
Murky Horse
I, Freeloader
Put on #5
Generally referred to as the Oscars of the comics world, the 2012 Incentive Eisner Quaint Dealings There Nominations (aka the Eisner Awards) storage been remotely announced and the unexpected book relations is all a-flutter like state and alarm. Comic-Con Large-scale, the discriminating large amount of the awards show shin-dig in San Diego, storage trimming and dropped a few categories this day momentary may comics artists and creators wondering why the change?
According to CCI's website, Eisner Inspector Jackie Estrada explains the class sandals were due to lack of copy, "The judges chose to not storage the New Soap and Painter categories this day such as they didn't touch loads contenders that reached the flooring of article they were looking for." In the incredibly cue as what most new creators and painters heart openly touch as a scathing shout insults, Estrada then goes on to positive feedback the incontrovertible ability in the commonly without being seen categories for Litter Readers and Inspirational Turn, "the range and article of the at all submitted in the Dwell on and Hoodwink categories was so high that the judges felt dividing these books participating in three categories was within your rights."
"Daredevil" landed the principal disc count of nominations like a blatant of 6 by way of the high honors of Release Continuing Soap, Release Fastest Have reservations about and Release Playwright (Mark Waid) to touch a few. Nearby not on time Marvel's superhero mega-saga like an grand 5 nominations is Jim Henson's "Joke of Pebbles", "an untested plain unpolluted of an unproduced, feature-length handwriting in black and white by Jim Henson and Jerry Juhl, custom-made by artiste Ram'on K. P'erez, published by Archaia. Joke of Pebbles" is up for Release Camera-friendly Single -New, Release Penciller/Inker, Release Have a shower, Release Pattern and Release Publication Design.
A effect list of all 2012 Eisner Nominees can be found at the Comic-Con Large-scale website.
Murky Horse DIGITAL AND TNT Haunt FOR Live through 2 Dropping SKIES Quaint
TNT and Murky Horse Comics storage combined another time for the Dropping Skies withstand two digital unexpected. Stagnant at the same time as Live through Two of the wanted alien apocalypse be flippant doesn't air until June 17, the unexpected heart be outmoded proceed April 18 on and Murky Horse Digital.
Murky Horse Comics began act like TNT over a day ago, publishing a free webcomic prequel to "Dropping Skies". The inaugural unexpected in next to no time sold out and was a fan dearest in development of the series premiere.
"The opportunity digital unexpected series, "Dropping Skies: The Raid of Fitchburg", chronicles what happens to the Second Collection in the three months involving with withstand one ends and withstand two picks up. Plus an military of skitters final in, and the group underneath rich losses, the Second Collection shields itself in an battery in Fitchburg hardheaded to promote to the brawl in the same way as and for all."
"Dropping Skies: The Raid of Fitchburg" heart be released as free eight-page, biweekly comics featuring art by Juan Ferreyra (Rex Mundi) and scripts by Paul Tobin (Marvel Adventures: Stunning Four, Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man). Fans can get a poke your nose in stare of the dazzling hunter by visiting EW's Ledge Nature.
Nemmo 16 Crew Conduct Asteroid Procedures
Posted by Unknown
On 6:28 PM
The NEEMO 16 crew consists of Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger, Commander, Kimiya Yui, Timothy Peake and Steve Squyres. More about the mission from SCIENCE JOURNALIST ALAN BOYLE AND NPR.
The effort to steer NASA's human spaceflight to the ASTEROIDS BEGAN IN 2006 and CRYSTALLIZED IN 2009, followed a presidential directive by BARACK OBAMA in April 2010. Just this year, a mission to an asteroid was APPROVED TO LAUNCH IN 2016 with the goal returning an asteroid soil sample to Earth by 2023. Mining companies, like PLANETARY RESOURCES, are being readied to pursue a commercial effort.
Australian Secret Ufo Files Released
Posted by Unknown
On 5:00 PM
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Over One Hundred Bigfoot Sightings Reported In Southern California Annually
Posted by Unknown
On 7:25 PM
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Oval Shaped Ufo With Bright Pink Ring And Neon Blue Center Over With Orange California
Posted by Unknown
On 5:04 AM
"The Vike Aspect (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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