Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday Larry King Ufo Show

Posted by Unknown On 4:55 PM
Friday Larry King Ufo Show
Friday, July 19, Larry King had his third UFO program in the past month or so. For mainstream newstainment, that's pretty good. Even with the obligatory skeptibunkies on the panel.

Friday's program had not one, but two debunkers: Bill Nye, Bow Tie Guy, and Seth Shostak of SETI.

Nye was pitiful. Weak. Shostak did his usual; he did seem a bit more aggressive than normal; maybe that was because of Nye's limp attempts at debunking. (Nye reminds me of a Martin Short character he did years ago; Nathan Furm. Anyone remember that? The nervous, sweating, lying lawyer who responded to questions about his shady dealings, while shakily trying to light a cigarette, with "Why don't you ask yourself that?")

Martin Short, as his character Nathan Furm, sleezy lawyer guy.

Nye once again tried to get away with his "It's quite a leap to go from things in the sky to aliens from space" routine, -- putting words into people's mouths -- but the panel of witnesses and researchers wouldn't have it. Good for them. The only person saying UFOs are aliens from space was Stanton Friedman, and that's his opinion. An opinion based on evidence, data, and research. It's not ultimate proof, but Stanton's view seems to be "Look, based on all the evidence, it seems clear to me that the conclusion is the little buggers are here." He's clear about it, and that's why he uses the term flying saucers. UFOs remains an unknown, as it should, (in spite of the efforts of anti-UFO debunkers who like to say "everyone really knows UFO means little green men") and Flying Saucers, in Stanton's perspective, means "aliens from space in craft flying over our heads." I like it.

Nye held up a redacted FOIA paper with only the address blacked out, to prove there's no cover-up going on; the only blacked out information was the person's address, to protect our good citizens. Yeah, I know. I laughed when Stanton held up paper after paper of almost completely blacked out documents. Once again, a case of the PS (pathological skeptic) not doing their homework. Lame, Nye,very lame.

The ridiculously stale question was raised: "Why don't the aliens land on the white house lawn?" and Shostak tells King that "Why, sure they (the aliens) would!" How the hell does he know that?

I loved Dr. Bob Jacobs,retired USAF photographic instrumentation officer, who, in the 1960s, had his film of a UFO confiscated by the CIA and was told in no uncertain terms to keep quiet about the whole thing. He came in fighting. He wasn't going to put up with Nye's bull, and he didn't. If I remember right he called Nye a "clown," and a "comedian," among other things. Good thing they weren't sitting in the same studio;I believe Jacobs would have decked Nye.

One of the things that continues to amaze me is the feigned naivete of the skeptic. "Why, our government (or any government) wouldn't want to maintain control over us." Even after acknowledging that the U.S. government had engaged in cover-ups of various kinds in the past, Nye and Shostak, as most skeptoids, can't bring themselves to say that the government is capable of doing heinous things, of covering up, of implementing intentional debunking campaigns. Even though the documented facts say otherwise! By our government's own admission that is documented, the government has created officially sanctioned debunking campaigns, enlisted the help of various scientists, media, academic institutions, etc. and the skeptibunkies either don't know this, or pretend not to know this. That, my friends, is pathological.

It gets down to this: why do they care so damn much? What do the Nyes, McGaha's, Nickells and so on of the world care if others think there are aliens? It's not about that though, as much as they'd like us to think that's what they think.

Remember, Nye kept putting words into people's mouths both times he was on King; insisting that the other person believed in aliens. While some do, many other witnesses and researchers either don't think that, or, don't know if it's aliens, military craft, or what. What we all do know is that something very strange is going on.

Why wouldn't scientists,as Stanton and others asked Nye last night, care about that? Instead of honestly looking at the evidence -- and on a global scale, not just the U.S. -- and trying to figure out what is going on -- for it IS going on -- they are positively frenzied in their efforts to deny.

They lie. They put words in people's mouths. They make surreal non-sequitors and goofy analogies. They don't look at the evidence. They don't think they have to. They insult. They make arrogant comments to witnesses and researchers about their credibility, their education, their mental health. This of course, in the context of "belief" in aliens, but also when it comes to the subject of UFOs. Why?

Why wouldn't any rational person, scientist or otherwise, not look into the overwhelming evidence that there are craft in our skies that no one can explain (at least publicly) and that the government agencies, from the Pentagon on down, cannot and will not address this? Doesn't it bother them that when huge weird things fly over our cities our various government agencies that we pay taxes to don't even bother to pretend they know what's happening? Used to be they at least cared to lie; now they shrug, say they don't know, and hang up. Oh, two, three, six weeks later or so, sometimes years later, they'll come and say it was flares, or jets, or something. Mostly though they don't know anything about it. They seem almost pleased they don't know anything about it. They don't care, they don't do anything, they don't know. That sure makes me feel all safe and warm and protected like.

No one's talking aliens here (not much) let's just stick to what we do know for a FACT and that is: really weird things flying, zipping, floating, etc. along up there. You can't deny that. And if you do, you're simply stupid. Intentionally, woefully ignorant, stubborn, and stupid. Most of all, pathological, since denying what is literally above your heads is crazy talk.

For scientists and critical thinkers, there's a lot of sloppy "thinking" going on:

1. Mistaking evidence for proof.

2. Using evidence and proof interchangeably.

3. Making assumptions and stating them as fact: i.e., "If you're curious about UFOs, you clearly believe in aliens."

4. Ignoring the documented facts released and acknowledged by world governments.

5. Denying that aliens either could be here, or are here, yet making statements as to what they would think, and how they'd behave.

6. Begrudgingly admitting that, sure, there are unexplained lights in the sky but so what, big deal, who cares? They're "just lights."

7.Ignoring the specific questions put to them while veering off on bizarre tangents that have nothing to do with what's being discussed.

All adds up to some very irrational behavior indeed.



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