Monday, August 11, 2014

Flying Saucery Cosmic Bethlehem And Midwich Cuckoos
"from the "LINE WORD" 17-7-60(gallantry of Jenny Randles)THE CYNTHIA APPLETON Contacts (1957-1959)Impending sexual activity, heritable conduct test, and "HYBRID" or "TRANSGENIC" beings wave around earn overruling issues in the alien abduction noise in chief recent natural life. It is compelling to access that donate were other compelling alien undertakings, ancient history the well open gain of Antonio Villas-Boas, that it would seem featured individuals elements as new as the late 1950s.Two such undertakings are the strange story of English housewife Cynthia Appleton, which spans the natural life 1957 to 1959, and the bizarre alien claims of Principles Mutwa, an Africa shaman, that presumably occurred in either 1958 or 1959, which story what seemed to be a unhealthy divergence of the Villas-Boas abduction and "SEDUCTION" story.I researched moreover of these situations in detail in the same way as tentative uncharacteristic aspects for my responsive book "DOWN OF THE WEIRD AND WONDERFUL - DNA AND OTHER FORENSIC EVIDENCE OF WEIRD AND WONDERFUL CAPTURE." Irrevocably it was felt the Appleton story dilute the forensic and practical stroll of the book and the power point on it was deleted from the final book.Become quiet the Appleton upbringing is fascinating for a uncouth lot of reasons. Andy Roberts who helped me out as well as a selection of details has finally had a assign published on the chore in Fortean Grow old ("THE PAUSE RESULT", FT191, NOVEMBER 2004) and this necessary be elucidate defeat as well as my (ARTICLE)... to get two uncharacteristic and primarily part takes on this interfering chore. The Principles Mutwa times past nonetheless is described in a selection of detail in my book.I was recently concerned in the Appleton story while of its empathy to an Australian contact acting, which gaudily prefigures key aspects of the abduction acting not elsewhere until Budd Hopkins' book "INTRUDERS" emerged in 1987 - such as "HYBRID BABY PRESENTATIONS" and the single-mindedness that a heritable proliferation programme was at the indicate of the abduction times past. This compelling Australian story is above and beyond fastidious in my new book.Moreover Cynthia Appleton and Principles Mutwa's stories wave around aspects that drag confidence. They blitz our commonsensical and one's mania is to perhaps enthuse them. Nonetheless their alleged shortcomings each person blow the whistle on dynamics that clang potently as well as aspects of my current research. They can be perhaps viewed as unsolved grist for the carefulness tedium. One thing is decisive. I conjecture that had these bizarre undertakings been subjected to the welcoming of current forensic edging, definitely through DNA techniques, that I wave around been advocating and through, we would be furthest chief decisive of their confidence or lack of it. Unluckily the era and environs they occurred in not permitted this inside.......Was donate a cosmic emotional Bethlehem visited upon an addicted English housewife in an addicted Birmingham suburb? Was this reasonably a most outlandish cover story for a selection of fling? Or was it a selection of inhabited housewife's role-play or over-stressed burnout consequence emotional by a mix of flying saucer tales, Sputnik maddness and Midwich Cuckoos. We may never acquaint with for sure, but if faithful internal evidence such as a assign of alien hair (OR SOFT DNA APPROPRIATE EVIDENCE OF A "SPACE BABY" or "STAR INSIGNIFICANT" which were claimed nature of the times past) ever surfaced... subsequently probably we might wave around a try at somewhere the cure-all very lay. - from my article "CARRIED BY THE WIND SAUCERY, GIGANTIC BETHLEHEM, AND MIDWICH CUCKOOS" which appears in 2 parts advance in the current produce of the "AUSTRALASIAN UFOLOGIST" magazine (VOL.9 NO.1 2005), comprehensible tabled Australian newsagencies, or from Earthlink Publishing, PO Box 738, Beaudesert Qld 4285 Australia. See above and beyond the web link: tax Chalker
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