I was in my backyard with my son and a friend of mine picking up toys and gardening tools.I looked up and almost directly above us(approx.80degrees from the horizon)in the southern sky,there were 5,bright-red, circular objects just hovering in a cicular pattern for about two minutes. Then one by one they started to fly upwards to the southeast.I ran inside as the second object started to fly off to get my dad so he could see what was in the sky.When I came back outside object 3 of the 5was ascending towards the southeast flying in the same direction as the first two.My dad instantly started to take pictures then he started to record video. Object 4 of 5 flew off in the same direction,then the 5th object flew away in the same manner and flight path as they all did. As we are standing there dumbfounded, wondering, "what we just saw and where did they go?",more of these objects rose up one after the other vertically from behind the treeline 1/4mile across the street from my house. Once the first three were slightly above the treeline the bright red objects changed their direction of travel to moving towards the east horizontally staying slightly above the treeline.As the first of these three objects starts to fly upward(after taveling 1 mile horizontally above the treeline)ascending in the same southeastern direction as the first five, a fourth object rose up from the same spot as the last three.(This object appeared bigger and brighter than the prievious 8 objects but was the same shape and color as the rest.)This last object continued in a vertical ascent,but appeared to be heading right towards us. It got about halfway(1/8mile) to us from where it rose up from the treeline then it hovered until the second,then third object flew away.Once the last of the three red objects was no longer in sight this hovering last one headed up in the same southeast direction as all of the rest of them. There was no sound at all from any these objects.They were closer than the medivac helicopters that take off 5miles from my house. Video avalible upon request.
(via MUFON.com)
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