Posted by Unknown
On 11:11 AM
UFO SIGHTING IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA ON JUNE 21ST 2013 - OBSERVED VERY LARGE CRAFT, DROP ALREADY 200 FT, STOP, AND POWDERED TO EITHER TAKE OFF VERY FAST OR DISSAPPEAR1) on Glenwood ave and second, on the way to I-20, going to work with my fiancee. 2) straight ahead of us, i noticed a very shiny object in the sky, in the distance. 3) at first i thought it had to be either a 747 or a large military transport plane, reflecting a large amount of sunlight. It looked like very shiny metal reflecting light. 4) the object at first was moving to the south at a normal speed. It suddenly drops perfectly vertically, not in a plane dive fashion, at least 500 ft. It then shifted to the left about 500 ft. The craft then started to get smaller, as if it were flying directly away from us. Then some word kind of distortion, or haze, in a circle shape, materialized around the craft and it was just gone. 5) disbelief and excitement, I'm a believer but had never actually seen anything i could not explain. Scrambling, trying to get my phone to take a video, i couldn't get it out so i kept my eyes on the craft. 6) the craft vanished, it didn't fly out of view, it flew into or through something and was gone. The craft had to be massive. Larger than any plane.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
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