I had been a solo driver and the company wanted me to team up so I could train incoming truck driving students. A small world my first trainee was a forman from Circus Vargus, where I had worked in 1984.20 years later we meet,he left the circus for commercial driving. His name is John, nickname was Smerf. He was driving and I was in the sleeper berth. I went up front to check on his awareness and he joked about driving all the way to Portland, Oregon. I waited a couple hours and when I returned to the passenger seat we made plans to change out at the next truck stop, maybe just before Boise, Idaho. There was an object I just glanced at and he brought my attention back to it. As the craft drew closer we both recognized it to be a UFO. The path it took was from SW of I 84 and continued to the NE at 300-400 mph. It made a loud noise as it changed direction slightly NNE from NE, possibly from passing within a hundred yards of us. He stated that 'do not tell anyone of this and said he would deny it all'. The dispatcher contacted us and asked if I had divulged the UFO sighting at Hazleton, PA. I said "what are you talking about?" Dispatcher- called me into the terminal and I was questioned about both incidents. I did not disclose any others to protect myself from fear that I would scare new students, costing my employment. The interview went well and the supervisor said "If that's what he saw, thats what he saw".
(via MUFON.com)
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