The clear blue sky ensured the mysterious object sparkled, to the naked eye it appeared to be a bright star making an incredible daytime appearance.
One Virgie, KY witness was able to observe and capture images of the object with a high powered telescope. 150 times magnification revealed the long elongated almost truss like object with plasma beams traveling between two spheres at each end. The magnification required suggests the object was extremely high in the sky, possibly at the edge of space. Under closer scrutiny the object also appeared to be very mechanical in shape.
The ability to hover for over an hour also raises question of control and propulsion, gravity should have dragged it down in that time. The ability to fight gravity in a steady way also implies control.
According to the local Williamson Daily News "Employees of the Daily News and City Tire, which is right across the street from their offices, saw the object hovering for well over an hour. Customers of the automotive repair business also saw the UFO. Heads were turned skyward toward the object. At times it appeared to get brighter."
"Several jets appeared to fly in the vicinity of the UFO. Contrails could be seen zigzagging all around the object. This made for much speculation by those who witnessed the strange, airborne object."
Not wanting to conform the Pike county UFO looks like no other craft seen before. Looking so unusual and witnessed by dozens of people, this is obviously no stealth aircraft. The plasma beams traveling the length of the object may also suggests vast amounts of high voltage power are being used here.
Are there similarities with NASA's Tether Incident, had NASA been testing a dual tether magnetic propulsion system? Did the tests fail once again?
Here at Highpants we hear talk that NASA hasn't given up on Tether propulsion and that this was the final stages of the test, re-entry. The light show created was a result of high energy particles in the upper atmosphere that make the tethers glow like a fluro light.
The infamous Tether Incident occurred during a NASA experiment with a magnetic propulsion system that went awry, creating some of the most spectacular UFO footage in history. The tether itself was a spherical satellite with a mile long strand of wire or tether, which ran from the satellite back to the Space Shuttle. When the satellite was activated a high voltage charge would run through the wire creating a magnetic field that interacted with the Earth's magnetic field and create a form of magnetic propulsion. That was the theory anyway, the tether broke and both satellite and tether drifted off into space, only to be followed by what appeared to be dozens of UFO's.
The strange objects in the sky may this time be NASA's handiwork; the fact that so many witnesses saw the event may suggest that the bright glow was an unexpected side-effect. With such a brilliant day time light show observed by so many and creating such a buzz can the MIB be far behind.
"Related Article: NASA Tether Incident"
"Reference Williamson Daily News - UFO spotted over Williamson area Tuesday"
" Reference: The Chani Project Forum"
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