By Danielle Capper, KLTV 7 News
LAKE SAM RAYBURN, TX (2/6/2008) - Little green men in the Lone Star state? Within the past few weeks, KLTV 7 showed you alleged UFO sighting in Stephenville. The video set off a flood of calls and e-mails from our viewers claiming their own close encounters. One of those East Texans says she has video proof of UFOs that she didn't even realize she'd taken. She showed that video to us.
"Earth vs. The Flying Saucers: the whole world is under attack, can it survive?"
They've been a part of our culture since the fifties, conjuring up both our fascinations, and our fears.
Now, Whittney Sullivan says something made it's way to Lake Sam Rayburn. Last summer, Whittney was out on the lake, recording a family outing on her cell phone.
"I turned around and went like this back to them and when I went back to my face and I got a phone call," said Whittney.
When she got home that night to watch the video, she saw this: a foreign black object in the sky that she never saw earlier, and certainly didn't know she had recorded.
"I wish I would have been looking at the screen when I brought it back around to me," said Whittney, "Because I would have seen that and looked up in the sky, and seen what it was or where it went but I wasn't looking at it."
For just an instant you can see something, a flash, and then it's gone. But when slowed down the image evokes more questions.
"It's just weird that it showed up like that and nobody else saw it," said Whittney, "It's pie shaped, it's round and it has the perfect round in the middle. It's very strange."
Strange, and inexplicable, not only to Whittney, but to everyone she's shown the video to.
"A lot of my friends when I showed them the video they were like oh that's a blimp or a bird or a bug. But it can't be a blimp because it goes really slow, there is not many around here. That could be ruled out. I don't think it was an airplane because you can hear an airplane, you can hear it's jets. And it wasn't a bird. It's just really unexplainable I don't know what it is. And when she thinks about what it could be.
"If it was a UFO that is really scary because if we are sitting out there, not just us but other people around in that open spaces and there is other life flying above us and we didn't even see us," said Whittney, "How many other times did it happen and we didn't see it we want to know what you think it is."
We've set up a webpoll at Is it a spaceship, maybe a leaf falling in mid-air? Do you think the people added the image in there with a computer? Did the cell phone just see the sunlight funny? Or maybe it's an airplane smeared by the camera movement. Let us know what you think?
We took this video to an expert and have solved the mystery that in turn could solve hundreds of videotaped UFO sightings around the world. We'll reveal your hunches, as well as the real answer Thursday night on KLTV 7 News at 10.
(c) 2008 Danielle Capper, WorldNow and KLTV7.
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