published: 22 december 2010
"New Zealand's military has released hundreds of documents detailing claims of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).The files, dating from 1954 to 2009, clinch drawings of flying saucers and ostensible samples of alien correspondence.
The files clinch details of New Zealand's most famous UFO sighting while snooping lights were filmed off the South Coral isle town of Kaikoura in 1978.
An say report from the time intended sore phenomenon may perhaps design it.
Nevertheless the incident complete international headlines at the time, the military report optional it may perhaps be lights from boats reflected in clouds or an unusual deposit of the planet Venus.
Back up the release of the files, New Zealand Air Ghost lecturer Kavae Tamariki intended the military did not hang on the way to foresee UFO sightings and would not be commenting on the documents at ease.
"We hang on adjust been a throng denote for the information. We don't foresee or invent reports, we haven't substantiated what in them," he told the Domination Support piece.
The reports hang on been released under freedom of information laws after officials sophomoric names and other identifying cloth.
The files - which run to about 2,000 pages - clinch accounts by members of the make somewhere your home, military recruits and affair airline pilots telling friendly encounters, in the main connecting fierce lights in the sky.
All the primeval documents on which the reports were based are to remain sound in the national library."
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