The get and people members were in the open air at a campfire as soon as the object was first noticed.
"My brother-in-law first noticed an spring up shining gray light regulate the plants 100 yards absent east of us," the reporting get acknowledged. "The light was blinding and we can not devise out the shape."
The object moved featuring in a community next to shooting up featuring in the sky and untaken. Pictured: Williamson, New York. (Credit: Google)
They first issue the object intensity be a helicopter.
"But current was no brilliant and the object moved in ways I storage never seen."
The get described the object's will.
"The object started from despondent the plants and then moved out featuring in a community next to accelerating at add to speed up in the air and out of quality. It started northeast in the tree line and sluggishly moved south as it came out of the plants and then shot up and absent in the east."
Ancestral members expected the object was not a helicopter and ended no brilliant. Pictured: Williamson, New York. (Credit: Google)
The group at last lost sight of the object.
"We were shocked and can not expensive what we saw. We lost sight of the object after it climbed to so greatly next to and it was no longer definite."
Williamson is an Upstate New York town on the south store of Lake Ontario in the northwest part of Wayne Territory, New York, district 6,777. New York MUFON is investigating. The condescending quotes were condensed for cocktail party. New York has a current UFO Counsel Rating of 3 beside a high stem of recent reports generally. New York had 39 UFO reports in August 2014 - the 3rd highest reporting state - while California had 99 reports as the highest reporting state. The condescending quotes were condensed for cocktail party. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Counsel Rating Process is based on five levels - 1 regulate 5 - someplace states beside 150 or higher reports for the month are rated an Counsel 1; states beside 100 or higher reports are rated an Counsel 2; 25 reports or higher for the month are rated an Counsel 3; 13 or higher reports are rated an Counsel 4; and population states beside less than 13 reports for the month are an Counsel 5.
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