Posted by Unknown
On 4:48 PM
I BECAME ACQUAINTED WITH "JADOO" - THE FIRST BOOK EVER WRITTEN BY JOHN KEEL - BACK IN THE LATE 1980S, WHEN A FRIEND IN THE FORTEAN FIELD LOANED ME A COPY. HAVING EAGERLY READ "THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES" WHEN I WAS ABOUT TWELVE OR THIRTEEN, I EQUALLY EAGERLY DEVOURED "JADOO". AND A DAMN GOOD READ IT WAS TOO! BUT, SINCE I NEVER PERSONALLY OWNED A COPY OF THE BOOK, I HAVE TO CONFESS THAT, AS TIME PASSED BY AND THE YEARS PROGRESSED, I PRETTY MUCH FORGOT ABOUT IT. UNTIL NOW. YEP, "JADOO"IS BACK!Thanks to the good folks at Anomalist Books, Keel's book is with us once again. And, yes, you "can" purchase used, old copies of "Jadoo" online, but there are very good reasons why it would be much wiser - and far more rewarding - to invest in a copy of the new edition. I'll explain why, at the end. But, before we get to all that, if you haven't read "Jadoo", you may already be thinking: What's Nick on about and what is"Jadoo" about? I'll tell you.It's fair to say that when most people think of John Keel it's probably in relation to the aforementioned Mothman, the sinister and ghoulish Men in Black, his views on the extraterrestrial vs. ultraterrestrial theory for the UFO phenomenon, and his thoughts on demonology, folklore and mythology. Yes, all of these matters did indeed fascinate (and obsess) Keel for years. But, "Jadoo" is very different.In the pages of "Jadoo", you will not find tales of the MIB, or of flying, winged nightmares with fiery red eyes. Nor will you find any accounts of dark-suited MIB intent on silencing witnesses to profound UFO encounters. Rather, "Jadoo" represents the very early years of Keel and his paranormal-themed research and writing, long before he got immersed in the UFO issue and the surrounding culture of Ufology. And a highly entertaining read it is, too.
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