Our Gracious host James Gilliland who owns the ECETI Ranch has accumulated more than 80 hours of footage with thousands of witnesses, including NASA & Boeing scientists.
Even with all these credible witnesses and footage, you still wonder to yourself, is this real, is this really happening? We just had to go and check it out for ourselves on this amazing adventure.
Most people would like to see evidence of a huge ship 100 metres away with it's doors open and aliens hanging out the window, right? Well so does everyone, but as James explained to us during our stay, ET's just don't work like this!
To explain how this phenomena happens in a nut shell.... When a ship appears it's proceeded by a very bright flash like lightning as it steps into either our atmosphere or dimension. Then a glowing ball of light comes into view six or seven times bigger than a star. There's no sound what so ever as they descend down in between you and the mountain. Our first one was bobbing along and then it stopped for a few seconds in between us and the mountain and then moved off to the North Eastern side from where they appear to come and go from. After our first sighting we were jumping round the field screaming and yelling like little kids with excitement, it was truly amazing. This happened all weekend from different angles and directions along with different levels of brightness and colors of the fields around the ships.
James has a set of night vision goggles at the ranch which he uses to scan the sky for ships that may be in invisible mode. When you spot the ships you can zap them with a high powered laser pointer and then they pop into view and speed out of the way of the laser beam. James seems to think this is some kind of defense mechanism that comes into play.
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