Robbie's famous toll of tattoos includes the Eye of Horus on the buoy up of his collar. As well as being a cynical symbol, the Eye of Horus is used by the U.S. enterprise Liberal Folio In the middle of Space invader Quick-wittedness (ECTI), which Williams has emphatically been working in the same way as on UFO research. Williams is thought to be go home for the day to Ufologist James Gilliland.
Williams claims to back superior singular alien encounters, together with one behind he was working on the invite '"Arizona"' (WHICH IS ABOUT ALIEN CONTACT). He is quoted as saying: "Gravely, I opt to go out and look at these belongings. I'm stopping being a pop star and I'm leave-taking to be a full-time Ufologist."
Williams has an revenue in other areas of the paranormal as well, for prototype, he reportedly moved out Halloween at a seance in Stoke-on-Trent.
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