According to the best information available, the K-129 was at least partially raised from the bottom in July 1974 by the CIA Glomar Explorer.
Whatever had been recovered by the US NAVY during the 1972 Trieste II dive had been locked into a commandeered cold food storage locker and placed under armed guard for the long journey home.
The Glomar recovery and the Trieste II recovery operations remain closely guarded secrets, in spite of evidence that the Russians had accessed a fair amount of information about the operation.
Consider this: a search for "Glomar" at produces zero results.
However, in 1992, TIME magazine reported:
"Speaking to an American delegation in Moscow recently, a Russian intelligence officer revealed intimate knowledge of a 1974 mission in which the U.S. salvage ship Glomar Explorer raised a sunken Soviet nuclear submarine in the central Pacific."
Apparently it is better for the enemy to know the secrets than to provide them to the taxpayers who paid the bill for the recovery operation.
A Congressional review of America's paranormal programs produced little information about the NAVY psychic research:
"The US NAVY program was to evaluate an individual's ability to perceive remote visual stimuli. This effort was to answer the question whether the phenomena exist. No additional information is on file regarding the NAVY program."
Dan T. Smith, son of Dan Throop Smith, the late former tax adviser to the Eisenhower administration, tells the story of his friend Ron Pandolfi, from CIA.
As TIME explained in a 1995 article about deep sea mining:
"Oceanographers have long known that parts of the Pacific sea floor at depths between 14,000 ft. and 17,000 ft. are carpeted with so-called manganese nodules, potato-size chunks of manganese mixed with iron, nickel, cobalt and other useful metals. In the 1970s, Howard Hughes used the search for nodules as a cover for building the ship Glomar Explorer, which was used to salvage a sunken Soviet sub."
According to Dan Smith, his friend Pandolfi, as a college student, was given samples of the nodules by his uncle, who was involved with the CIA cover story for the Glomar operation.
Pandolfi had the samples analyzed and concluded they could not have come from the location claimed by Hughes and, suspecting this was a cover story for something bigger, soon drew the attention of a couple of "men in black" who advised he keep his suspicions to himself.
Pandolfi appears again in Smith's musing about a bizarre encounter with a couple of bodies in a hospital.
Smith tells the story of his 1992 disturbing encounter:
"I went back to work as a free-lance, mostly volunteer computer programmer in '85. I worked for... Daniel S Ruchkin, who was studying brain-waves at the University of Maryland Medical School in Baltimore.
A former student of Ruchkin's was Dr. Richard L. Horst, Man-made Systems/UserWorks, Inc. I worked for Dick as a part-time subcontractor, being paid on a, more or less, hourly basis.
This was my status when Dick obtained a Navy contract to study the behavioral implications of psychological stress. The test subjects were to be the Anesthesiologists working at the UM Hospital's shock-trauma unit. We were going to be electrically recording their manipulations of various instruments during the procedures. As I try to recall the details and rationale of this supposed experiment, it is still not making much sense to me.
Dave Mahaffey and I spent several days in the S/T building, back and forth between the upstairs surgical floor, and someone's lab facility downstairs. Dave and I were setting up our equipment in one of the recovery cubicles outside of the operating area. While I was there, I only recall seeing one patient in one of the cubicles. There were always several nurses over at their station. More than once I heard them discussing the unusual lack of patients, in the facility.
One lunch hour, in the downstairs lab, the doctor in charge, told Dave and me that he wanted to show us a video to prepare us for having to work inside the surgical area. It was a 30 min color video of someone who had tried to commit suicide by shooting themselves in the face with a shotgun. Only the mouth was visible in what had once been his face. The surgeons were heard discussing the fellow's plight, off-screen. I was grossed-out, but not sufficiently so, that I could not finish my sandwich. I got the impression that guy remained more or less conscious.
Now we come to the day in question.......
I had been told that I would be introduced to the surgical area, the day before. I showed up a few minutes late, and Dave was not there. Instead was an asian fellow, heavily accented, whom I had not seen before. He instructed me to strip-down, before putting on the surgical gown. I balked at removing my shorts, and he became agitated. Since there was no scrubbing involved, I could not imagine the point of removing my shorts. Reluctantly he acquiesced, and we proceeded into the 'surgical' area.
It was not like any surgical area that had seen or imagined. There were some glass-walled cubicles. Hanging from the ceiling, by their four appendages, in two of the cubicles were two 'bodies'. Neither head was visible. I stood there staring at this scene for two or three minutes. I got the distinct impression that the four 'surgeons' in the nearest cubicle were quite bored. They appeared to be chatting to one another. There was no one in the second cubicle. There did not appear to be any skin, just brown [sic] exposed flesh, no blood. Like the face in video, but the wrong color.
I found the whole scene, and the context of its lengthy prelude, to be most unsettling. I went back out to where I found Dave. He was fiddling with the instruments. I just stood watching, feeling dumbfounded, and saying nothing. He suggested that I leave, and I readily complied.
The next morning I called the doctor who had shown us the video. I was already suspecting that this was one of those trick psychology experiments where the tester turns out to be the testee. I demanded an explanation for what I had witnessed. He said he would check and call me back. He soon called me back......
There had been a motorcycle accident with two victims. They were undergoing an emergency 'filleting' [sic!] procedure, in order to relieve excess blood pressure. This 'explanation' just made me angry. Only now have I had the gumption to look up that word, and find it only being applied to fish. If someone would care to investigate further, be my guest.
I told him that I was involved in some very sensitive business with someone at the CIA, and that if I ever found out that this experiment had any connection with that other business, I would become extremely angry. I was pretty much screaming over the phone, at that point.
And a few minutes later, the phone rang again. Guess who....?
Our buddy, Ron [Pandolfi], was on the other end. He seemed to be chuckling, while commenting on how I had really reamed-out the 'poor' doctor."
Smith readily admits that he has no idea who, or what, was in the two body bags. He does, however, point out from that day forward he has been acting as a civilian proxy for his friend Ron, who had once suffered the ire of the agency he now works for, so many years ago.
These days Smith continues to engage his friend Ron on the topic of government disclosure of an unworldly presence that Smith believes heralds the end of the world order as we know it.
Pandolfi, who had moved from CIA to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence MASINT committee, is said to have landed back at CIA HQ.
Kit Green, a retired CIA officer who had worked on the Glomar project, remains a government consultant on issues related to national security. Dr. Green, who witnessed first hand the psychic weirdness that inspired the government programs in "remote viewing," remains convinced there is a "core story" behind all of the strange tales.
In Dr. Green's version of the core, the otherworldly presence must be biological in nature. Visitors to our world, at least the kind of visitors that would be of interest to Green and his colleagues, must be extraterrestrial biological entities.
Stranger still:
In July 1974, as Dr. Green and his associates from CIA moved to take psychic remote viewing operational against the Soviets and, in the Pacific Ocean, recover a submarine that one of the CIA psychics would later describe as the target of interest to a "flying saucer" -- disembodied EVP (electronic voice phenomena) voices thousands of miles away were telling the story of the CIA physicists and their quest for paranormal powers, predicting a long-range plan that would be revealed some twenty years into the future.
Given the vast scale of the universe, and the likelihood there is far more "out there," Green's position should be of no surprise. Tantalizing tales of the EBEs from "high ranking authorities" in the U.S. government offer few clues to the underlying truth of what, if anything, a small group of "need to know" officials may actually know.
As for the rest of us, we are left to speculate from an ever-growing mountain of rumors.
As for myself, I continue to wonder what aspect of the "core story" is grounded in fact: the now infamous STAR GATE psychic spy program was once a fable.
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