Posted by Unknown
On 8:02 AM
THIS Blush FULL-RESOLUTION Farsightedness Vetting THE Pastry-cook Pad OF NASA'S Consequence Rambler WAS OBTAINED Modish Dive TO THE Emerge OF MARS ON AUG. 5 PT (AUG. 6 ET). THE Farsightedness WAS OBTAINED BY THE MARS Dive IMAGER, Specific AS MARDI, AND SHOWS THE 15-FOOT (4.5-METER) DIAMETER Pastry-cook Pad As soon as IT WAS Concerning 50 FEET (16 METERS) FROM THE Dexterity. THIS Farsightedness SHOWS THE Hub Emerge OF THE Pastry-cook Pad, By means of ITS Loving Filling. THE Radiant PATCHES ARE CALIBRATION TARGETS FOR MARDI. Along with SEEN IN THIS Farsightedness IS THE MEDLI HARDWARE Fixed TO THE Hub Emerge. AT THIS Crew, THE Farsightedness HAS A SPATIAL Gradation OF 0.4 INCHES (1 CENTIMETER) PER PIXEL. MIKE MALIN, A Following OF THE MARS Consequence Rambler SCIENCE Celebration, UNVEILS Images Vetting Where THE ROVER'S BALLASTS HIT THE Emerge - AS Beautifully AS A HIGH-RESOLUTION Concern OF THE ROVER'S Pastry-cook Pad On high Shown Modish Dive. THIS IS NO SCIENCE-FICTION Adventure OR UFO HOAX: IT'S A Dead on Hieroglyph OF THE Pastry-cook Pad Dipping Shown FROM NASA'S MARS Consequence Rambler, SNAPPED BY A CAMERA ON THE ROVER'S Underneath Merely A Set of two OF Proceedings Preceding SUNDAY NIGHT'S LANDING. WE'VE Beforehand SEEN A LOW-RESOLUTION Adventure Capture OF CURIOSITY'S Dive, AS RECORDED BY THE MARS Dive IMAGER (A.K.A. MARDI). THIS IS THE First HIGH-RESOLUTION MARDI Images TO BE SENT Down.At last, hundreds of frames force be transmitted to Gain and combined to present a high-res movie selection the rover's-eye vision of Curiosity's touchdown on the Red Soil. "This is the open bag," made-up Mike Malin, who heads up the MARDI accessory.The metaphors has beforehand been compared among pictures lovesick by satellites orbiting Mars to tallness out precise someplace Consequence greater than up. Yet arrogant of Curiosity's high-resolution cameras are due to get up and directly in the being fast.This picture, selection a bifurcate of eerie dunes directly corner to corner the red Martian tint meeting place Uproar Crack, is fit split up of one full-resolution frame: For innovative characters of the wide-angle vision, sweet among a little extra image management, jurisdiction out EMILY LAKDAWALLA'S Withstand ON THE Sky-high Discernment BLOG.Hang on tuned for the rest of the movie from Mars. I take a feeling it'll take a afloat bring to a close.
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