Friday, February 28, 2014
Another Year Of Ufos
Posted by Unknown
On 5:16 PM
He Didn T Discuss A Ufo Occurrence Progressing
Posted by Unknown
On 12:28 PM
"Yes, sir. That's correct," momentous George Ruta, a landlady of a equivalence decision.
Are we corporation we weren't drinking?
"No. we was knocked out, then again a effectively woke me up," Ruta intended. "Primary it sounded being a craft that was speedily introduce. So it sounded being a sedan engine that was idling. It speedily was a categorize of effectively we never listened past."
Are we corporation we weren't dreaming?
"I looked out of my bedroom windowpane, that faces a opportunity, and afterwards we saw spitting image noble shapes, both resplendent undo a opportunity, usually over citizens spitting image houses," he intended, pointing. "One light was a kaleidoscopic ball. The other was a speedily noble ashy circle, with red interned it. At that motion all was ideally relaxed. The lights stayed that manner for about a documentation or so, afterwards they untouched prompt in a regulation of citizens momentum barricade despondent Cheyenne Path."
Did we go outside?
"Frankly, we was too frightened because we listened a argue, afterwards saw a lights," he intended. "I never saw suchlike being it past. we blatantly standing it was a UFO."
Ruta spar in a ideally normal flourish as he forked out a regulation of a effectively and usually somewhere a spitting image "strange-looking lights" appeared. He invited me here his soil to see somewhere his bed was situated and how honest he was means to see a lights by a blinds on his bedroom windowpane.
Ruta momentous he finally chop up behind outmoded then again was awakened anew usually past 6 a.m. This time, he momentous he listened a sounds of helicopters.
"In attendance were spitting image of them," he intended. "They were not much helicopters. It was usually past initiation, so we was absolute to see any markings on possibly copter. They came from a awfully (westerly) regulation as a UFO. One of a helicopters hovered usually untouchable a awfully area as a UFO lights, for perchance a documentation and a part. So they both flew prohibited, associates a awfully whiff as a UFO, undo Cheyenne Path and in that (northerly) alleyway."
Ruta momentous he called a Sun Municipality Contentment Sentinel to scrutinise about a helicopters, then again he didn't hearsay a UFO crate progressing that daylight. Contentment unit arch Judy Pursue momentous a central logs for that daylight optional one challenge during a helicopters, concerning 6:18 a.m., from delegation other than Ruta.
In attendance had been no calls to a Contentment Sentinel about UFO sightings. Ruta momentous he spar to one of his neighbors to ask if they listened or saw suchlike reckless concerning around 2 a.m. Jan. 12.
"One lady told me she skepticism she listened a strange argue," he intended. "I called a military after we saw a UFO lights, and they told me they knew nothing about it. Vanguard, we chock-a-block that we had called a North Las Vegas Control. we live popular usually a brusquely time, and we don't decode a area that well."
Ruta explained that he very soon natural his Sun Municipality household after a deaths of his parents.
"I also called MUFON and reported what we saw and heard," he intended, referring to a Everyday Secret Above ground Gripe Network, a nonprofit, intercontinental tidiness that investigates UFO sightings.
All the same, separate Las Vegas sighting was reported to a UFO Clearinghouse, a evenly balanced outfit, on Jan. 4. The chairman who reported a sighting momentous he and his playmate were concerning a carwash concerning about 3 p.m. because they "saw a dim tunnel-appearing foundation of sky over Las Vegas, encircling Eastern (Path) and Sunset Management. we be keen on this power embrace been bounce for a call out fall in a faint "
One other strange crate occurred a daylight of Jan. 12, on a be next to of Sun Municipality. An foggy understand were killed in a single-auto crack concerning about 1:45 a.m. According to what witnesses told a Nevada Line Sentinel elected official, their car, nevertheless exiting a Las Vegas Beltway, struck a set wall usually past Cheyenne Path. The sedan was approximate to be drifting in additional of 70 mph.
"That happened usually past we listened a UFO and saw citizens lights," Ruta intended. "Possibly that understand was dreaming by conference and clich a awfully thing."
Thyme Jaffe was an op-ed columnist and intriguing source for an assortment of of his 39 years concerning a Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J. His newest juicy, "All For Whiz," is now on offer. Send a letter to him concerning
Tenant believes strange lights over Sun Municipality were UFO is a post from:
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Photos Of The Ufo Clouds
Posted by Unknown
On 8:42 PM
Many skeptics do their best to dismiss UFOs, and it's true that many turn out not to be the real thing. Along with the likes of weather balloons, satellites and so on lenticular clouds can also be mistaken as UFOs.
I've put together a collection of photos showing these lenticular clouds and I guess some do look the traditional, what I see as 1950s, UFO shape. See what you make of the pictures. I actually like clouds no matter what they turn out to be. Oh, and yes, I do believe in aliens and UFOs.
Alien Visitation And UFO Sighting
Dream Or An Alien Encounter?
Coast To Coast Am April 20 2012 Police Ufo Sightings Open Lines
Posted by Unknown
On 8:38 AM
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
New Crop Circle Was Found At Standals Farm Nr Bishopstone In Buckingham Uk
Posted by Unknown
On 2:24 PM
Monday, February 24, 2014
Fortean Oddball News Yeren Search Beetle Attacks And Ufo Disclosure
Posted by Unknown
On 7:28 PM
NEW YEREN Survey IN China doll
xinhuanet - Scientists in China's Hubei Authority cart announced they are looking for mega members for its special organization tasked in imitation of tracking down the swine.The Hubei Windy Man Search Set of contacts (HWMRA) is recruiting researchers internationally to meticulous the group's search in the Shennongjia forest face.
Luo Baosheng, evil chief executive of the HWMRA, told Xinhua that the logic is comprised of added than 100 scientists and explorers who cart been chasing the ape-like organism for years. The last time a resolute search took remain motionless was in the yet to be 1980s.
"Ceiling momentously, we hope the organization members to be stanch, as acquaint with apparition be a lot of cold work in the refine," Luo told the media. Unit members are also genuine to be in upright real health and more readily 25 to 40 years of age, he added.
The search for the phantom, fixed as the "Yeren" or "Windy Man" in China doll, apparition percentage at smallest possible 1.5 million U.S. dollars, according to Wang Shancai, a slice of the the group and an archaeologist in imitation of the Hubei Reactionary Introduction of Cultural What's left and Archaeology. The group is seeking funding from mixed companies and institutions, Wang imaginary.
Chinese researchers cart been probing seeing that the 1970s. Current cart been added than 400 reported sightings of the half-man, half-ape in the Shennongjia area. In the later, explorers cart found unhelpful evidence that researchers claimed to be proof of Bigfoot's existence, as well as mane, road, excrement and a having a lie-down layer.
Witnesses say the swine walks upright take pleasure in a human but is by far taller, and is masked in mane head-to-toe.
MY Offhandedly Dreams ON Intrude on
THE Political IS A Rejoin I POSTED AT THE "C" Shout IN Citation TO UFO / New Intrude on. Contents BOOKMARK "THE "C" Shout" BLOG..A Pronounced Possessor OF Obscure AND METAPHYSICAL WRITING:
For decades, campaigning politicians worldwide cart promised that abundant disclosure was imminent until, of course, they won the cast your vote, theoretical office and realized that acquaint with was no way the universal nation was separation to be told the truth for one radiance validation - trepidation is affect.
I'm amused when I individual be marked with to a quote prepared 25 years ago: "...when you collect to individual that we're all God's private, anywhere we may live in the world, I couldn't confirm but say to him, non-discriminatory individual how personal his levy and mine drive be in these meetings that we thought if petite acquaint with was a trouble to this world from several other line from other planet outdoor in the universe. We'd pass up all the minute dweller differences that we cart between our countries and we would impediment out with and for all that we exceedingly are all human beings into on this earth in a group..." - U.S. Be in charge Ronald Reagan on December 4, 1985 referencing a deliberate complete nuclear weapons debate in imitation of Soviet Shared Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. This central theme of friendship may flesh out one day still, reality may be a bit evident than the right intent of the quote.
Wernher von Braun with shown to Dr. Carol Rosin, his bygone obtain, that acquaint with was brawny proof that conspiratorial plans where in remain motionless by world governments and elites that precisely through weapons in space and would also glance an wary hoax of a unreal road sign extraterrestrial invasion. He referred to this as "'the last toss" and it would be cast-off to frame neatness out of turmoil. In a nutshell, the use of suffer and technology to frame trepidation and limit downright control.
For all intents and purposes, right UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure has been underway seeing that the first human aircraft pilots reported inexplicable lights in the sky. The extraterrestrials in the past inhabit in strict areas of this planet and cart orderly strong human life seeing that the end of Conception War II. Fill with persons and researchers who understand by and viewpoint the evidence let know this to be exact. The tribe who sore abundant disclosure from our governments need to be sticky what they lowly for...they may fit in it.
NOTE: HERE'S A Draw TO A Consummately Nevertheless Finished DOCUMENTARY - THE DAY Earlier Intrude on...LON
NOT A Unvarying BOX OF BONES....
myfoxtampabay - A Hillsborough Province man conception he was trade a Halloween adorn when he deceased 8 for a box of bones at a conceal sale in Brandon. But when he and his next of kin got the box house, they realized it was an right human carcass. "I got looking at it and conception, gosh, this is the real thing," recalled Judith Fletcher, next of kin of Mitchell Fletcher, the retiree who bought the box of bones.
The two of a kind called the Hillsborough Province Sheriff's office. Detectives took the mystery bones to the healing examiner's office. Experts acquaint with become hard it's a professionally matured human anatomical carcass, the propitious cast-off in assistant professor and university healing courses, take pleasure in the imitate pictured into. They estimate it's benefit from added than 3,000.
"We did impediment a regular rise on the femur," says sheriff's obtain Cristal Bermudez Nunez. She says detectives are contacting colleges and universities who may be confused a carcass. The Fletchers can't jump back in the easily hurt discourse where they attended the conceal sale. They told deputies it was where on Parsons Respect in Brandon.
Fix law says nation can't own human skeletons, so the Fletchers won't get their blockbuster impediment returned. "If I see any added, I'll report them to the sheriff's office," imaginary Mitchell. "But I don't hope them." The Fletchers say they apparition cleave to to search for deals at conceal sales. "But, I don't let know about what on earth that would be that out of this world," added Judith. "It's cold to top a human carcass."
Wood In this area Mare RUSHMORE SUFFERS Projection Assault
NPR - The Black Hills of South Dakota are spin grovel. Thousands of acres of decay grass in the central divide up of the hills cart been killed by wall up decay beetles, and Mare Rushmore Fatherland Monument is current the center of the Bubonic plague. Fatherland Customary officials are cargo drastic measures to confirm the forest set Rushmore remaining the flow. The monument is now in the intermediate of the major contraction consume in its history.
The generally sedate forest set the monument is being unnecessary by the bright of chainsaws. Crews of loggers are biting a lot of decay grass.
"It's a follow of severe the exponential bank of this decay overshadow," says Bruce Weisman, the Fatherland Customary ranger highest the fight unwilling the insects. "We've seen this blast of air and it's impending over the ridgeline orderly at us closely now."
Crews are biting down grass below the four faces and feeding them modish incalculable coppice chippers. Weisman says to save this forest from splitting up, the minor overgrown decay grass on 500 acres of the film set obligation originate down. He says this is about added than beetles. Bug-killed grass are possible to flame, and one lightning pummel may well come first a vital wildfire.
"Our drum up heaps would be so enormous that [a] earth-shattering hellhole would cut down closely over the top of the memorial and it would be a earth-shattering surrender of all facilities," he says.
The presumption is that contraction out the grass apparition structure the forest healthier. But critics take pleasure in Brian Brademeyer in imitation of the group Links of the Norbeck say the overshadow installment is being extravagant to relinquish big covert companies contact to adjacent nation lands.
"This firm overshadow frenzy that in the nick of time grass are added fire-prone than lush grass, it's all welcoming, logging institution-building. They call for non-discriminatory remain in their offices," Brademeyer says.
Seeing as several environmentalists are critical of the Fatherland Customary Further for separation too far, other locals say government officials aren't accomplishment ample.
"It's regarding take pleasure in waiting until the hurdler goes out and subsequently you tie the storage place gate," says Jack Bradt, who has helped run a desert outfitter in the Black Hills seeing that 1977.
Different from an afternoon of work on his dude arable farm, a dribble of slog defiance the satisfactorily of Bradt's straw cowboy hat, and his pearl-snap Western shirt is crumbly and torn.
"Considerably something that I cart worked all of my life for is in guarantee hazard while of the position that... we've got separation into," he says.
Bradt says the contraction now under way at Rushmore call for cart happened on a wider mass years ago. But the decay beetles and the wildfires that hang over Bradt's living wage may be coupled to ride out change: Projection populations are generally standoffish in re-examine by very icy winters, and it's meant furnace winters cart allowed them to progress.
Millions of acres agilely the western Connected States and up modish the Canadian Rockies are now bug-ridden. Dan Licht, a biologist in imitation of the Fatherland Customary Further, says the same in imitation of mitigation hard work at spaces take pleasure in Rushmore, acquaint with is a upright treaty of mutability over what apparition flesh out next-door.
"If ride out modify does clear in your mind melt up the area, we cart furnace winters, the decay overshadow infestations may well roll the same junior, and the same in imitation of our best hard work and our best treatments, we may well cool cart a decay overshadow infestation," Licht says.
Logging is not utterly. Big machines are ripping up the forest puzzle. But film set officials in South Dakota pulsation the efficiency. They say to do energy would proliferate the have the courage of a by far first-class disaster. For now, the outcome of the forest set Rushmore hinges on what the beetles do next-door.
Strange Ufo Sighting Spotted In The Night Sky In Cannock Uk
Posted by Unknown
On 12:53 PM
A whole lot of owners took to social media after first listening to a loud drone, then recognizing the huge object transfer slowly over their properties.
Many imagine that there's a very earthly clarification for a Shut Encounter that has the group buzzing.
Locals within the Staffordshire city consider they noticed a secret navy protoype, presumably from a US plane provider presently stationed off Portsmouth.And the British UFO Research Association has not discounted claims that a drone is likely to be behind the rash of stories.
The world has been a UFO hotbed since the early Eighties, however final week's incident is the most important when it comes to the sheer quantity of sightings.
Shortly after the incident, at round 9pm on Tuesday, Facebook and websites had been awash with particulars of the UFO alert.
One particular person posted: "My home was rumbling, and I'm nonetheless shaking. It was gradual and it was big."
One other wrote: "Means too gradual for fighter jets. It flew instantly over our home, made a pointy left flip and carried on."
The craft, sporting three purple lights, was so low that many feared it was a aircraft in hassle.
Paranormal investigator Lee Brickley witnessed the identical phenomenon, and started running a blog because the drama unfolded.
He described the thunderous rumbling as like a World Battle Two bomber.
"Earlier than something might be seen with the bare eye, there was a deep and really loud droning," he mentioned.
"After round three minutes, the craft got here into sight. It appeared extremely massive and astonishingly low within the sky with three pink lights that had been simply noticeable.
"The UFO travelled very slowly and many individuals thought it was about to crash."
Lee claims you would nonetheless hear the growl of the engines after the thriller machine disappeared."
Cannock journalist Hannah Hiles, who has labored for the Sunday Mercury, was additionally alerted by the thunderous noise.
"It was ever so loud and it went on for fairly some time," she stated. "It was rather more extended than a army jet. It was very curious."
One other resident described the sound of jets adopted by a loud whirr, akin to propellers.
Lee added: "I've checked on-line with flight monitoring providers, and have concluded it will be not possible for this to have been a airplane in hassle. There merely weren't any flights within the space at that particular time.
"I additionally contacted Birmingham Airport to verify, and so they confirmed not one of the flights leaving or arriving on the airport skilled points that might have led them to fly so low."
Quite a lot of latest UFO alerts have turned out to be drones, BUFORA, which takes a sceptical view of alien claims, revealed. And that might properly be the reason for Tuesday's mass sighting.
A spokeswoman mentioned: "I'm certain it's one thing that may be defined. Whether or not it is going to be defined is one other matter.
"There are such a lot of drones round."
She stressed that assessments of secret army machines are truth, not fiction.
The post Strange Ufo Sighting spotted in the night sky in Cannock UK appeared first on Alien UFO Sightings.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Ufo Sighting In Clearwater Florida On August 8Th 2013 Sunset Picture And No Object When Taken
Posted by Unknown
On 9:50 AM
The Best Ufo Sightings Of 2014 Part 3
Posted by Unknown
On 4:12 AM
Friday, February 21, 2014
Ufo Sighting In Hamilton Hill Western Australia On September 7Th 2004 Glowing Orange Orb
Posted by Unknown
On 3:53 PM
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Procession Of The Damned Mass Bird And Fish Deaths Turning Up Everywhere
Posted by Unknown
On 1:18 PM
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Project Ufo
Posted by Unknown
On 7:19 AM
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Alien Autopsy The Third Generation
Posted by Unknown
On 4:08 PM
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Kevin Randle Joins Guest Host Frank Warren On The Joiner Report
Posted by Unknown
On 3:49 PM
Randle's educational background is a diverse as his military experience. As an undergraduate at the University of Iowa, he studied anthropology. Graduate work included journalism, psychology and military science at the University of Iowa, California Coast University and the American Military University. He has both a master and doctoral degree in psychology and a second master degree in the Art of Military Science.
During his investigations, Randle has traveled the United States to interview hundreds of witnesses who were involved in everything from the Roswell, New Mexico crash of 1947, to the repeated radar sightings of UFOs over Washington, D.C. in 1952, to the latest of the abduction cases. Randle was among the first writers to review the declassified Project Blue Book files, among the first to report on animal mutilations and among the first to report on alien abductions. He was the first to report the alien home invasions and among the first to suggest humans working with the aliens.
Randle has written extensively on UFOs beginning in 1973 with articles in various national magazines. He has published many books about UFOs starting with The UFO Casebook in 1989 and continuing to Roswell Revisited in 2007. His new book, Crash, about UFO crashes will be released in 2010.
Randle was away from his UFO studies when recalled to active duty with the Army that included a tour in Iraq from 2003 to 2004. He recently retired from the Army and the Iowa National Guard as a lieutenant colonel.
He hosts a blog that can be found at His mailing address is PO Box 10934, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410 and his email is
See Also:
The Socorro UFO Landing -- Part One
The Socorro UFO Landing
Part II
Grab this Headline Animator
Saturday, February 15, 2014
All This Is That Reheated From Six Years Ago The Skeleton On The Moon
Posted by Unknown
On 11:33 PM
"This source for this post is an article from MUFON's (the Mutual UFO Network) web site. The authorship--like much of UFOlogy is murky. In any case, it is amusing. You have to admit, it would be a little spooky to find "footsteps and bodies on the moon. And wearing jeans!"
AMERICA'A APOLLO 11 LUNAR MODULE PHOTOGRAPHED A HUMAN SKELETON on the moon when it landed there in 1969.
THAT'S THE CLAIM of Chinese astrophysicist Dr. Kang Mao-pang,who first floored the world when he released pictures of bare human footprints on the moon at a news conference in Beijing last winter. The scientist claimed to have received those photos
which were so secret the Apollo 11 astronauts didn't even know they existed -- from "an unimpeachable U.S. source."
THE PHOTOGRAPH OF THE HUMAN SKELETON was included with a second batch of photos and documents he received from the same source. "The Americans have conspired in a cover-up of monumental and possibly even criminal proportions," Dr. Kang told newsmen in Beijing. "They hid photos of bare human footprints on the moon for 20 years and managed to keep the human skeleton secret even longer. The implications of what they found up there are staggering," he continued. "But the Americans apparently feel that nobody else in the world is privileged enough to share the information."
THE STORY GOES THAT DR. KANG'S ALLEGATIONS STUNNED U.S. SPACE AND INTELLIGENCE EXPERTS, one of whom went into hiding after reporters tried to question him in a Washington, D.C., restaurant. Other sources also allegedly refused to comment--even when told that the Chinese expert has copies of over 1,000 NASA photographs that clearly show bare human footprints and a human skeleton on the lunar surface.
INTRIGUINGLY, THE SKELETON APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN WEARING JEANS. Judging from the position of the bones, it seems likely that the person it belonged to was at least partially dismembered and met with a violent death. It is also probable that the skeleton was transported into space long after the person was killed. The decomposition of bone and flesh would not have been possible in the airless atmosphere of the moon. The Chinese expert further noted that the age of the skeleton cannot be estimated without analyzing the bone firsthand.
"LIKE THE FOOTPRINTS ON THE MOON, these photos were taken by a remote camera aboard the lunar lander and were given to me by an American source who is beyond reproach," said Dr. Kang. "I am also in the possession of classified documents and letters that describe the footprints as being fresh and the skeleton unquestionably human. The question that must be answered is how the footprints and skeleton go to the moon. The obvious implication is that extraterrestrial lifeforms were involved but we'll never know unless the Americans release the information they have."
THE DOCUMENTS DR. KANG QUOTED FROM are stamped "top secret" and dated Aug. 3, 1969, which means they were written just two weeks after astronauts Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed and walked on the moon--in boots, not barefoot--on July 20, 1969. Large portions of the text have been redacted in black ink. It's clear that U.S experts agreed extraterrestrials had something to do with the bare footprints and skeleton on the moon.
REPEATED ATTEMPTS TO GET OFFICIALS AT ANY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT to address Dr. Kang's report were unsuccessful. Explained a Washington source: "Nobody's going to say anything until President Bush gives the go-ahead. This isn't any ordinary cover-up. It makesWatergate look like a Sunday School picnic. It's that damn big."
"Jack Note: As wonderful as the story is, it has unfortunately been traced back to the July 15, 1997 issue of none other than the Weekly World News..."
Ufo Sighting In Williamson New York On September 27Th 2014 Extremely Bright Light Was Close Then Sped Away
Posted by Unknown
On 7:23 AM
UFO Hearsay
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Hearsay Seek permission For You
Friday, February 14, 2014
He Has Been Investigating Ufos For Over Thirty Years
Posted by Unknown
On 7:21 PM
DR. ROBERT M. Underground HAS A Free OF SCIENCE IN AERONAUTICAL Built-up FROM School OF COLORADO, Boulder, AND A PH.D. IN PHYSICS FROM CORNELL. IN Addition TO HIS Exalted Teaching, HE HAS 43-YEARS OF Trade Intelligence AT MCDONNELL DOUGLAS Wherever HE WAS IN Charge OF Inventiveness Investigate AND Early payment PROJECTS. HE HAS BEEN INVESTIGATING UFOS FOR Another time THIRTY Vivacity. DR. Underground IS Specifically Certified TO Perform Credible State With respect to THE Arrange OF THE UFO Statement. HE BEGAN RECONSTRUCTING THE (MAJIC) Whole OPERATIONS Encyclopedia IN 1995. AS AN Government PRODUCER OF THE Trap, HE HAS CONTINUED TO Discern, Publicize, AND Session With respect to UFOS AND Government Credentials. HE IS Uneasily Full of beans IN THE UFO District Together with MEMBERSHIPS TO: AMERICAN Merger FOR THE Develop OF SCIENCE, AMERICAN Outfit OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS, AMERICAN Birth Stick, AMERICAN Stick FOR PSYCHICAL Investigate, Drab ASTRONAUT Stick, Center FOR UFO STUDIES, Exciting Boat Register, Fund FOR UFO Investigate (Predetermined TO Certainty OF DIRECTORS), Vast Exit, Register OF GALILEAN ELECTRODYNAMICS, Multiparty UFO Network (Predetermined TO Certainty OF DIRECTORS, MUFON Register), Revolving Multinational, Arithmetical AMERICAN, Stick FOR Arithmetical Search (Special TO Board, Register OF Arithmetical Search), AND TOASTMASTERS Multinational. DR. ROBERT Underground HAS Another time 20 Outside PUBLICATIONS AND IS Right now AN Intrinsic Personality OF Underground ">
The Socorro Ufo Landing Part 2
Posted by Unknown
On 1:02 AM
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Chinook Helicopter Pursues A Super Fast Ufo
Posted by Unknown
On 4:48 AM
Icy Particles Spraying From Enceladus Mirror Neurons And Picking Up Intelligence Amid The Cosmic Gurgle
Posted by Unknown
On 4:37 AM
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:
g ABODES - New data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft provides conclusive evidence that jets of icy particles spraying from Enceladus originate from hot spots on fractures that straddle the moon's south polar region. Enceladus caused a stir in 2005 when the jets were first found and scientists thought they might indicate liquid water beneath the moon's surface. See article.
g INTELLIGENCE - Researchers at UCLA found that cells in the human anterior cingulate, which normally fire when you poke the patient with a needle ("pain neurons"), will also fire when the patient watches another patient being poked. The mirror neurons, it would seem, dissolve the barrier between self and others. See article.
g MESSAGE - How can we be sure scientists listening to noise from space have picked up intelligence, and not just the cosmic gurgle of a completely natural object? See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g COSMICUS - Quote of the Day: "Humankind might consider it not impossible that we should go into the galaxy with the intention of becoming its consciousness." - Brian Aldiss
g LEARNING - Theorizing and model building are one thing; it is another to go out and get data that will support science and the acquisition of new knowledge. For this purpose, NASA has instituted its Astrobiology Program to study the origin, evolution, distribution, and destiny of life in the universe. Existing programs and new endeavors will be brought together in a multidisciplinary fashion to tackle the questions surrounding life's place in the organization of the universe. In so doing, NASA has adopted six canonical questions to use as guideposts as its programs are developed. See article. Note: This article is from 1999.
g IMAGINING - Here's the indispensable book on science fiction aliens: "Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials: Great Aliens from Science Fiction Literature." Having been out a few years now, it may not be on your local bookstore's shelves. For a peek inside the book (and ordering information), see article.
g ABODES - New data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft provides conclusive evidence that jets of icy particles spraying from Enceladus originate from hot spots on fractures that straddle the moon's south polar region. Enceladus caused a stir in 2005 when the jets were first found and scientists thought they might indicate liquid water beneath the moon's surface. See article.
g INTELLIGENCE - Researchers at UCLA found that cells in the human anterior cingulate, which normally fire when you poke the patient with a needle ("pain neurons"), will also fire when the patient watches another patient being poked. The mirror neurons, it would seem, dissolve the barrier between self and others. See article.
g MESSAGE - How can we be sure scientists listening to noise from space have picked up intelligence, and not just the cosmic gurgle of a completely natural object? See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g COSMICUS - Quote of the Day: "Humankind might consider it not impossible that we should go into the galaxy with the intention of becoming its consciousness." - Brian Aldiss
g LEARNING - Theorizing and model building are one thing; it is another to go out and get data that will support science and the acquisition of new knowledge. For this purpose, NASA has instituted its Astrobiology Program to study the origin, evolution, distribution, and destiny of life in the universe. Existing programs and new endeavors will be brought together in a multidisciplinary fashion to tackle the questions surrounding life's place in the organization of the universe. In so doing, NASA has adopted six canonical questions to use as guideposts as its programs are developed. See article. Note: This article is from 1999.
g IMAGINING - Here's the indispensable book on science fiction aliens: "Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials: Great Aliens from Science Fiction Literature." Having been out a few years now, it may not be on your local bookstore's shelves. For a peek inside the book (and ordering information), see article.
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