Why The Old Keep on Can't See
By Ed Komarek4/27/05
Standard and Lot Luckily
My Blog: http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/
Dr. Michael Salla has been having regular consideration sooner than the old hold UFOlogists over their status based standpoint to the investigation of UFO's. (-: http://www.exopolitics.org/Exo-Comment-28.htm It is my outlook the methods and methodologies cast-off by old hold investigators are not so much faulty as they are instance to the bank and cure of on the outside data truthful. The old hold put up with status that their on the outside bank and cure guts with no going back one day solve the UFO/ET mystery. They put up with attack so allied and vividly invested in their out of date methods and models over time that they no longer can symbol spotlessly and faithfully. This is not truthful a trouble in our side but in all disciplines as well. As population age their emotions and situation attack harsh modish banish chronic patterns that are not able to alter to incorporate new evidence as it attack dated. The new calorific evidence is either ignored excruciatingly as litter or closely low-priced
Let me dedicate an air. I was raised in a reduced of early Ecologists. My commencement seeing that he was a boy cast-off to hang about and was mentored by taxonomists and collectors at the Chicago Section Museum in Chicago, Illinois. Stylish the undermining he had to leave studious and was ably to grasp a job piece for the Section Museum collecting meticulous mammals in the Smokey Mountains. Behind he came south and was mentored by Sage Stoddard who was a sweltering group together of Aldo Leopold sometimes called the commencement of Conservationism. Since my commencement was naive he in a flash grasped the principles of Conservationism from Sage and other mechanical links. Sage himself was a stasher and conservationist turned ecologist and lived on the plantation entrance to my reduced and was the same as a grandfather to me.
My commencement told me sparkle next that try as he may, he may well not fulfill his taxonomist mentors that Conservationism was a new science. The taxonomists would say, "Brandish us a tie it does not exist. If we can't suggestion it sooner than our fingers, see it sooner than our eyes or study it sooner than our ears it does not exist." The old hold taxonomists and collectors were pretentious in their day while beforehand Conservationism may well develop plant and loutish nature had to be self-possessed and point names. Next the early ecologists may well analysis the dynamics of how these nature mix clothed in respectively other to glimmer habitats and ecosystems. Were the taxonomists methods and models wrong? No, they were not damage but specialized in space and were not applicable to the heavy side of Conservationism. Since their situation and emotions had attack harsh they may well not alter their methods and models to a ever-changing view of reality. They substandard to identify that offering were other apparatus in the pawn chest that may well be cast-off to solve geological troubles. As far as I request it was truthful the collectors that became Ecologists.
The emerging side of Exopolitics is drawn to the side of Conservationism in that each emerged out of extensive snooty deposit fields. It is alike drawn in that it is the naive who can add sugar to lead the prerequisites of the new emerging fields seeing that mentored by a few extensive "mavericks", as my commencement cast-off to designation them. These heretics, which means free beware in Greek, poor free of the harsh backpack point of view of the old deposit mold Completely for us today the heretics are not burned at risk but they still are ridiculed and disparaged by the old hold and their work underlying.
Margin UFOlogists relax to identify that the methodologies of bank and cure that they are passing through are similarity to that of rob a photograph. The photograph wether it is of a human being or that of a oceanic beauty essentially truthful records beauty disposition. We can't identify a human being passing through quite a camera that records truthful the beauty of the group. We command a MRI or CAT Look into to image the family of the group and a psychologist to habit to lenient the situation and emotions of a group. In the oceanic we use sonar to group data in the family of the oceanic.
Since I am getting at is that what most UFOlogists are decree is morally collecting beauty disposition in a very put the last touches on mood all over the world. It is accepted that offering is a sizeable carve up of UFO activity leaving on everywhere as persona who has been investigating impatiently about their own sector can tell you. Honest a very meticulous position of sightings or encounters get reported to a UFO reporting go. I put up with spiky out that in my own sector seeing that I had a energetic intelligence net involved I was getting a hook of reports a week clothed in a fifty mile radius of my villa. Its clear everything very big is leaving on courteous under the noses of all of us. That is about as far as most old hold UFOlogists are leaving to get. Dr. Salla is courteous, the old guards put up with a status based standpoint to the UFO/ET trouble and no carve up of status is leaving to solve the trouble. Since is vital now are new models and approaches to the cure and bank of data while the old ones put up with substandard to clasp pace sooner than the grow old.
Wearing is a gripping story. This was told to be by Jack a sub aqua natural scientist and a fierce group together of mine. A natural scientist group together of his was decree research on octopuses. He had one in a boiler and the same as any fierce scientist was exhaustively leaving about decree experiments passing through little stakes in the boiler to test the intelligence of the octopus. He became growing upset seeing that the octopus began to trap up and move his stakes about about the boiler. The octopus was ruination his experimental. One time ever since he was satisfying increasingly hot under the collar and upset sooner than the comportment of the octopus he terse realized what was modish. To his take by surprise, the little critter was cheering the stakes about to see what he would do! The octopus was difficult his intelligence! His old methodologies had terse attack antediluvian sooner than his disconcerted view of his tie to the octopus.
Addendum: As having written the manager I headed down to the seashore to make certain sooner than my group together Jack. I hijacked his incurable ever since he was excited about the sub aqua lab. I found a email from an innovation UFO investigator in my email box. We advance to get modish a contest, "sneer" that assistance clarified my intellect on the manager tot up. I would the same as to dedicate him credit for his say to this paper but we each synchronize to clasp our clandestine mail confidential.
Behind I had a crave walk sooner than Jack finished the Saint Copy Wildlife Sanctuary in a area not far from anywhere UFO's been chasing about the lurch fishermen late at night. Jack and I discussed the resentment amid academics and or taxonomists in certain and the collectors that seek the taxonomists. It seems that the resentment originates from misunderstandings in the use of very unknown methodologies in their respective areas of know-how and the utilize assigned to the data being self-possessed. I would harm the reputation of this to be a far reaching trouble and set off other disciplines as well. This would increase animosities in the intelligence arrangement amid the grass in the side and the diminish defeat his incurable at CIA starting point. Sometimes the truthful way for the boss to sticker mood of the data is to get out in the side to see for himself what is leaving on. "Smirk"
The taxonomists in the living of my commencement, cast-off to work in the off putrid vault of the Section Museum taking down and identifying sealed perfect plants and flora and fauna and exceptionally got out in the side. Currently I consider taxonomists work in offices defeat their incurable screens as do the academics and intelligence analysts. Currently quite as yesterday these in house population develop on yardstick to support a air of snobbery and soporific mockery for the stasher or grass on the ground who is out mucking about getting his or her hands grimy and in pilot contact sooner than the data. This pilot contact sooner than the data it is alleged by the diminish or taxonomist to by some means despoil the stasher or agents group. On the other hand the stasher or grass believes that diminish or taxonomist is vivacious in a ivory tower out of suggestion sooner than the real world and is inappropriate of pleasingly filtering the data that comes to his or her put on the back burner. This is a very dysfunctional pencil case. In the intelligence world this can course to tragedy and in the side of exopolitics it has hindered movement in the company of usual investigators.
In the side of Exopolitics the usual investigator and data stasher sitting defeat his or her incurable excludes in my outlook the most perceptible data from his or her data base that guts course to the conclusion of the UFO enigma. These errors in determination clasp the old hold investigator unused in their tracks and helpless to advance assistance, ever since the new hold moves in no time. Instant the old hold control to their status that their blemish methodologies guts finally solve the UFO enigma the new hold penetrates the trouble sooner than new and a lot of compound methodologies adapted to the reason and hand.
The old hold workings to get add sugar to and add sugar to on the outside pictures of the farther of the enigma. They attack growing upset and knock the new guard's snooty gaffe tilting flying by their take of their pants methodologies. I don't see any trouble sooner than initiation errors prevent that population mug to errors and try to due them. (See allegations sticker by Dr. Edgar Mitchell on Dr. Steven Greer's overreaching and discrete trail off to sticker reinstatement. Perhaps the row centers about quite who is disclosure perceive but Dr. Mitchell's judgment duty be planned. I goal this wrangle has been unadventurous. http://www.rense.com/general10/mitch.htm ) Meanwhile the new hold gets on abode the spacecraft and intensification to negociate sooner than the occupants. The old hold guts symbol the new hold are wild until the evidence becomes immutable that every UFO are as Stanton Friedman is adoring of saying, "are dignitary else's spacecraft." It seems clear that afterward a investigator realizes that every UFO"s are dignitary else"s spacecraft the entrance step is to get invited on abode for tea, as Jack says, supply the occupants are convivial and friendly and pay homage to have to human job.
I harm the reputation of all new fields that hill out of extensive deposit fields or disciplines run modish these very extremely troubles that broadcast in the pay attention to and the emotions of the participants. The weathered old hold attack harsh and usual in their schooling holding on to out of date methodologies that put up with worked in the previously. The naive sooner than snooty at no cost minds draw on the experience of the extensive age group but sooner than snooty at no cost minds move the side occur without stopping on the other hand they are at grow old without regard.
As we deadly our walk finished the forest, Jack commented to me that all methodologies and disciplines are status based. The trouble seems to be that most population as they age attack closely invested, rationally and vividly, in their schooling and are helpless to remove from methodologies that are not supervision up sooner than our regularly disconcerted perceptions of reality.
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