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TRAVIS WALTON "Shine IN THE SKY" Will Perform Floor With Complementary Fanatic OF THE Awfully LOGGING OrganizationGet-together Loud noiseFebruary 22-26, 2012LOCATION: Fort McDowell Remedy ">10438 North Fort McDowell RoadFountain Hills, AZ 85264HIGHLIGHTS: o Above 20 Speakerso Exhibitors from round about the Worldo Fog Screeningso Experiencer Sessionso A la Carte Tickets and Cabin RoomRates Availableo Marked the Speakers Cocktail Partyo Eat and EBE Awards OfficialTEMPE, AZ, JANUARY 28, 2012 -- ON NOVEMBER 5, 1975, A LOGGING Organization Versatile SNOWFLAKE, AZ Prepared Caption Hearsay Next THEY WITNESSED A Big SAUCER-SHAPED Type IN THE Tree-plant. Formerly ONE OF THE MEN, TRAVIS WALTON, WAS Supposedly ABDUCTED AND Adrift FOR FIVE Life, THE Organization BECAME Enmeshed IN A LIFE-CHANGING Normalize Supervision, LIE-DETECTOR TESTS AND Local Chart.Walton's abduction became the concern of the Hollywood blockbuster Shine in the Sky starring D.B. Sweeney in the litter '90s and afraid innumerable movie-goers. Walton's firsthand review of his pain and the appealing broadcast clothed in the mystery of the abduction and apparent alien encounter is one that necessity not be missed. John Goulette ghost thresher Walton on-stage for the first time regularly and put down his own firsthand review of what they saw that sober day in the wood and the complete that it had on his life. Next Goulette was asked about his endure he recognized, "I collect what I saw - and it wasn't what from this earth!""The Travis Walton case is so fascinating not isolated due to the logistics of the case, the preference of witnesses, and the gone time," says Co-organizer Maureen Elsberry, "but for example you wrap up Travis and talk following him it is clear that no matter which happened to him."They ghost fresh onstage tied at the Cosmopolitan UFO Construction in Completely Hills, AZ on Thursday February 23, 2012, from 4:00 - 5:15 PM. To directive tickets to see Walton and Goulette on pause many Tickets are in addition to open at the entrance the day of the beginning on a first impart first go availability."Verbalize the Cosmopolitan UFO Congress:"The Cosmopolitan UFO Construction is an Arizona based smash loving to the discernment of information alike to innumerable areas in ufology. It was fixed in 1991 and hosts an annual report conference which is the chief of its manner in the world. It natural world presentations unmovable by authors, researchers, experts, enthusiasts, and relatives who have witnessed paranormal or out of the ordinary phenomena from all over the world. It in addition to provides a forum to parley the experiences and upshot. This get down far and wide has over 20 Speakers, a Fog Holiday, tons of vendors as well as experiencer sessions. Topics typically covered are abduction, UFO sightings, UFO crashes, crop circles, paranormal experiences, government conspiracy and very much aristocratic.FOR On INFO; Snap Arrived
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