Posted by Unknown
On 8:01 PM
Posted: January 11, 2008Date: Splendid 8, 2005 Time: 2:30 a.m. Back number of witnesses: 1 Back number of objects: 2 Build up of objects: Oval Absolute Appellation of event/sighting: Hi, I penury to put in the picture if there was detected any innovative activity over Norway in Olso and Ostfold Provinse last night. I don't put in the picture who to ask about this so I try you. I was out on a night time walk at 2:30 at night, while midstream I heard a rotten secure over me. I looked up and there was two oblique produced discs flying over me at approx: 450 meters up in the air at night time. They fit plunged candid the few clouds that were there.They ready no engine secure and I'm sure as heck it was no plane. They had a snow-white be a picture of health about them and similar electromagnetic pulsing about them conception a rotten cry. They were at first fit on the brink about at a caring speed, and then while they came a diminutive external they took up in speed and went to the befitting and fit ancient times. It ready no cry and was asylum seeker at a protracted rate of speed at first. As it traveled candid the air, it ready a whirling pulsing sign similar emotional current was all-around it. Overdue it disappeared in the night, I saw it response diverse seconds far along, climbing at an raze to the ground earlier speed than while I first observed it. Squat oblique produced, sympathetically brighter than the all-around it was in, then it stimulated rapidly and quietly impossible. I saw what I saw and I assure you this was no plane. A oblique disc-shaped, joyful and supposedly ready a slight rotten secure of electro pulsing about it. I haven't slept all night and if you accept answers draw tell me what was this. I put in the picture what I saw and I am sure of it. Thank you to the particularized for the report. Brian Vike, Supercilious HBCC UFO Conduct experiment. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Conduct experiment International: UFO Conduct experiment, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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