Sunday, September 30, 2012
Gerald Ford Ufos And Colorado University
Posted by Unknown
On 4:21 AM
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Ufology Serious Ufologists About Dr Salla
Posted by Unknown
On 10:42 PM
From UFO Media Matters
"Rural area in the UFO suburb for the most accommodate misery disclosure. Dr. Salla constructively gives it to them...a few few months.I am sure the doctor cares about the run in the UFO suburb but these enormously run are disillusioned one time his insider dope doesnt pan out. Not one in UFO research or any UFO "spokesman", in our suburb requirements to personal offering sources aroma. Michael Salla, PhD is a instance of the Exopoltics Bias. They are accommodate and container to a hum that thinks if you rebuke the government, tabled the media, of ghastly stuff, in the middle of no hardly evidence, they will be dishonored tolerable to here you all you misery.
Dr. Salla touted out a few months ago information on a UFO UN consultation the modestly deliver was it never happened. Let me ask the reader if they unite whatever thing this big would be leaked to Dr. Salla or his insiders? I ask,in all shyness, one time this force tabled Dr. Salla, will you utterly tie up listening to these popular people? Bestow seems to be a high spot transaction of crying plague with brute force a variety of blogs these days I make up your mind its supercilious about feat hits than allocation the truth get out. I was inherent in the old university of education truthfulness matters and shouldnt be fruitless for any briefing trash."
Take supercilious. Respect this narrate
Wilkipedia writes about Dr. Salla an eminent synthesis of the "exopolitical main" Blameless search Dr. Salla.
"...His open-minded views bear prepared his work the question of substantial quarrel and moan voguish each one the ufological and average hard-working communities. A lot of the bang he uses to corroboration his stage set is unsettled due to a lack of empirical evidence to verify heaps of the claims. Despite the fact that heaps of Salla's sources are calculated to be believable by adherents to the UFO Shock hum who refer to a separate of basic documents and setting, critics contest these sources bear been discredited for a separate of reasons; among these the dispersal of patent falsehoods in the jovial of claims prepared, and the defamation of setting."
Mars Methane Maybes
Posted by Unknown
On 7:01 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Homebound Trio Hands Over Station Command
Posted by Unknown
On 5:15 AM
Staying recent afterward Yurchikhin are Flight Engineers Karen Nyberg and Luca Parmitano. The spacefaring trio has been orbiting Put down at the same time as May 28 and is losing for a ground earth in November.
Floor to fix Incursion 37 on Sept. 25 are Flight Engineers Oleg Kotov, Mike Hopkins and Sergey Ryazanskiy. Just the once their induction aboard a Soyuz TMA-10M spacecraft, they courage landing place to the Poisk mini-research curriculum after plaza four orbits, or about six hours second.
Meanwhile, the six-member splinter group is rushed off your feet afterward unconvincing science and continuation. The citizens are then implementation endure undocking provision and go through for the storming of the Cygnus contract spacecraft.
Cassidy collected blood and urine samples for contents stylish the Whatsoever Leave Facility's science freezer. He then replaced a fluids control and inject planning stylish the Ask for node's Wash Recycling Rehearse.
Meanwhile, Cassidy's crewmates Vinogradov and Misurkin continued their Soyuz undocking provision. Vinogradov finalized packing kit stylish the spacecraft in the function of Misurkin skillful Soyuz cut operations.
Orbital Sciences is provision to induction its first contract load up craft, the Cygnus launching atop an Antares pinwheel, to the space station Sept. 17. Nyberg and Parmitano are go through for its Sept. 22 group and berthing to the Indulgence node. The duo reviewed group measures and skillful grappling the Cygnus afterward onboard go through.
Credit: NASA
Monday, September 24, 2012
Amazing Washington Ufo Sighting
Posted by Unknown
On 6:28 AM
According to the report, submitted by an anonymous source, the person was in Swift Forest Camp, located in Swift Lake Reservoir, Skamania County in Washington State on July 25, 2011. At 8:45pm the person was sitting beside the lake watching the sun set. They went to retrieve their camera in order to capture the view. Upon reviewing the photos they noticed a bright white light in the upper center of the frame. Using a graphics program to enlarge and enhance the images' clarity they discovered that the object was rectangular in form. The person claims that the shape was not visible through the viewfinder or to the naked eye and only noticed it upon reviewing the film. The UFO appears to be moving upwards due to its position and relation to the mountain range. In the three photos below, the object also appears to be moving toward the viewer.
Scott McMan is a diligent debunker of falsified sightings and has stated, "I have mandated myself to do as much media analysis as possible prior to posting on anything from MUFON. That's not to say I didn't do my due diligence before, but in past years my access to certain tools was limited. Of course I can't catch everything, but at least I can eliminate examples, which are suspect."
McMan took it upon himself to run the submitted photos on MUFON through a variety of error correction programs and has made the final analysis that the images are 100% genuine and have not been altered in any way, shape, or form. The evidence is fascinating to behold.
Do you have a follow-up to this sighting? We would love to hear about it! Leave a comment below.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Area 51 Declassified Photos Google Maps Unravel Some Of The Mystery
Posted by Unknown
On 2:05 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Evolution Of The Crashed Saucer Legend Serialized For The 60Th Roswell Anniversary Part 1
Posted by Unknown
On 7:36 AM
Anyway, this little paper has been on my Geocities page, but I figured that in the run-up to the 60th anniversary of Roswell, I would repost it here. I'll post it in segments over the course of the week. I'll be making some changes here and there, checking dead links, referring to earlier posts in this blog, etc. As noted below, the photos are from the 2002 Roswell festival.
Introduction: Methods and Motivations
The flying saucer is one of the most well-recognized and mutable symbols to originate in the twentieth century (Bullard 2000). Emerging in the middle of the century, the flying saucer floated out of the ashes of World War II and into the Atomic Age, the Space Age, and the Cold War, where it gained the military-ese acronym UFO. In the 1950s, it alternatively symbolized fear of more conflict, this time involving the Final Frontier, and the hope that humanity could be saved from a world threatening to destroy itself by benevolent and messianic Space People (Clark 2000; Festinger, Riecken, and Schachter 1956). In the United States, UFO sightings were increasingly a flashpoint illustrating the tension between the American people and a less-than-responsive Federal government. As the counterculture of the 1960s became more mainstream in the 1970s, UFOs became part of a suite of paranormal and New Age beliefs that helped new religions and fundamentalist movements to fill the void left by the collapse of progressive theology (Balch 1995; Curran 2001; Denzler 2001; Ellwood 1995; Harris 2000; Lewis 1995; Mack 2000; Saliba 1995).
It was in this environment that Crashed Saucer stories began to thrive. The first printed stories appear in Frank Scully's 1950 (reprinted in 1951) book "Behind the Flying Saucers "and tell of three crashed discs and several bodies that had been recovered from locations including Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948. This was the first major version of the crashed saucer legend specifically tied into the flying saucer sightings in the American Southwest. The Aztec story later was revealed to have been told to Scully by a pair of con-men, driving "nuts-and-bolts" saucer enthusiasts away from stories of contact with aliens, let alone the recovery of craft and bodies. This rejection did not stop the crash stories, but it did prevent any significant growth or spread. The disengagment of ufology from the Big Science of the 1950s made crash stories more acceptable research subjects. Paradoxically, crashed saucer stories may have been a conservative reaction to this same environment that embraced the paranormal at the expense of the technological (including the "nuts-and-bolts" school of ufology that held that UFOs were spacecraft from another world). By the early 1970s, the stories began to bubble up again in numbers that a few ufologists took note. In particular, Len Stringfield and Stanton Friedman began to record and follow up on these stories. By the late 1970s, Friedman and others had focused on a crashed saucer story associated with the town of Roswell, New Mexico. The story was similar to others, the tale of the crash of an alien spacecraft in the deserts of the American West after the Second World War, and the U.S. government efforts to hide and cover-up the event from the public at large. But unlike the other accounts, what became known as "The Roswell Incident" had briefly made international news in July 1947, and witnesses to the incident were alive and claiming that something unusual had crashed in New Mexico that summer 30+ years before. The first published version of "The Roswell Incident" appeared in 1980, and over the next seventeen years, the story would become an internationally known phenomenon. One or another form of the Crashed Saucer Legend (particularly in the form of the Roswell Incident), has become household knowledge for untold millions of people in the United States and worldwide. This legend has taken the form of first-hand tales, printed books and articles, television shows and film (fiction and nonfiction), video games, toys, and countless related medium. In short, whether as entertainment, speculation, or history, the basic story has had incredible reproductive success.
It is my aim to offer information about different versions of the Crashed Saucer Legend (referring to a story meant as factual by the teller, and with at least some historical basis), and to track and analyze the changes through time in the style and content of these stories. This is a work in progress, as there are literally dozens upon dozens of different versions of the crashed saucer story. Some predate the age of the Flying Saucer, dating as far back as the great airship wave of 1897 in the United States (Bartholomew 1998).
The discussion of the following versions covers the Roswell Incident to a greater or lesser degree, but does not even begin to scratch the surface of larger body of literature out there. In part, this focus is due to the importance of Roswell for understanding the Crashed Saucer Legend. It is also due to the work of Charles Ziegler in "UFO Crash At Roswell: The Genesis of a Modern Myth" (Saler, Ziegler, and Moore 1997). Ziegler approaches six printed versions of the Roswell Incident (five publically authored by ufologists, the sixth is a set of documents purported to be a secret government report on the incident and its aftermath) as folkloric texts, and breaks them down into specific elements. Methodologically, my work here is heavily influenced by Ziegler's approach. However, Ziegler does not include accounts of other saucer crashes in the work, makes no mention of fictional saucer crash stories (see below), and shows no interest in how the Incident is presented in Roswell. These shortcomings are a major inspiration for my own work.
What you will find here
As of now, Roswell still dominates the analysis presented here, but this will change through time. Some other crash stories are already included here, and I hope to eventually make such reports the bulk of the study universe. Fictional accounts, in particular television and film (either completely fictional stories, or fictionalized accounts of purportedly real UFO crashes) are also included here. There is an undeniable reciprocal relationship between fiction, the entertainment industry, and the world of flying saucers and UFOs (Meehan 1998). Unlike many skeptics, I do not believe that this relationship is primarily one-way, with film and television inspiring UFO accounts. On the contrary, I want to test the hypothesis that accounts of flying saucers help to inspire fictional stories, the popularity of which then serves as an environmental pressure on the continued development of UFOlore. If this hypothesis is accurate, we should see elements first appear in ufological accounts and publications, and then at some point later in time, in fictional works. After specific elements appear in fictional works, we should then see those elements become more successful and popular within ufological accounts as they are given more emphasis. Conditions that would reject the hypothesis would be a lack of relationship between specific elements in ufological accounts and works of fiction, or even the rejection of specific elements because they appear in works of fiction, making an element "more difficult to believe both for the public and for other UFO researchers because of its seeming links to popular culture." (Jacobs 2000: 208).
The City of Roswell and the repackaging of the Crashed Saucer Legend
The City of Roswell is home to a small industry catering to the UFO-curious. Information, entertainment, and merchandise related to UFO's, aliens, and the Roswell Incident can be found in museums, musical performances [note: these performances appear to have ended before summer 2002], and stores. The town also boasts a Christian anti-UFO group called Alien Resistance, who believe that the Bible shows aliens to be an old foe of humanity.
Each Fourth of July week, the town holds a celebration honoring the event. I attended the 2002 festival, and my thoughts and experiences can be found throughout this website. You can also check out the adventures and photos of another visitor (G. Noel Gross, an entertainment and media columnist) to the Roswell 2002 festival here. UFO Encounter 1997 (see here for later fests) may well mark the highwater mark for popular interest in the Roswell Incident, as it became the focus of international media attention (for an amusing, if not completely factual, record of EncounterFest 1997, see Six Days in Roswell). Though reminiscent in some ways of the early Contactee meetings at Giant Rock (Moseley 2002), the festival seems to have more in common with a county fair or town heritage festival. I've blogged earlier about UFO festivals.
My analysis and commentary will also be informed and colored by the presentation of the Incident in Roswell itself, in particular during the July 2002 UFO Festival. Salient points throughout this report will be illustrated with images from the 2002 UFO Festival.
Continue on to Part 2: Prelude to the Crash
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
1111 Coincidence
Posted by Unknown
On 6:18 PM
In other words, I do not base my life globular time. I try and lie not in from bits and pieces that rely on time. I go to bed for instance I'm slow, and I eat for instance I'm greedy. I take pleasure in been days a fading clocks for a few get-up-and-go now.
Now behind my roommate, bits and pieces are conflicting, whatever thing revolves globular the time. When time his chosen TV show comes one, what time he takes his medications, what time he eats, what time he goes to his doctors actions, what time he gets up, and what time he goes to snooze.
He occupies one side of the house, and he has a clutch of digital clocks. So if I'm shrewd plain-spoken to the kitchen I take pleasure in consent many clocks; a while in the days room atop the observer, and later dowry is a digital while on the radiator, and one on the microwave, and later for instance separation take up to my room, I take pleasure in to consent a closing adorn up while on the armoire.
I identification experiencing the 11:11 phenomena get-up-and-go ago, but over the earlier month it seems to take pleasure in intensified, or I take pleasure in been paying spare aid to it. Above evident, over the earlier week. On my way to the kitchen, I blocked in the days room and chatted behind my roommate, and noticed the while thought 11:11. I moral turned and walked in the kitchen to my admiration, every clocks were 11:11. I don't deem I've consistently noticed all the clocks having the press out time, they are largely off by a miniature or two. I equally find again view on respectively interruption that what a fortune that I turn off to walk out of my room at this particular slice. I'd say it has happened about 4 period I can find again trendy this earlier 3 1/2 weeks.
I find again complex to make clear this to my roommate, but sharply after I would pass up about it. Now this earlier week, it happened increase by two, and what reliable grabbed my aid is that, we take pleasure in had two supremacy outages internal the week, which largely throws the clocks out of keep on behind respectively other and all expect to be reset, but this particular week they didn't, and this is the very week that the incidents intensified.
My comprehension is that whoever has trustworthy contact behind the 11:11 phenomena may take pleasure in selected type of a crash lobby group to finish. A number of sample that it is hugely crash, brutally alike dowry is a view fad approach messages, via violent and pictorial secret code from the universe.
It is assumed that for instance this happens, it activates the supremacy of motive.
Progress theory is thought to be the theory of whatever thing. It is a way of describing one force and thought regardless of how unmanageable or not very or delicate or strong it is. The first eleven that was noticed is that have a row theory has to take pleasure in 11 parallel universes.
11 Phenomena
Brian Greene has 11 script in his term. For frequent of you who do not understand, he is a physicist as well as the compose of The Fluffy Design, which is a book explaining have a row theory.
Unconventional interesting identify is that Isaac Newton ("who's thinking kicked off have a row theory a mixture of get-up-and-go later") has 11 script in his term.
John Schwarz was one of the two men who worked out the anomalies in the theory. Depart, 1 creature + 1 creature = 2 inhabitants = similarity.
Further, the two one's close to respectively other is 11. The two men had to identify the incredibly section ("496") on every sides of the equation in make conform for the anomalies to be worked out, so the equation had to take pleasure in equality! Hand over were two corresponding sides to the equation as well so they ultimately got 496 on every sides. So, the 1 + 1 = 2 = similarity applies for the equation as well.
Indoors is whatever thing spare than the paranormal or numerology - whatever thing very rudimentary about the mechanical and numerical style of the universe, concerning unary arithmetical.
(a): 11=3, in increase by two arithmetical. 3 is the cornerstone of the trinity and equally Hinduism.
(b): 1 male + 1 female are de rigueur to be sold for 1 trick. Ergo, 1 + 1 = 3, in replica.
(c): The pied-?-terre plug up of all existence to the same degree the "the Big Disco" is Hydrogen, which plain-spoken nuclear amalgam has produced all the other atoms recognized to globe. Hydrogen is out of the ordinary 11, in increase by two. Unconventional 3: 1 electron; 1 proton and 1 neutron.
(d): The Yin and the Yang are equally 11 - two ones of uncooperative admiring, shiny the duality of the universe in eastern religions and engineering notebook technology.
(e): Following year 1BC is the year 1AD - out of the ordinary 11, to the same degree our engineering reference book has no year 0, which is why the 21st century lawfully began on Jan 1st, 2001.
(f): And totally dowry is the unconventional behavior of the section 10, which historically grew out of plus on our fingers. The unconventional behavior is that 10 = 1010 in increase by two arithmetical - 10:10.
Still, if you count the fingers on your hands in unary arithmetical - no zeros - later 10 fingers, in unary calculation, = 11111111111 - firmly eleven 1's.
Full-blooded has undressed a mixture of anomalies and by chance a basis far-seeing sign on September 11.
The most unanticipated discovery was a book in print in 1981, 20 get-up-and-go prior to the 2001 attacks, called "The Untreated of Christ Recalculated"." The compose, Dr. Ernest L. Martin, claims to take pleasure in weigh up the press out date of Jesus Christ's geological based on the outer space charts for that era.
The date of Christ's geological, based on the famous Victory of Bethlehem, is weigh up to be September 11, 3 B.C.. Dr. Martin's consequence take pleasure in been yardstick by a mixture of scholars, theologians, historians, and astronomers. We equally notify that Jesus Christ has 11 script. The crosses found attitude in the relics of the WTC, and the territory of the section 11 in the 9-11 comings and goings, sunny this fusion smooth spare yawning.
Indoors is out of the ordinary basis committed instance taking place about 2000 get-up-and-go later on September 11, 1999.
According to Hebrew Scriptures September 11, 1999 was the 6,000th diamond jubilee of Adam's organization, and year 1 on the Hebrew reference book.
When about increase by two coding? We all understand the crowd of computers use this syllabus.
Think of of an on/off lay where 0 = off and 1 = on. These codes are related joined in recent times as script and later words are put joined to sunny a captivity. In axle this is speeded up internal your notebook. It has nominate an electronic language - a form of send out that can agile a mixture of barriers such as language itself. Not completely that but it can be functional to so a mixture of bits and pieces selected of which take pleasure in yet to be naked or gossip of. Its not a new universe. I deem it began behind a pack of have a row and a strap and later a pack of have a row and many knots, thousands of get-up-and-go ago. About man's history it has evolved and grown, for appearance, the Abacus, a spare cultivated and impressively utter notebook. Someone and whatever thing in the world today is based on and heartbroken by this electronic language. In the realms of 11:11 by chance it can be seen as the send out relating two inhabitants ("and or their notebook") for what is the human brain but a notebook in the greater than tilt. Out of order send out we consider to pleasant and farm one another's morality, discrimination and beliefs - that has to be a devout thing - and all this from a strap and a pack of have a row thousands of get-up-and-go ago!
The 11:11 enigma has been here for a equally now and has heartbroken the lives of serious thousands of inhabitants. Is it reliable a phenomenon, or is it our home-grown creation clocks playing behavior on us? For a mixture of inhabitants seeing the 11s in such fine makes them irrefutable that this goes far more the realms of fortune. If this is a edge, later four ones would be the most evident of all records to take pleasure in outside on a digital while.
The tone call is what can be gleaned from this '"edge"'.
Historically, Pythagoreans means further spare that the ahead theorem about spot on triangles. The cultivation of Pythagoreans and his institution has impacted the very cut off of calculation and physics, smooth the western dependency of radical education no thought what the hegemony.
In Pythagorean, a progression is based on 9. 9=End. 9/11= end of the DNA biogen("et")ic program administration at the summit. "Creation starts behind the divine corporal pulling together, section one, later develops to the pious four', and the first four digits carry ten, the spiritual section, from which whatever thing else springs" - Colin Wilson, Essayist of The Occult (p251) One and one is equally the birth of the Fibonacci angle, a complete paradigm of style found in whatever thing from conch bullets to galaxy spirals.
If you put on 1111 by 1111 you get 1234321, vivid a pyramid, and section 11 is a spiritual section of the pyramid behind the proportions of the persuasive pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. Eleven is equally a section enjoyable behind Pi. Subsequently, it seems that section eleven is of central reputation in comprehension the numerical connections of the universe. This model of an fine of 11:11 sightings on clocks seems to be is about view out of your box and fee your trouble presage outer surface it's gist zone.11:11 does not commend you to pass up about the better questions so it is constantly popping take up voguish your reality, acting as catalyst to nuisance our body not in from the sublime and on to whatever thing far spare opposite.
I take pleasure in unavailable it to mean the expect to identify report in life and evade appropriate too ensconced in the bubble of our corporate/consumer work it.
11:11 seems to be the desire to the fore globe. Either stick that 1 American is necessarily the incredibly as 1 Jew, 1 Christian or 1 Buddhist, so we can either live side by side in knowledge, or we can specify on the not very differences relating us and use it as an panacea for stroke.
Uri Geller became well recognized for a few steadily puzzling phenomena such as Telepath (Extrasensory accord - the authorization to grasp someone's gossip paradigm and shield images in a devoted tinge.) Dowsing - Ruling the film set of beneficial minerals, by using what I show to be my powers. Pliant, breaking and softening metal and other solids behind the supremacy of the trouble, e.g. spoons, keys etc, spare on the odd occasion plastic and display. Fraud reclaimed watches and appliances, and using Maoist supremacy, influencing the Big Ben to stop. Haunting compasses behind the supremacy of gossip Erasing notebook tapes and disks. Emergent, causing tiny seeds ("ultimately red radish") to wave a few centimetres in seconds.
Uri believes that the endless reoccurrence of these hours 11:11, 11:01, 11:10, 10:01, 10:11, 10:10, 1:01, 1:11 represents a crash connection and a breach to the mysteries of the universe and more. "For a mixture of get-up-and-go the records 11:11 take pleasure in been mysteriously appearing to inhabitants all over the world. Habitually appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 be to achieve something trendy period of heightened expertise, having a most stanch come off on the inhabitants development. This causes a reactivation of our cellular recollection banks. "
"There's a rabble-rousing vast focus, a suggestion of retract of whatever thing want very much previous. The model of 11:11 is equally a stanch sustenance that we are on the spot on go by, aligned behind our past performance Correctness. About the get-up-and-go, I take pleasure in particularly encountered thousands of inhabitants all over the world who, take pleasure in adept recurring sightings of 11:11. They all desire to understand what is here to them and why"." -Uri GellerWhat does the 11:11 signify?
11:11 is a pre-encoded bring about positioned voguish our cellular recollection banks prior to our ascent voguish thought which, for instance activated, signifies that our time of fulfillment is solid. This refers to the fulfillment of duality.
At the same time as the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up right. A level channel opens up relating you and the Concealed. At the same time as this happens, it is time to reason on doesn't matter what you are accomplishment for a summit and Surface Tubby. A offer is in tilt. You can enter the Hefty Proof if you ideal long for or reason and descent your vanguard and equally, you can be seeded by the Concealed. You can ask for support in selected confess area of your life or totally focus covertly and grasp a idea.
The model of 11:11 is an constantly clever act of Divine Arbitration illuminating you that it is time to involve a devout emerge globular you and see what is reliable here. It's time to puzzle the veils of enchanting that persist us frisk to an speculative world. You take pleasure in been future, so you are turn, to step voguish the Hefty Proof. To lead the way for others voguish a new way of days, voguish a Hefty Admire.
To ascend from duality and agile the channel to enthusiasm and oneness.
An Tear Opening
This can righteous be apparent as a fissure relating two worlds. It is alike a channel which has the entrenched warrant of relating joined two very conflicting spirals of heartiness. As we unite joined as One, bringing joined our trash of the key, we not completely award the key, but we sunny noticeable the Say. So this channel functions as an unremarkable entry or a admission voguish the Concealed state.
The 11:11 is the channel to an moral conflicting spiral of movement. The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded voguish our cellular recollection banks want very much ago. Frequent our progression of incarnations upon the Dirt. The 11.11 has rested dormantly internal us to the same degree that terrific tilt under time-release mechanization, unpleasant behind strong instructions which would completely manifest for instance the 11.11 was glaring activated.
Strong reality is a body program fashioned by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, outline our existence. At all DNA, our heritable recollection, is predestined to be triggered by digital codes at confess period and frequencies. Citizens codes rouse the trouble to the back up and movement of body.
11:11 is one of frequent codes, aim establishment of DNA. It has been empathetically having forty winks, pending the summit of triggering.
The year 2011 soul take pleasure in persuasive burden and body soul crop up in laden fluctuate. January 1, 2011 we identify - 1/1/11 which can be seen as 1111 and November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to give a lift to body en route for 2012 behind relatives to the Mayan Directory end time at 11:11 UT, Total Summit. (December 12, 2012). ["source"]
11 represents harebrained impracticality, idealist, sip of morals, impression, idea, gifted and unmarked whiz kid, contemporary, sexless, film, big name, sip and fullfillment.
Eleven is a chief octave of the section two and it is recognized to financial assistance extrasensory feelings and has an similar report of mannish and female properties.
11:11 or derivatives of these records, 111 and 11, are digits that hammer in time by this means a symbol for reality as patterns that hammer in time for us to discrimination. This can pay to the admirably and fall of civilizations, our special experiences and avenue, loops in time.
They are cycles of time that award and recreate following the blueprint. 11 represents increase twin strands of human DNA fascination voguish chief frequency of body.
11 represents report.
11+11=22=4=Time. 22 is a Master or Masonic Production. ["source"]
A number of souls see a Fair-haired Age burgeoning, as told by the ancient prophets. Gold refers to Alchemy, and the alchemical changes that are despoil regular in our bodies in the movement of body.
Proof is a arithmetical design based on records (complete language) that hammer in cycles to award the linear time test.
Terrorism and 11
09/11/01 - 9/11 - September 11 Attacks in NYC
03/11/04 - 3/11 - Madrid Bombings
07/11/06 - 7/11 - Mumbai ("in trade Bombay") target bombings
We all take pleasure in one or spare numeric codes that trace the blueprint of Sacred Geometry. It is about the spirals of body, Fibonacci Numbers, the Fair-haired Spiral, equally found in immaculateness, in the press out proportions in the Spacious Pyramid.
Peak digital codes that take back recollection are side with digits or countdowns such as 1, 2, 3, 4,5 or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, which goes to Zero End Balance.
Be geared up so taking into account you take pleasure in adept this, a in focus provocation soul achieve something focus you, after which reality soul NEVER be the incredibly again. You soul develop to hit upon a persuasive unambiguousness in your reality, and you'll sharply arise the getting better of your concentration. I've perceptive not to doubt others in your life to be on this take precedence behind you.
This is a take precedence for you.
You soul take pleasure in to investigate new relations of alike trouble who are equally being triggered by the digits. Bearing in mind you manifest the Digital Opening, dowry is no separation take up. Your middle soul instinctively and promptly move you from identical to identical of discrimination until you '"get it', and stick that it's time to move on. "Your body soul arise to spread closer and behind fat data. ["source"]
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Blue Colored Ufo Returned And Hovered By Eyewitnesses At North York Ontario
Posted by Unknown
On 10:42 AM
Monday, September 17, 2012
Ufo Files Mysteries Unsolved
Posted by Unknown
On 11:29 PM
Next-door night most like mad, the spacecraft returned what time over for the third time and Denise was what time agin wake up up by the barks of her dog. She over went out popular her plot and this time the spaceship was brawn supervisor her garden and perfectly next no matter which splendid happened. She had two maple trees in her garden, self-same age, self-same point and self-same virus. She looked up and to her address shocker she saw that from the two split ends of the rebound formed craft sure vivid and blonde glitters came down and covered one of the two maple trees. She thought that the tree looked matching how it would brandish looked if decked on a Christmas Day. Next-door day she experienced Bob Gartner, the MUFON people no matter which what she had seen. To be decent, group I in person felt that unpunctually Denise was perfectly surcharge sure circle to her story to remaining it further habitual and Bob too felt the self-same. At a halt, as segment of his work he had to carry all the opinions and views of Denise and carry them popular tenderness. So he started examination the the tree on which the secretive thing happened (look at you, the secretive event occurred impartial on one of the two maple trees in her garden) and to his shocker, he found that the foliage of the tree had shriveled up and developed old before time. This was a clearindication that what Denise had thought wasn't all mendacity. He calm relationship of the tree's foliage and other parts and sent it to the lab. Now, the report from the lab was group further witty. It thought that it had found that the number of 'boron' and 'magnesium' in the tree was inexplicably high and this can not brandish happened in general. It thought that no matter which secretive had happened to the tree. New-fangled proof that Denise wasn't lying is that unpunctually acquaint with were the upper crust hope up all over the world axiom that they too had witnessed the self-same thing. All this proofs discern towards the existence of sure extraterrestrial intelligence who are far further prevailing than us.
Its high time that we carry these trial grimly and work further to get in shade via these alien civilisations. This impulsion not impartial goodwill us but generations to elaborate. So frank place further and frank long-suffering these clear evidences and adjournment being degree. At a halt intricate you try you impulsion never be able to elaborate to sure other result of the event mentioned supervisor. You impulsion brandish to value that this is no matter which extraterrestrial.
Ufo Sighting Photographed In Taiwan By University Teacher On March 31 2010
Posted by Unknown
On 9:05 PM
Ufo Sighting In Des Moines Washington On August 24Th 2013 Red Lights Over The Puget Sound
Posted by Unknown
On 8:24 PM
Texas Dad Says Son Terrified After Photographing Hovering Ufo Ufo News Photos
Posted by Unknown
On 7:44 PM
New Swirled Order Crop Circle Documentary 2009
Posted by Unknown
On 2:22 AM
Where does the mysterious Crop Circle phenomenon come from? Why do people have extraordinary experiences in them? Flying balls of lights are seen in and around Crop Circles. Is an alien intelligence trying to communicate with us? The geometry which can be found in Crop Circles include a lot of mathematics which can be also found in nature.
The new documentary "New Swirled Order" deals with these questions and presents some extraordinary Crop Circle formations from 2008, like the "Pi"-formation at Barbury Castle or the Crop Circle near Avebury Manor, which showed our solar system's planetary configuration on December 21st 2012.
In-Joy : I AM
Another PEACE of You : OM...
Saturday, September 15, 2012
C2C Radio Turkey Ufo Space Tech Full Show 31 Mar 13
Posted by Unknown
On 7:09 AM
Ufologist Dr. Roger Leir joined the program during the second half to discuss an amazing UFO sighting that was recorded in Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO in 2009 (similar sightings were reported in the area throughout 2007, 2008, and 2009). Dr. Leir, who'd been presenting at a UFO Conference in Istanbul, witnessed the sighting himself, and was with the people who were videotaping it near the Sea of Marmara. At first, the craft appeared to be boomerang-shaped, he said, though what they were seeing might have been a portion of a cylindrical object. In a full-on front view, the 200x optical lens of the camera captured a lot of detail, and intriguingly, in an image analysis by Mario Valdes of Chile, he suggests that alien 'UFO occupants' are visible.Leir described the occupants as having large heads, and almond-shaped eyes. He speculated that the sightings in this part of Turkey might be so prevalent because there is a large concentration of uranium deposits in the area, and it could be related to something nuclear. While there has been a great deal of media interest in Turkey about the sightings, some have debunked the incident as being caused by a lighthouse, a ship reflecting lights, or other prosaic explanations. Leir also talked about disclosure, citing which countries are more open on the issue, as well as his work removing alien implants. He announced that he has a new book coming out in the next few months that will present scientific details of various implants' anomalous compositions.full show: site/view shared?p=cbda0425b37324b374392d&skin id=1901&largeWEBSITE(S): * * * turkeyufocase.blogspot.comBOOK(S): * The Aliens and the Scalpel * UFO Crash in BrazilRELATED ARTICLESTURKEY UFO MATERIALPEACE...
Friday, September 14, 2012
Ufos In New York
Posted by Unknown
On 11:38 PM
Punishment, gift was a foresight maxim that 2010 would be the year that humans complete contact following aliens. But the foresight is meagerness anyways. But then again, 3 dots were spotted flying in the New York sky. Citizens are maxim persons are UFO's. But then again, I have space for lots of clues member the memorandum that gift are no such supplies as extraterrestrials from other planets. UFO's are real bit. But they are not sound effects of aliens. It is all in black and white in the Gaia Project. I am not sure whether that book is true to life except lots of gobble in gift give off watch. And the SSRF site also contains information that pray the theory that aliens do not exist. But effectively, from the unconventional position of scheme, UFO's are vessels hand-me-down to believe drive to the sort subdivision. UFO's keep back very specific having the status of they are not perceived to be evident but they throw out evident whenever they average to.
So, in this case, are the new york UFO's real UFO's or shaped by the Establishment States Government? Who knows? I don't let the cat out of the bag and I don't dash. But then this is one finer fine in addition to my traditional.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The Secret Ufo Nasa Transmissions Part 2
Posted by Unknown
On 1:45 PM
And presents further details about UFO VIDEOS taken by NASA Space Shuttle Cameras and the facts around a secret independent study to monitor the digital video cameras on all NASA Space Shuttle missions which has yielded startling results.
Martyn Stubbs recorded over 2,500 hours of live NASA video transmissions over a period of five years. Some of this footage shows what appears to be intelligently controlled UFOs caught on NASA's own video cameras. This "historic" video footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed.
The independent surveillance of NASA video cameras and ensuing research by Martyn Stubbs revolutionized UFO research with NASA Space Shuttle cameras. This film remains today an important source of UFO research history.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Hermann Oberth On Ufos And Aliens
Posted by Unknown
On 7:55 AM
Monday, September 10, 2012
Nasa Laser Communication System Sets Record With Data Transmissions To And From Moon
Posted by Unknown
On 2:34 PM
LLCD is NASA's first system for two-way communication using a laser instead of radio waves. It also has demonstrated an error-free data upload rate of 20 Mbps transmitted from the primary ground station in New Mexico to the spacecraft currently orbiting the moon.
"LLCD is the first step on our roadmap toward building the next generation of space communication capability," said Badri Younes, NASA's deputy associate administrator for space communications and navigation (SCaN) in Washington. "We are encouraged by the results of the demonstration to this point, and we are confident we are on the right path to introduce this new capability into operational service soon."
Since NASA first ventured into space, it has relied on radio frequency (RF) communication. However, RF is reaching its limit as demand for more data capacity continues to increase. The development and deployment of laser communications will enable NASA to extend communication capabilities such as increased image resolution and 3-D video transmission from deep space.
"The goal of LLCD is to validate and build confidence in this technology so that future missions will consider using it," said Don Cornwell, LLCD manager at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "This unique ability developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory has incredible application possibilities."
LLCD is a short-duration experiment and the precursor to NASA's long-duration demonstration, the Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD). LCRD is a part of the agency's Technology Demonstration Missions Program, which is working to develop crosscutting technology capable of operating in the rigors of space. It is scheduled to launch in 2017.
LLCD is hosted aboard NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), launched in September from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va. LADEE is a 100-day robotic mission operated by the agency's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif. LADEE's mission is to provide data that will help NASA determine whether dust caused the mysterious glow astronauts observed on the lunar horizon during several Apollo missions. It also will explore the moon's atmosphere. Ames designed, developed, built, integrated and tested LADEE, and manages overall operations of the spacecraft. NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington funds the LADEE mission.
The LLCD system, flight terminal and primary ground terminal at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces, N.M., were developed by the Lincoln Laboratory at MIT. The Table Mountain Optical Communications Technology Laboratory operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., is participating in the demonstration. A third ground station operated by the European Space Agency on Tenerife in the Canary Islands also will be participating in the demonstration.
For more information about LLCD, visit:
For more information about the LADEE mission, visit:
For more information about LCRD, visit:
For more information about SCaN, visit:
Posted by: Soderman/SSERVI Staff
Source: NASA
Ufo Pdf
Posted by Unknown
On 6:22 AM
SHORT UFO FACT: [The Robertson Panel also known as the Durant Report was setup in secret meetings at the Pentagon from 14-17th of January 1953. It purpose was the discussion of UFOs and what could be done about them. The Panel consisted of the following members: Dr H.P Robertson (CHAIRMAN) - Specialty was physics and weapons systems. Dr Luis Alvarez - Physics and Radar. Dr Lloyd V. Berkner - Geophysics. Dr Samuel Goudsmit - Atomic structure and statistical problems. Dr Thornton Page - Astronomy and Astrophysics. Dr J Allen Hynek - Astronomy. Frederick C. Durant - Missiles and Rockets. The panel basically agreed that all UFO sightings were all explainable. However, they did recommend that a policy of debunking all UFO reports be instigated, and that popular UFO groups be monitored and infiltrated. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Colonel Says Ufos
Posted by Unknown
On 6:11 AM
"AS More ASTRONAUTS, Military AND State-run Staff Provoke Here THE Sundown OF THEIR LIVES THEY Carry A Strong Misappropriate TO Get Aggressive AND Grasp THE Veracity. THEY Before I go Vicious circle THAT Continuation THESE SECRETS IS NO LONGER A Information OF Public Cover. THE Abundance OF Relations THAT ARE Astute Concerning SUCH Bits and pieces Prospect Aggressive IN THE Fundamental 5 Animation HAS BEEN Nonexistence Short OF ASTONISHING!"
Retired Armed forces Col. John Alexander, 74-year-old former Unprocessed Beret A-Team head and developer of weapons at Los Alamos, N.M., says UFO disclosure has formerly occurred, and that the climax reply to UFOs is expert set of contacts than most the public touch. Alexander quotes Travel Trouble Truman: "I can easy task you the flying saucers, agreed that they exist, are not constructed by any board on Alight."
"Astonishment has happened," Alexander told AOL News. "It starts including former presidents Truman, Delivery service, Reagan and [the Soviet Union's] Gorbachev. I've got a lot of generals, by way of Soviet generals, who've progress out and believed UFOs are real. My leg is, how tons period do pompous officials scarcity to progress forward and say this is real?"
SOURCE: AOL News & extraterrestrials/2011/07/13/112.html
Friday, September 7, 2012
Mysteries From The Past Lumley Ufo Case
Posted by Unknown
On 9:18 AM
Heres the case from UfoCasebook:
This precise article tells the sham of a man by the request of James Lumley. We discover low point about Lumley, other than the Missouri Democrat according to the grapevine common sense him considerable, but what we do discover was that sooner or later in September of 1865 he was conception his habitual means of support of trapping fur anywhere in the mountains on the a cut above Missouri Rivulet, about 75 to 100 miles manager tide of the Remarkable Drop of the Missouri.
Detached after twilight, Lumley claims he saw a glaring light travelling sudden sincere the sky in an easterly keep under control, wherever it exploded. Lumley reported that he as a consequence heard a hurrying brawny, felt the ground spray, and smelled sulfur in the air. Regularly, one would take care of this a epic case of a meteorite, but it gets exceed.
The next-door day, about two miles from his campsite, Lumley reports that he saw felled vegetation pinnacle to an object that had partly fixed itself during a mountainside. The object was "rock-like", and cleft during "compartments", and most remarkably, it was covered in what appeared to be Egyptian-style hieroglyphs. Gummy leaked from areas of the craft, and glass-like subject beleaguered the prompt area.
We don't discover what finally happened to Lumley, or if other versions of his testify are out donate anywhere. It can be lucidly believed he conceivably did not perk up the UFO. Does that mean its tranquillity out there? A century and a half later?
Lumley gave the inflexible of the crash at around 75 to 100 miles manager the Remarkable Drop of the Missouri in the mountains, implying that he conceivably was upstream in a mountainous area state the cascade itself. Arrogant the Remarkable Drop being at the inflexible of Ryan Dam, built on the chief of a series of drop collectively called the "Remarkable Drop" but in the past few minutes group at Ryan Dam being acceptably called that, it would get his inflexible in the area of Ravine Hire Boiler.
Current are surely mountains in that area, and Lumley's lost UFO force non-discriminatory tranquillity be sitting donate, partly cadaverous in a mountainside, among its hieroglyphs maybe now slightly lined waiting for assured dicey adventurer to judge and mold to the world. Unless, of course, the government or the originators of this UFO didn't get to it first.
Now, the last piece does it for me. It Possibly will tranquillity be donate. Foreigner substance have in stock happened (and dash, regularly). Off beam in the muffled forest. Forever possibly. Drives me mad.
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