"Just 4 Fliers for Scurry Shuttle Begin"
Kenneth Chang
July 6th, 2011
The New York Become old
Traditionally, in the role of NASA launches a space shuttle, impart are either six or seven astronauts aboard. So why, on the 135th and hindmost beginning of the 30-year-old space shuttle program, preference impart be unaccompanied four?
The round about, by chance not absurdly, has to do surrounded by the Atlantis's being the last flight: Later than no addition shuttle shown to go and supply the astronauts in case no matter which goes inexact, the Americans would carry to part to the Russians to uncover their accessory from the Macro Rout Boundary marker. And the Russian spacecraft - recognizable as Soyuz capsules - give unaccompanied three astronauts, so two band would carry to fly up and haulage private residence the Americans one at a time.
"This is a very low hazard case," Atlantis's team leader, Capt. Christopher J. Ferguson of the Army, held last week in the sphere of a news conference. But the agency's welfare experts carry "complete an unusually diligent job of nature sure we carry a considerably plan to get private residence," he held.
The Atlantis is custom to crack from impart at 11:26 a.m. on Friday, nature its 33rd flight. But the mission on Wednesday was for unaccompanied a 30 percent peculiarity of acceptable weather, so the beginning may possibly be too late until Sunday or history.
Previous to, the countdown was going on gracefully. "Give to are no troubles yet," Michael P. Moses, the beginning merging best quality, held Wednesday at a news conference. "Give to are simply weather forecasts."
And about a million spectators are possible to show up.
NASA's other two orbiters, the Discover and the Endeavour, carry buffed their flying careers and are being primped for exhibit in museums. The Atlantis was believed to be retired now, too. NASA had inclined it as a supply glass case for the last flight of the Endeavour, in May, and it would carry gotten off the ground unaccompanied if the Endeavour had encountered trouble like in turn.
But after using up hundreds of millions of dollars realization the Atlantis match to fly, NASA officials held it ready instinct to fly it regardless, to escort further stores to the space station. And this resolve obliged stand-in chance strategy.
At what time the check in of the Columbia eight being ago, which killed the seven astronauts on record, the space agency carefully drew up strategy for what to do if an orbiter reached space decisively but was out of order and may possibly not hand over. Columbia was out of order in the sphere of liftoff in the role of a accomplishment of drivel struck one of its wings, creating a rift that caused the shuttle to break up on its way moment to earth. Investigators afterward finished that the ordeal may possibly carry been detected.
For also post-Columbia shuttle blunder to the Macro Rout Boundary marker, astronauts carry inspected the orbiter's bed for hit to the affectionate insurance finish to the puzzle in Columbia's spent wing caused by plunging froth. The plan was that if any such hit were found, the astronauts would park at the space station until the flanking shuttles fashionable and carried them private residence.
This time, if impart were such a ordeal, it would be the minor, three-seat Soyuz capsules that brought the astronauts private residence. Out of the frame the subsequent blind date, the Soyuzes would begin surrounded by a accessory of two to a certain extent of three, and a shuttle astronaut would notice the clean opening on the hand over blunder.
An lengthened vacation for seven marooned shuttle astronauts, in achieve to the station's six accessory members, would damage the station's edibles and stores. But surrounded by four unusual crowd, the selection on the station would be useful. "We'll be able to, I contain, grace of assimilate into space station life open place honestly, if it would sequence," held Sandra H. Magnus, a join of the Atlantis accessory.
All four astronauts - Boss Ferguson; Col. Douglas G. Hurley of the Marines; Dr. Magnus; and Rex J. Walheim, a retired Air Squash colonel - are grown space fliers, and all four preference be unavailable in the sphere of the 12-day administration, elevating 8,000 pounds of stores and addition parts.
"Having four descendants who carry complete this at negligible subsequently in the ahead preference add marvelously to our convenience on turn," Boss Ferguson held.
And impart may be assured advantages to the minor accessory. "Give to are smaller amount opinions to fight surrounded by," Boss Ferguson held, drawing assured laughs.
But the last day up to that time landing is possible to be freeway creepy, surrounded by the four passing farm duties completely cleft among six or seven. The Atlantis is to hand over to Kennedy Rout Foundation on July 20, although NASA may possibly mushroom the administration by a day.
At what time the retirement of the shuttles, NASA preference be together with on two companies, the Rout Exploration Technologies Certain, of Hawthorne, Calif., and Orbital Sciences, of Dulles, Va., to escort stores to the space station. The further Atlantis flight provides a hold up in case of other delays by the companies, keeping the station available nonstop flanking blind date.
Rout Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX for fleeting, gloriously launched its Falcon 9 rocket twofold last blind date, but preference get at most one off the ground this blind date. The flanking flight, a vision to show that it can navigate its space drug to the station, has been too late from issue to late fall.
Meanwhile, Orbital suffered a fall back last month in the role of an engine for its rocket caught cut in decaying. Orbital still hopes to begin a vision flight this blind date and grow steal stores to the station flanking blind date.
Origin: alienspress.blogspot.com
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