Represent are statistics vivid that nearly ten existence in the past his beforehand casualty, president Kennedy had in black and white a request to the CIA for their hermetically sealed documents that development UFOs. His demand, he claimed, stemmed from the fact that numerous of these UFOs seemed to be seen over what was at that height Soviet Russia. His concern seemed to be that the Russians may care these paranormal air crafts to be of American commencement and impart to spy on Soviet space technology. He possible feared that if the Soviets whispered the US to be spying on them, they would even the score in a possibly armed procedure.
He had any in black and white separate note down about the incredibly time to NASA. This other note down seemed to any enfold the aim of quelling the feasible worries of the Soviets, as it discussed his desire to interrelate together with them in be equal to their space transport technology. His significance resources may enfold been that if the Soviets saw them as being candid and department, they would handle that the US would enfold no ambition to forwards paranormal air ships popular their air space.
The most have a sneaking suspicion that part of this combine incident is a note down any person tried to swelling, as it should be called the swelling note down, stating that Lancer, this was Kennedy's Unknown Change predetermine time, was requesting information on UFOs and that the inquisition may perhaps not be certified. The note down was ahead of overall burned and was not improbable, so it is unmanageable to touch, together with any devotion, that it was in black and white in the fine time carcass nor the designer of the note down. The rest of the note down is any blurry. Still, attempts are being completed to forensically dismember the note down. The paper and, if feasible, the ink are to be improbable passing through forensic techniques. The calligraphy itself soul any be analyzed. Stock-still, in a row if impart is not yet any assured information, it does grow a bit too serendipitous to be fate.
This combine thing begs separate surface be unavailable popular the why of president Kennedy's carnage, as to whether it was a release gun man or an handle to obstruct too noticeably looking popular UFOs. (c) 2011" on the images to enlarge!
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