Posted by Unknown
On 2:55 AM
THE FOLLOWING SIGHTINGS BY OTHER BLOGGERS, SHOULD MAKE YOU SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE.TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2013NEW YEARS EVE AND MORE STRANGE ORANGE LIGHTS IN THE SKYLast night the 31st Dec 2012 between 2030 and 2200, we spotted no less that nine of the orange lights (Orbs) in the sky. They appeared one at a time travelling mainly North to South or South to North, on two occasions one passed over the house no noise and below the cloud base as it was again overcast. Below are pics of what we saw.Click on images to see full size image, in the first pick you can see the neighbors house and an outline of a tree.All the pics were taken with the camera on a tripod, the movement is not camera shake but rather the object moving. We are also not the only people seeing these lights in South Africa, have a look at the site below. I wish someone could explain this phenomenon.UFO SA Web siteBelow is an entry posted on by Edwarrd in Pretoria of a sighting last night.Who saw the 3 orange lights just after 12 pm last night while watching the fireworks for 2013 in Pretoria. they moved very fast from north to south. The 1st one pass and then immediatedly thereafter the 2nd and then followed by the 3rd. not the same colour as last sigting but same size as previous moving opposite direction as last time... everyone that were in Pretoria last night watching the fireworks must have seen it!EdwarrdJanuary 1, 2013 Posted by Charles Cooperat 11:32 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookLinks to this postTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2012STRANGE LIGHTS (U.F.O) SEEN IN THE SKY 24TH DECEMBER AND 26TH DECEMBER 2012I never imagined that I would be writing about this subject as I am regarded as a sceptic, but this I have seen with my wife and grandson. I am not prepared to call these alien craft sightings, but only some sort of unidentified flying object or objects. Many people want to explain these sightings as aircraft, helicopters, flares, fireworks or chinese lanterns. I do not think so, I am no expert but the speed at which they moved and the height they were travelling below the cloud base there should have been sound. There are other people who believe that if it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it still might be something else. Who knows, it may have a simple explanation, or it may not.At about 2045 on the evening of the 24th Dec 2012 my wife and I saw an orange light in the sky above some trees in our neighbors garden. The light was similar in colour to the orange street lights you see in most suburbs, the light also appeared to be burning or flame like.The light moved at speed from east to west and was under the clouds, there had been a thunderstorm and rain earlier in the evening, the object appeared to be close as it passed overhead but there was no sound at all. The light soon moved out of sight, within a few minutes another appeared much further away also moving east to west the light then appeared to stand still for a few seconds and faded away.At about 2125 we spotted another orange light moving low on the horizon north to south this one was moving very fast, it disappeared shortly after. We then saw another orange light which seemed to be traveling east to west on the same path as the second one, this too appeared to fade away as the other did.At about 2100 on the evening of the 26th Dec 2012 I saw another orange light in the sky, this one moved east to west was far away and was not visible for very long, it too faded from view. The weather conditions were similar to the evening of the 24th. I do not think that these lights could have been Chinese lanterns, as they moved way too fast and there was no wind at all.What did we see? we are not the only people that have witnessed these lights, there were sightings in Natal on the 20th and 21st Dec 2012 and in Cape Town from Jan to Dec 2012 what do you think?The pics above I took on the 24th Dec 2012 look at the photo of the CT sighting in Jan 2012Pics taken with cell phone quality not too goodHave a look at the links belowSighting in Natal 20 and 21 Dec 2012 ufoinfo.comCape Town Sighting Jan to Dec 2012 ahbotha.blogspot.comUS UFO Site
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