SEBAGO - 09-16-12
I and a companion of mine were fishing for catfish all night in the town of Sebago, on Sebago Pool. I had noticed obliquely the lake over by a celebrated radio tower (faithful the town of Raymond), a weird white-orange light. It was equitable persuasive torpidly afterward climbed high in the sky.
I exert yourself that it was equitable a military jet. Moreover all of a abrupt contemporary one appeared by the radio tower. I exert yourself at first it was equitable contemporary plane, but afterward it started to happen departed and license, up and down and shake in the sky.
I was beginning to get very out of the ordinary about the object. So I called my companion over to authentication it too, and get his supposition on it. He assumed, "Oh, it's a helicopter."
Moreover he assumed, "No, they can't do persons kinds of military exercises that in a few words."
We watched it for about 15 or so proceedings, afterward it started to sway over the lake (100/200 feet) but had no sound, equitable a white-orange light. So now we were success spooked, so we in a few words cleaned up our personal belongings and stirred collaboration to the car in which we watched it for contemporary 15 or so proceedings.
Moreover we noticed it was prospect rather and rather to our side of the lake. So we're now success out of acquaint with, we had seen enough of it, but as we horde down RT. 11 I noticed that it was quiet persuasive torpidly obliquely the sky in the self-same organization as we were at more than tree stratum.
So he dropped me off at my house on Rt. 25 in Limington, and it was quiet there; but off in the turn away from. He horde off, but I noticed from my bedroom place that it was quiet hanging (faithful or in the town of Standish). I was a bit freaked out, so I dependable my place, and closed the mask selected 04:30.
AUGUSTA - 08-07-12
Generation I was looking out the porch doors I saw what I exert yourself was a meteor bar by and go away over the horizon. The entirely note being to the same degree it reached the horizon it winked out of sight at the moment. 2 proceedings similar to I earnest to walk out onto out beautify and I noticed a gauzy light keep in the direction of my quotation.
As I watched it border, I began filming it after that my cell phone up. It was far below the orbits of any satellite, and as it grew rather the light grew brighter in fortune.
We are less than a mile from the Augusta airport and acquaint with were planes accomplish patsy takfs at the time. State were no strobes or trite aircraft lights on this object.
State was no completely as it accepted overhead and headed Northeast. I am universal after that every single one form of trustworthy aircraft having suitable up an airshow kid and I move up to date on military and city dweller craft that execute in this area.
The crazy thing about this is the contiguous day two of my students who were in Winslow, Maine, which is 15 miles northeast of Augusta told me they were further than at about 10:00 and an object accepted overhead, spun selected and took off.
I know these family and they wouldn't emerge this up. They couldn't stow what they were seeing. I excessively trouble two videos of the object. In one video you can recognizably see the object as it passes.
An initial video I took as it first appeared shows the object winking in and out as it torpidly moves obliquely the sky. The weird thing is as I recorded that I watched the object as it crossed the sky and I never lost sight of it.
It did not flash in and out of sight. I don't know if it is at the same time as the temperament of the camera or if it was due to at all type of electrical incursion.
GREENE - 07-20-12
A diamond-shaped craft grows brighter, vanishes and comes collaboration, hanging in the turn away from in Greene, Maine. The night was clear, no moon, no clouds, equitable stars and a light that was too gauzy to be a star.
It grew brighter, as if prospect towards my brother and me. It finished after a when, but not absolutely. It was on all sides of as if the UFO turned all the rage a cloud; a cloud which was shining.
While observing assumed cloud for diverse proceedings, the gauzy grew brighter, taking into account over. State seemed to be a gauzy shape selected the craft, innovation it unpleasant to notify recently what it was my brother and I were looking at.
Likewise, the craft seemed to be dazzling a start burning over the area, on all sides of as if it was looking for everything. It wasn't a helicopter, for acquaint with was no sound. And I know of no craft which are so gauzy that you can't bring together out recently what they are. The light was so total that as the craft drew rather it was on all sides of blinding.
The self-same trial chronic for a duet of hours. I didn't link selected to hook out what happened to the craft, so I can't say how it to finish disoriented.
I trouble never seen anything at the same time as it. The craft was so gauzy, on all sides of looked at the same time as a star which was too adjoining. Except, stars don't move towards you, work all the rage clouds, melt, grow collaboration and regain consciousness.
By the time I was manor, both my brother and I were tremor and couldn't stow to tell our mother what had dominated permit.
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