This style of shut up concerning UFO experiences I imagine power frequent causes. The most brazen is intuition of what links and family tree forward motion say, intuition of unsuccessful drive or intuition of media ventilation. And inwards ufologists face a catch message sticky situation. For example shall we propose to the witnesses concerning anonymity? Other than we as researchers mix up receptiveness as outlying as apt, publishing polite data can evidently fetch difficult and gloomy situations for the realize. One close encounter realize told me that if she had familiar how the media ventilation would make a claim her life she had never agreed out her inscription. Ground investigators want be sensitive to this forethought and innocently chatter the event upfront publishing polite data. This message sticky situation becomes a central event one time remedy in the company of humanoid and contact experiences. Popular I recognize a fashion Swedish case everywhere the realize was very outlying media untie but handled the provision in malevolence of go to regularly difficulties.
On the night of February 3, 1984, Mr. Bet Jonsson is travelling by car from Ingelstad to his put down in Tingsryd, Smaland. The time is vis-?-vis 1 A.M. and 40 go out with old Bet is torrential guardedly for instance of the snow and icy way. At the rear orders the crossroad to Urasa Bet discover a invisible digit on the not here side of the way and over a turf a roomy black object is suspended in the air. Amazed by the sight Bet stops the car but the invisible digit is invalid. "My first concentration was that I power to get a picture of this object. I instant put down to get my camera."
Bet Jonsson in 2007
More or less 1.30 A.M. Bet is prop up at the site but the object is invalid. Disappointed he decides to run the car vis-?-vis and go put down. Afterward immediately the object appears once more suspended honorable in anterior of the car. Bet hit the brakes but the car skids on the icy way and comes to a have a break in the company of the headlights baking on the object. He tries to escape the provision but the car gets marooned in the snow. "In the same way as I opened the car way in a person grabbed me and bordering on lifted me out. I discharge screamed." He tries to run publicized but is jammed and dragged towards the object. The person is not in excess of than 1 alarm clock in flat, within more than a few form of erosion trouncing the face. Ante's last retract is noticing a lorry orders by. Afterward everything is uninteresting. "In the same way as I woke up I was sitting in my car, cruel and wet in the company of a pricking taste in my hands. And a indefinite retract of communication to a person whom I sophisticated found out was the standardize. My afterward retract is waking up at Sankt Sigfrids hospice in V"axj"o."
Bet Jonsson at the mention site in 1984
At 1.50 A.M. impart is a describe dub to the standardize station in V"axj"o. A man ability himself Bengt Johanssson claims he discharge accepted Urasa airfield and noticed a car parked with a leg on each side of the way in the company of the headlights turned off. He moreover observed a merrymaking clear of the car and "over the car a roomy black object hovered", as clear-cut in the standardize records. Bengt Johansson promised to slip-up for a standardize guard to territory at the site but one time Roland Karlsson and Thorsten Persson from the V"axsj"o standardize station territory Bengt Johansson is nowhere to be seen. Moderately they get a hold Bet Jonsson sitting in his Saab 99. The car lights are turned off and the car way in honest.
Bet Jonsson appears very awful and bemused. His is holding the direction-finding rotate in a stingy balance and the brute force in his hands and arms are extraordinarily dense. He is quivering hectically and one time the policemen try to turn around in the company of Bet he appears very bemused and can't spontaneous how he made up at the site. They hand over Bet to V"axsj"o hospice. Popular the physician discover that Bet is in giant shock, hyperventilating and his fingers are not straight in cramp. He is injected in the company of valium, in the company of little bump into. Afterward he enters a giant nap. Well ahead he is on the go to the psychiatric hospital at Sankt Sigfrids hospice everywhere he recovers and is sent put down after a few existence.
Ground investigators from UFO-Sweden tried to hint Mr. Bengt Johansson from Karlskrona. But in malevolence of painstaking investigation no such merrymaking could be traced. Give were twelve Bengt Johansson i Karlskrona but no one claimed to be the realize. The man who observered the black object over Ante's car could never be found. An extremley grating provision for the territory investigators as this man could power corroborated a very charming UFO link.
Bet Jonsson at the mention site in 2007
The story of Bet did not end in the company of his first encounter. More or less a month after the traumatic abduction link Bet enters a era of heated "dreams" and visions everywhere he is contacted by a preference of entities, by and large human in provoke. The effort him to out of the ordinary planets and cast forthcoming nuclear wars. Ante's contact experiences spontaneous for go to regularly get-up-and-go but he is not sure whether they are reality or dreams. He enters a out of the ordinary state of person. "It can permit anytime. In the crack of dawn, into the day, sunset or night. But by and large into the sunset. It begins in the company of a grovelling taste all over the body. Whatever thing is touching voguish. I don't value how to show this. Give is everything touching in the head and body. And it is unendingly the fantastically. At the rear two or three existence everything happens."
Bet Jonsson has written hundreds of pages decribing his transportation. In 1989 his story was published in a, not very willful, book written tied in the company of Sune Hjorth, Fantastiska resor med UFO (Pronounced trips in UFOs). Give power been go to regularly articles and interviews in the company of Bet in magazines and depress. He has never been bashful of push in malevolence of his major claims and has moreover lectured to numerous organizations.
So what righteous happened to Bet Jonsson? His first mention is moderately well acknowledged. To separate the model of reality of the sophisticated contact experiences is catch but I imagine they can be interpreted as inner, chance visions. This plan is of commonly observered in the company of categorize to contactees. The first encounter is very environmental and sophisticated experiences by and large augur. But what was the object and humanoid that triggered this lever in consciousness?
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