UFOBLOGGER.COMNewspaper journalism that U.S. Military Website Goes Offline On one occasion It Shows Elenin Is Not Alternating Up. Coincidence?report family name in this article to tour their site or construe article in. September 5, 2011Possessions are heating up out there! Latest/Last images of ELENIN from the SECCHI crowd-puller that ELENIN DID NOT Dissection UP and extremely shows the comet turned brief. But as considerably we disclose comets don't build up thorny turns. The same, the handiwork has been reporting that it had broken up. But according to the latest images from SECCHI it has not broken up.On one occasion lineage started language about these discrepancies the SECCHI WEBSITE went offline. http://secchi.nrl.sapphire.mil/index.php?p=js secchiAnd its not a first time that they had Censored the information, More readily extremely NASA Buzzroom was full of activity down after post reveals Comet Elenin trajectory.Desire Period Fabric IN Egg-shaped ORBIT:hope for epoch Fabric are a big problem for the focal Planets. Give to are dissimilar reasons for that.If possible HISTORICAL: LPO are not recognised in the younger human history, and and so gone. Free written down in metaphor and chocolate box languages from ancients schooling, friendship the Atlantians Sumerian and extremely recorded to the old testimonial.Ultra SCIENTIFIC: LPO as a result of an egg-shaped Power of ~11800 Years, can not manipulate a diffident magnitude, that is recyclable specialized from the law of physics. Fabric as a result of smaller magnitude having speedy egg-shaped Power, from 2 up to 1000 duration or so, friendship Asteroids or Comets.THEREFORE: Fabric as a result of better magnitude staying in hope for epoch Orbits. The fact that ELENIN COMET (C2010 X1 ) enters our solar system end to the ecliptic as a result of a Period of ~11'800 Years, makes this Protest very essential. So it is convincing to venerate an eye on it.COMET ELENIN Done 2012 HOPI Visualization ?If Elenin is the Gloomy Kachina AND the Red Kachina is past late at night it. Next represent may be big troubles. The typical breeze from a Hopi Visualization, wherever represent decision be a Gloomy "star" that precedes a Red "star". According to the dream the Gloomy one kinda shakes stuff up and is a clue representative that the indispensable work it is about to breeze physically, referring to the Red "star".Here's an image that claims to be the point color of Elenin. Sure looks blue to us.Now on 11/9/11 Protest YU55 passes between Haunt and the fly in a circle of the moon. Here's a objective of it's flyby:http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/images/2005 YU55 approach movie.gif So far we disclose Elenin is blueish in color, it has objects accompanying it (Nephews), and now it seems it is "dancing in the place". It is sure to be captivating to see, regular if zilch uncontrollable happens, friendship a in focus marker move.
Comet Elenin Done 2012 Maya and Hopi VisualizationUFOBLOGGER.COM VictimThink week we had reported Indoors how Huge Alignments as a result of COMET ELENIN Causing Big Earthquakes.Now we manipulate examine COMET ELENIN (C/2010 X1) manipulate a heroic magnitude, that this untreated would manipulate a liberal outline on Haunt genuine natural world.As in the case of the fact that the magnitude and immensity of the hope for epoch comet is not yet declared, rubbish an caginess and hypothesis which the find time for of a flyby manipulate. It requirement be said that, just the once the comet manipulate a heroic magnitude, that this untreated would manipulate a liberal outline on Haunt genuine natural world.Desire Period Fabric IN Egg-shaped ORBIT:hope for epoch Fabric are a big problem for the focal Planets. Give to are dissimilar reasons for that.If possible HISTORICAL: LPO are not recognised in the younger human history, and and so gone. Free written down in metaphor and chocolate box languages from ancients schooling, friendship the Atlantians Sumerian and extremely recorded to the old testimonial.Ultra SCIENTIFIC: LPO as a result of an egg-shaped Power of ~11800 Years, can not manipulate a diffident magnitude, that is recyclable specialized from the law of physics. Fabric as a result of smaller magnitude having speedy egg-shaped Power, from 2 up to 1000 duration or so, friendship Asteroids or Comets.THEREFORE: Fabric as a result of better magnitude staying in hope for epoch Orbits. The fact that ELENIN COMET (C2010 X1 ) enters our solar system end to the ecliptic as a result of a Period of ~11'800 Years, makes this Protest very essential. So it is convincing to venerate an eye on it. Elenin Advent Alignments Risk Communication Elenin - Mercury - Mars - Haunt Sept 06 2011 Mercury - Sun - Elenin Sept 25 2011 Sun - Elenin - Jupiter Oct 11 2011 Elenin 0.246au from Earth; that's a matter of the seclusion to the sun. Oct 17 2011 Elenin top secret to earth 0.232au Oct 20 2011 Elenin decision enter Haunt fly in a circle and we decision skill a gravitational control. Nov 02 2011 Haunt enter Elenins tail/ novel track Venus - Earth- Elenin - Mercury Nov 11 2011 Sun - Mercury - Haunt - Elenin Dec 04 2011 Mars - Elenin - Jupiter Dec 25 2011 Think ALIGNMENT Elenin - Haunt - Sun Dec 21 2012COMET ELENIN AND THE MAYA:Scientists in recent times open that we are actually late immigrants to the Pale yellow Way! The hope for engaged sketch that we are persons of the Pale yellow Way appears to manipulate been debunked as a result of the discovery of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy in 1994 by Rodrigo Ibata, Mike Irwin, and Gerry Gilmore.As well studies and large flat as a pancake of data from the infrared analyst Two-Micron All Sky Pursue (2MASS) by researchers from the University of Massachusetts available that the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, our house galaxy, is in the midst of last a name that begun millions of duration ago - a name of integrating themselves clothed in the 10,000 epoch better Pale yellow Way galaxy.This name explains why the Pale yellow Way continuously appears to be oblique side in the night sky quite of ecliptic, and why represent appears to be a brown dimness in the center of it. The fly in a circle of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Pale yellow Way, together with to a considerably smaller access, the wobble of the earth caused by its circling knock down its meeting point coincides as a result of the planet low-cut haughty and in the center of that brown dimness, which is extremely referred to as Galactic Equator.Now, how does this ascertain to the Mayan soothsayer, you justly marvel. Origin, let's found in the beginning. The prerequisites of the Mayan directory and sky charting were on loan from the Olmec the public which started their stargazing various in 680B.C. The Mayans extrapolated and elegant the Olmec's system to slide them in the top-quality worldly aspects of existence, such as crop plating, the assign of a Sun God and furnishings friendship that. In due course, they twisted their own calendars, and rewarding end listen to to the fight of the stars and planets that were marching on both sides of our sky.One of their most manual calendars was called the Tzolkin. The Tzolkin consists of eighteen 20 existence month (Uinals), wherever each one of the twenty existence is accorded a chocolate box get the impression (a top-quality tortuous copy of the innovative astrology). The eighteen month totals up to 360 existence, which is referred to as a Tun see. The sum of twenty of these Tuns is 19 duration, eight months and 15 existence, or a Katun. A Baktun meanwhile, generation twenty Katuns, or 394 duration and four months. Now, thirteen Baktuns gets you one Unfathomable Coop, or 1,872,000 existence, which is various 5,125 years; the different of one Mayan Unfathomable Coop.While the Mayan tradition stipulates that the universe was twisted on Regal 11, 3114BC, it stands to contention that the end of the dart decision develop shrill 1,872,000 existence considering, which chute on 11:11GMT, 21 December 2012. (Elenin - Haunt - Sun)So, how did the Mayans came to the '5,125 see generation one Unfathomable Coop ruling, anew, you justly wonder? Key, my constructive Watson. It's the wobbling stars in the sky. The fight of the stars on both sides of the night sky is often accompanied by wobbles in fight that corresponds as a result of the solstices of whichever the earth and the sun. The wobbles, which coincidentally sounds friendship a trainee TV show, is caused by a shadowy step of our planet knock down its meeting point as the gravitational forces and the in recent times open phenomena of the brown energy exerts its outline on earth.A recyclable (Discriminating, it's not recyclable at all. It's hard, friendship explosive science hard) accumulation reveals that our fight and the sun's, in relation to the Galactic Equator, decision see the hang out of the Sun's track on both sides of our skyline (the Egg-shaped) and the Galactic Equator. This hang out can forlorn stretch a few 5,125 duration (and the Mayans didn't regular manipulate a geometric calculator to moral as a result of the as well as as a consequence - a high spot normal tender toes were reasonably border as a consequence)!To be feathery, the Mayans did not prophesize what shrill decision develop to the galaxy, which they referred to as the Sanctified Tree, as a consequence. It can be a recyclable emit of aurora borealis, it can be a epoch of new start or, seeing that the Mayans adjudicate the sun as a picture of their God, Kukulkna, it can extremely have in mind (as normal give the impression that to be in decency of) a cataclysmic execution importance work it.So you sigh in serene, enraged, wondering yet anew as to the resemblance between ELENIN's arrival in September-October 2011 and the Mayan prophesized Armageddon in December 2012. To be as hasty as the makings, the solar dating system that is the Gregorian directory that you harm by, inborn a distribution of flaws in them. The most apparent one would be of the flummoxed day a few century, due to the rounding up of 365 existence, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.25 seconds to 3651/4 existence in the Julian directory that was recycled before the Gregorian one, which by the 16th century, saw to the disappearance of 14 days! In heap, Pope Gregory, who official the switch to the Julian directory in 1582, shifted the directory by 11 existence, which saw the directory bounce from Development 4, 1582 to Development 15 the back up day. In heap, the new directory is stationary downhill 30 seconds from the solar dart annually. Add to the fact that the Julian directory that was adopted by, who else, Julius Caesar in the eight century made a bounce of 67 existence to sync as a result of the solar dart, and upon his departing, represent were confusions as a result of the contact comprehensive, as a result of the most dangerous being the three duration bounce duration (quite of the now ill-mannered four). Recalculating the Unfathomable Coop in its equal reluctant the innovative directory, plunder clothed in bill the faults and adjustments integrated clothed in it would make public that the prophesized date would in fact be on October 28, 2011 - privileged weeks of ELENIN's projected perihelion, and top-quality frighteningly, privileged 12 existence of its forecasted perigee (nearby orbital seclusion to the center of earth).Comet Elenin and The HopiThe Hopis soothsayer ties a minuscule clothed in the Mayan's plan of foundation - the Unfathomable Coop. The soothsayer has been human being of their tribe's spoken tradition that has comatose back in the function of time immemorial. This is their soothsayer, as recited by Icy Spike of the Standpoint Band to Rector David Environmental in 1948."The Fourth Orb shall end soon, and the Fifth Orb decision start. This the elders somewhere disclose. The System over normal duration manipulate been undamaged, and so few are vanished."This is the If possible Sign: We are told of the prospect of the white-skinned men, friendship Pahana, but not be alive friendship Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies as a result of grumble."This is the Ultra Sign: Our lands decision see the prospect of circling wheels bursting as a result of voices. In his secondary, my jerk saw this dream breeze indisputable as a result of his eyes -- the ancient men bringing their families in wagons on both sides of the prairies.""This is the Third Sign: A ghostly beast friendship a buffalo but as a result of high spot hope for horns, decision inundate the land in heroic produce. These Icy Spike saw as a result of his eyes -- the prospect of the ancient men's keep.""This is the Fourth Sign: The land decision be crossed by snakes of silver-tongued.""This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web.""This is the Sixth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed as a result of rivers of stone that build up pictures in the sun.""This is the Seventh Sign: You decision greet of the sea twirl black, and normal be alive stuff cursory when of it.""This is the Eight Sign: You decision see normal secondary, who wear their spike hope for friendship my lineage, breeze and stick the tribal nations, to examine their ways and right mind."And this is the Ninth and Think Sign: You decision greet of a dwelling-place in the universe, haughty the earth, that shall fall as a result of a high spot crash. It decision get here as a blue star. Wholly soon after this, the ceremonies of my lineage decision obstruct."These are the System that high spot pulling down is prospect. The world shall rock to and fro. The ancient man decision conflict reluctant other lineage in other lands -- as a result of inhabitants who possessed the first light of right mind. Give to decision be normal columns of fume and kindle such as Icy Spike has seen the ancient man build up in the deserts not far from there. Free inhabitants which breeze decision lead to disease and a high spot cursory. A choice of of my lineage, domination the prophecies, shall be untouched. Group who untruth and live in the sitting room of my lineage extremely shall be untouched. Next represent decision be considerably to renovate. And soon -- very soon with -- Pahana decision discount. He shall elation as a result of him the daylight of the Fifth Orb. He shall plant the seeds of his right mind in their hearts. The same now the seeds are being planted. These shall altitude the way to the Emergence clothed in the Fifth Orb."Fail to take about how the first eight System give the impression that eerily self-serving to events and symbols in the exterior century. Considerably, route on the final Remnant, the Ninth sign. Give to is no way you can miss the value late at night the label. An object of blue color, hurtling in from space would fall and end whatever thing. The Age of Purification?Go to their site to see more video that goes knock down as a result of this article:HTTP://TINYURL.COM/3T46KRQ Former Linked ARTICLES AT UFOBLOGGER: * Huge Alignments as a result of Comet Elenin Causing Big Earthquakes * Doomsday Puncture Can Encompass The U.S Supervise From Comet Collision * Comet Elenin Done 2012 Maya and Hopi Visualization ? * Comet Elenin Update: Comet Elenin's Border line Is Untouched September 2, 201 * Comet Elenin Hub Controlled By Object And Don't Atypical It's Power * Ghostly RF Presage Picked Up By Contacts Telescopes In California From Comet Elenin * "Honest Send-up" Bore Stylish Subsistence, Comet Elenin Matches The Actions Singularity Now! * Comet Elenin: Icy Arrange note down addresses "US Should Study For Comet Collision Together with Haunt"
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