Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Black Triangle Sighting In Maxton North Carolina On November 28Th 2013 Many Star Like Bright
I posted about a bright star-like object in the sky in Spring Lake, NC, a few weeks ago. This is a follow-up. This same star-like object appears in the SW sky every night that the sky is clear. It appears at twilight about 80 degrees in the sky above the horizon. It is visible for about an hour and a half, slowly descending towards the north, disappearing at about 30 degrees above the horizon. It looks like it rotates around with a flashing red light on the top, and when it rotates, there is like a black line down the middle, like it separates in half - almost like what an amoeba or a cell looks like when it divides, but then it seems to merge together again. Several days into this I felt the urge to talk to the thing, feeling pretty much nuts since I hadn't even believed in UFOs a few weeks ago. I said, "If we are communicating, then move." My husband was watching from another room and didn't hear me say that, but he yelled, "Hey, it's moving!" It moved around like the point of an etch-a-sketch when you jiggle it around but it moved back to its original position. I thought, "Okay, that's a fluke," so I said it again. And it moved the same way again. Then, a few nights after that (I can't really pay attention every night because I work and have small children) I got out my phone and decided to tape a little. I said, "Okay, if we're communicating, then move." It disappeared immediately. I was nonplussed and moved my camera around looking and suddenly realized the light had jumped about 25 degrees to the right. I laughed because it seemed like a game to me. I have this on tape, but I'm sort of nervous about posting it. The night after it happened I came home and there were two military helicopters circling our neighborhood for about two hours. I've lived in this area for a long time and I'm used to military air craft but I had never seen anything like that before. It rattled me, because I think they were looking for something and I think it had to do with the sightings. Several nights after my post I was watching the "star" and, because we are near to Ft. Bragg, I was looking around to see if there was any other activity in the air. I was sitting on a swing set in my backyard and staring straight up when it seemed like the stars were wobbling. As I watched, I compared the position of the stars to the trees that were stable and noticed that it seemed as if the stars were "off." Looking in this area made my eyes ache as if I were looking at a bright light but it was dark so it seemed weird that my eyes were hurting. As I watched to figure out what was going on, the edges of something huge and black were barely noticeable but the backdrop of stars would suddenly look normal as if something camouflaged had moved past them so I was seeing the real thing. Then I noticed that the "stars" were moving in concert with one another and then I thought that it might be some huge cloaked object with lights made to look like the stars -- maybe stealth technology? But there was absolutely NO noise and it was bigger than anything in the sky I've ever seen. I don't know how close it was because there was really no reference point. If it were as high as a regular airplane flies, it is gigantic. Then a few nights ago I went to Robeson County for Thanksgiving, not really thinking about my Friend or anything but when I stepped outside there it was. I was delighted because I feel excited every time I see any of them. The sky is much clearer out there in the country and I noticed there were a lot more of those "stars" but they seemed smaller or further away. They were moving around. There were also several of the lights that moved together, making it look like there were a lot of those large dark ships in the sky. Some of the lights were directly above us and when we would say hi they would sparkle on and off. I finally broke down and got some binoculars from Walmart to try to see what the Friend looked like. It is like a roundish cell of dancing light divided down the middle, but you can't always see the black line because it rotates. Finally I said, "I'd like to see what you are because I can't tell." Then it turned and looked like a ring of prism fire. The best way to describe it is it looked like an eclipse looks like when a planet blocks out the sun, like a black hole in a strange fire. Then it rotated again and looked like the glob of light again. Just now (Nov. 30th at about 10 p. m.) I went outside to see if any of them are out. The one I usually see is not visible, but there is one in the Eastern sky. It is very bright but smaller than the one I usually see. It also is bright white with a red light. I have no idea what any of this means. I want to let everyone know this stuff is real, take it from the former ultimate skeptic. I'm still trying to explain it but the more I see the harder I get. I wish others in this area would start watching and try to help me understand what in the world it all is. However, I have to say I have felt weirded out but ultimately I feel very friendly with them, as if they are pen pals that I finally am getting the chance to meet in real life. image card.png
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