Posted by Unknown
On 9:58 PM
SHORT UFO FACT: [31 Aug 1954 Goulburn, Lt O'Farrell was flying a Sea Fury aircraft, and noticed a very bright light closing fast from the "1 O'CLOCK" position. The light crossed ahead of him, and continued to a position on his port beam where it appeared to orbit. At the same time he noticed a second and similar light at "NINE O'CLOCK" which made a pass ahead of him and then turned in the position where the first light had been sighted. The pilot contacted Nowra radar who confirmed they had 3 echoes on screen. The two bright lights reformed at "NINE O'CLOCK" and disappeared on a north-easterly heading. (1.AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL ARCHIVES FILE NUMBER MP926/1 CONTROL SYMBOL 3079/101/1 TITLED UNIDENTIFIED OBJECTS (FLYING SAUCERS SIGHTED BY NAVY PILOT OVER GOULBURN.) ]THE ENERGY 106 ALIEN ABDUCTIONS BELFAST SHORT UFO FACT: [Jul 1952 Near Sydney Captain Bob Jackson of ANA, with more than 8000 flying hours, was flying near Worinora Dam when he suddenly saw a flash of light. He watched an object with an orange tail flash past towards the coast. Air Traffic Control did not have any radar contact with the object. About two minutes later the object re-appeared, circled the aircraft, and then vanished towards the coast. ]UFO HUNTERS INVASION ILLINOIS PT 55IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
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